author Alpar Juttner <>
Mon, 06 Dec 2010 13:09:21 +0100
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Import glpk-4.45

- Generated files and doc/notes are removed
     1 %* glpk09.tex *%
     3 \chapter{CPLEX LP Format}
     4 \label{chacplex}
     6 \section{Prelude}
     8 The CPLEX LP format\footnote{The CPLEX LP format was developed in
     9 the end of 1980's by CPLEX Optimization, Inc. as an input format for
    10 the CPLEX linear programming system. Although the CPLEX LP format is
    11 not as widely used as the MPS format, being row-oriented it is more
    12 convenient for coding mathematical programming models by human. This
    13 appendix describes only the features of the CPLEX LP format which are
    14 implemented in the GLPK package.} is intended for coding LP/MIP problem
    15 data. It is a row-oriented format that assumes the formulation of LP/MIP
    16 problem (1.1)---(1.3) (see Section \ref{seclp}, page \pageref{seclp}).
    18 CPLEX LP file is a plain text file written in CPLEX LP format. Each text
    19 line of this file may contain up to 255 characters\footnote{GLPK allows
    20 text lines of arbitrary length.}. Blank lines are ignored. If a line
    21 contains the backslash character ($\backslash$), this character and
    22 everything that follows it until the end of line are considered as a
    23 comment and also ignored.
    25 An LP file is coded by the user using the following elements:
    27 $\bullet$ keywords;
    29 $\bullet$ symbolic names;
    31 $\bullet$ numeric constants;
    33 $\bullet$ delimiters;
    35 $\bullet$ blanks.
    37 \newpage
    39 {\it Keywords} which may be used in the LP file are the following:
    41 \begin{verbatim}
    42       minimize        minimum        min
    43       maximize        maximum        max
    44       subject to      such that      s.t.      st.      st
    45       bounds          bound
    46       general         generals       gen
    47       integer         integers       int
    48       binary          binaries       bin
    49       infinity        inf
    50       free
    51       end
    52 \end{verbatim}
    54 \noindent
    55 All the keywords are case insensitive. Keywords given above on the same
    56 line are equivalent. Any keyword (except \verb|infinity|, \verb|inf|,
    57 and \verb|free|) being used in the LP file must start at the beginning
    58 of a text line.
    60 {\it Symbolic names} are used to identify the objective function,
    61 constraints (rows), and variables (columns). All symbolic names are case
    62 sensitive and may contain up to 16 alphanumeric characters\footnote{GLPK
    63 allows symbolic names having up to 255 characters.} (\verb|a|, \dots,
    64 \verb|z|, \verb|A|, \dots, \verb|Z|, \verb|0|, \dots, \verb|9|) as well
    65 as the following characters:
    67 \begin{verbatim}
    68 !  "  #  $  %  &  (  )  /  ,  .  ;  ?  @  _  `  '  {  }  |  ~
    69 \end{verbatim}
    71 \noindent
    72 with exception that no symbolic name can begin with a digit or a period.
    74 {\it Numeric constants} are used to denote constraint and objective
    75 coefficients, right-hand sides of constraints, and bounds of variables.
    76 They are coded in the standard form $xx$\verb|E|$syy$, where $xx$ is
    77 a real number with optional decimal point, $s$ is a sign (\verb|+| or
    78 \verb|-|), $yy$ is an integer decimal exponent. Numeric constants may
    79 contain arbitrary number of characters. The exponent part is optional.
    80 The letter `\verb|E|' can be coded as `\verb|e|'. If the sign $s$ is
    81 omitted, plus is assumed.
    83 {\it Delimiters} that may be used in the LP file are the following:
    85 \begin{verbatim}
    86       :
    87       +
    88       -
    89       <   <=   =<
    90       >   >=   =>
    91       =
    92 \end{verbatim}
    94 \noindent
    95 Delimiters given above on the same line are equivalent. The meaning of
    96 the delimiters will be explained below.
