1.1 --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
1.2 +++ b/examples/tas.mod Mon Dec 06 13:09:21 2010 +0100
1.3 @@ -0,0 +1,486 @@
1.4 +/* TAS, Tail Assignment Problem */
1.5 +
1.6 +/* Written in GNU MathProg by Andrew Makhorin <mao@gnu.org> */
1.7 +
1.8 +/* The Tail Assignment Problem (TAS) is to construct rosters for a set
1.9 + of aircrafts (tails), which cover all flights for a given scheduling
1.10 + period.
1.11 +
1.12 + This model includes only flight connection constraints while other
1.13 + constraints (for example, maintenance constraints) are ignored. Such
1.14 + simplification allows using a single commodity network to model the
1.15 + problem, where commodity corresponds to the set of aircrafts.
1.16 +
1.17 + Nodes of the network are activities. They include all flights plus
1.18 + two dummy nodes (activities): source node, s, corresponding to
1.19 + initial activity of each aircraft, and sink node t, corresponding to
1.20 + final activity of each aircraft. Arc v->v' exists in the network if
1.21 + and only if the same aircraft is able to operate activity v and then
1.22 + immediately activity v'. In partucular, arcs s->f and f->t exist for
1.23 + all flights f. Arcs f->f', where f and f' are some flights, exist
1.24 + only if the connection time (which is the difference between the
1.25 + departure time of f' and the arrival time of f) is not less than a
1.26 + given minimal connection time.
1.27 +
1.28 + Reference:
1.29 + M. Groenkvist, "The Tail Assignment Problem," Dept. of Comp. Sci.
1.30 + and Eng., Chalmers University of Technology and Goeteborg University,
1.31 + Goeteborg, Sweden, August 2005. */
1.32 +
1.33 +########################################################################
1.34 +
1.35 +param nf, integer, > 0;
1.36 +/* number of flights */
1.37 +
1.38 +set F := 1..nf;
1.39 +/* set of flights (for a given period from timetable) */
1.40 +
1.41 +param hub{f in F}, in {1, 2};
1.42 +/* hub[f] = 1: Sheremetyevo-1
1.43 + hub[f] = 2: Sheremetyevo-2 */
1.44 +
1.45 +param dest{f in F}, symbolic;
1.46 +/* destination airport (IATA code) */
1.47 +
1.48 +param fno1{f in F}, integer;
1.49 +/* first leg flight number */
1.50 +
1.51 +param dep1{f in F}, integer, >= 0;
1.52 +/* departure time from Sheremetyevo airport, in minutes */
1.53 +
1.54 +check{f in F: f < nf}: dep1[f] <= dep1[f+1];
1.55 +/* all flights must be ordered by ascending of the departure time */
1.56 +
1.57 +param arr1{f in F}, integer, >= 0;
1.58 +/* arrival time to destination airport, in minutes */
1.59 +
1.60 +param fno2{f in F}, integer;
1.61 +/* second leg flight number */
1.62 +
1.63 +param dep2{f in F}, integer, >= 0;
1.64 +/* departure time from destination airport, in minutes */
1.65 +
1.66 +param arr2{f in F}, integer, >= 0;
1.67 +/* arrival time to Sheremetyevo airport, in minutes */
1.68 +
1.69 +param mct1, integer, >= 0, default 80;
1.70 +/* minimal connection time (within SVO1 or SVO2), in minutes */
