author Alpar Juttner <alpar@cs.elte.hu>
Mon, 06 Dec 2010 13:09:21 +0100
changeset 1 c445c931472f
permissions -rw-r--r--
Import glpk-4.45

- Generated files and doc/notes are removed
     1 /* CRYPTO, a crypto-arithmetic puzzle */
     3 /* Written in GNU MathProg by Andrew Makhorin <mao@gnu.org> */
     5 /* This problem comes from the newsgroup rec.puzzle.
     6    The numbers from 1 to 26 are assigned to the letters of the alphabet.
     7    The numbers beside each word are the total of the values assigned to
     8    the letters in the word (e.g. for LYRE: L, Y, R, E might be to equal
     9    5, 9, 20 and 13, or any other combination that add up to 47).
    10    Find the value of each letter under the equations:
    12    BALLET  45     GLEE  66     POLKA      59     SONG     61
    13    CELLO   43     JAZZ  58     QUARTET    50     SOPRANO  82
    14    CONCERT 74     LYRE  47     SAXOPHONE 134     THEME    72
    15    FLUTE   30     OBOE  53     SCALE      51     VIOLIN  100
    16    FUGUE   50     OPERA 65     SOLO       37     WALTZ    34
    18    Solution:
    19    A, B,C, D, E,F, G, H, I, J, K,L,M, N, O, P,Q, R, S,T,U, V,W, X, Y, Z
    20    5,13,9,16,20,4,24,21,25,17,23,2,8,12,10,19,7,11,15,3,1,26,6,22,14,18
    22    Reference:
    23    Koalog Constraint Solver <http://www.koalog.com/php/jcs.php>,
    24    Simple problems, the crypto-arithmetic puzzle ALPHACIPHER. */
    26 set LETTERS :=
    27 {     'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M',
    28       'N', 'O', 'P', 'Q', 'R', 'S', 'T', 'U', 'V', 'W', 'X', 'Y', 'Z'
    29 };
    30 /* set of letters */
    32 set VALUES := 1..card(LETTERS);
    33 /* set of values assigned to the letters */
    35 set WORDS;
    36 /* set of words */
    38 param total{word in WORDS};
    39 /* total[word] is the total of the values assigned to the letters in
    40    the word */
    42 var x{i in LETTERS, j in VALUES}, binary;
    43 /* x[i,j] = 1 means that letter i is assigned value j */
    45 s.t. phi{i in LETTERS}: sum{j in VALUES} x[i,j] = 1;
    47 s.t. psi{j in VALUES}: sum{i in LETTERS} x[i,j] = 1;
    49 s.t. eqn{word in WORDS}: sum{k in 1..length(word), j in VALUES}
    50       j * x[substr(word,k,1), j] = total[word];
    52 solve;
    54 printf{i in LETTERS} "  %s", i;
    55 printf "\n";
    57 printf{i in LETTERS} " %2d", sum{j in VALUES} j * x[i,j];
    58 printf "\n";
    60 data;
    62 param :  WORDS :   total :=
    63          BALLET       45
    64          CELLO        43
    65          CONCERT      74
    66          FLUTE        30
    67          FUGUE        50
    68          GLEE         66
    69          JAZZ         58
    70          LYRE         47
    71          OBOE         53
    72          OPERA        65
    73          POLKA        59
    74          QUARTET      50
    75          SAXOPHONE   134
    76          SCALE        51
    77          SOLO         37
    78          SONG         61
    79          SOPRANO      82
    80          THEME        72
    81          VIOLIN      100
    82          WALTZ        34 ;
    84 end;