alpar@38: #!/bin/bash
alpar@733: #
alpar@733: # This file is a part of LEMON, a generic C++ optimization library.
alpar@733: #
alpar@733: # Copyright (C) 2003-2009
alpar@733: # Egervary Jeno Kombinatorikus Optimalizalasi Kutatocsoport
alpar@733: # (Egervary Research Group on Combinatorial Optimization, EGRES).
alpar@733: #
alpar@733: # Permission to use, modify and distribute this software is granted
alpar@733: # provided that this copyright notice appears in all copies. For
alpar@733: # precise terms see the accompanying LICENSE file.
alpar@733: #
alpar@733: # This software is provided "AS IS" with no warranty of any kind,
alpar@733: # express or implied, and with no claim as to its suitability for any
alpar@733: # purpose.
alpar@498: YEAR=`date +%Y`
alpar@38: HGROOT=`hg root`
alpar@498: function hg_year() {
alpar@498:     if [ -n "$(hg st $1)" ]; then
alpar@498:         echo $YEAR
alpar@655:     else
alpar@655:         hg log -l 1 --template='{date|isodate}\n' $1 |
alpar@655:         cut -d '-' -f 1
alpar@655:     fi
alpar@628: }
deba@324: # file enumaration modes
deba@324: function all_files() {
deba@324:     hg status -a -m -c |
deba@324:     cut -d ' ' -f 2 | grep -E '(\.(cc|h|dox)$|Makefile\.am$)' |
deba@324:     while read file; do echo $HGROOT/$file; done
deba@324: }
deba@324: function modified_files() {
deba@324:     hg status -a -m |
deba@324:     cut -d ' ' -f 2 | grep -E  '(\.(cc|h|dox)$|Makefile\.am$)' |
deba@324:     while read file; do echo $HGROOT/$file; done
deba@324: }
deba@324: function changed_files() {
deba@324:     {
deba@324:         if [ -n "$HG_PARENT1" ]
deba@324:         then
deba@324:             hg status --rev $HG_PARENT1:$HG_NODE -a -m
deba@324:         fi
deba@324:         if [ -n "$HG_PARENT2" ]
deba@324:         then
deba@324:             hg status --rev $HG_PARENT2:$HG_NODE -a -m
deba@324:         fi
deba@324:     } | cut -d ' ' -f 2 | grep -E '(\.(cc|h|dox)$|Makefile\.am$)' | 
deba@324:     sort | uniq |
deba@324:     while read file; do echo $HGROOT/$file; done
deba@324: }
deba@324: function given_files() {
deba@324:     for file in $GIVEN_FILES
deba@324:     do
deba@324: 	echo $file
deba@324:     done
deba@324: }
deba@324: # actions
deba@324: function update_action() {
deba@324:     if ! diff -q $1 $2 >/dev/null
deba@324:     then
deba@324: 	echo -n " [$3 updated]"
deba@324: 	rm $2
deba@324: 	mv $1 $2
deba@324: 	CHANGED=YES
alpar@498:     fi
alpar@498: }
deba@324: function update_warning() {
deba@324:     echo -n " [$2 warning]"
deba@324:     WARNED=YES
deba@324: }
deba@324: function update_init() {
deba@324:     echo Update source files...
deba@324:     TOTAL_FILES=0
deba@324:     CHANGED_FILES=0
deba@324:     WARNED_FILES=0
deba@324: }
deba@324: function update_done() {
deba@324:     echo $CHANGED_FILES out of $TOTAL_FILES files has been changed.
alpar@325:     echo $WARNED_FILES out of $TOTAL_FILES files triggered warnings.