1.71 +
1.72 +param mct2, integer, >= 0, default 150;
1.73 +/* minimal connection time (between SVO1 and SVO2), in minutes */
1.74 +
1.75 +set E := setof{f in F, ff in F: arr2[f] + (if hub[f] = hub[ff] then
1.76 + mct1 else mct2) <= dep1[ff]} (f, ff);
1.77 +/* connection network; arc f->ff is in E, iff the same aircraft can be
1.78 + assigned to flight f and then immediately to flight ff */
1.79 +
1.80 +var s{f in F}, >= 0;
1.81 +/* s[f] is a flow from source node to node f */
1.82 +
1.83 +var x{(f,ff) in E}, >= 0;
1.84 +/* x[f,ff] is a flow from node f to node ff */
1.85 +
1.86 +var t{f in F}, >= 0;
1.87 +/* t[f] is a flow from node f to sink node */
1.88 +
1.89 +s.t. into{f in F}: s[f] + sum{(ff,f) in E} x[ff,f] = 1;
1.90 +/* exactly one aircraft must come into each node f */
1.91 +
1.92 +s.t. from{f in F}: t[f] + sum{(f,ff) in E} x[f,ff] = 1;
1.93 +/* exactly one aircraft must come from each node f */
1.94 +
1.95 +minimize obj: sum{f in F} s[f];
1.96 +/* minimize the number aircrafts sufficient to cover all flights */
1.97 +
1.98 +solve;
1.99 +
1.100 +########################################################################
1.101 +
1.102 +param na := floor(sum{f in F} s[f] + .5);
1.103 +/* minimal number of aircrafts found */
1.104 +
1.105 +printf "At least %d aircrafts needed\n", na;
1.106 +
1.107 +set A := 1..na;
1.108 +/* set of aircrafts */
1.109 +
1.110 +printf "Building rosters...\n";
1.111 +
1.112 +param tail{f in F}, in A, :=
1.113 +/* tail[f] is the number of an aircraft assigned to flight f */
1.114 +
1.115 + if f = 1 then 1
1.116 + /* assign aircraft 1 to the earliest flight */
1.117 +
1.118 + else if s[f] >= 0.9 then (max{ff in 1..f-1} tail[ff]) + 1
1.119 + /* if f is the first flight in a roster, assign to it a next
1.120 + aircraft */
1.121 +
1.122 + else sum{(ff,f) in E} tail[ff] * (if x[ff,f] >= 0.9 then 1);
1.123 + /* otherwise, assign to flight f the same aircraft, which is
1.124 + assigned to a preceding flight in the roster */
1.125 +
1.126 +########################################################################
1.127 +
1.128 +param file, symbolic, default "tas.ps";
1.129 +/* file to output the assignment chart in postscript format */
1.130 +
1.131 +param title, symbolic, default "(no title)";
1.132 +/* chart title */
1.133 +
1.134 +param left, default 25;
1.135 +/* left margin, in mm */
1.136 +
1.137 +param top, default 25;
1.138 +/* top margin, in mm */
1.139 +
1.140 +param right, default 20;
1.141 +/* right margin, in mm */
1.142 +
1.143 +param bottom, default 15;
1.144 +/* bottom margin, in mm */
1.145 +
1.146 +param sx := 297 - left - right;
1.147 +/* chart area horizontal size, in mm */
1.148 +
1.149 +param sy := 210 - top - bottom;
1.150 +/* chart area vertical size, in mm */
1.151 +
1.152 +param gap, default sy / (na - 1);
1.153 +/* gap between rosters, in mm */
1.154 +
1.155 +printf "Writing assignment chart to %s...\n", file;
1.156 +
1.157 +printf "%%!PS-Adobe-3.0\n" > file;
