author Peter Kovacs <kpeter@inf.elte.hu>
Tue, 24 Mar 2009 00:18:25 +0100
changeset 596 8c3112a66878
parent 513 88bd39ef7d98
child 603 85cb3aa71cce
permissions -rw-r--r--
Use XTI implementation instead of ATI in NetworkSimplex (#234)

XTI (eXtended Threaded Index) is an imporved version of the widely
known ATI (Augmented Threaded Index) method for storing and updating
the spanning tree structure in Network Simplex algorithms.

In the ATI data structure three indices are stored for each node:
predecessor, thread and depth. In the XTI data structure depth is
replaced by the number of successors and the last successor
(according to the thread index).
     1 EXTRA_DIST += \
     2 	test/CMakeLists.txt
     4 noinst_HEADERS += \
     5 	test/graph_test.h \
     6 	test/test_tools.h
     8 check_PROGRAMS += \
     9 	test/adaptors_test \
    10 	test/bfs_test \
    11 	test/circulation_test \
    12 	test/counter_test \
    13 	test/dfs_test \
    14 	test/digraph_test \
    15 	test/dijkstra_test \
    16 	test/dim_test \
    17 	test/edge_set_test \
    18 	test/error_test \
    19 	test/euler_test \
    20 	test/graph_copy_test \
    21 	test/graph_test \
    22 	test/graph_utils_test \
    23 	test/hao_orlin_test \
    24 	test/heap_test \
    25 	test/kruskal_test \
    26 	test/maps_test \
    27 	test/max_matching_test \
    28 	test/min_cost_arborescence_test \
    29 	test/min_cost_flow_test \
    30 	test/path_test \
    31 	test/preflow_test \
    32 	test/radix_sort_test \
    33 	test/random_test \
    34 	test/suurballe_test \
    35 	test/test_tools_fail \
    36 	test/test_tools_pass \
    37 	test/time_measure_test \
    38 	test/unionfind_test
    40 if HAVE_LP
    41 check_PROGRAMS += test/lp_test
    42 endif HAVE_LP
    43 if HAVE_MIP
    44 check_PROGRAMS += test/mip_test
    45 endif HAVE_MIP
    47 TESTS += $(check_PROGRAMS)
    48 XFAIL_TESTS += test/test_tools_fail$(EXEEXT)
    50 test_adaptors_test_SOURCES = test/adaptors_test.cc
    51 test_bfs_test_SOURCES = test/bfs_test.cc
    52 test_circulation_test_SOURCES = test/circulation_test.cc
    53 test_counter_test_SOURCES = test/counter_test.cc
    54 test_dfs_test_SOURCES = test/dfs_test.cc
    55 test_digraph_test_SOURCES = test/digraph_test.cc
    56 test_dijkstra_test_SOURCES = test/dijkstra_test.cc
    57 test_dim_test_SOURCES = test/dim_test.cc
    58 test_edge_set_test_SOURCES = test/edge_set_test.cc
    59 test_error_test_SOURCES = test/error_test.cc
    60 test_euler_test_SOURCES = test/euler_test.cc
    61 test_graph_copy_test_SOURCES = test/graph_copy_test.cc
    62 test_graph_test_SOURCES = test/graph_test.cc
    63 test_graph_utils_test_SOURCES = test/graph_utils_test.cc
    64 test_heap_test_SOURCES = test/heap_test.cc
    65 test_kruskal_test_SOURCES = test/kruskal_test.cc
    66 test_hao_orlin_test_SOURCES = test/hao_orlin_test.cc
    67 test_lp_test_SOURCES = test/lp_test.cc
    68 test_maps_test_SOURCES = test/maps_test.cc
    69 test_mip_test_SOURCES = test/mip_test.cc
    70 test_max_matching_test_SOURCES = test/max_matching_test.cc
    71 test_min_cost_arborescence_test_SOURCES = test/min_cost_arborescence_test.cc
    72 test_min_cost_flow_test_SOURCES = test/min_cost_flow_test.cc
    73 test_path_test_SOURCES = test/path_test.cc
    74 test_preflow_test_SOURCES = test/preflow_test.cc
    75 test_radix_sort_test_SOURCES = test/radix_sort_test.cc
    76 test_suurballe_test_SOURCES = test/suurballe_test.cc
    77 test_random_test_SOURCES = test/random_test.cc
    78 test_test_tools_fail_SOURCES = test/test_tools_fail.cc
    79 test_test_tools_pass_SOURCES = test/test_tools_pass.cc
    80 test_time_measure_test_SOURCES = test/time_measure_test.cc
    81 test_unionfind_test_SOURCES = test/unionfind_test.cc