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     1 # DIST, a product distribution model
     2 #
     3 # References:
     4 # Robert Fourer, David M. Gay and Brian W. Kernighan, "A Modeling Language
     5 # for Mathematical Programming." Management Science 36 (1990) 519-554.
     9 set whse 'warehouses';  # Locations from which demand is satisfied
    11 set dctr 'distribution centers' within whse;
    13                         # Locations from which product may be shipped
    15 param sc 'shipping cost' {dctr,whse} >= 0;
    17                         # Shipping costs, to whse from dctr, in $ / 100 lb
    19 param huge 'largest shipping cost' > 0;
    21                         # Largest cost allowed for a usable shipping route
    23 param msr 'minimum size restriction' {dctr,whse} logical;
    25                         # True indicates a minimum-size restriction on
    26                         # direct shipments using this dctr --> whse route
    28 param dsr 'direct shipment requirement' {dctr} >= 0;
    30                         # Minimum total demand, in pallets, needed to
    31                         # allow shipment on routes subject to the
    32                         # minimum size restriction
    36 set fact 'factories' within dctr;
    38                         # Locations where product is manufactured
    40 param rtmin 'regular-time total minimum' >= 0;
    42                         # Lower limit on (average) total regular-time
    43                         # crews employed at all factories
    45 param rtmax 'regular-time total maximum' >= rtmin;
    47                         # Upper limit on (average) total regular-time
    48                         # crews employed at all factories
    50 param otmin 'overtime total minimum' >= 0;
    52                         # Lower limit on total overtime hours at all factories
    54 param otmax 'overtime total maximum' >= otmin;
    56                         # Upper limit on total overtime hours at all factories
    58 param rmin 'regular-time minimums' {fact} >= 0;
    60                         # Lower limits on (average) regular-time crews
    62 param rmax 'regular-time maximums' {f in fact} >= rmin[f];
    64                         # Upper limits on (average) regular-time crews
    66 param omin 'overtime minimums' {fact} >= 0;
    68                         # Lower limits on overtime hours
    70 param omax 'overtime maximums' {f in fact} >= omin[f];
    72                         # Upper limits on overtime hours
    74 param hd 'hours per day' {fact} >= 0;
    76                         # Regular-time hours per working day
    78 param dp 'days in period' {fact} > 0;
    80                         # Working days in the current planning period
    84 set prd 'products';     # Elements of the product group
    86 param wt 'weight' {prd} > 0;
    88                         # Weight in 100 lb / 1000 cases
    90 param cpp 'cases per pallet' {prd} > 0;
    92                         # Cases of product per shipping pallet
    94 param tc 'transshipment cost' {prd} >= 0;
    96                         # Transshipment cost in $ / 1000 cases
    98 param pt 'production time' {prd,fact} >= 0;
   100                         # Crew-hours to produce 1000 cases
   102 param rpc 'regular-time production cost' {prd,fact} >= 0;
   104                         # Cost of production on regular time,
   105                         # in $ / 1000 cases
   107 param opc 'overtime production cost' {prd,fact} >= 0;
   109                         # Cost of production on overtime, in $ / 1000 cases
   113 param dt 'total demand' {prd} >= 0;
   115                         # Total demands for products, in 1000s
   117 param ds 'demand shares' {prd,whse} >= 0.0, <= 1.0;
   119                         # Historical demand data, from which each
   120                         # warehouse's share of total demand is deduced
   122 param dstot {p in prd} := sum {w in whse} ds[p,w];
   124                         # Total of demand shares; should be 1, but often isn't
   126 param dem 'demand' {p in prd, w in whse} := dt[p] * ds[p,w] / dstot[p];
   128                         # Projected demands to be satisfied, in 1000s
   130 set rt 'shipping routes available' :=
   132  {d in dctr, w in whse:
   133          d <> w  and  sc[d,w] < huge  and
   134          (w in dctr or sum {p in prd} dem[p,w] > 0)  and
   135          not (msr[d,w] and sum {p in prd} 1000*dem[p,w]/cpp[p] < dsr[d]) };
   137                         # List of ordered pairs that represent routes
   138                         # on which shipments are allowed
