# HG changeset patch
# User Peter Kovacs <kpeter@inf.elte.hu>
# Date 1239984875 -7200
# Node ID dacc2cee2b4c4ec7481d3edec47aaf834b5db47c
# Parent  e6927fe719e6e2cc97345c5f89f1cb0d66d2d0c9
Slightly modify the interface of Circulation and Preflow (#266)
in order to synchronize them to the interface of NetworkSimplex.

 - The "delta" notation is replaced by "supply".
 - lowerCapMap(), upperCapMap() are renamed to lowerMap() and upperMap().
 - Value is renamed to Flow.

 - Value is renamed to Flow.

diff -r e6927fe719e6 -r dacc2cee2b4c lemon/circulation.h
--- a/lemon/circulation.h	Fri Apr 17 18:04:36 2009 +0200
+++ b/lemon/circulation.h	Fri Apr 17 18:14:35 2009 +0200
@@ -31,52 +31,52 @@
   /// \brief Default traits class of Circulation class.
   /// Default traits class of Circulation class.
-  /// \tparam GR Digraph type.
-  /// \tparam LM Lower bound capacity map type.
-  /// \tparam UM Upper bound capacity map type.
-  /// \tparam DM Delta map type.
+  ///
+  /// \tparam GR Type of the digraph the algorithm runs on.
+  /// \tparam LM The type of the lower bound map.
+  /// \tparam UM The type of the upper bound (capacity) map.
+  /// \tparam SM The type of the supply map.
   template <typename GR, typename LM,
-            typename UM, typename DM>
+            typename UM, typename SM>
   struct CirculationDefaultTraits {
     /// \brief The type of the digraph the algorithm runs on.
     typedef GR Digraph;
-    /// \brief The type of the map that stores the circulation lower
-    /// bound.
+    /// \brief The type of the lower bound map.
-    /// The type of the map that stores the circulation lower bound.
-    /// It must meet the \ref concepts::ReadMap "ReadMap" concept.
-    typedef LM LCapMap;
+    /// The type of the map that stores the lower bounds on the arcs.
+    /// It must conform to the \ref concepts::ReadMap "ReadMap" concept.
+    typedef LM LowerMap;
-    /// \brief The type of the map that stores the circulation upper
-    /// bound.
+    /// \brief The type of the upper bound (capacity) map.
-    /// The type of the map that stores the circulation upper bound.
-    /// It must meet the \ref concepts::ReadMap "ReadMap" concept.
-    typedef UM UCapMap;
+    /// The type of the map that stores the upper bounds (capacities)
+    /// on the arcs.
+    /// It must conform to the \ref concepts::ReadMap "ReadMap" concept.
+    typedef UM UpperMap;
-    /// \brief The type of the map that stores the lower bound for
-    /// the supply of the nodes.
+    /// \brief The type of supply map.
-    /// The type of the map that stores the lower bound for the supply
-    /// of the nodes. It must meet the \ref concepts::ReadMap "ReadMap"
-    /// concept.
-    typedef DM DeltaMap;
+    /// The type of the map that stores the signed supply values of the 
+    /// nodes. 
+    /// It must conform to the \ref concepts::ReadMap "ReadMap" concept.
+    typedef SM SupplyMap;
     /// \brief The type of the flow values.
-    typedef typename DeltaMap::Value Value;
+    typedef typename SupplyMap::Value Flow;
     /// \brief The type of the map that stores the flow values.
     /// The type of the map that stores the flow values.
-    /// It must meet the \ref concepts::ReadWriteMap "ReadWriteMap" concept.
-    typedef typename Digraph::template ArcMap<Value> FlowMap;
+    /// It must conform to the \ref concepts::ReadWriteMap "ReadWriteMap"
+    /// concept.
+    typedef typename Digraph::template ArcMap<Flow> FlowMap;
     /// \brief Instantiates a FlowMap.
     /// This function instantiates a \ref FlowMap.