    98 {\it Blanks} are non-significant characters. They may be used freely to
    99 improve readability of the LP file. Besides, blanks should be used to
   100 separate elements from each other if there is no other way to do that
   101 (for example, to separate a keyword from a following symbolic name).
   103 The order of an LP file is:
   105 $\bullet$ objective function definition;
   107 $\bullet$ constraints section;
   109 $\bullet$ bounds section;
   111 $\bullet$ general, integer, and binary sections (can appear in arbitrary
   112 order);
   114 $\bullet$ end keyword.
   116 These components are discussed in following sections.
   118 \section{Objective function definition}
   120 The objective function definition must appear first in the LP file. It
   121 defines the objective function and specifies the optimization direction.
   123 The objective function definition has the following form:
   124 $$
   125 \left\{
   126 \begin{array}{@{}c@{}}
   127 {\tt minimize} \\ {\tt maximize}
   128 \end{array}
   129 \right\}\ f\ {\tt :}\ s\ c\ x\ s\ c\ x\ \dots\ s\ c\ x
   130 $$
   131 where $f$ is a symbolic name of the objective function, $s$ is a sign
   132 \verb|+| or \verb|-|, $c$ is a numeric constant that denotes an
   133 objective coefficient, $x$ is a symbolic name of a variable.
   135 If necessary, the objective function definition can be continued on as
   136 many text lines as desired.
   138 The name of the objective function is optional and may be omitted
   139 (together with the semicolon that follows it). In this case the default
   140 name `\verb|obj|' is assigned to the objective function.
   142 If the very first sign $s$ is omitted, the sign plus is assumed. Other
   143 signs cannot be omitted.
   145 If some objective coefficient $c$ is omitted, 1 is assumed.
   147 Symbolic names $x$ used to denote variables are recognized by context
   148 and therefore needn't to be declared somewhere else.
   150 Here is an example of the objective function definition:
   152 \begin{verbatim}
   153    Minimize Z : - x1 + 2 x2 - 3.5 x3 + 4.997e3x(4) + x5 + x6 +
   154       x7 - .01x8
   155 \end{verbatim}
   157 \section{Constraints section}
   159 The constraints section must follow the objective function definition.
   160 It defines a system of equality and/or inequality constraints.
   162 The constraint section has the following form:
   164 \begin{center}
   165 \begin{tabular}{l}
   166 \verb|subject to| \\
   167 {\it constraint}$_1$ \\
   168 {\it constraint}$_2$ \\
   169 \hspace{20pt}\dots \\
   170 {\it constraint}$_m$ \\
   171 \end{tabular}
   172 \end{center}
   174 \noindent where {\it constraint}$_i, i=1,\dots,m,$ is a particular
   175 constraint definition.
   177 Each constraint definition can be continued on as many text lines as
   178 desired. However, each constraint definition must begin on a new line
   179 except the very first constraint definition which can begin on the same
   180 line as the keyword `\verb|subject to|'.
   182 Constraint definitions have the following form:
   183 $$
   184 r\ {\tt:}\ s\ c\ x\ s\ c\ x\ \dots\ s\ c\ x
   185 \ \left\{
   186 \begin{array}{@{}c@{}}
   187 \mbox{\tt<=} \\ \mbox{\tt>=} \\ \mbox{\tt=}
   188 \end{array}
   189 \right\}\ b
   190 $$
   191 where $r$ is a symbolic name of a constraint, $s$ is a sign \verb|+| or
   192 \verb|-|, $c$ is a numeric constant that denotes a constraint
   193 coefficient, $x$ is a symbolic name of a variable, $b$ is a right-hand
   194 side.
   196 The name $r$ of a constraint (which is the name of the corresponding
   197 auxiliary variable) is optional and may be omitted (together with the
   198 semicolon that follows it). In this case the default names like
   199 `\verb|r.nnn|' are assigned to unnamed constraints.