   140 ###  VARIABLES  ###
   142 var Rprd 'regular-time production' {prd,fact} >= 0;
   144                         # Regular-time production of each product
   145                         # at each factory, in 1000s of cases
   147 var Oprd 'overtime production' {prd,fact} >= 0;
   149                         # Overtime production of each product
   150                         # at each factory, in 1000s of cases
   152 var Ship 'shipments' {prd,rt} >= 0;
   154                         # Shipments of each product on each allowed route,
   155                         # in 1000s of cases
   157 var Trans 'transshipments' {prd,dctr} >= 0;
   159                         # Transshipments of each product at each
   160                         # distribution center, in 1000s of cases
   162 ###  OBJECTIVE  ###
   164 minimize cost:  sum {p in prd, f in fact} rpc[p,f] * Rprd[p,f] +
   165                 sum {p in prd, f in fact} opc[p,f] * Oprd[p,f] +
   166                 sum {p in prd, (d,w) in rt} sc[d,w] * wt[p] * Ship[p,d,w] +
   167                 sum {p in prd, d in dctr} tc[p] * Trans[p,d];
   169                         # Total cost:  regular production, overtime
   170                         # production, shipping, and transshipment
   172 ###  CONSTRAINTS  ###
   174 rtlim 'regular-time total limits':
   176     rtmin <= sum {p in prd, f in fact}
   177                         (pt[p,f] * Rprd[p,f]) / (dp[f] * hd[f]) <= rtmax;
   179                         # Total crews must lie between limits
   181 otlim 'overtime total limits':
   183     otmin <= sum {p in prd, f in fact} pt[p,f] * Oprd[p,f] <= otmax;
   185                         # Total overtime must lie between limits
   187 rlim 'regular-time limits' {f in fact}:
   189     rmin[f] <= sum {p in prd}
   190                         (pt[p,f] * Rprd[p,f]) / (dp[f] * hd[f]) <= rmax[f];
   192                         # Crews at each factory must lie between limits
   194 olim 'overtime limits' {f in fact}:
   196     omin[f] <= sum {p in prd} pt[p,f] * Oprd[p,f] <= omax[f];
   198                         # Overtime at each factory must lie between limits
   200 noRprd 'no regular production' {p in prd, f in fact: rpc[p,f] = 0}:
   202     Rprd[p,f] = 0;
   204 noOprd 'no overtime production' {p in prd, f in fact: opc[p,f] = 0}:
   206     Oprd[p,f] = 0;      # Do not produce where specified cost is zero
   208 bal 'material balance' {p in prd, w in whse}:
   210     sum {(v,w) in rt}
   211        Ship [p,v,w] + (if w in fact then Rprd[p,w] + Oprd[p,w]) =
   213     dem[p,w] + (if w in dctr then sum {(w,v) in rt} Ship[p,w,v]);
   215                         # Demand is satisfied by shipment into warehouse
   216                         # plus production (if it is a factory)
   217                         # minus shipment out (if it is a distn. center)
   219 trdef 'transshipment definition' {p in prd, d in dctr}:
   221     Trans[p,d] >= sum {(d,w) in rt} Ship [p,d,w] -
   222                   (if d in fact then Rprd[p,d] + Oprd[p,d]);
   224                         # Transshipment at a distribution center is
   225                         # shipments out less production (if any)
   227 ###  DATA -- 3 PRODUCTS  ###
   229 data;
   231 set prd := 18REG 24REG 24PRO ;
   233 set whse := w01 w02 w03 w04 w05 w06 w08 w09 w12 w14 w15 w17
   234             w18 w19 w20 w21 w24 w25 w26 w27 w28 w29 w30 w31
   235             w32 w33 w34 w35 w36 w37 w38 w39 w40 w41 w42 w43
   236             w44 w45 w46 w47 w48 w49 w50 w51 w53 w54 w55 w56
   237             w57 w59 w60 w61 w62 w63 w64 w65 w66 w68 w69 w71
   238             w72 w73 w74 w75 w76 w77 w78 w79 w80 w81 w82 w83
   239             w84 w85 w86 w87 w89 w90 w91 w92 w93 w94 w95 w96
   240             w98 x22 x23 ;
   242 set dctr := w01 w02 w03 w04 w05 w62 w76 w96 ;
   244 set fact := w01 w05 w96 ;
   246 param huge := 99. ;
   248 param rtmin := 0.0 ;
   249 param rtmax := 8.0 ;
   251 param otmin :=  0.0 ;
   252 param otmax := 96.0 ;
   254 param rmin  :=  w01 0.00   w05 0.00   w96 0.00 ;
   255 param rmax  :=  w01 3.00   w05 2.00   w96 3.00 ;
   257 param omin  :=  w01  0.0   w05  0.0   w96  0.0 ;
   258 param omax  :=  w01 48.0   w05  0.0   w96 48.0 ;
   260 param hd    :=  w01  8.0   w05  8.0   w96  8.0 ;
   262 param dp    :=  w01 19.0   w05 19.0   w96 19.0 ;
   264 param wt  :=  18REG  47.3    24REG  63.0    24PRO  63.0 ;
   266 param tc  :=  18REG  40.00   24REG  45.00   24PRO  45.00 ;
   268 param dt  :=  18REG 376.0    24REG 172.4    24PRO 316.3 ;
   270 param cpp :=  18REG 102.     24REG  91.     24PRO  91. ;
   272 param dsr := w01 96.  w02 96.  w03 96.  w04 96.  w05 96.
