# HG changeset patch
# User Alpar Juttner <alpar@cs.elte.hu>
# Date 1253862392 -7200
# Node ID ece80147fb08a669ca882837b0569f5ade5270a7
# Parent  98a30824fe36884df74899663c07eb29b0efd435# Parent  6d5f547e5bfb8131568ad50ea406129a056ac9ed

diff -r 98a30824fe36 -r ece80147fb08 doc/groups.dox
--- a/doc/groups.dox	Fri Jul 24 11:07:52 2009 +0200
+++ b/doc/groups.dox	Fri Sep 25 09:06:32 2009 +0200
@@ -238,7 +238,36 @@
 efficient to have e.g. the Dijkstra algorithm to store its result in
 any kind of path structure.
-\sa lemon::concepts::Path
+\sa \ref concepts::Path "Path concept"
+@defgroup heaps Heap Structures
+@ingroup datas
+\brief %Heap structures implemented in LEMON.
+This group contains the heap structures implemented in LEMON.
+LEMON provides several heap classes. They are efficient implementations
+of the abstract data type \e priority \e queue. They store items with
+specified values called \e priorities in such a way that finding and
+removing the item with minimum priority are efficient.
+The basic operations are adding and erasing items, changing the priority
+of an item, etc.
+Heaps are crucial in several algorithms, such as Dijkstra and Prim.
+The heap implementations have the same interface, thus any of them can be
+used easily in such algorithms.
+\sa \ref concepts::Heap "Heap concept"
+@defgroup matrices Matrices
+@ingroup datas
+\brief Two dimensional data storages implemented in LEMON.
+This group contains two dimensional data storages implemented in LEMON.
diff -r 98a30824fe36 -r ece80147fb08 lemon/Makefile.am
--- a/lemon/Makefile.am	Fri Jul 24 11:07:52 2009 +0200
+++ b/lemon/Makefile.am	Fri Sep 25 09:06:32 2009 +0200
@@ -57,8 +57,10 @@
 	lemon/adaptors.h \
 	lemon/arg_parser.h \
 	lemon/assert.h \
+	lemon/bellman_ford.h \
 	lemon/bfs.h \
 	lemon/bin_heap.h \
+	lemon/binom_heap.h \
 	lemon/bucket_heap.h \
 	lemon/cbc.h \
 	lemon/circulation.h \
@@ -78,12 +80,14 @@
 	lemon/error.h \
 	lemon/euler.h \
 	lemon/fib_heap.h \
+	lemon/fourary_heap.h \
 	lemon/full_graph.h \
 	lemon/glpk.h \
 	lemon/gomory_hu.h \
 	lemon/graph_to_eps.h \
 	lemon/grid_graph.h \
 	lemon/hypercube_graph.h \
+	lemon/kary_heap.h \
 	lemon/kruskal.h \
 	lemon/hao_orlin.h \
 	lemon/lgf_reader.h \
@@ -92,13 +96,13 @@
 	lemon/lp.h \
 	lemon/lp_base.h \
 	lemon/lp_skeleton.h \
-	lemon/list_graph.h \
 	lemon/maps.h \
 	lemon/matching.h \
 	lemon/math.h \
 	lemon/min_cost_arborescence.h \
 	lemon/nauty_reader.h \
 	lemon/network_simplex.h \
+	lemon/pairing_heap.h \
 	lemon/path.h \
 	lemon/preflow.h \
 	lemon/radix_heap.h \
diff -r 98a30824fe36 -r ece80147fb08 lemon/bellman_ford.h
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/lemon/bellman_ford.h	Fri Sep 25 09:06:32 2009 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,1100 @@
+/* -*- C++ -*-
+ *
+ * This file is a part of LEMON, a generic C++ optimization library
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2003-2008
+ * Egervary Jeno Kombinatorikus Optimalizalasi Kutatocsoport
+ * (Egervary Research Group on Combinatorial Optimization, EGRES).
+ *
+ * Permission to use, modify and distribute this software is granted
+ * provided that this copyright notice appears in all copies. For
+ * precise terms see the accompanying LICENSE file.
+ *
+ * This software is provided "AS IS" with no warranty of any kind,
+ * express or implied, and with no claim as to its suitability for any
+ * purpose.
+ *
+ */
+/// \ingroup shortest_path
+/// \file
+/// \brief Bellman-Ford algorithm.
