author Alpar Juttner <alpar@cs.elte.hu>
Wed, 25 Aug 2010 21:34:58 +0200
changeset 927 16d466589b54
parent 661 ca92c2f936b0
child 681 532697c9fa53
permissions -rw-r--r--
Backport the CMAKE related changesets from the main branch

[e20fecd1945f] Add check target for CMake (#388)
[e74b5db4f2c6] Put the output of chg-len.py in the version string (#389)
[7d166b8b8018] Safer call of ./scripts/chg-len.py on Windows (#389)
[659ba4805a48] Make CMAKE config more consistent with configure.ac (#390)
[63e4468c680e] Add 'Maintainer' CMAKE build type (#388, #390)
[a725503acfe9] Allow CPACK configuration on all platforms
[10242c611190] Create and install lemon.pc (#393)
[48e29534cf03] The deafult target doesn't build lp_test and mip_test (#388)
[0fbbdd578c06] Full path for DoxygenLayout.xml in Doxyfile.in (#395)
[481496e6d71f] SOURCE_BROWSER Doxygen switch is configurable from CMAKE (#395)
[09282720100b] update-external-tags CMAKE target (#395)
     1 EXTRA_DIST += \
     2 	lemon/lemon.pc.in \
     3 	lemon/CMakeLists.txt \
     4 	lemon/config.h.cmake
     6 pkgconfig_DATA += lemon/lemon.pc
     8 lib_LTLIBRARIES += lemon/libemon.la
    10 lemon_libemon_la_SOURCES = \
    11 	lemon/arg_parser.cc \
    12 	lemon/base.cc \
    13 	lemon/color.cc \
    14 	lemon/lp_base.cc \
    15 	lemon/lp_skeleton.cc \
    16 	lemon/random.cc \
    17 	lemon/bits/windows.cc
    19 nodist_lemon_HEADERS = lemon/config.h	
    21 lemon_libemon_la_CXXFLAGS = \
    22 	$(AM_CXXFLAGS) \
    23 	$(GLPK_CFLAGS) \
    24 	$(CPLEX_CFLAGS) \
    25 	$(SOPLEX_CXXFLAGS) \
    26 	$(CLP_CXXFLAGS) \
    27 	$(CBC_CXXFLAGS)
    29 lemon_libemon_la_LDFLAGS = \
    30 	$(GLPK_LIBS) \
    31 	$(CPLEX_LIBS) \
    32 	$(SOPLEX_LIBS) \
    33 	$(CLP_LIBS) \
    34 	$(CBC_LIBS)
    36 if HAVE_GLPK
    37 lemon_libemon_la_SOURCES += lemon/glpk.cc
    38 endif
    40 if HAVE_CPLEX
    41 lemon_libemon_la_SOURCES += lemon/cplex.cc
    42 endif
    44 if HAVE_SOPLEX
    45 lemon_libemon_la_SOURCES += lemon/soplex.cc
    46 endif
    48 if HAVE_CLP
    49 lemon_libemon_la_SOURCES += lemon/clp.cc
    50 endif
    52 if HAVE_CBC
    53 lemon_libemon_la_SOURCES += lemon/cbc.cc
    54 endif
    56 lemon_HEADERS += \
    57 	lemon/adaptors.h \
    58 	lemon/arg_parser.h \
    59 	lemon/assert.h \
    60 	lemon/bfs.h \
    61 	lemon/bin_heap.h \
    62 	lemon/cbc.h \
    63 	lemon/circulation.h \
    64 	lemon/clp.h \
    65 	lemon/color.h \
    66 	lemon/concept_check.h \
    67 	lemon/connectivity.h \
    68 	lemon/counter.h \
    69 	lemon/core.h \
    70 	lemon/cplex.h \
    71 	lemon/dfs.h \
    72 	lemon/dijkstra.h \
    73 	lemon/dim2.h \
    74 	lemon/dimacs.h \
    75 	lemon/edge_set.h \
    76 	lemon/elevator.h \
    77 	lemon/error.h \
    78 	lemon/euler.h \
    79 	lemon/full_graph.h \
    80 	lemon/glpk.h \
    81 	lemon/gomory_hu.h \
    82 	lemon/graph_to_eps.h \
    83 	lemon/grid_graph.h \
    84 	lemon/hypercube_graph.h \
    85 	lemon/kruskal.h \
    86 	lemon/hao_orlin.h \
    87 	lemon/lgf_reader.h \
    88 	lemon/lgf_writer.h \
    89 	lemon/list_graph.h \
    90 	lemon/lp.h \
    91 	lemon/lp_base.h \
    92 	lemon/lp_skeleton.h \
    93 	lemon/list_graph.h \
    94 	lemon/maps.h \
    95 	lemon/matching.h \
    96 	lemon/math.h \
    97 	lemon/min_cost_arborescence.h \
    98 	lemon/nauty_reader.h \
    99 	lemon/network_simplex.h \
   100 	lemon/path.h \
   101 	lemon/preflow.h \
   102 	lemon/radix_sort.h \
   103 	lemon/random.h \
   104 	lemon/smart_graph.h \
   105 	lemon/soplex.h \
   106 	lemon/suurballe.h \
   107 	lemon/time_measure.h \
   108 	lemon/tolerance.h \
   109 	lemon/unionfind.h \
   110 	lemon/bits/windows.h
   112 bits_HEADERS += \
   113 	lemon/bits/alteration_notifier.h \
   114 	lemon/bits/array_map.h \
   115 	lemon/bits/bezier.h \
   116 	lemon/bits/default_map.h \
   117 	lemon/bits/edge_set_extender.h \
   118 	lemon/bits/enable_if.h \
   119 	lemon/bits/graph_adaptor_extender.h \
   120 	lemon/bits/graph_extender.h \
   121 	lemon/bits/map_extender.h \
   122 	lemon/bits/path_dump.h \
   123 	lemon/bits/solver_bits.h \
   124 	lemon/bits/traits.h \
   125 	lemon/bits/variant.h \
   126 	lemon/bits/vector_map.h
   128 concept_HEADERS += \
   129 	lemon/concepts/digraph.h \
   130 	lemon/concepts/graph.h \
   131 	lemon/concepts/graph_components.h \
   132 	lemon/concepts/heap.h \
   133 	lemon/concepts/maps.h \
   134 	lemon/concepts/path.h