   273              w62 96.  w76 96.  w96 96. ;
   275 param pt (tr) :
   277        18REG     24REG     24PRO    :=
   279 w01    1.194     1.429     1.429
   280 w05    1.194     1.509     1.509
   281 w96    0.000     1.600     1.600    ;
   283 param rpc (tr) :
   285        18REG     24REG     24PRO    :=
   287 w01    2119.       2653.    2617.
   288 w05    2489.       3182.    3176.
   289 w96       0.       2925.    2918.   ;
   291 param opc (tr) :
   293        18REG     24REG     24PRO    :=
   295 w01    2903.     3585.     3579.
   296 w05       0.        0.        0.
   297 w96       0.     3629.     3622.    ;
   299 param sc  default 99.99 (tr) :
   301          w01     w02     w03     w04     w05     w62     w76     w96  :=
   303 w01      .      2.97    1.14    2.08    2.37    1.26    2.42    1.43
   304 w02     4.74     .      4.17    6.12    7.41    3.78    7.04    5.21
   305 w03     2.45    4.74     .      3.67    2.84    0.90    2.41    2.55
   306 w04     1.74    5.03    2.43     .      3.19    2.45    2.69    0.58
   307 w05     2.70    5.16    2.84    2.85     .      3.26    3.34    2.71
   308 w06     1.99    4.17    2.13    2.19    2.52    2.06    2.00    1.51
   309 w08     0.21    2.92    1.24    2.07    2.29    1.25    2.32    1.55
   310 w09     0.66    3.76    1.41    2.47    1.82    1.66     .      1.87
   311 w12     1.38    3.83    1.68    2.53    2.39     .      1.96    1.94
   312 w14     2.47    1.58    2.40    3.59    3.85    2.25     .      3.05
   313 w15     1.06    4.95    2.48    1.39    3.41    1.96     .      1.02
   314 w17     0.88    3.39    1.46    2.00    2.67    1.45     .      1.46
   315 w18     7.90    6.57    7.79    9.59    10.81    .       .      6.70
   316 w19     1.42    4.12    1.96    1.99    3.52    1.88     .      1.26
   317 w20     3.03    1.59    2.34    4.76    3.98    1.88     .      3.73
   318 w24     1.58    2.80    2.27    2.87    3.19    1.31     .      2.05
   319 w25     1.51    5.05    2.74    0.57    2.98     .      2.95    0.27
   320 w26     1.75    3.61    2.70    1.54    4.07    3.52     .      1.03
   321 w27     2.48    6.87    3.17    1.59    2.08    3.45     .      0.99
   322 w28     2.05    6.83    2.97    1.13    2.91     .       .      1.26
   323 w29     4.03    3.68    4.46    3.20    5.50     .       .      3.20
   324 w30     2.48    5.78    2.99    2.24    1.79    3.10     .      1.39
   325 w31     2.34    5.41    2.87    1.67    1.66     .       .      1.39
   326 w32     14.36    .       .       .       .       .       .       .