   201 The linear form $s\ c\ x\ s\ c\ x\ \dots\ s\ c\ x$ in the left-hand
   202 side of a constraint definition has exactly the same meaning as in the
   203 case of the objective function definition (see above).
   205 After the linear form one of the following delimiters that indicate
   206 the constraint sense must be specified:
   208 \verb|<=| \ means `less than or equal to'
   210 \verb|>=| \ means `greater than or equal to'
   212 \verb|= | \ means `equal to'
   214 The right hand side $b$ is a numeric constant with an optional sign.
   216 Here is an example of the constraints section:
   218 \begin{verbatim}
   219    Subject To
   220       one: y1 + 3 a1 - a2 - b >= 1.5
   221       y2 + 2 a3 + 2
   222          a4 - b >= -1.5
   223       two : y4 + 3 a1 + 4 a5 - b <= +1
   224       .20y5 + 5 a2 - b = 0
   225       1.7 y6 - a6 + 5 a777 - b >= 1
   226 \end{verbatim}
   228 (Should note that it is impossible to express ranged constraints in the
   229 CPLEX LP format. Each a ranged constraint can be coded as two
   230 constraints with identical linear forms in the left-hand side, one of
   231 which specifies a lower bound and other does an upper one of the
   232 original ranged constraint.)
   234 \section{Bounds section}
   236 The bounds section is intended to define bounds of variables. This
   237 section is optional; if it is specified, it must follow the constraints
   238 section. If the bound section is omitted, all variables are assumed to
   239 be non-negative (i.e. that they have zero lower bound and no upper
   240 bound).
   242 The bounds section has the following form:
   244 \begin{center}
   245 \begin{tabular}{l}
   246 \verb|bounds| \\
   247 {\it definition}$_1$ \\
   248 {\it definition}$_2$ \\
   249 \hspace{20pt}\dots \\
   250 {\it definition}$_p$ \\
   251 \end{tabular}
   252 \end{center}
   254 \noindent
   255 where {\it definition}$_k, k=1,\dots,p,$ is a particular bound
   256 definition.
   258 Each bound definition must begin on a new line\footnote{The GLPK
   259 implementation allows several bound definitions to be placed on the same
   260 line.} except the very first bound definition which can begin on the
   261 same line as the keyword `\verb|bounds|'.
   263 Syntactically constraint definitions can have one of the following six
   264 forms:
   266 \begin{center}
   267 \begin{tabular}{ll}
   268 $x$ \verb|>=| $l$ &              specifies a lower bound \\
   269 $l$ \verb|<=| $x$ &              specifies a lower bound \\
   270 $x$ \verb|<=| $u$ &              specifies an upper bound \\
   271 $l$ \verb|<=| $x$ \verb|<=| $u$ &specifies both lower and upper bounds\\
   272 $x$ \verb|=| $t$                &specifies a fixed value \\
   273 $x$ \verb|free|                 &specifies free variable
   274 \end{tabular}
   275 \end{center}
   277 \noindent
   278 where $x$ is a symbolic name of a variable, $l$ is a numeric constant
   279 with an optional sign that defines a lower bound of the variable or
   280 \verb|-inf| that means that the variable has no lower bound, $u$ is a
   281 numeric constant with an optional sign that defines an upper bound of
   282 the variable or \verb|+inf| that means that the variable has no upper
   283 bound, $t$ is a numeric constant with an optional sign that defines a
   284 fixed value of the variable.
   286 By default all variables are non-negative, i.e. have zero lower bound
   287 and no upper bound. Therefore definitions of these default bounds can be
   288 omitted in the bounds section.
   290 Here is an example of the bounds section:
   292 \begin{verbatim}
   293    Bounds
   294       -inf <= a1 <= 100
   295       -100 <= a2
   296       b <= 100
   297       x2 = +123.456
   298       x3 free
   299 \end{verbatim}
   301 \section{General, integer, and binary sections}
   303 The general, integer, and binary sections are intended to define
   304 some variables as integer or binary. All these sections are optional
   305 and needed only in case of MIP problems. If they are specified, they
   306 must follow the bounds section or, if the latter is omitted, the
   307 constraints section.
