author Peter Kovacs <kpeter@inf.elte.hu>
Tue, 15 Mar 2011 19:32:21 +0100
changeset 936 ddd3c0d3d9bf
parent 916 70bee017b584
parent 913 5087694945e4
child 950 2d583da4ba40
child 1035 07682e24c4e8
permissions -rw-r--r--
Implement the scaling Price Refinement heuristic in CostScaling (#417)
instead of Early Termination.

These two heuristics are similar, but the newer one is faster
and not only makes it possible to skip some epsilon phases, but
it can improve the performance of the other phases, as well.
     1 if USE_VALGRIND
     2 TESTS_ENVIRONMENT=$(top_srcdir)/scripts/valgrind-wrapper.sh
     3 endif
     5 EXTRA_DIST += \
     6 	test/CMakeLists.txt
     8 noinst_HEADERS += \
     9 	test/graph_test.h \
    10 	test/test_tools.h
    12 check_PROGRAMS += \
    13 	test/adaptors_test \
    14 	test/bellman_ford_test \
    15 	test/bfs_test \
    16 	test/circulation_test \
    17 	test/connectivity_test \
    18 	test/counter_test \
    19 	test/dfs_test \
    20 	test/digraph_test \
    21 	test/dijkstra_test \
    22 	test/dim_test \
    23 	test/edge_set_test \
    24 	test/error_test \
    25 	test/euler_test \
    26 	test/fractional_matching_test \
    27 	test/gomory_hu_test \
    28 	test/graph_copy_test \
    29 	test/graph_test \
    30 	test/graph_utils_test \
    31 	test/hao_orlin_test \
    32 	test/heap_test \
    33 	test/kruskal_test \
    34 	test/maps_test \
    35 	test/matching_test \
    36 	test/max_cardinality_search_test \
    37 	test/max_clique_test \
    38 	test/min_cost_arborescence_test \
    39 	test/min_cost_flow_test \
    40 	test/min_mean_cycle_test \
    41 	test/nagamochi_ibaraki_test \
    42 	test/path_test \
    43 	test/planarity_test \
    44 	test/preflow_test \
    45 	test/radix_sort_test \
    46 	test/random_test \
    47 	test/suurballe_test \
    48 	test/test_tools_fail \
    49 	test/test_tools_pass \
    50 	test/time_measure_test \
    51 	test/unionfind_test
    53 test_test_tools_pass_DEPENDENCIES = demo
    55 if HAVE_LP
    56 check_PROGRAMS += test/lp_test
    57 endif HAVE_LP
    58 if HAVE_MIP
    59 check_PROGRAMS += test/mip_test
    60 endif HAVE_MIP
    62 TESTS += $(check_PROGRAMS)
    63 XFAIL_TESTS += test/test_tools_fail$(EXEEXT)
    65 test_adaptors_test_SOURCES = test/adaptors_test.cc
    66 test_bellman_ford_test_SOURCES = test/bellman_ford_test.cc
    67 test_bfs_test_SOURCES = test/bfs_test.cc
    68 test_circulation_test_SOURCES = test/circulation_test.cc
    69 test_counter_test_SOURCES = test/counter_test.cc
    70 test_connectivity_test_SOURCES = test/connectivity_test.cc
    71 test_dfs_test_SOURCES = test/dfs_test.cc
    72 test_digraph_test_SOURCES = test/digraph_test.cc
    73 test_dijkstra_test_SOURCES = test/dijkstra_test.cc
    74 test_dim_test_SOURCES = test/dim_test.cc
    75 test_edge_set_test_SOURCES = test/edge_set_test.cc
    76 test_error_test_SOURCES = test/error_test.cc
    77 test_euler_test_SOURCES = test/euler_test.cc
    78 test_fractional_matching_test_SOURCES = test/fractional_matching_test.cc
    79 test_gomory_hu_test_SOURCES = test/gomory_hu_test.cc
    80 test_graph_copy_test_SOURCES = test/graph_copy_test.cc
    81 test_graph_test_SOURCES = test/graph_test.cc
    82 test_graph_utils_test_SOURCES = test/graph_utils_test.cc
    83 test_heap_test_SOURCES = test/heap_test.cc
    84 test_kruskal_test_SOURCES = test/kruskal_test.cc
    85 test_hao_orlin_test_SOURCES = test/hao_orlin_test.cc
    86 test_lp_test_SOURCES = test/lp_test.cc
    87 test_maps_test_SOURCES = test/maps_test.cc
    88 test_mip_test_SOURCES = test/mip_test.cc
    89 test_matching_test_SOURCES = test/matching_test.cc
    90 test_max_cardinality_search_test_SOURCES = test/max_cardinality_search_test.cc
    91 test_max_clique_test_SOURCES = test/max_clique_test.cc
    92 test_min_cost_arborescence_test_SOURCES = test/min_cost_arborescence_test.cc
    93 test_min_cost_flow_test_SOURCES = test/min_cost_flow_test.cc
    94 test_min_mean_cycle_test_SOURCES = test/min_mean_cycle_test.cc
    95 test_nagamochi_ibaraki_test_SOURCES = test/nagamochi_ibaraki_test.cc
    96 test_path_test_SOURCES = test/path_test.cc
    97 test_planarity_test_SOURCES = test/planarity_test.cc
    98 test_preflow_test_SOURCES = test/preflow_test.cc
    99 test_radix_sort_test_SOURCES = test/radix_sort_test.cc
   100 test_suurballe_test_SOURCES = test/suurballe_test.cc
   101 test_random_test_SOURCES = test/random_test.cc
   102 test_test_tools_fail_SOURCES = test/test_tools_fail.cc
   103 test_test_tools_pass_SOURCES = test/test_tools_pass.cc
   104 test_time_measure_test_SOURCES = test/time_measure_test.cc
   105 test_unionfind_test_SOURCES = test/unionfind_test.cc