   327 w33     3.87    4.27    5.11    3.48    5.66    4.03     .      3.05
   328 w34     3.26    4.80    3.21    2.70    4.14     .       .      1.77
   329 w35     2.34    2.84    2.89    3.35    3.78    2.68     .      2.52
   330 w36     2.43    5.69    2.96    2.95    1.02    2.61    1.07    2.54
   331 w37     2.23    4.64    2.41    1.99    4.30    2.61     .      1.44
   332 w38     4.66    4.36    5.23    3.04    4.46     .       .      3.82
   333 w39     1.11    3.51    1.10    2.53    3.07    1.12     .      2.23
   334 w40     2.99    4.78    4.23    1.57    3.92     .       .      1.80
   335 w41     4.93    4.00    5.43    4.45    6.31     .       .      3.81
   336 w42     3.86    6.55    5.03    2.11    4.41     .       .      2.63
   337 w43     4.61    4.45    3.77    1.22    4.31     .       .      2.35
   338 w44     2.05    4.48    1.06    3.70    3.46    1.10     .      3.21
   339 w45     0.92    3.42    1.58    3.04    1.82    1.94     .      2.52
   340 w46     1.36    2.44    0.95    3.08    2.78    0.39    2.16    2.37
   341 w47     1.30    3.39    1.60    2.49    4.29    2.04     .      1.68
   342 w48     1.65    3.78    1.03    2.97    2.21    1.31     .      2.74
   343 w49     1.96    3.00    1.50    3.24    3.68    1.00     .      2.99
   344 w50     0.90    4.14    1.60    1.95    3.61    1.61     .      1.52
   345 w51     1.59    3.95    0.25    2.96    2.58    1.00    2.41    2.71
   346 w53     1.59    3.79    1.28    3.12    3.10    0.89     .      2.98
   347 w54     1.72    4.36    1.61    2.92    2.34    1.91    1.97    3.05
   348 w55     2.45    2.73    2.21    4.47    4.30    2.57     .      4.48
   349 w56     1.10    3.73    1.59    2.74    2.33    1.45     .      2.44
   350 w57     0.95    3.39    1.37    2.30    2.47    1.15     .      1.95
   351 w59     3.29    5.35    3.32    3.81    1.52    3.38    1.34    4.08
   352 w60     2.41    6.12    2.46    3.65    2.35     .      1.37    4.06
   353 w61     3.32    5.50    3.41    3.38    1.23     .      0.99    4.28
   354 w62     1.12    3.00    0.82    3.22    2.95     .      3.33    2.53
   355 w63     3.59    6.36    3.25    4.12    1.84    3.59    1.46    4.03
   356 w64     1.85    4.45    2.17    3.43    2.13    2.03     .      4.02
   357 w65     2.78    4.79    2.81    2.94    1.54    2.90    1.07    2.94
   358 w66     3.90    5.79    3.05    3.65    1.36    3.39    1.22    3.57
   359 w68     2.61    5.20    2.90    2.34    1.68    3.19    1.48    2.31
   360 w69     2.94    5.21    2.78    3.43    0.21    3.26    0.68    2.54
   361 w71     2.06    4.98    2.38    2.44    1.59    2.97    1.05    2.55
   362 w72     2.61    5.50    2.83    3.12    1.35    3.23    0.88    2.99
   363 w73     8.52    6.16    8.03    8.83    10.44   7.38    10.26    .
   364 w74     6.11    5.46    9.07    9.38    10.80    .       .      8.25
   365 w75     2.66    4.94    2.87    3.69    1.52    3.15    1.24    4.00
   366 w76     1.99    5.26    2.23    3.36    0.58    3.17     .      2.50
   367 w77     4.32    3.07    5.05    3.88    6.04     .       .      4.15
   368 w78     5.60    2.59    5.78    5.56    7.10     .       .      5.60
   369 w79     4.25    2.32    4.93    4.57    6.04     .       .      4.58
   370 w80     5.94    4.00    5.60    7.02    9.46     .       .      7.51
   371 w81     5.39    2.21    5.10    6.22    6.46     .       .      6.58
   372 w82     8.80    5.69    9.29    9.88    11.69   8.63    11.52    .
   373 w83     4.40     .      5.24    5.21    5.81    3.91    7.04    5.33
   374 w84     5.87    5.43    6.17    5.70    7.63     .       .      5.70
   375 w85     3.90    3.65    3.38    4.57    5.64    3.05     .      5.04
   376 w86     5.48    2.10    5.70    6.37    7.33     .       .      6.19
   377 w87     8.88    5.54    9.50    9.71    11.64   8.85    11.68    .
   378 w89     4.62    4.01    4.03    6.30    6.30    3.81     .      7.77
   379 w90     4.35    2.72    4.61    4.01    5.60     .       .      3.20
   380 w91     7.61    4.42    7.83    6.85    8.79     .       .      7.66
   381 w92     7.15    2.69    6.91    7.20     .       .       .      7.06
   382 w93     3.17    3.95    4.37    3.74    5.05     .       .      2.40
   383 w94     1.21    3.07    0.90    2.74    3.17     .      2.63    2.39
   384 w95     5.82    3.29    6.55    7.06    11.47    .       .      7.83
   385 w96     1.77    5.20    2.72    0.59    3.47    2.48     .       .