deba@324: }
deba@324: function update_begin() {
deba@324:     ((TOTAL_FILES++))
deba@324:     CHANGED=NO
deba@324:     WARNED=NO
deba@324: }
deba@324: function update_end() {
deba@324:     if [ $CHANGED == YES ]
deba@324:     then
deba@324: 	((++CHANGED_FILES))
deba@324:     fi
deba@324:     if [ $WARNED == YES ]
deba@324:     then
deba@324: 	((++WARNED_FILES))
deba@324:     fi
deba@324: }
deba@324: function check_action() {
kpeter@341:     if [ "$3" == 'tabs' ]
kpeter@341:     then
kpeter@554:         if echo $2 | grep -q -v -E 'Makefile\.am$'
kpeter@554:         then
kpeter@554:             PATTERN=$(echo -e '\t')
kpeter@554:         else
kpeter@554:             PATTERN='        '
kpeter@554:         fi
kpeter@341:     elif [ "$3" == 'trailing spaces' ]
kpeter@341:     then
kpeter@341:         PATTERN='\ +$'
kpeter@341:     else
kpeter@341:         PATTERN='*'
kpeter@341:     fi
deba@324:     if ! diff -q $1 $2 >/dev/null
deba@324:     then
kpeter@341:         if [ "$PATTERN" == '*' ]
kpeter@341:         then
kpeter@341:             diff $1 $2 | grep '^[0-9]' | sed "s|^\(.*\)c.*$|$2:\1: check failed: $3|g" |
kpeter@341:               sed "s/:\([0-9]*\),\([0-9]*\):\(.*\)$/:\1:\3 (until line \2)/g"
kpeter@341:         else
kpeter@341:             grep -n -E "$PATTERN" $2 | sed "s|^\([0-9]*\):.*$|$2:\1: check failed: $3|g"
kpeter@341:         fi
kpeter@341:         FAILED=YES
deba@324:     fi
deba@324: }
deba@324: function check_warning() {
kpeter@329:     if [ "$2" == 'long lines' ]
kpeter@329:     then
kpeter@341:         grep -n -E '.{81,}' $1 | sed "s|^\([0-9]*\):.*$|$1:\1: warning: $2|g"
kpeter@329:     else
kpeter@341:         echo "$1: warning: $2"
kpeter@329:     fi
deba@324:     WARNED=YES
deba@324: }
deba@324: function check_init() {
deba@324:     echo Check source files...
deba@324:     FAILED_FILES=0
deba@324:     WARNED_FILES=0
deba@324:     TOTAL_FILES=0
deba@324: }
deba@324: function check_done() {
deba@324:     echo $FAILED_FILES out of $TOTAL_FILES files has been failed.
alpar@325:     echo $WARNED_FILES out of $TOTAL_FILES files triggered warnings.
kpeter@396:     if [ $WARNED_FILES -gt 0 -o $FAILED_FILES -gt 0 ]
deba@324:     then
deba@324: 	if [ "$WARNING" == 'INTERACTIVE' ]
deba@324: 	then
kpeter@396: 	    echo -n "Are the files with errors/warnings acceptable? (yes/no) "
deba@324: 	    while read answer
deba@324: 	    do
deba@324: 		if [ "$answer" == 'yes' ]
deba@324: 		then
deba@324: 		    return 0
deba@324: 		elif [ "$answer" == 'no' ]
deba@324: 		then
deba@324: 		    return 1
deba@324: 		fi
kpeter@396: 		echo -n "Are the files with errors/warnings acceptable? (yes/no) "
deba@324: 	    done
deba@324: 	elif [ "$WARNING" == 'WERROR' ]
deba@324: 	then
deba@324: 	    return 1
deba@324: 	fi
deba@324:     fi
deba@324: }
deba@324: function check_begin() {
deba@324:     ((TOTAL_FILES++))
deba@324:     FAILED=NO
deba@324:     WARNED=NO
deba@324: }
deba@324: function check_end() {
deba@324:     if [ $FAILED == YES ]
deba@324:     then
deba@324: 	((++FAILED_FILES))
deba@324:     fi
deba@324:     if [ $WARNED == YES ]
deba@324:     then
deba@324: 	((++WARNED_FILES))
deba@324:     fi
deba@324: }
deba@324: # checks
deba@324: function header_check() {
deba@324:     if echo $1 | grep -q -E 'Makefile\.am$'
deba@324:     then
deba@324: 	return
deba@324:     fi
alpar@38:     TMP_FILE=`mktemp`
alpar@208:     (echo "/* -*- mode: C++; indent-tabs-mode: nil; -*-
alpar@38:  *
alpar@208:  * This file is a part of LEMON, a generic C++ optimization library.