1.158 +printf "%%%%Title: Tail Assignment Chart\n" >> file;
1.159 +printf "%%%%Creator: GLPK MathProg\n" >> file;
1.160 +printf "%%%%BoundingBox: 0 0 595 842\n" >> file;
1.161 +printf "%%%%EndComments\n" >> file;
1.162 +printf "<</PageSize [595 842]>> setpagedevice\n" >> file;
1.163 +printf "72 25.4 div dup scale\n" >> file;
1.164 +printf "210 %.3f sub %.3f translate\n", bottom, left >> file;
1.165 +printf "90 rotate\n" >> file;
1.166 +
1.167 +printf "/HelveticaBold findfont 5 scalefont setfont\n" >> file;
1.168 +printf "%.3f %.3f moveto (%s) dup show\n", 0, sy + 5, title >> file;
1.169 +
1.170 +param period := floor((max{f in F} arr2[f]) / 60. + .5);
1.171 +/* period duration, in hours */
1.172 +
1.173 +/* vertical bars */
1.174 +printf ".8 .8 .8 setrgbcolor\n" >> file;
1.175 +for {tt in 0..period}
1.176 +{ printf "%s setlinewidth\n",
1.177 + if tt mod 24 = 0 then ".5" else "0" >> file;
1.178 + printf "newpath %.3f %.3f moveto %.3f %.3f lineto stroke\n",
1.179 + tt * (sx / period), 0, tt * (sx / period),
1.180 + sy + (if tt mod 24 = 0 then 2) >> file;
1.181 +}
1.182 +
1.183 +/* rosters */
1.184 +for {a in A}
1.185 +{ printf "0 0 0 setrgbcolor\n" >> file;
1.186 + printf "0 setlinewidth\n" >> file;
1.187 + printf "newpath %.3f %.3f moveto %.3f %.3f lineto stroke\n",
1.188 + 0, sy - gap * (a - 1), sx, sy - gap * (a - 1) >> file;
1.189 + printf "/Dingbats findfont 4 scalefont setfont\n" >> file;
1.190 + printf "%.3f %.3f moveto <28> dup show\n",
1.191 + -4, sy - gap * (a - 1) - 1.4, a >> file;
1.192 + printf "/Helvetica findfont 3 scalefont setfont\n" >> file;
1.193 + printf "%.3f %.3f moveto (%2d) dup show\n",
1.194 + -9, sy - gap * (a - 1) - 1.2, a >> file;
1.195 + for {f in F: tail[f] == a}
1.196 + { printf "0 0 %s setrgbcolor\n",
1.197 + if hub[f] = 1 then "0" else ".8" >> file;
1.198 + printf "1 setlinewidth\n" >> file;
1.199 + printf "newpath %.3f %.3f moveto %.3f %.3f lineto stroke\n",
1.200 + dep1[f] / 60 * (sx / period), sy - gap * (a - 1),
1.201 + arr2[f] / 60 * (sx / period), sy - gap * (a - 1) >> file;
1.202 + printf "/Helvetica findfont 1.8 scalefont setfont\n" >> file;
1.203 + printf "%.3f %.3f moveto (%02d:%02d %s) dup show\n",
1.204 + dep1[f] / 60 * (sx / period), sy - gap * (a - 1) + .8,
1.205 + (dep1[f] mod 1440) div 60, (dep1[f] mod 1440) mod 60,
1.206 + dest[f] >> file;
1.207 + printf "%.3f %.3f moveto (%d %02d:%02d) dup show\n",
1.208 + dep1[f] / 60 * (sx / period), sy - gap * (a - 1) - 2.1,
1.209 + fno1[f],
1.210 + (arr2[f] mod 1440) div 60, (arr2[f] mod 1440) mod 60 >> file;
1.211 + }
1.212 +}
1.213 +
1.214 +printf "showpage\n" >> file;
1.215 +printf "%%%%EOF\n" >> file;
1.216 +
1.217 +########################################################################
1.218 +
1.219 +data;
1.220 +
1.221 +param title := "Tu-154 [from 2008-08-18 to 2008-08-24]";
1.222 +
1.223 +param nf := 261;
1.224 +
1.225 +param : hub dest fno1 dep1 arr1 fno2 dep2 arr2 :=
1.226 + 1 1 IKT 743 195 520 744 610 970