-    /// \param digraph The digraph, to which we would like to define
+    /// \param digraph The digraph for which we would like to define
     /// the flow map.
     static FlowMap* createFlowMap(const Digraph& digraph) {
       return new FlowMap(digraph);
@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@
     /// \brief Instantiates an Elevator.
     /// This function instantiates an \ref Elevator.
-    /// \param digraph The digraph, to which we would like to define
+    /// \param digraph The digraph for which we would like to define
     /// the elevator.
     /// \param max_level The maximum level of the elevator.
     static Elevator* createElevator(const Digraph& digraph, int max_level) {
@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@
     /// \brief The tolerance used by the algorithm
     /// The tolerance used by the algorithm to handle inexact computation.
-    typedef lemon::Tolerance<Value> Tolerance;
+    typedef lemon::Tolerance<Flow> Tolerance;
@@ -111,53 +111,69 @@
      \brief Push-relabel algorithm for the network circulation problem.
      \ingroup max_flow
-     This class implements a push-relabel algorithm for the network
-     circulation problem.
+     This class implements a push-relabel algorithm for the \e network
+     \e circulation problem.
      It is to find a feasible circulation when lower and upper bounds
-     are given for the flow values on the arcs and lower bounds
-     are given for the supply values of the nodes.
+     are given for the flow values on the arcs and lower bounds are
+     given for the difference between the outgoing and incoming flow
+     at the nodes.
      The exact formulation of this problem is the following.
      Let \f$G=(V,A)\f$ be a digraph,
-     \f$lower, upper: A\rightarrow\mathbf{R}^+_0\f$,
-     \f$delta: V\rightarrow\mathbf{R}\f$. Find a feasible circulation
-     \f$f: A\rightarrow\mathbf{R}^+_0\f$ so that
-     \f[ \sum_{a\in\delta_{out}(v)} f(a) - \sum_{a\in\delta_{in}(v)} f(a)
-     \geq delta(v) \quad \forall v\in V, \f]
-     \f[ lower(a)\leq f(a) \leq upper(a) \quad \forall a\in A. \f]
-     \note \f$delta(v)\f$ specifies a lower bound for the supply of node
-     \f$v\f$. It can be either positive or negative, however note that
-     \f$\sum_{v\in V}delta(v)\f$ should be zero or negative in order to
-     have a feasible solution.
+     \f$lower, upper: A\rightarrow\mathbf{R}^+_0\f$ denote the lower and
+     upper bounds on the arcs, for which \f$0 \leq lower(uv) \leq upper(uv)\f$
+     holds for all \f$uv\in A\f$, and \f$sup: V\rightarrow\mathbf{R}\f$
+     denotes the signed supply values of the nodes.
+     If \f$sup(u)>0\f$, then \f$u\f$ is a supply node with \f$sup(u)\f$
+     supply, if \f$sup(u)<0\f$, then \f$u\f$ is a demand node with
+     \f$-sup(u)\f$ demand.
+     A feasible circulation is an \f$f: A\rightarrow\mathbf{R}^+_0\f$
+     solution of the following problem.
-     \note A special case of this problem is when
-     \f$\sum_{v\in V}delta(v) = 0\f$. Then the supply of each node \f$v\f$
-     will be \e equal \e to \f$delta(v)\f$, if a circulation can be found.
-     Thus a feasible solution for the
-     \ref min_cost_flow "minimum cost flow" problem can be calculated
-     in this way.
+     \f[ \sum_{uv\in A} f(uv) - \sum_{vu\in A} f(vu)
+     \geq sup(u) \quad \forall u\in V, \f]
+     \f[ lower(uv) \leq f(uv) \leq upper(uv) \quad \forall uv\in A. \f]
+     The sum of the supply values, i.e. \f$\sum_{u\in V} sup(u)\f$ must be
+     zero or negative in order to have a feasible solution (since the sum
+     of the expressions on the left-hand side of the inequalities is zero).
+     It means that the total demand must be greater or equal to the total
+     supply and all the supplies have to be carried out from the supply nodes,
+     but there could be demands that are not satisfied.
