Unify DynArcLookUp interface (ticket #127)
authorBalazs Dezso <deba@inf.elte.hu>
Wed, 23 Jul 2008 19:32:48 +0200 (2008-07-23)
changeset 23328239207a8a3
parent 232 e39056157d24
child 234 ad6b8c47bd56
Unify DynArcLookUp interface (ticket #127)
     1.1 --- a/lemon/core.h	Wed Jul 23 19:21:20 2008 +0200
     1.2 +++ b/lemon/core.h	Wed Jul 23 19:32:48 2008 +0200
     1.3 @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
     1.4  ///\brief LEMON core utilities.
     1.5  ///
     1.6  ///This header file contains core utilities for LEMON.
     1.7 -///It is automatically included by all graph types, therefore it usually 
     1.8 +///It is automatically included by all graph types, therefore it usually
     1.9  ///do not have to be included directly.
    1.11  namespace lemon {
    1.12 @@ -1171,11 +1171,11 @@
    1.13    ///Dynamic arc look up between given endpoints.
    1.15    ///Using this class, you can find an arc in a digraph from a given
    1.16 -  ///source to a given target in amortized time <em>O(log d)</em>,
    1.17 +  ///source to a given target in amortized time <em>O(log</em>d<em>)</em>,
    1.18    ///where <em>d</em> is the out-degree of the source node.
    1.19    ///
    1.20    ///It is possible to find \e all parallel arcs between two nodes with
    1.21 -  ///the \c findFirst() and \c findNext() members.
    1.22 +  ///the \c operator() member.
    1.23    ///
    1.24    ///See the \ref ArcLookUp and \ref AllArcLookUp classes if your
    1.25    ///digraph is not changed so frequently.
    1.26 @@ -1423,8 +1423,8 @@
    1.27      void refresh() {
    1.28        for(NodeIt n(_g);n!=INVALID;++n) {
    1.29          std::vector<Arc> v;
    1.30 -        for(OutArcIt e(_g,n);e!=INVALID;++e) v.push_back(e);
    1.31 -        if(v.size()) {
    1.32 +        for(OutArcIt a(_g,n);a!=INVALID;++a) v.push_back(a);
    1.33 +        if (!v.empty()) {
    1.34            std::sort(v.begin(),v.end(),ArcLess(_g));
    1.35            Arc head = refreshRec(v,0,v.size()-1);
    1.36            _head.set(n, head);
    1.37 @@ -1506,113 +1506,83 @@
    1.39      ///Find an arc between two nodes.
    1.41 -    ///Find an arc between two nodes in time <em>O(</em>log<em>d)</em>, where
    1.42 -    /// <em>d</em> is the number of outgoing arcs of \c s.
    1.43 +    ///Find an arc between two nodes.
    1.44      ///\param s The source node
    1.45      ///\param t The target node
    1.46 -    ///\return An arc from \c s to \c t if there exists,
    1.47 -    ///\ref INVALID otherwise.
    1.48 -    Arc operator()(Node s, Node t) const
    1.49 -    {
    1.50 -      Arc a = _head[s];
    1.51 -      if (a == INVALID) return INVALID;
    1.52 -      while (true) {
    1.53 -        if (_g.target(a) == t) {
    1.54 +    ///\param p The previous arc between \c s and \c t. It it is INVALID or
    1.55 +    ///not given, the operator finds the first appropriate arc.
    1.56 +    ///\return An arc from \c s to \c t after \c p or
    1.57 +    ///\ref INVALID if there is no more.
    1.58 +    ///
    1.59 +    ///For example, you can count the number of arcs from \c u to \c v in the
    1.60 +    ///following way.
    1.61 +    ///\code
    1.62 +    ///DynArcLookUp<ListDigraph> ae(g);
    1.63 +    ///...
    1.64 +    ///int n=0;
    1.65 +    ///for(Arc e=ae(u,v);e!=INVALID;e=ae(u,v,e)) n++;
    1.66 +    ///\endcode
    1.67 +    ///
    1.68 +    ///Finding the arcs take at most <em>O(</em>log<em>d)</em>
    1.69 +    ///amortized time, specifically, the time complexity of the lookups
    1.70 +    ///is equal to the optimal search tree implementation for the
    1.71 +    ///current query distribution in a constant factor.
    1.72 +    ///
    1.73 +    ///\note This is a dynamic data structure, therefore the data
    1.74 +    ///structure is updated after each graph alteration. However,
    1.75 +    ///theoretically this data structure is faster than \c ArcLookUp
    1.76 +    ///or AllEdgeLookup, but it often provides worse performance than
    1.77 +    ///them.