1.227 + 2 1 OMS 815 205 405 816 485 700
1.228 + 3 1 CEK 897 205 360 898 430 595
1.229 + 4 1 KRR 763 260 400 764 480 610
1.230 + 5 2 SIP 133 280 420 134 500 620
1.231 + 6 2 BUD 131 290 450 132 520 675
1.232 + 7 1 AAQ 701 305 440 702 510 640
1.233 + 8 1 MRV 785 310 440 786 520 650
1.234 + 9 2 WAW 101 355 475 102 540 660
1.235 + 10 2 GYD 147 370 550 148 675 860
1.236 + 11 1 AER 869 385 530 870 655 795
1.237 + 12 1 KRR 765 430 560 766 630 760
1.238 + 13 1 AAQ 703 520 660 704 740 850
1.239 + 14 1 LED 845 530 620 846 690 775
1.240 + 15 1 KRR 767 540 675 768 765 895
1.241 + 16 2 KBP 183 665 760 184 850 940
1.242 + 17 1 MRV 787 755 905 788 985 1135
1.243 + 18 1 KRR 771 810 940 772 1030 1165
1.244 + 19 1 LED 849 825 900 850 960 1095
1.245 + 20 2 IST 209 880 1050 210 1120 1280
1.246 + 21 1 AER 873 885 1030 874 1760 1900
1.247 + 22 1 ASF 711 995 1145 712 1640 1795
1.248 + 23 2 ULN 563 995 1335 564 1415 1815
1.249 + 24 2 OTP 151 1020 1175 152 1800 1940
1.250 + 25 2 BEY 509 1025 1265 510 1350 1580
1.251 + 26 2 OSL 211 1060 1220 212 1860 2015
1.252 + 27 1 IKT 739 1085 1420 740 1510 1870
1.253 + 28 1 KRR 773 1095 1240 774 1620 1765
1.254 + 29 1 SGC 877 1120 1315 878 1395 1625
1.255 + 30 1 LED 857 1150 1230 858 1610 1690
1.256 + 31 1 CEK 899 1230 1385 900 1455 1620
1.257 + 32 1 PEE 821 1235 1390 822 1450 1600
1.258 + 33 2 TBS 197 1240 1405 198 1560 1715
1.259 + 34 1 UFA 891 1275 1405 892 1475 1610
1.260 + 35 1 KJA 781 1300 1570 782 1680 1990
1.261 + 36 1 IKT 743 1635 1960 744 2050 2410
1.262 + 37 1 OMS 815 1645 1845 816 1925 2140
1.263 + 38 1 CEK 897 1645 1800 898 1870 2035
1.264 + 39 1 KRR 763 1700 1840 764 1920 2050
1.265 + 40 2 SIP 133 1720 1860 134 1940 2060
1.266 + 41 2 BUD 131 1730 1890 132 1960 2115
1.267 + 42 1 AAQ 701 1745 1880 702 1950 2080
1.268 + 43 1 MRV 785 1750 1880 786 1960 2090
1.269 + 44 2 WAW 101 1795 1915 102 1980 2100
1.270 + 45 2 GYD 147 1810 1990 148 2115 2300
1.271 + 46 1 AER 869 1825 1970 870 2095 2235
1.272 + 47 2 EVN 193 1850 2030 194 2105 2275
1.273 + 48 1 KRR 765 1870 2000 766 2070 2200
1.274 + 49 1 AAQ 703 1960 2100 704 2180 2290
1.275 + 50 1 LED 845 1970 2060 846 2130 2215
1.276 + 51 1 KRR 767 1980 2115 768 2205 2335
1.277 + 52 2 KBP 183 2105 2200 184 2290 2380
1.278 + 53 1 MRV 787 2195 2345 788 2425 2575
1.279 + 54 1 KRR 771 2250 2380 772 2470 2605
1.280 + 55 1 LED 849 2265 2340 850 2400 2535
1.281 + 56 2 IST 209 2320 2490 210 2560 2720
1.282 + 57 1 AER 873 2325 2470 874 3200 3340
1.283 + 58 2 ULN 563 2435 2775 564 2855 3255
1.284 + 59 1 ASF 711 2435 2585 712 3080 3235
1.285 + 60 2 DAM 517 2465 2705 518 2790 3020
1.286 + 61 2 OSL 211 2500 2660 212 3300 3455
1.287 + 62 2 KBP 185 2510 2610 186 3160 3250
1.288 + 63 1 IKT 739 2525 2860 740 2950 3310
1.289 + 64 1 KRR 773 2535 2680 774 3060 3205
1.290 + 65 1 SGC 877 2560 2755 878 2835 3065
1.291 + 66 1 LED 857 2590 2670 858 3050 3130
1.292 + 67 1 CEK 899 2670 2825 900 2895 3060
1.293 + 68 1 PEE 821 2675 2830 822 2890 3040
1.294 + 69 2 TBS 197 2680 2845 198 3000 3155