+     If \f$\sum_{u\in V} sup(u)\f$ is zero, then all the supply/demand
+     constraints have to be satisfied with equality, i.e. all demands
+     have to be satisfied and all supplies have to be used.
+     If you need the opposite inequalities in the supply/demand constraints
+     (i.e. the total demand is less than the total supply and all the demands
+     have to be satisfied while there could be supplies that are not used),
+     then you could easily transform the problem to the above form by reversing
+     the direction of the arcs and taking the negative of the supply values
+     (e.g. using \ref ReverseDigraph and \ref NegMap adaptors).
+     Note that this algorithm also provides a feasible solution for the
+     \ref min_cost_flow "minimum cost flow problem".
      \tparam GR The type of the digraph the algorithm runs on.
-     \tparam LM The type of the lower bound capacity map. The default
+     \tparam LM The type of the lower bound map. The default
      map type is \ref concepts::Digraph::ArcMap "GR::ArcMap<int>".
-     \tparam UM The type of the upper bound capacity map. The default
-     map type is \c LM.
-     \tparam DM The type of the map that stores the lower bound
-     for the supply of the nodes. The default map type is
+     \tparam UM The type of the upper bound (capacity) map.
+     The default map type is \c LM.
+     \tparam SM The type of the supply map. The default map type is
      \ref concepts::Digraph::NodeMap "GR::NodeMap<UM::Value>".
 #ifdef DOXYGEN
 template< typename GR,
           typename LM,
           typename UM,
-          typename DM,
+          typename SM,
           typename TR >
 template< typename GR,
           typename LM = typename GR::template ArcMap<int>,
           typename UM = LM,
-          typename DM = typename GR::template NodeMap<typename UM::Value>,
-          typename TR = CirculationDefaultTraits<GR, LM, UM, DM> >
+          typename SM = typename GR::template NodeMap<typename UM::Value>,
+          typename TR = CirculationDefaultTraits<GR, LM, UM, SM> >
   class Circulation {
@@ -167,15 +183,14 @@
     ///The type of the digraph the algorithm runs on.
     typedef typename Traits::Digraph Digraph;
     ///The type of the flow values.
-    typedef typename Traits::Value Value;
+    typedef typename Traits::Flow Flow;
-    /// The type of the lower bound capacity map.
-    typedef typename Traits::LCapMap LCapMap;
-    /// The type of the upper bound capacity map.
-    typedef typename Traits::UCapMap UCapMap;
-    /// \brief The type of the map that stores the lower bound for
-    /// the supply of the nodes.
-    typedef typename Traits::DeltaMap DeltaMap;
+    ///The type of the lower bound map.
+    typedef typename Traits::LowerMap LowerMap;
+    ///The type of the upper bound (capacity) map.
+    typedef typename Traits::UpperMap UpperMap;
+    ///The type of the supply map.
+    typedef typename Traits::SupplyMap SupplyMap;
     ///The type of the flow map.
     typedef typename Traits::FlowMap FlowMap;
@@ -191,9 +206,9 @@
     const Digraph &_g;
     int _node_num;
-    const LCapMap *_lo;
-    const UCapMap *_up;
-    const DeltaMap *_delta;
+    const LowerMap *_lo;
+    const UpperMap *_up;
+    const SupplyMap *_supply;
     FlowMap *_flow;
     bool _local_flow;
@@ -201,7 +216,7 @@
     Elevator* _level;
     bool _local_level;
-    typedef typename Digraph::template NodeMap<Value> ExcessMap;
+    typedef typename Digraph::template NodeMap<Flow> ExcessMap;
     ExcessMap* _excess;
     Tolerance _tol;
@@ -231,9 +246,9 @@
     /// type.