    1.78 +    ///
    1.79 +    Arc operator()(Node s, Node t, Arc p = INVALID) const  {
    1.80 +      if (p == INVALID) {
    1.81 +        Arc a = _head[s];
    1.82 +        if (a == INVALID) return INVALID;
    1.83 +        Arc r = INVALID;
    1.84 +        while (true) {
    1.85 +          if (_g.target(a) < t) {
    1.86 +            if (_right[a] == INVALID) {
    1.87 +              const_cast<DynArcLookUp&>(*this).splay(a);
    1.88 +              return r;
    1.89 +            } else {
    1.90 +              a = _right[a];
    1.91 +            }
    1.92 +          } else {
    1.93 +            if (_g.target(a) == t) {
    1.94 +              r = a;
    1.95 +            }
    1.96 +            if (_left[a] == INVALID) {
    1.97 +              const_cast<DynArcLookUp&>(*this).splay(a);
    1.98 +              return r;
    1.99 +            } else {
   1.100 +              a = _left[a];
   1.101 +            }
   1.102 +          }
   1.103 +        }
   1.104 +      } else {
   1.105 +        Arc a = p;
   1.106 +        if (_right[a] != INVALID) {
   1.107 +          a = _right[a];
   1.108 +          while (_left[a] != INVALID) {
   1.109 +            a = _left[a];
   1.110 +          }
   1.111            const_cast<DynArcLookUp&>(*this).splay(a);
   1.112 -          return a;
   1.113 -        } else if (t < _g.target(a)) {
   1.114 -          if (_left[a] == INVALID) {
   1.115 -            const_cast<DynArcLookUp&>(*this).splay(a);
   1.116 +        } else {
   1.117 +          while (_parent[a] != INVALID && _right[_parent[a]] ==  a) {
   1.118 +            a = _parent[a];
   1.119 +          }
   1.120 +          if (_parent[a] == INVALID) {
   1.121              return INVALID;
   1.122            } else {
   1.123 -            a = _left[a];
   1.124 -          }
   1.125 -        } else  {
   1.126 -          if (_right[a] == INVALID) {
   1.127 +            a = _parent[a];
   1.128              const_cast<DynArcLookUp&>(*this).splay(a);
   1.129 -            return INVALID;
   1.130 -          } else {
   1.131 -            a = _right[a];
   1.132            }
   1.133          }
   1.134 +        if (_g.target(a) == t) return a;
   1.135 +        else return INVALID;
   1.136        }
   1.137      }
   1.139 -    ///Find the first arc between two nodes.
   1.140 -
   1.141 -    ///Find the first arc between two nodes in time
   1.142 -    /// <em>O(</em>log<em>d)</em>, where <em>d</em> is the number of
   1.143 -    /// outgoing arcs of \c s.
   1.144 -    ///\param s The source node
   1.145 -    ///\param t The target node
   1.146 -    ///\return An arc from \c s to \c t if there exists, \ref INVALID
   1.147 -    /// otherwise.
   1.148 -    Arc findFirst(Node s, Node t) const
   1.149 -    {
   1.150 -      Arc a = _head[s];
   1.151 -      if (a == INVALID) return INVALID;
   1.152 -      Arc r = INVALID;
   1.153 -      while (true) {
   1.154 -        if (_g.target(a) < t) {
   1.155 -          if (_right[a] == INVALID) {
   1.156 -            const_cast<DynArcLookUp&>(*this).splay(a);
   1.157 -            return r;
   1.158 -          } else {
   1.159 -            a = _right[a];
   1.160 -          }
   1.161 -        } else {
   1.162 -          if (_g.target(a) == t) {
   1.163 -            r = a;
   1.164 -          }
   1.165 -          if (_left[a] == INVALID) {
   1.166 -            const_cast<DynArcLookUp&>(*this).splay(a);
   1.167 -            return r;
   1.168 -          } else {
   1.169 -            a = _left[a];
   1.170 -          }
   1.171 -        }
   1.172 -      }
   1.173 -    }
   1.174 -
   1.175 -    ///Find the next arc between two nodes.
   1.176 -
   1.177 -    ///Find the next arc between two nodes in time
   1.178 -    /// <em>O(</em>log<em>d)</em>, where <em>d</em> is the number of
   1.179 -    /// outgoing arcs of \c s.
   1.180 -    ///\param s The source node
   1.181 -    ///\param t The target node
   1.182 -    ///\return An arc from \c s to \c t if there exists, \ref INVALID
   1.183 -    /// otherwise.
   1.184 -
   1.185 -    ///\note If \c e is not the result of the previous \c findFirst()
   1.186 -    ///operation then the amorized time bound can not be guaranteed.
   1.187 -#ifdef DOXYGEN
   1.188 -    Arc findNext(Node s, Node t, Arc a) const
   1.189 -#else
   1.190 -    Arc findNext(Node, Node t, Arc a) const
   1.191 -#endif
   1.192 -    {
   1.193 -      if (_right[a] != INVALID) {
   1.194 -        a = _right[a];
   1.195 -        while (_left[a] != INVALID) {
   1.196 -          a = _left[a];
   1.197 -        }
   1.198 -        const_cast<DynArcLookUp&>(*this).splay(a);
   1.199 -      } else {
   1.200 -        while (_parent[a] != INVALID && _right[_parent[a]] ==  a) {
   1.201 -          a = _parent[a];
   1.202 -        }
   1.203 -        if (_parent[a] == INVALID) {
   1.204 -          return INVALID;
   1.205 -        } else {
   1.206 -          a = _parent[a];
   1.207 -          const_cast<DynArcLookUp&>(*this).splay(a);
   1.208 -        }
   1.209 -      }
   1.210 -      if (_g.target(a) == t) return a;
   1.211 -      else return INVALID;
   1.212 -    }
   1.213 -
   1.214    };
   1.216    ///Fast arc look up between given endpoints.