1.295 + 70 1 UFA 891 2715 2845 892 2915 3050
1.296 + 71 1 KJA 781 2740 3010 782 3120 3430
1.297 + 72 1 IKT 743 3075 3400 744 3490 3850
1.298 + 73 1 CEK 897 3085 3240 898 3310 3475
1.299 + 74 1 OMS 815 3085 3285 816 3365 3580
1.300 + 75 1 KRR 763 3140 3280 764 3360 3490
1.301 + 76 2 SIP 133 3160 3300 134 3380 3500
1.302 + 77 2 BUD 131 3170 3330 132 3400 3555
1.303 + 78 1 AAQ 701 3185 3320 702 3390 3520
1.304 + 79 1 MRV 785 3190 3320 786 3400 3530
1.305 + 80 2 WAW 101 3235 3355 102 3420 3540
1.306 + 81 2 FRU 181 3245 3495 182 3590 3860
1.307 + 82 2 GYD 147 3250 3430 148 3555 3740
1.308 + 83 1 AER 869 3265 3410 870 3535 3675
1.309 + 84 1 KRR 765 3310 3440 766 3510 3640
1.310 + 85 1 AAQ 703 3400 3540 704 3620 3730
1.311 + 86 1 LED 845 3410 3500 846 3570 3655
1.312 + 87 1 KRR 767 3420 3555 768 3645 3775
1.313 + 88 2 KBP 183 3545 3640 184 3730 3820
1.314 + 89 1 MRV 787 3635 3785 788 3865 4015
1.315 + 90 1 KRR 771 3690 3820 772 3910 4045
1.316 + 91 1 LED 849 3705 3780 850 3840 3975
1.317 + 92 2 IST 209 3760 3930 210 4000 4160
1.318 + 93 1 AER 873 3765 3910 874 4640 4780
1.319 + 94 2 ULN 563 3875 4215 564 4295 4695
1.320 + 95 1 ASF 711 3875 4025 712 4520 4675
1.321 + 96 2 OTP 151 3900 4055 152 4680 4820
1.322 + 97 2 BEY 509 3905 4145 510 4230 4460
1.323 + 98 2 OSL 211 3940 4100 212 4740 4895
1.324 + 99 2 KBP 185 3950 4050 186 4600 4690
1.325 + 100 1 IKT 739 3965 4300 740 4390 4750
1.326 + 101 1 KRR 773 3975 4120 774 4500 4645
1.327 + 102 1 SGC 877 4000 4195 878 4275 4505
1.328 + 103 1 LED 857 4030 4110 858 4490 4570
1.329 + 104 1 CEK 899 4110 4265 900 4335 4500
1.330 + 105 1 PEE 821 4115 4270 822 4330 4480
1.331 + 106 2 TBS 197 4120 4285 198 4440 4595
1.332 + 107 1 UFA 891 4155 4285 892 4355 4490
1.333 + 108 1 KJA 781 4180 4450 782 4560 4870
1.334 + 109 1 IKT 743 4515 4840 744 4930 5290
1.335 + 110 1 OMS 815 4525 4725 816 4805 5020
1.336 + 111 1 CEK 897 4525 4680 898 4750 4915
1.337 + 112 1 KRR 763 4580 4720 764 4800 4930
1.338 + 113 2 SIP 133 4600 4740 134 4820 4940
1.339 + 114 2 BUD 131 4610 4770 132 4840 4995
1.340 + 115 1 AAQ 701 4625 4760 702 4830 4960
1.341 + 116 1 MRV 785 4630 4760 786 4840 4970
1.342 + 117 2 WAW 101 4675 4795 102 4860 4980
1.343 + 118 2 GYD 147 4690 4870 148 4995 5180
1.344 + 119 1 AER 869 4705 4850 870 4975 5115
1.345 + 120 2 EVN 193 4730 4910 194 4985 5155
1.346 + 121 1 KRR 765 4750 4880 766 4950 5080
1.347 + 122 1 AAQ 703 4840 4980 704 5060 5170
1.348 + 123 1 LED 845 4850 4940 846 5010 5095
1.349 + 124 1 KRR 767 4860 4995 768 5085 5215
1.350 + 125 2 KBP 183 4985 5080 184 5170 5260
1.351 + 126 1 MRV 787 5075 5225 788 5305 5455
1.352 + 127 1 KRR 771 5130 5260 772 5350 5485
1.353 + 128 1 LED 849 5145 5220 850 5280 5415
1.354 + 129 2 IST 209 5200 5370 210 5440 5600
1.355 + 130 1 AER 873 5205 5350 874 6080 6220
1.356 + 131 1 ASF 711 5315 5465 712 5960 6115
1.357 + 132 2 ULN 563 5315 5655 564 5735 6135
1.358 + 133 2 DAM 517 5345 5585 518 5670 5900
1.359 + 134 2 OSL 211 5380 5540 212 6180 6335
