author Alpar Juttner <>
Sun, 05 Dec 2010 17:35:23 +0100
changeset 2 4c8956a7bdf4
permissions -rw-r--r--
Set up CMAKE build environment
     1 /* glpnet05.c (Goldfarb's maximum flow problem generator) */
     3 /***********************************************************************
     4 *  This code is part of GLPK (GNU Linear Programming Kit).
     5 *
     6 *  This code is a modified version of the program RMFGEN, a maxflow
     7 *  problem generator developed by D.Goldfarb and M.Grigoriadis, and
     8 *  originally implemented by Tamas Badics <>.
     9 *  The original code is publically available on the DIMACS ftp site at:
    10 *  <>.
    11 *
    12 *  All changes concern only the program interface, so this modified
    13 *  version produces exactly the same instances as the original version.
    14 *
    15 *  Changes were made by Andrew Makhorin <>.
    16 *
    17 *  GLPK is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
    18 *  under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    19 *  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
    20 *  (at your option) any later version.
    21 *
    22 *  GLPK is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
    23 *  ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
    24 *  or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public
    25 *  License for more details.
    26 *
    27 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    28 *  along with GLPK. If not, see <>.
    29 ***********************************************************************/
    31 #include "glpapi.h"
    32 #include "glprng.h"
    34 /***********************************************************************
    35 *  NAME
    36 *
    37 *  glp_rmfgen - Goldfarb's maximum flow problem generator
    38 *
    39 *  SYNOPSIS
    40 *
    41 *  int glp_rmfgen(glp_graph *G, int *s, int *t, int a_cap,
    42 *     const int parm[1+5]);
    43 *
    45 *
    46 *  The routine glp_rmfgen is a maximum flow problem generator developed
    47 *  by D.Goldfarb and M.Grigoriadis.
    48 *
    49 *  The parameter G specifies the graph object, to which the generated
    50 *  problem data have to be stored. Note that on entry the graph object
    51 *  is erased with the routine glp_erase_graph.
    52 *
    53 *  The pointer s specifies a location, to which the routine stores the
    54 *  source node number. If s is NULL, the node number is not stored.
    55 *
    56 *  The pointer t specifies a location, to which the routine stores the
    57 *  sink node number. If t is NULL, the node number is not stored.
    58 *
    59 *  The parameter a_cap specifies an offset of the field of type double
    60 *  in the arc data block, to which the routine stores the arc capacity.
    61 *  If a_cap < 0, the capacity is not stored.
    62 *
    63 *  The array parm contains description of the network to be generated:
    64 *
    65 *  parm[0]  not used
    66 *  parm[1]  (seed)   random number seed (a positive integer)
    67 *  parm[2]  (a)      frame size
    68 *  parm[3]  (b)      depth
    69 *  parm[4]  (c1)     minimal arc capacity
    70 *  parm[5]  (c2)     maximal arc capacity
    71 *
    72 *  RETURNS
    73 *
    74 *  If the instance was successfully generated, the routine glp_netgen
    75 *  returns zero; otherwise, if specified parameters are inconsistent,
    76 *  the routine returns a non-zero error code.
    77 *
    78 *  COMMENTS
    79 *
    80 *  The generated network is as follows. It has b pieces of frames of
    81 *  size a * a. (So alltogether the number of vertices is a * a * b)
    82 *
    83 *  In each frame all the vertices are connected with their neighbours
    84 *  (forth and back). In addition the vertices of a frame are connected
    85 *  one to one with the vertices of next frame using a random permutation
    86 *  of those vertices.
    87 *
    88 *  The source is the lower left vertex of the first frame, the sink is
    89 *  the upper right vertex of the b'th frame.
    90 *
    91 *                    t
    92 *           +-------+
    93 *           |      .|
    94 *           |     . |
    95 *        /  |    /  |
    96 *       +-------+/ -+ b
    97 *       |    |  |/.
    98 *     a |   -v- |/
    99 *       |    |  |/
   100 *       +-------+ 1
   101 *      s    a
   102 *
   103 *  The capacities are randomly chosen integers from the range of [c1,c2]
   104 *  in the case of interconnecting edges, and c2 * a * a for the in-frame
   105 *  edges.
   106 *
   107 *  REFERENCES
   108 *
   109 *  D.Goldfarb and M.D.Grigoriadis, "A computational comparison of the
   110 *  Dinic and network simplex methods for maximum flow." Annals of Op.
   111 *  Res. 13 (1988), pp. 83-123.
   112 *
   113 *  U.Derigs and W.Meier, "Implementing Goldberg's max-flow algorithm:
   114 *  A computational investigation." Zeitschrift fuer Operations Research
   115 *  33 (1989), pp. 383-403. */
   117 typedef struct VERTEX
   118 {     struct EDGE **edgelist;
   119       /* Pointer to the list of pointers to the adjacent edges.