alpar@38:  *
alpar@498:  * Copyright (C) 2003-"$(hg_year $1)"
alpar@38:  * Egervary Jeno Kombinatorikus Optimalizalasi Kutatocsoport
alpar@38:  * (Egervary Research Group on Combinatorial Optimization, EGRES).
alpar@38:  *
alpar@38:  * Permission to use, modify and distribute this software is granted
alpar@38:  * provided that this copyright notice appears in all copies. For
alpar@38:  * precise terms see the accompanying LICENSE file.
alpar@38:  *
alpar@38:  * This software is provided \"AS IS\" with no warranty of any kind,
alpar@38:  * express or implied, and with no claim as to its suitability for any
alpar@38:  * purpose.
alpar@38:  *
alpar@38:  */
alpar@38: "
deba@324:     awk 'BEGIN { pm=0; }
alpar@38:      pm==3 { print }
alpar@38:      /\/\* / && pm==0 { pm=1;}
alpar@38:      /[^:blank:]/ && (pm==0 || pm==2) { pm=3; print;}
alpar@38:      /\*\// && pm==1 { pm=2;}
alpar@38:     ' $1
deba@324:     ) >$TMP_FILE
deba@324:     "$ACTION"_action "$TMP_FILE" "$1" header
alpar@38: }
deba@324: function tabs_check() {
deba@324:     if echo $1 | grep -q -v -E 'Makefile\.am$'
deba@324:     then
deba@324:         OLD_PATTERN=$(echo -e '\t')
deba@324:         NEW_PATTERN='        '
deba@324:     else
deba@324:         OLD_PATTERN='        '
deba@324:         NEW_PATTERN=$(echo -e '\t')
deba@324:     fi
alpar@208:     TMP_FILE=`mktemp`
deba@324:     cat $1 | sed -e "s/$OLD_PATTERN/$NEW_PATTERN/g" >$TMP_FILE
deba@324:     "$ACTION"_action "$TMP_FILE" "$1" 'tabs'
alpar@208: }
deba@324: function spaces_check() {
alpar@208:     TMP_FILE=`mktemp`
deba@324:     cat $1 | sed -e 's/ \+$//g' >$TMP_FILE
kpeter@328:     "$ACTION"_action "$TMP_FILE" "$1" 'trailing spaces'
alpar@208: }
deba@324: function long_lines_check() {
deba@324:     if cat $1 | grep -q -E '.{81,}'
alpar@208:     then
deba@324: 	"$ACTION"_warning $1 'long lines'
alpar@208:     fi
alpar@208: }
deba@324: # process the file
deba@324: function process_file() {
kpeter@341:     if [ "$ACTION" == 'update' ]
kpeter@341:     then
kpeter@341:         echo -n "    $ACTION $1..."
kpeter@341:     else
kpeter@341:         echo "	  $ACTION $1..."
kpeter@341:     fi
deba@324:     CHECKING="header tabs spaces long_lines"
deba@324:     "$ACTION"_begin $1
deba@324:     for check in $CHECKING
alpar@38:     do
deba@324: 	"$check"_check $1
alpar@38:     done
deba@324:     "$ACTION"_end $1
kpeter@341:     if [ "$ACTION" == 'update' ]
kpeter@341:     then
kpeter@341:         echo
kpeter@341:     fi
deba@324: }
deba@324: function process_all {
deba@324:     "$ACTION"_init
deba@324:     while read file
alpar@38:     do
deba@324: 	process_file $file
deba@324:     done < <($FILES)
deba@324:     "$ACTION"_done
deba@324: }
deba@324: while [ $# -gt 0 ]
deba@324: do
deba@324:     if [ "$1" == '--help' ] || [ "$1" == '-h' ]
deba@324:     then
deba@324: 	echo -n \
deba@324: "Usage:
deba@324:   $0 [OPTIONS] [files]
deba@324: Options:
deba@324:   --dry-run|-n
alpar@325:      Check the files, but do not modify them.