1.360 + 135 2 KBP 185 5390 5490 186 6040 6130
1.361 + 136 1 IKT 739 5405 5740 740 5830 6190
1.362 + 137 1 KRR 773 5415 5560 774 5940 6085
1.363 + 138 1 SGC 877 5440 5635 878 5715 5945
1.364 + 139 1 LED 857 5470 5550 858 5930 6010
1.365 + 140 1 CEK 899 5550 5705 900 5775 5940
1.366 + 141 1 PEE 821 5555 5710 822 5770 5920
1.367 + 142 2 TBS 197 5560 5725 198 5880 6035
1.368 + 143 1 UFA 891 5595 5725 892 5795 5930
1.369 + 144 1 KJA 781 5620 5890 782 6000 6310
1.370 + 145 1 IKT 743 5955 6280 744 6370 6730
1.371 + 146 1 OMS 815 5965 6165 816 6245 6460
1.372 + 147 1 CEK 897 5965 6120 898 6190 6355
1.373 + 148 1 KRR 763 6020 6160 764 6240 6370
1.374 + 149 2 SIP 133 6040 6180 134 6260 6380
1.375 + 150 2 BUD 131 6050 6210 132 6280 6435
1.376 + 151 1 AAQ 701 6065 6200 702 6270 6400
1.377 + 152 1 MRV 785 6070 6200 786 6280 6410
1.378 + 153 2 WAW 101 6115 6235 102 6300 6420
1.379 + 154 2 FRU 181 6125 6375 182 6470 6740
1.380 + 155 2 GYD 147 6130 6310 148 6435 6620
1.381 + 156 1 AER 869 6145 6290 870 6415 6555
1.382 + 157 2 EVN 193 6170 6350 194 6425 6595
1.383 + 158 1 KRR 765 6190 6320 766 6390 6520
1.384 + 159 1 AAQ 703 6280 6420 704 6500 6610
1.385 + 160 1 LED 845 6290 6380 846 6450 6535
1.386 + 161 1 KRR 767 6300 6435 768 6525 6655
1.387 + 162 2 KBP 183 6425 6520 184 6610 6700
1.388 + 163 2 AYT 223 6500 6690 224 6750 6940
1.389 + 164 1 AER 867 6510 6660 868 6730 6880
1.390 + 165 1 MRV 787 6515 6665 788 6745 6895
1.391 + 166 1 KRR 771 6570 6700 772 6790 6925
1.392 + 167 1 LED 849 6585 6660 850 6720 6855
1.393 + 168 2 IST 209 6640 6810 210 6880 7040
1.394 + 169 1 AER 873 6645 6790 874 7520 7660
1.395 + 170 1 ASF 711 6755 6905 712 7400 7555
1.396 + 171 2 ULN 563 6755 7095 564 7175 7575
1.397 + 172 2 OTP 151 6780 6935 152 7560 7700
1.398 + 173 2 BEY 509 6785 7025 510 7110 7340
1.399 + 174 2 OSL 211 6820 6980 212 7620 7775
1.400 + 175 2 KBP 185 6830 6930 186 7480 7570
1.401 + 176 1 IKT 739 6845 7180 740 7270 7630
1.402 + 177 1 KRR 773 6855 7000 774 7380 7525
1.403 + 178 1 SGC 877 6880 7075 878 7155 7385
1.404 + 179 1 LED 857 6910 6990 858 7370 7450
1.405 + 180 1 CEK 899 6990 7145 900 7215 7380
1.406 + 181 1 PEE 821 6995 7150 822 7210 7360
1.407 + 182 2 TBS 197 7000 7165 198 7320 7475
1.408 + 183 1 UFA 891 7035 7165 892 7235 7370
1.409 + 184 1 KJA 781 7060 7330 782 7440 7750
1.410 + 185 1 IKT 743 7395 7720 744 7810 8170
1.411 + 186 1 CEK 897 7405 7560 898 7630 7795
1.412 + 187 1 KRR 763 7460 7600 764 7680 7810
1.413 + 188 2 SIP 133 7480 7620 134 7700 7820
1.414 + 189 2 BUD 131 7490 7650 132 7720 7875
1.415 + 190 1 AAQ 701 7505 7640 702 7710 7840
1.416 + 191 1 MRV 785 7510 7640 786 7720 7850
1.417 + 192 2 IST 207 7545 7720 208 7795 7985
1.418 + 193 2 WAW 101 7555 7675 102 7740 7860
1.419 + 194 2 GYD 147 7570 7750 148 7875 8060
1.420 + 195 1 AER 869 7585 7730 870 7855 7995
1.421 + 196 2 AYT 221 7610 7800 222 7895 8085
1.422 + 197 2 EVN 193 7610 7790 194 7865 8035
1.423 + 198 1 KRR 765 7630 7760 766 7830 7960