+#include <lemon/bits/path_dump.h>
+#include <lemon/core.h>
+#include <lemon/error.h>
+#include <lemon/maps.h>
+#include <lemon/path.h>
+#include <limits>
+namespace lemon {
+  /// \brief Default OperationTraits for the BellmanFord algorithm class.
+  ///  
+  /// This operation traits class defines all computational operations
+  /// and constants that are used in the Bellman-Ford algorithm.
+  /// The default implementation is based on the \c numeric_limits class.
+  /// If the numeric type does not have infinity value, then the maximum
+  /// value is used as extremal infinity value.
+  template <
+    typename V, 
+    bool has_inf = std::numeric_limits<V>::has_infinity>
+  struct BellmanFordDefaultOperationTraits {
+    /// \e
+    typedef V Value;
+    /// \brief Gives back the zero value of the type.
+    static Value zero() {
+      return static_cast<Value>(0);
+    }
+    /// \brief Gives back the positive infinity value of the type.
+    static Value infinity() {
+      return std::numeric_limits<Value>::infinity();
+    }
+    /// \brief Gives back the sum of the given two elements.
+    static Value plus(const Value& left, const Value& right) {
+      return left + right;
+    }
+    /// \brief Gives back \c true only if the first value is less than
+    /// the second.
+    static bool less(const Value& left, const Value& right) {
+      return left < right;
+    }
+  };
+  template <typename V>
+  struct BellmanFordDefaultOperationTraits<V, false> {
+    typedef V Value;
+    static Value zero() {
+      return static_cast<Value>(0);
+    }
+    static Value infinity() {
+      return std::numeric_limits<Value>::max();
+    }
+    static Value plus(const Value& left, const Value& right) {
+      if (left == infinity() || right == infinity()) return infinity();
+      return left + right;
+    }
+    static bool less(const Value& left, const Value& right) {
+      return left < right;
+    }
+  };
+  /// \brief Default traits class of BellmanFord class.
+  ///
+  /// Default traits class of BellmanFord class.
+  /// \param GR The type of the digraph.
+  /// \param LEN The type of the length map.
+  template<typename GR, typename LEN>
+  struct BellmanFordDefaultTraits {
+    /// The type of the digraph the algorithm runs on. 
+    typedef GR Digraph;
+    /// \brief The type of the map that stores the arc lengths.
+    ///
+    /// The type of the map that stores the arc lengths.
+    /// It must conform to the \ref concepts::ReadMap "ReadMap" concept.
+    typedef LEN LengthMap;
+    /// The type of the arc lengths.
+    typedef typename LEN::Value Value;
+    /// \brief Operation traits for Bellman-Ford algorithm.
+    ///
+    /// It defines the used operations and the infinity value for the
+    /// given \c Value type.
+    /// \see BellmanFordDefaultOperationTraits
+    typedef BellmanFordDefaultOperationTraits<Value> OperationTraits;
+    /// \brief The type of the map that stores the last arcs of the 
+    /// shortest paths.
+    /// 
+    /// The type of the map that stores the last
+    /// arcs of the shortest paths.
+    /// It must conform to the \ref concepts::WriteMap "WriteMap" concept.
+    typedef typename GR::template NodeMap<typename GR::Arc> PredMap;
+    /// \brief Instantiates a \c PredMap.
+    /// 
+    /// This function instantiates a \ref PredMap. 
+    /// \param g is the digraph to which we would like to define the
+    /// \ref PredMap.
+    static PredMap *createPredMap(const GR& g) {
+      return new PredMap(g);
+    }
+    /// \brief The type of the map that stores the distances of the nodes.
+    ///
+    /// The type of the map that stores the distances of the nodes.
+    /// It must conform to the \ref concepts::WriteMap "WriteMap" concept.
+    typedef typename GR::template NodeMap<typename LEN::Value> DistMap;
+    /// \brief Instantiates a \c DistMap.
+    ///
+    /// This function instantiates a \ref DistMap. 
+    /// \param g is the digraph to which we would like to define the 
+    /// \ref DistMap.
+    static DistMap *createDistMap(const GR& g) {
+      return new DistMap(g);
+    }
+  };
+  /// \brief %BellmanFord algorithm class.
+  ///
+  /// \ingroup shortest_path
+  /// This class provides an efficient implementation of the Bellman-Ford 
+  /// algorithm. The maximum time complexity of the algorithm is
+  /// <tt>O(ne)</tt>.