     template <typename _FlowMap>
     struct SetFlowMap
-      : public Circulation<Digraph, LCapMap, UCapMap, DeltaMap,
+      : public Circulation<Digraph, LowerMap, UpperMap, SupplyMap,
                            SetFlowMapTraits<_FlowMap> > {
-      typedef Circulation<Digraph, LCapMap, UCapMap, DeltaMap,
+      typedef Circulation<Digraph, LowerMap, UpperMap, SupplyMap,
                           SetFlowMapTraits<_FlowMap> > Create;
@@ -257,9 +272,9 @@
     /// \sa SetStandardElevator
     template <typename _Elevator>
     struct SetElevator
-      : public Circulation<Digraph, LCapMap, UCapMap, DeltaMap,
+      : public Circulation<Digraph, LowerMap, UpperMap, SupplyMap,
                            SetElevatorTraits<_Elevator> > {
-      typedef Circulation<Digraph, LCapMap, UCapMap, DeltaMap,
+      typedef Circulation<Digraph, LowerMap, UpperMap, SupplyMap,
                           SetElevatorTraits<_Elevator> > Create;
@@ -285,9 +300,9 @@
     /// \sa SetElevator
     template <typename _Elevator>
     struct SetStandardElevator
-      : public Circulation<Digraph, LCapMap, UCapMap, DeltaMap,
+      : public Circulation<Digraph, LowerMap, UpperMap, SupplyMap,
                        SetStandardElevatorTraits<_Elevator> > {
-      typedef Circulation<Digraph, LCapMap, UCapMap, DeltaMap,
+      typedef Circulation<Digraph, LowerMap, UpperMap, SupplyMap,
                       SetStandardElevatorTraits<_Elevator> > Create;
@@ -299,18 +314,20 @@
-    /// The constructor of the class.
+    /// Constructor.
     /// The constructor of the class.
-    /// \param g The digraph the algorithm runs on.
-    /// \param lo The lower bound capacity of the arcs.
-    /// \param up The upper bound capacity of the arcs.
-    /// \param delta The lower bound for the supply of the nodes.
-    Circulation(const Digraph &g,const LCapMap &lo,
-                const UCapMap &up,const DeltaMap &delta)
-      : _g(g), _node_num(),
-        _lo(&lo),_up(&up),_delta(&delta),_flow(0),_local_flow(false),
-        _level(0), _local_level(false), _excess(0), _el() {}
+    ///
+    /// \param graph The digraph the algorithm runs on.
+    /// \param lower The lower bounds for the flow values on the arcs.
+    /// \param upper The upper bounds (capacities) for the flow values 
+    /// on the arcs.
+    /// \param supply The signed supply values of the nodes.
+    Circulation(const Digraph &graph, const LowerMap &lower,
+                const UpperMap &upper, const SupplyMap &supply)
+      : _g(graph), _lo(&lower), _up(&upper), _supply(&supply),
+        _flow(NULL), _local_flow(false), _level(NULL), _local_level(false),
+        _excess(NULL) {}
     /// Destructor.
     ~Circulation() {
@@ -350,30 +367,30 @@
-    /// Sets the lower bound capacity map.
+    /// Sets the lower bound map.
-    /// Sets the lower bound capacity map.
+    /// Sets the lower bound map.
     /// \return <tt>(*this)</tt>
-    Circulation& lowerCapMap(const LCapMap& map) {
+    Circulation& lowerMap(const LowerMap& map) {
       _lo = &map;
       return *this;
-    /// Sets the upper bound capacity map.
+    /// Sets the upper bound (capacity) map.
-    /// Sets the upper bound capacity map.
+    /// Sets the upper bound (capacity) map.
     /// \return <tt>(*this)</tt>
-    Circulation& upperCapMap(const LCapMap& map) {
+    Circulation& upperMap(const LowerMap& map) {
       _up = &map;
       return *this;
-    /// Sets the lower bound map for the supply of the nodes.
+    /// Sets the supply map.
-    /// Sets the lower bound map for the supply of the nodes.
+    /// Sets the supply map.