   120          (No matter that to or from edges) */
   121       struct EDGE **current;
   122       /* Pointer to the current edge */
   123       int degree;
   124       /* Number of adjacent edges (both direction) */
   125       int index;
   126 } vertex;
   128 typedef struct EDGE
   129 {     int from;
   130       int to;
   131       int cap;
   132       /* Capacity */
   133 } edge;
   135 typedef struct NETWORK
   136 {     struct NETWORK *next, *prev;
   137       int vertnum;
   138       int edgenum;
   139       vertex *verts;
   140       /* Vertex array[1..vertnum] */
   141       edge *edges;
   142       /* Edge array[1..edgenum] */
   143       int source;
   144       /* Pointer to the source */
   145       int sink;
   146       /* Pointer to the sink */
   147 } network;
   149 struct csa
   150 {     /* common storage area */
   151       glp_graph *G;
   152       int *s, *t, a_cap;
   153       RNG *rand;
   154       network *N;
   155       int *Parr;
   156       int A, AA, C2AA, Ec;
   157 };
   159 #define G      (csa->G)
   160 #define s      (csa->s)
   161 #define t      (csa->t)
   162 #define a_cap  (csa->a_cap)
   163 #define N      (csa->N)
   164 #define Parr   (csa->Parr)
   165 #define A      (csa->A)
   166 #define AA     (csa->AA)
   167 #define C2AA   (csa->C2AA)
   168 #define Ec     (csa->Ec)
   170 #undef random
   171 #define random(A) (int)(rng_unif_01(csa->rand) * (double)(A))
   172 #define RANDOM(A, B) (int)(random((B) - (A) + 1) + (A))
   173 #define sgn(A) (((A) > 0) ? 1 : ((A) == 0) ? 0 : -1)
   175 static void make_edge(struct csa *csa, int from, int to, int c1, int c2)
   176 {     Ec++;
   177       N->edges[Ec].from = from;
   178       N->edges[Ec].to = to;
   179       N->edges[Ec].cap = RANDOM(c1, c2);
   180       return;
   181 }
   183 static void permute(struct csa *csa)
   184 {     int i, j, tmp;
   185       for (i = 1; i < AA; i++)
   186       {  j = RANDOM(i, AA);
   187          tmp = Parr[i];
   188          Parr[i] = Parr[j];
   189          Parr[j] = tmp;
   190       }
   191       return;
   192 }
   194 static void connect(struct csa *csa, int offset, int cv, int x1, int y1)
   195 {     int cv1;
   196       cv1 = offset + (x1 - 1) * A + y1;
   197       Ec++;
   198       N->edges[Ec].from = cv;
   199       N->edges[Ec].to = cv1;
   200       N->edges[Ec].cap = C2AA;
   201       return;
   202 }
   204 static network *gen_rmf(struct csa *csa, int a, int b, int c1, int c2)
   205 {     /* generates a network with a*a*b nodes and 6a*a*b-4ab-2a*a edges
   206          random_frame network:
   207          Derigs & Meier, Methods & Models of OR (1989), 33:383-403 */
   208       int x, y, z, offset, cv;
   209       A = a;
   210       AA = a * a;
   211       C2AA = c2 * AA;
   212       Ec = 0;
   213       N = (network *)xmalloc(sizeof(network));
   214       N->vertnum = AA * b;
   215       N->edgenum = 5 * AA * b - 4 * A * b - AA;
   216       N->edges = (edge *)xcalloc(N->edgenum + 1, sizeof(edge));
   217       N->source = 1;
   218       N->sink = N->vertnum;
   219       Parr = (int *)xcalloc(AA + 1, sizeof(int));
   220       for (x = 1; x <= AA; x++)
   221          Parr[x] = x;
   222       for (z = 1; z <= b; z++)
   223       {  offset = AA * (z - 1);
   224          if (z != b)
   225             permute(csa);
   226          for (x = 1; x <= A; x++)
   227          {  for (y = 1; y <= A; y++)
   228             {  cv = offset + (x - 1) * A + y;
   229                if (z != b)
   230                   make_edge(csa, cv, offset + AA + Parr[cv - offset],
   231                      c1, c2); /* the intermediate edges */
   232                if (y < A)
   233                   connect(csa, offset, cv, x, y + 1);
   234                if (y > 1)
   235                   connect(csa, offset, cv, x, y - 1);
   236                if (x < A)
   237                   connect(csa, offset, cv, x + 1, y);
   238                if (x > 1)
   239                   connect(csa, offset, cv, x - 1, y);
   240             }
   241          }
   242       }
   243       xfree(Parr);
   244       return N;
   245 }
   247 static void print_max_format(struct csa *csa, network *n, char *comm[],
   248       int dim)
   249 {     /* prints a network heading with dim lines of comments (no \n