+  ///
+  /// The Bellman-Ford algorithm solves the single-source shortest path
+  /// problem when the arcs can have negative lengths, but the digraph
+  /// should not contain directed cycles with negative total length.
+  /// If all arc costs are non-negative, consider to use the Dijkstra
+  /// algorithm instead, since it is more efficient.
+  ///
+  /// The arc lengths are passed to the algorithm using a
+  /// \ref concepts::ReadMap "ReadMap", so it is easy to change it to any 
+  /// kind of length. The type of the length values is determined by the
+  /// \ref concepts::ReadMap::Value "Value" type of the length map.
+  ///
+  /// There is also a \ref bellmanFord() "function-type interface" for the
+  /// Bellman-Ford algorithm, which is convenient in the simplier cases and
+  /// it can be used easier.
+  ///
+  /// \tparam GR The type of the digraph the algorithm runs on.
+  /// The default type is \ref ListDigraph.
+  /// \tparam LEN A \ref concepts::ReadMap "readable" arc map that specifies
+  /// the lengths of the arcs. The default map type is
+  /// \ref concepts::Digraph::ArcMap "GR::ArcMap<int>".
+#ifdef DOXYGEN
+  template <typename GR, typename LEN, typename TR>
+  template <typename GR=ListDigraph,
+            typename LEN=typename GR::template ArcMap<int>,
+            typename TR=BellmanFordDefaultTraits<GR,LEN> >
+  class BellmanFord {
+  public:
+    ///The type of the underlying digraph.
+    typedef typename TR::Digraph Digraph;
+    /// \brief The type of the arc lengths.
+    typedef typename TR::LengthMap::Value Value;
+    /// \brief The type of the map that stores the arc lengths.
+    typedef typename TR::LengthMap LengthMap;
+    /// \brief The type of the map that stores the last
+    /// arcs of the shortest paths.
+    typedef typename TR::PredMap PredMap;
+    /// \brief The type of the map that stores the distances of the nodes.
+    typedef typename TR::DistMap DistMap;
+    /// The type of the paths.
+    typedef PredMapPath<Digraph, PredMap> Path;
+    ///\brief The \ref BellmanFordDefaultOperationTraits
+    /// "operation traits class" of the algorithm.
+    typedef typename TR::OperationTraits OperationTraits;
+    ///The \ref BellmanFordDefaultTraits "traits class" of the algorithm.
+    typedef TR Traits;
+  private:
+    typedef typename Digraph::Node Node;
+    typedef typename Digraph::NodeIt NodeIt;
+    typedef typename Digraph::Arc Arc;
+    typedef typename Digraph::OutArcIt OutArcIt;
+    // Pointer to the underlying digraph.
+    const Digraph *_gr;
+    // Pointer to the length map
+    const LengthMap *_length;
+    // Pointer to the map of predecessors arcs.
+    PredMap *_pred;
+    // Indicates if _pred is locally allocated (true) or not.
+    bool _local_pred;
+    // Pointer to the map of distances.
+    DistMap *_dist;
+    // Indicates if _dist is locally allocated (true) or not.
+    bool _local_dist;
+    typedef typename Digraph::template NodeMap<bool> MaskMap;
+    MaskMap *_mask;
+    std::vector<Node> _process;
+    // Creates the maps if necessary.
+    void create_maps() {
+      if(!_pred) {
+	_local_pred = true;
+	_pred = Traits::createPredMap(*_gr);
+      }
+      if(!_dist) {
+	_local_dist = true;
+	_dist = Traits::createDistMap(*_gr);
+      }
+      _mask = new MaskMap(*_gr, false);
+    }
+  public :
+    typedef BellmanFord Create;
+    /// \name Named Template Parameters
+    ///@{
+    template <class T>
+    struct SetPredMapTraits : public Traits {
+      typedef T PredMap;
+      static PredMap *createPredMap(const Digraph&) {
+        LEMON_ASSERT(false, "PredMap is not initialized");
+        return 0; // ignore warnings
+      }
+    };
+    /// \brief \ref named-templ-param "Named parameter" for setting
+    /// \c PredMap type.
+    ///
+    /// \ref named-templ-param "Named parameter" for setting
+    /// \c PredMap type.
+    /// It must conform to the \ref concepts::WriteMap "WriteMap" concept.