   309 All the general, integer, and binary sections have the same form as
   310 follows:
   312 \begin{center}
   313 \begin{tabular}{l}
   314 $
   315 \left\{
   316 \begin{array}{@{}l@{}}
   317 \verb|general| \\
   318 \verb|integer| \\
   319 \verb|binary | \\
   320 \end{array}
   321 \right\}
   322 $ \\
   323 \hspace{10pt}$x_1$ \\
   324 \hspace{10pt}$x_2$ \\
   325 \hspace{10pt}\dots \\
   326 \hspace{10pt}$x_q$ \\
   327 \end{tabular}
   328 \end{center}
   330 \noindent
   331 where $x_k$ is a symbolic name of variable, $k=1,\dots,q$.
   333 Each symbolic name must begin on a new line\footnote{The GLPK
   334 implementation allows several symbolic names to be placed on the same
   335 line.} except the very first symbolic name which can begin on the same
   336 line as the keyword `\verb|general|', `\verb|integer|', or
   337 `\verb|binary|'.
   339 If a variable appears in the general or the integer section, it is
   340 assumed to be general integer variable. If a variable appears in the
   341 binary section, it is assumed to be binary variable, i.e. an integer
   342 variable whose lower bound is zero and upper bound is one. (Note that
   343 if bounds of a variable are specified in the bounds section and then
   344 the variable appears in the binary section, its previously specified
   345 bounds are ignored.)
   347 Here is an example of the integer section:
   349 \begin{verbatim}
   350    Integer
   351       z12
   352       z22
   353       z35
   354 \end{verbatim}
   356 \section{End keyword}
   358 The keyword `\verb|end|' is intended to end the LP file. It must begin
   359 on a separate line and no other elements (except comments and blank
   360 lines) must follow it. Although this keyword is optional, it is strongly
   361 recommended to include it in the LP file.
   363 \section{Example of CPLEX LP file}
   365 Here is a complete example of CPLEX LP file that corresponds to the
   366 example given in Section \ref{secmpsex}, page \pageref{secmpsex}.
   368 {\footnotesize
   369 \begin{verbatim}
   370 \* plan.lp *\
   372 Minimize
   373    value: .03 bin1 + .08 bin2 + .17 bin3 + .12 bin4 + .15 bin5 +
   374           .21 alum + .38 silicon
   376 Subject To
   377    yield:     bin1 +     bin2 +     bin3 +     bin4 +     bin5 +
   378               alum +     silicon                                 =  2000
   380    fe:    .15 bin1 + .04 bin2 + .02 bin3 + .04 bin4 + .02 bin5 +
   381           .01 alum + .03 silicon                                 <=   60
   383    cu:    .03 bin1 + .05 bin2 + .08 bin3 + .02 bin4 + .06 bin5 +
   384           .01 alum                                               <=  100
   386    mn:    .02 bin1 + .04 bin2 + .01 bin3 + .02 bin4 + .02 bin5   <=   40
   388    mg:    .02 bin1 + .03 bin2                       + .01 bin5   <=   30
   390    al:    .70 bin1 + .75 bin2 + .80 bin3 + .75 bin4 + .80 bin5 +
   391           .97 alum                                               >= 1500
   393    si1:   .02 bin1 + .06 bin2 + .08 bin3 + .12 bin4 + .02 bin5 +
   394           .01 alum + .97 silicon                                 >=  250
   396    si2:   .02 bin1 + .06 bin2 + .08 bin3 + .12 bin4 + .02 bin5 +
   397           .01 alum + .97 silicon                                 <=  300
   399 Bounds
   400           bin1 <=  200
   401           bin2 <= 2500
   402    400 <= bin3 <=  800
   403    100 <= bin4 <=  700
   404           bin5 <= 1500
   406 End
   408 \* eof *\
   409 \end{verbatim}
   411 }
   413 %* eof *%