Sun, 26 Apr 2009 16:44:53 +0200Modify the interface of MinCostArborescence + improvements (#267)
Peter Kovacs <> [Sun, 26 Apr 2009 16:44:53 +0200] rev 625
Modify the interface of MinCostArborescence + improvements (#267)

- Rename arborescenceValue() to arborescenceCost().
- Rename DefXyz template named paramaters to SetXyz.
- Rearrange public functions (for better doc).
- Doc improvements.
- Extend the test file with interface checking.

Sat, 25 Apr 2009 17:51:09 +0100Merge
Alpar Juttner <> [Sat, 25 Apr 2009 17:51:09 +0100] rev 624

Sat, 25 Apr 2009 02:12:41 +0200Modify the interface of Suurballe (#266, #181)
Peter Kovacs <> [Sat, 25 Apr 2009 02:12:41 +0200] rev 623
Modify the interface of Suurballe (#266, #181)

- Move the parameters s and t from the constructor to the run()
function. It makes the interface capable for multiple run(s,t,k)
calls (possible improvement in the future) and it is more similar
to Dijkstra.
- Simliarly init() and findFlow(k) were replaced by init(s) and
findFlow(t,k). The separation of parameters s and t is for the
future plans of supporting multiple targets with one source node.
For more information see #181.
- LEMON_ASSERT for the Length type (check if it is integer).
- Doc improvements.
- Rearrange query functions.
- Extend test file.