   386 w98     3.04    1.92    3.64    3.70    4.90    3.05     .      3.88
   387 x22     4.08    6.25    4.15    4.30    1.77     .      1.77     .
   388 x23     3.39    5.74    3.55    4.08    1.69     .      1.47     .      ;
   390 param msr (tr) :
   392          w01     w02     w03     w04     w05     w62     w76     w96    :=
   394 w01        0       0       0       0       0       0       1       0
   395 w02        0       0       0       0       0       0       1       0
   396 w03        0       0       0       0       0       0       1       0
   397 w04        0       0       0       0       0       0       1       0
   398 w05        0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0
   399 w06        0       1       1       1       1       1       1       1
   400 w08        0       1       1       1       1       1       1       1
   401 w09        0       1       1       1       1       1       0       1
   402 w12        0       1       1       1       1       0       1       1
   403 w14        1       1       1       1       1       0       0       1
   404 w15        0       1       1       1       1       1       0       1
   405 w17        0       1       1       1       1       1       0       1
   406 w18        0       1       1       1       1       0       0       1
   407 w19        0       1       1       1       1       0       0       1
   408 w20        1       1       1       1       1       0       0       1
   409 w24        0       1       1       1       1       0       0       1
   410 w25        0       1       1       1       1       0       1       0
   411 w26        1       1       1       0       1       1       0       1
   412 w27        1       1       1       0       1       1       0       1
   413 w28        1       1       1       0       1       0       0       1
   414 w29        0       1       1       1       1       0       0       1
   415 w30        1       1       1       0       1       1       0       1
   416 w31        1       1       1       0       1       0       0       1
   417 w32        0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0
   418 w33        1       0       1       1       1       1       0       1
   419 w34        1       1       1       0       1       0       0       1
   420 w35        1       1       1       1       1       0       0       1
   421 w36        0       1       1       1       0       1       1       1
   422 w37        1       1       1       0       1       1       0       1
   423 w38        1       1       1       0       1       0       0       1
   424 w39        0       1       1       1       1       1       0       1
   425 w40        1       1       1       0       1       0       0       1
   426 w41        1       0       1       1       1       0       0       1
   427 w42        1       1       1       0       1       0       0       1
   428 w43        1       1       1       0       1       0       0       1
   429 w44        1       1       1       1       1       0       0       1
   430 w45        0       1       1       1       1       1       0       1
   431 w46        0       1       1       1       1       0       1       1
   432 w47        0       1       1       1       1       1       0       1
   433 w48        0       1       1       1       1       0       0       1
   434 w49        1       1       1       1       1       0       0       1
   435 w50        0       1       1       1       1       1       0       1
   436 w51        0       1       1       1       1       0       1       1
   437 w53        1       1       1       1       1       0       0       1
   438 w54        0       1       1       1       1       1       1       1
   439 w55        0       1       1       1       1       0       0       1
   440 w56        0       1       1       1       1       1       0       1
   441 w57        0       1       1       1       1       1       0       1
   442 w59        0       1       1       1       0       1       1       1
   443 w60        0       1       1       1       1       0       1       1
   444 w61        0       1       1       1       0       0       1       1
   445 w62        0       0       0       0       0       0       1       0
   446 w63        0       1       1       1       0       1       1       1
   447 w64        0       1       1       1       1       1       0       1
   448 w65        0       1       1       1       0       1       1       1
   449 w66        0       1       1       1       0       1       1       1
   450 w68        0       1       1       1       0       1       1       1
   451 w69        0       1       1       1       0       1       1       1
   452 w71        0       1       1       1       0       1       1       1
   453 w72        0       1       1       1       0       1       1       1
   454 w73        0       1       1       1       0       1       1       0
   455 w74        0       1       1       1       0       0       0       1
   456 w75        0       1       1       1       0       1       1       1