     /// \return <tt>(*this)</tt>
-    Circulation& deltaMap(const DeltaMap& map) {
-      _delta = &map;
+    Circulation& supplyMap(const SupplyMap& map) {
+      _supply = &map;
       return *this;
@@ -453,7 +470,7 @@
       for(NodeIt n(_g);n!=INVALID;++n) {
-        _excess->set(n, (*_delta)[n]);
+        _excess->set(n, (*_supply)[n]);
       for (ArcIt e(_g);e!=INVALID;++e) {
@@ -482,7 +499,7 @@
       for(NodeIt n(_g);n!=INVALID;++n) {
-        _excess->set(n, (*_delta)[n]);
+        _excess->set(n, (*_supply)[n]);
       for (ArcIt e(_g);e!=INVALID;++e) {
@@ -495,7 +512,7 @@
           _excess->set(_g.target(e), (*_excess)[_g.target(e)] + (*_lo)[e]);
           _excess->set(_g.source(e), (*_excess)[_g.source(e)] - (*_lo)[e]);
         } else {
-          Value fc = -(*_excess)[_g.target(e)];
+          Flow fc = -(*_excess)[_g.target(e)];
           _flow->set(e, fc);
           _excess->set(_g.target(e), 0);
           _excess->set(_g.source(e), (*_excess)[_g.source(e)] - fc);
@@ -528,11 +545,11 @@
       while((act=_level->highestActive())!=INVALID) {
         int actlevel=(*_level)[act];
         int mlevel=_node_num;
-        Value exc=(*_excess)[act];
+        Flow exc=(*_excess)[act];
         for(OutArcIt e(_g,act);e!=INVALID; ++e) {
           Node v = _g.target(e);
-          Value fc=(*_up)[e]-(*_flow)[e];
+          Flow fc=(*_up)[e]-(*_flow)[e];
           if(!_tol.positive(fc)) continue;
           if((*_level)[v]<actlevel) {
             if(!_tol.less(fc, exc)) {
@@ -556,7 +573,7 @@
         for(InArcIt e(_g,act);e!=INVALID; ++e) {
           Node v = _g.source(e);
-          Value fc=(*_flow)[e]-(*_lo)[e];
+          Flow fc=(*_flow)[e]-(*_lo)[e];
           if(!_tol.positive(fc)) continue;
           if((*_level)[v]<actlevel) {
             if(!_tol.less(fc, exc)) {
@@ -632,7 +649,7 @@
     /// \pre Either \ref run() or \ref init() must be called before
     /// using this function.
-    Value flow(const Arc& arc) const {
+    Flow flow(const Arc& arc) const {
       return (*_flow)[arc];
@@ -651,8 +668,8 @@
        Barrier is a set \e B of nodes for which
-       \f[ \sum_{a\in\delta_{out}(B)} upper(a) -
-           \sum_{a\in\delta_{in}(B)} lower(a) < \sum_{v\in B}delta(v) \f]
+       \f[ \sum_{uv\in A: u\in B} upper(uv) -
+           \sum_{uv\in A: v\in B} lower(uv) < \sum_{v\in B} sup(v) \f]
        holds. The existence of a set with this property prooves that a
        feasible circualtion cannot exist.
@@ -715,7 +732,7 @@
         if((*_flow)[e]<(*_lo)[e]||(*_flow)[e]>(*_up)[e]) return false;
       for(NodeIt n(_g);n!=INVALID;++n)
-          Value dif=-(*_delta)[n];
+          Flow dif=-(*_supply)[n];
           for(InArcIt e(_g,n);e!=INVALID;++e) dif-=(*_flow)[e];
           for(OutArcIt e(_g,n);e!=INVALID;++e) dif+=(*_flow)[e];
           if(_tol.negative(dif)) return false;
@@ -730,10 +747,10 @@
     ///\sa barrierMap()
     bool checkBarrier() const
-      Value delta=0;
+      Flow delta=0;
       for(NodeIt n(_g);n!=INVALID;++n)
-          delta-=(*_delta)[n];
+          delta-=(*_supply)[n];
       for(ArcIt e(_g);e!=INVALID;++e)
           Node s=_g.source(e);
diff -r e6927fe719e6 -r dacc2cee2b4c lemon/preflow.h
--- a/lemon/preflow.h	Fri Apr 17 18:04:36 2009 +0200
+++ b/lemon/preflow.h	Fri Apr 17 18:14:35 2009 +0200
@@ -46,18 +46,18 @@
     typedef CM CapacityMap;
     /// \brief The type of the flow values.