   250          needs at the ends) */
   251       int i, vnum, e_num;
   252       edge *e;
   253       vnum = n->vertnum;
   254       e_num = n->edgenum;
   255       if (G == NULL)
   256       {  for (i = 0; i < dim; i++)
   257             xprintf("c %s\n", comm[i]);
   258          xprintf("p max %7d %10d\n", vnum, e_num);
   259          xprintf("n %7d s\n", n->source);
   260          xprintf("n %7d t\n", n->sink);
   261       }
   262       else
   263       {  glp_add_vertices(G, vnum);
   264          if (s != NULL) *s = n->source;
   265          if (t != NULL) *t = n->sink;
   266       }
   267       for (i = 1; i <= e_num; i++)
   268       {  e = &n->edges[i];
   269          if (G == NULL)
   270             xprintf("a %7d %7d %10d\n", e->from, e->to, (int)e->cap);
   271          else
   272          {  glp_arc *a = glp_add_arc(G, e->from, e->to);
   273             if (a_cap >= 0)
   274             {  double temp = (double)e->cap;
   275                memcpy((char *)a->data + a_cap, &temp, sizeof(double));
   276             }
   277          }
   278       }
   279       return;
   280 }
   282 static void gen_free_net(network *n)
   283 {     xfree(n->edges);
   284       xfree(n);
   285       return;
   286 }
   288 int glp_rmfgen(glp_graph *G_, int *_s, int *_t, int _a_cap,
   289       const int parm[1+5])
   290 {     struct csa _csa, *csa = &_csa;
   291       network *n;
   292       char comm[10][80], *com1[10];
   293       int seed, a, b, c1, c2, ret;
   294       G = G_;
   295       s = _s;
   296       t = _t;
   297       a_cap = _a_cap;
   298       if (G != NULL)
   299       {  if (a_cap >= 0 && a_cap > G->a_size - (int)sizeof(double))
   300            xerror("glp_rmfgen: a_cap = %d; invalid offset\n", a_cap);
   301       }
   302       seed = parm[1];
   303       a = parm[2];
   304       b = parm[3];
   305       c1 = parm[4];
   306       c2 = parm[5];
   307       if (!(seed > 0 && 1 <= a && a <= 1000 && 1 <= b && b <= 1000 &&
   308             0 <= c1 && c1 <= c2 && c2 <= 1000))
   309       {  ret = 1;
   310          goto done;
   311       }
   312       if (G != NULL)
   313       {  glp_erase_graph(G, G->v_size, G->a_size);
   314          glp_set_graph_name(G, "RMFGEN");
   315       }
   316       csa->rand = rng_create_rand();
   317       rng_init_rand(csa->rand, seed);
   318       n = gen_rmf(csa, a, b, c1, c2);
   319       sprintf(comm[0], "This file was generated by genrmf.");
   320       sprintf(comm[1], "The parameters are: a: %d b: %d c1: %d c2: %d",
   321          a, b, c1, c2);
   322       com1[0] = comm[0];
   323       com1[1] = comm[1];
   324       print_max_format(csa, n, com1, 2);
   325       gen_free_net(n);
   326       rng_delete_rand(csa->rand);
   327       ret = 0;
   328 done: return ret;
   329 }
   331 /**********************************************************************/
   333 #if 0
   334 int main(int argc, char *argv[])
   335 {     int seed, a, b, c1, c2, i, parm[1+5];
   336       seed = 123;
   337       a = b = c1 = c2 = -1;
   338       for (i = 1; i < argc; i++)
   339       {  if (strcmp(argv[i], "-seed") == 0)
   340             seed = atoi(argv[++i]);
   341          else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-a") == 0)
   342             a = atoi(argv[++i]);
   343          else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-b") == 0)
   344             b = atoi(argv[++i]);
   345          else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-c1") == 0)
   346             c1 = atoi(argv[++i]);
   347          else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-c2") == 0)
   348             c2 = atoi(argv[++i]);
   349       }
   350       if (a < 0 || b < 0 || c1 < 0 || c2 < 0)
   351       {  xprintf("Usage:\n");
   352          xprintf("genrmf [-seed seed] -a frame_size -b depth\n");
   353          xprintf("        -c1 cap_range1 -c2 cap_range2\n");
   354       }
   355       else
   356       {  parm[1] = seed;
   357          parm[2] = a;
   358          parm[3] = b;
   359          parm[4] = c1;
   360          parm[5] = c2;
   361          glp_rmfgen(NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, parm);
   362       }
   363       return 0;
   364 }
   365 #endif
   367 /* eof */