   457 w76        0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0
   458 w77        1       0       1       1       1       0       0       1
   459 w78        1       0       1       1       1       0       0       1
   460 w79        1       0       1       1       1       0       0       1
   461 w80        1       0       1       1       1       0       0       1
   462 w81        1       0       1       1       1       0       0       1
   463 w82        1       0       1       1       1       1       1       0
   464 w83        1       0       1       1       1       0       1       1
   465 w84        1       0       1       1       1       0       0       1
   466 w85        1       1       1       1       1       0       0       1
   467 w86        1       0       1       1       1       0       0       1
   468 w87        1       0       1       1       1       1       1       0
   469 w89        1       0       1       1       1       1       0       1
   470 w90        0       1       1       1       1       0       0       1
   471 w91        1       0       1       1       1       0       0       1
   472 w92        1       0       1       1       1       0       0       1
   473 w93        1       1       1       0       1       0       0       1
   474 w94        0       0       1       1       1       0       1       1
   475 w95        1       0       1       1       1       0       0       1
   476 w96        0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0
   477 w98        1       0       1       1       1       1       0       1
   478 x22        1       1       1       1       0       0       1       0
   479 x23        1       1       1       1       0       0       1       0    ;
   481 param ds default 0.000 (tr) :
   483          18REG     24REG     24PRO    :=
   485 w01      0.000     0.000     0.008
   486 w02      0.004     0.000     0.000
   487 w03      0.000     0.000     0.000
   488 w04      0.010     0.002     0.000
   489 w05      0.000     0.000     0.000
   490 w06      0.010     0.008     0.008
   491 w08      0.030     0.024     0.024
   492 w09      0.014     0.018     0.020
   493 w12      0.014     0.012     0.010
   494 w14      0.007     0.007     0.012
   495 w15      0.010     0.019     0.018
   496 w17      0.013     0.010     0.011
   497 w19      0.015     0.012     0.009
   498 w20      0.012     0.021     0.022
   499 w21      0.000     0.000     0.000
   500 w24      0.012     0.022     0.018
   501 w25      0.019     0.025     0.020
   502 w26      0.006     0.015     0.021
   503 w27      0.008     0.010     0.015
   504 w28      0.011     0.016     0.019
   505 w29      0.008     0.020     0.013
   506 w30      0.011     0.013     0.015
   507 w31      0.011     0.013     0.017
   508 w32      0.006     0.000     0.000
   509 w33      0.000     0.015     0.014
   510 w34      0.008     0.007     0.005
   511 w35      0.002     0.006     0.014
   512 w36      0.015     0.013     0.005
   513 w37      0.017     0.016     0.015
   514 w38      0.015     0.009     0.012
   515 w39      0.007     0.017     0.022
   516 w40      0.009     0.014     0.020
   517 w41      0.003     0.014     0.011
   518 w42      0.017     0.011     0.012
   519 w43      0.009     0.013     0.011
   520 w44      0.002     0.012     0.012
   521 w45      0.016     0.025     0.028
   522 w46      0.038     0.062     0.040
   523 w47      0.007     0.010     0.010
   524 w48      0.003     0.015     0.016
   525 w49      0.005     0.016     0.017
   526 w50      0.011     0.008     0.007
   527 w51      0.010     0.022     0.021
   528 w53      0.004     0.026     0.020
   529 w54      0.020     0.017     0.025
   530 w55      0.004     0.019     0.028
   531 w56      0.004     0.010     0.008
   532 w57      0.014     0.020     0.018
   533 w59      0.012     0.006     0.007
   534 w60      0.019     0.010     0.009
   535 w61      0.028     0.010     0.012
   536 w62      0.000     0.000     0.000
   537 w63      0.070     0.027     0.037
   538 w64      0.009     0.004     0.005
   539 w65      0.022     0.015     0.016
   540 w66      0.046     0.017     0.020
   541 w68      0.005     0.012     0.016
   542 w69      0.085     0.036     0.039
   543 w71      0.011     0.013     0.010
   544 w72      0.089     0.031     0.034
   545 w75      0.026     0.012     0.010
   546 w77      0.001     0.004     0.002
   547 w78      0.002     0.004     0.002
   548 w79      0.001     0.004     0.002
   549 w80      0.001     0.001     0.002
   550 w81      0.001     0.003     0.002
   551 w83      0.009     0.010     0.008
   552 w84      0.001     0.002     0.002
   553 w85      0.001     0.004     0.005
   554 w86      0.001     0.002     0.002
   555 w87      0.002     0.003     0.000
   556 w89      0.001     0.001     0.002
   557 w90      0.006     0.017     0.013
   558 w91      0.002     0.010     0.013
   559 w92      0.000     0.003     0.002
   560 w93      0.002     0.006     0.007
   561 w95      0.001     0.007     0.007
   562 w96      0.000     0.000     0.000
   563 w98      0.006     0.005     0.002    ;
   565 end;