-    typedef typename CapacityMap::Value Value;
+    typedef typename CapacityMap::Value Flow;
     /// \brief The type of the map that stores the flow values.
     /// The type of the map that stores the flow values.
     /// It must meet the \ref concepts::ReadWriteMap "ReadWriteMap" concept.
-    typedef typename Digraph::template ArcMap<Value> FlowMap;
+    typedef typename Digraph::template ArcMap<Flow> FlowMap;
     /// \brief Instantiates a FlowMap.
     /// This function instantiates a \ref FlowMap.
-    /// \param digraph The digraph, to which we would like to define
+    /// \param digraph The digraph for which we would like to define
     /// the flow map.
     static FlowMap* createFlowMap(const Digraph& digraph) {
       return new FlowMap(digraph);
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@
     /// \brief Instantiates an Elevator.
     /// This function instantiates an \ref Elevator.
-    /// \param digraph The digraph, to which we would like to define
+    /// \param digraph The digraph for which we would like to define
     /// the elevator.
     /// \param max_level The maximum level of the elevator.
     static Elevator* createElevator(const Digraph& digraph, int max_level) {
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@
     /// \brief The tolerance used by the algorithm
     /// The tolerance used by the algorithm to handle inexact computation.
-    typedef lemon::Tolerance<Value> Tolerance;
+    typedef lemon::Tolerance<Flow> Tolerance;
@@ -124,7 +124,7 @@
     ///The type of the capacity map.
     typedef typename Traits::CapacityMap CapacityMap;
     ///The type of the flow values.
-    typedef typename Traits::Value Value;
+    typedef typename Traits::Flow Flow;
     ///The type of the flow map.
     typedef typename Traits::FlowMap FlowMap;
@@ -150,7 +150,7 @@
     Elevator* _level;
     bool _local_level;
-    typedef typename Digraph::template NodeMap<Value> ExcessMap;
+    typedef typename Digraph::template NodeMap<Flow> ExcessMap;
     ExcessMap* _excess;
     Tolerance _tolerance;
@@ -469,7 +469,7 @@
       for (NodeIt n(_graph); n != INVALID; ++n) {
-        Value excess = 0;
+        Flow excess = 0;
         for (InArcIt e(_graph, n); e != INVALID; ++e) {
           excess += (*_flow)[e];
@@ -518,7 +518,7 @@
       for (OutArcIt e(_graph, _source); e != INVALID; ++e) {
-        Value rem = (*_capacity)[e] - (*_flow)[e];
+        Flow rem = (*_capacity)[e] - (*_flow)[e];
         if (_tolerance.positive(rem)) {
           Node u = _graph.target(e);
           if ((*_level)[u] == _level->maxLevel()) continue;
@@ -530,7 +530,7 @@
       for (InArcIt e(_graph, _source); e != INVALID; ++e) {
-        Value rem = (*_flow)[e];
+        Flow rem = (*_flow)[e];
         if (_tolerance.positive(rem)) {
           Node v = _graph.source(e);
           if ((*_level)[v] == _level->maxLevel()) continue;
@@ -563,11 +563,11 @@
         int num = _node_num;
         while (num > 0 && n != INVALID) {
-          Value excess = (*_excess)[n];
+          Flow excess = (*_excess)[n];
           int new_level = _level->maxLevel();
           for (OutArcIt e(_graph, n); e != INVALID; ++e) {
-            Value rem = (*_capacity)[e] - (*_flow)[e];
+            Flow rem = (*_capacity)[e] - (*_flow)[e];
             if (!_tolerance.positive(rem)) continue;
             Node v = _graph.target(e);
             if ((*_level)[v] < level) {
@@ -590,7 +590,7 @@