1.424 + 199 1 AAQ 703 7720 7860 704 7940 8050
1.425 + 200 1 LED 845 7730 7820 846 7890 7975
1.426 + 201 1 KRR 767 7740 7875 768 7965 8095
1.427 + 202 2 KBP 183 7865 7960 184 8050 8140
1.428 + 203 2 AYT 223 7940 8130 224 8190 8380
1.429 + 204 1 MRV 787 7955 8105 788 8185 8335
1.430 + 205 1 KRR 771 8010 8140 772 8230 8365
1.431 + 206 1 LED 849 8025 8100 850 8160 8295
1.432 + 207 2 IST 209 8080 8250 210 8320 8480
1.433 + 208 1 AER 873 8085 8230 874 8960 9100
1.434 + 209 1 ASF 711 8195 8345 712 8840 8995
1.435 + 210 2 ULN 563 8195 8535 564 8615 9015
1.436 + 211 1 KJA 779 8230 8500 780 8575 8870
1.437 + 212 2 OSL 211 8260 8420 212 9060 9215
1.438 + 213 2 KBP 185 8270 8370 186 8920 9010
1.439 + 214 1 IKT 739 8285 8620 740 8710 9070
1.440 + 215 1 KRR 773 8295 8440 774 8820 8965
1.441 + 216 1 SGC 877 8320 8515 878 8595 8825
1.442 + 217 1 LED 857 8350 8430 858 8810 8890
1.443 + 218 1 CEK 899 8430 8585 900 8655 8820
1.444 + 219 1 PEE 821 8435 8590 822 8650 8800
1.445 + 220 2 TBS 197 8440 8605 198 8760 8915
1.446 + 221 1 UFA 891 8475 8605 892 8675 8810
1.447 + 222 1 KJA 781 8500 8770 782 8880 9190
1.448 + 223 1 IKT 743 8835 9160 744 9250 9610
1.449 + 224 1 OMS 815 8845 9045 816 9125 9340
1.450 + 225 1 CEK 897 8845 9000 898 9070 9235
1.451 + 226 1 KRR 763 8900 9040 764 9120 9250
1.452 + 227 2 SIP 133 8920 9060 134 9140 9260
1.453 + 228 2 BUD 131 8930 9090 132 9160 9315
1.454 + 229 1 AAQ 701 8945 9080 702 9150 9280
1.455 + 230 1 MRV 785 8950 9080 786 9160 9290
1.456 + 231 2 IST 207 8985 9160 208 9235 9425
1.457 + 232 2 WAW 101 8995 9115 102 9180 9300
1.458 + 233 2 FRU 181 9005 9255 182 9350 9620
1.459 + 234 2 GYD 147 9010 9190 148 9315 9500
1.460 + 235 1 AER 869 9025 9170 870 9295 9435
1.461 + 236 2 EVN 193 9050 9230 194 9305 9475
1.462 + 237 1 KRR 765 9070 9200 766 9270 9400
1.463 + 238 1 AAQ 703 9160 9300 704 9380 9490
1.464 + 239 1 LED 845 9170 9260 846 9330 9415
1.465 + 240 1 KRR 767 9180 9315 768 9405 9535
1.466 + 241 2 KBP 183 9305 9400 184 9490 9580
1.467 + 242 2 AYT 223 9380 9570 224 9630 9820
1.468 + 243 1 MRV 787 9395 9545 788 9625 9775
1.469 + 244 1 KRR 771 9450 9580 772 9670 9805
1.470 + 245 1 LED 849 9465 9540 850 9600 9735
1.471 + 246 2 IST 209 9520 9690 210 9760 9920
1.472 + 247 1 AER 873 9525 9670 874 10400 10540
1.473 + 248 1 ASF 711 9635 9785 712 10280 10435
1.474 + 249 2 ULN 563 9635 9975 564 10055 10455
1.475 + 250 2 OTP 151 9660 9815 152 10440 10580
1.476 + 251 2 DAM 517 9665 9905 518 9990 10220
1.477 + 252 2 OSL 211 9700 9860 212 10500 10655
1.478 + 253 2 KBP 185 9710 9810 186 10360 10450
1.479 + 254 1 IKT 739 9725 10060 740 10150 10510
1.480 + 255 1 KRR 773 9735 9880 774 10260 10405
1.481 + 256 1 SGC 877 9760 9955 878 10035 10265
1.482 + 257 1 LED 857 9790 9870 858 10250 10330
1.483 + 258 1 CEK 899 9870 10025 900 10095 10260
1.484 + 259 1 PEE 821 9875 10030 822 10090 10240
1.485 + 260 1 UFA 891 9915 10045 892 10115 10250
1.486 + 261 1 KJA 781 9940 10210 782 10320 10630
1.487 +;
1.488 +
1.489 +end;