deba@324:   --interactive|-i
alpar@325:      If --dry-run is specified and the checker emits warnings,
alpar@325:      then the user is asked if the warnings should be considered
alpar@325:      errors.
deba@324:   --werror|-w
alpar@325:      Make all warnings into errors.
deba@324:   --all|-a
kpeter@328:      Check all source files in the repository.
deba@324:   --modified|-m
alpar@325:      Check only the modified (and new) source files. This option is
alpar@325:      useful to check the modification before making a commit.
deba@324:   --changed|-c
deba@324:      Check only the changed source files compared to the parent(s) of
alpar@325:      the current hg node.  This option is useful as hg hook script.
alpar@325:      To automatically check all your changes before making a commit,
alpar@325:      add the following section to the appropriate .hg/hgrc file.
deba@324:        [hooks]
deba@324:        pretxncommit.checksources = scripts/ -c -n -i
deba@324:   --help|-h
deba@324:      Print this help message.
deba@324:   files
kpeter@328:      The files to check/unify. If no file names are given, the modified
kpeter@328:      source files will be checked/unified (just like using the
kpeter@328:      --modified|-m option).
deba@324: "
deba@324:         exit 0
deba@324:     elif [ "$1" == '--dry-run' ] || [ "$1" == '-n' ]
deba@324:     then
kpeter@328: 	[ -n "$ACTION" ] && echo "Conflicting action options" >&2 && exit 1
deba@324: 	ACTION=check
deba@324:     elif [ "$1" == "--all" ] || [ "$1" == '-a' ]
deba@324:     then
kpeter@328: 	[ -n "$FILES" ] && echo "Conflicting target options" >&2 && exit 1
deba@324: 	FILES=all_files
deba@324:     elif [ "$1" == "--changed" ] || [ "$1" == '-c' ]
deba@324:     then
kpeter@328: 	[ -n "$FILES" ] && echo "Conflicting target options" >&2 && exit 1
deba@324: 	FILES=changed_files
deba@324:     elif [ "$1" == "--modified" ] || [ "$1" == '-m' ]
deba@324:     then
kpeter@328: 	[ -n "$FILES" ] && echo "Conflicting target options" >&2 && exit 1
deba@324: 	FILES=modified_files
deba@324:     elif [ "$1" == "--interactive" ] || [ "$1" == "-i" ]
deba@324:     then
kpeter@328: 	[ -n "$WARNING" ] && echo "Conflicting warning options" >&2 && exit 1
deba@324:     elif [ "$1" == "--werror" ] || [ "$1" == "-w" ]
deba@324:     then
kpeter@328: 	[ -n "$WARNING" ] && echo "Conflicting warning options" >&2 && exit 1
deba@324: 	WARNING='WERROR'
kpeter@328:     elif [ $(echo x$1 | cut -c 2) == '-' ]
deba@324:     then
deba@324: 	echo "Invalid option $1" >&2 && exit 1
deba@324:     else
deba@324: 	[ -n "$FILES" ] && echo "Invalid option $1" >&2 && exit 1
deba@324: 	GIVEN_FILES=$@
deba@324: 	FILES=given_files
deba@324: 	break
deba@324:     fi
deba@324:     shift
deba@324: done
deba@324: if [ -z $FILES ]
deba@324: then
deba@324:     FILES=modified_files
alpar@38: fi
deba@324: if [ -z $ACTION ]
deba@324: then
deba@324:     ACTION=update
alpar@208: fi
deba@324: process_all