           for (InArcIt e(_graph, n); e != INVALID; ++e) {
-            Value rem = (*_flow)[e];
+            Flow rem = (*_flow)[e];
             if (!_tolerance.positive(rem)) continue;
             Node v = _graph.source(e);
             if ((*_level)[v] < level) {
@@ -636,11 +636,11 @@
         num = _node_num * 20;
         while (num > 0 && n != INVALID) {
-          Value excess = (*_excess)[n];
+          Flow excess = (*_excess)[n];
           int new_level = _level->maxLevel();
           for (OutArcIt e(_graph, n); e != INVALID; ++e) {
-            Value rem = (*_capacity)[e] - (*_flow)[e];
+            Flow rem = (*_capacity)[e] - (*_flow)[e];
             if (!_tolerance.positive(rem)) continue;
             Node v = _graph.target(e);
             if ((*_level)[v] < level) {
@@ -663,7 +663,7 @@
           for (InArcIt e(_graph, n); e != INVALID; ++e) {
-            Value rem = (*_flow)[e];
+            Flow rem = (*_flow)[e];
             if (!_tolerance.positive(rem)) continue;
             Node v = _graph.source(e);
             if ((*_level)[v] < level) {
@@ -777,12 +777,12 @@
       Node n;
       while ((n = _level->highestActive()) != INVALID) {
-        Value excess = (*_excess)[n];
+        Flow excess = (*_excess)[n];
         int level = _level->highestActiveLevel();
         int new_level = _level->maxLevel();
         for (OutArcIt e(_graph, n); e != INVALID; ++e) {
-          Value rem = (*_capacity)[e] - (*_flow)[e];
+          Flow rem = (*_capacity)[e] - (*_flow)[e];
           if (!_tolerance.positive(rem)) continue;
           Node v = _graph.target(e);
           if ((*_level)[v] < level) {
@@ -805,7 +805,7 @@
         for (InArcIt e(_graph, n); e != INVALID; ++e) {
-          Value rem = (*_flow)[e];
+          Flow rem = (*_flow)[e];
           if (!_tolerance.positive(rem)) continue;
           Node v = _graph.source(e);
           if ((*_level)[v] < level) {
@@ -896,7 +896,7 @@
     /// \pre Either \ref run() or \ref init() must be called before
     /// using this function.
-    Value flowValue() const {
+    Flow flowValue() const {
       return (*_excess)[_target];
@@ -907,7 +907,7 @@
     /// \pre Either \ref run() or \ref init() must be called before
     /// using this function.
-    Value flow(const Arc& arc) const {
+    Flow flow(const Arc& arc) const {
       return (*_flow)[arc];
diff -r e6927fe719e6 -r dacc2cee2b4c test/circulation_test.cc
--- a/test/circulation_test.cc	Fri Apr 17 18:04:36 2009 +0200
+++ b/test/circulation_test.cc	Fri Apr 17 18:14:35 2009 +0200
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@
   typedef Digraph::Node Node;
   typedef Digraph::Arc Arc;
   typedef concepts::ReadMap<Arc,VType> CapMap;
-  typedef concepts::ReadMap<Node,VType> DeltaMap;
+  typedef concepts::ReadMap<Node,VType> SupplyMap;
   typedef concepts::ReadWriteMap<Arc,VType> FlowMap;
   typedef concepts::WriteMap<Node,bool> BarrierMap;
@@ -68,19 +68,19 @@
   Node n;
   Arc a;
   CapMap lcap, ucap;
-  DeltaMap delta;
+  SupplyMap supply;
   FlowMap flow;
   BarrierMap bar;
-  Circulation<Digraph, CapMap, CapMap, DeltaMap>
+  Circulation<Digraph, CapMap, CapMap, SupplyMap>
-    ::Create circ_test(g,lcap,ucap,delta);
+    ::Create circ_test(g,lcap,ucap,supply);
-  circ_test.lowerCapMap(lcap);
-  circ_test.upperCapMap(ucap);
-  circ_test.deltaMap(delta);
+  circ_test.lowerMap(lcap);
+  circ_test.upperMap(ucap);
+  circ_test.supplyMap(supply);
   flow = circ_test.flowMap();