+    template <class T>
+    struct SetPredMap 
+      : public BellmanFord< Digraph, LengthMap, SetPredMapTraits<T> > {
+      typedef BellmanFord< Digraph, LengthMap, SetPredMapTraits<T> > Create;
+    };
+    template <class T>
+    struct SetDistMapTraits : public Traits {
+      typedef T DistMap;
+      static DistMap *createDistMap(const Digraph&) {
+        LEMON_ASSERT(false, "DistMap is not initialized");
+        return 0; // ignore warnings
+      }
+    };
+    /// \brief \ref named-templ-param "Named parameter" for setting
+    /// \c DistMap type.
+    ///
+    /// \ref named-templ-param "Named parameter" for setting
+    /// \c DistMap type.
+    /// It must conform to the \ref concepts::WriteMap "WriteMap" concept.
+    template <class T>
+    struct SetDistMap 
+      : public BellmanFord< Digraph, LengthMap, SetDistMapTraits<T> > {
+      typedef BellmanFord< Digraph, LengthMap, SetDistMapTraits<T> > Create;
+    };
+    template <class T>
+    struct SetOperationTraitsTraits : public Traits {
+      typedef T OperationTraits;
+    };
+    /// \brief \ref named-templ-param "Named parameter" for setting 
+    /// \c OperationTraits type.
+    ///
+    /// \ref named-templ-param "Named parameter" for setting
+    /// \c OperationTraits type.
+    /// For more information see \ref BellmanFordDefaultOperationTraits.
+    template <class T>
+    struct SetOperationTraits
+      : public BellmanFord< Digraph, LengthMap, SetOperationTraitsTraits<T> > {
+      typedef BellmanFord< Digraph, LengthMap, SetOperationTraitsTraits<T> >
+      Create;
+    };
+    ///@}
+  protected:
+    BellmanFord() {}
+  public:      
+    /// \brief Constructor.
+    ///
+    /// Constructor.
+    /// \param g The digraph the algorithm runs on.
+    /// \param length The length map used by the algorithm.
+    BellmanFord(const Digraph& g, const LengthMap& length) :
+      _gr(&g), _length(&length),
+      _pred(0), _local_pred(false),
+      _dist(0), _local_dist(false), _mask(0) {}
+    ///Destructor.
+    ~BellmanFord() {
+      if(_local_pred) delete _pred;
+      if(_local_dist) delete _dist;
+      if(_mask) delete _mask;
+    }
+    /// \brief Sets the length map.
+    ///
+    /// Sets the length map.
+    /// \return <tt>(*this)</tt>
+    BellmanFord &lengthMap(const LengthMap &map) {
+      _length = &map;
+      return *this;
+    }
+    /// \brief Sets the map that stores the predecessor arcs.
+    ///
+    /// Sets the map that stores the predecessor arcs.
+    /// If you don't use this function before calling \ref run()
+    /// or \ref init(), an instance will be allocated automatically.
+    /// The destructor deallocates this automatically allocated map,
+    /// of course.
+    /// \return <tt>(*this)</tt>
+    BellmanFord &predMap(PredMap &map) {
+      if(_local_pred) {
+	delete _pred;
+	_local_pred=false;
+      }
+      _pred = &map;
+      return *this;
+    }
+    /// \brief Sets the map that stores the distances of the nodes.
+    ///
+    /// Sets the map that stores the distances of the nodes calculated
+    /// by the algorithm.
+    /// If you don't use this function before calling \ref run()
+    /// or \ref init(), an instance will be allocated automatically.
+    /// The destructor deallocates this automatically allocated map,
+    /// of course.
+    /// \return <tt>(*this)</tt>
+    BellmanFord &distMap(DistMap &map) {
+      if(_local_dist) {
+	delete _dist;
+	_local_dist=false;
+      }
+      _dist = &map;
+      return *this;
+    }
+    /// \name Execution Control
+    /// The simplest way to execute the Bellman-Ford algorithm is to use
+    /// one of the member functions called \ref run().\n
+    /// If you need better control on the execution, you have to call
+    /// \ref init() first, then you can add several source nodes
+    /// with \ref addSource(). Finally the actual path computation can be
+    /// performed with \ref start(), \ref checkedStart() or
+    /// \ref limitedStart().
+    ///@{
+    /// \brief Initializes the internal data structures.
+    /// 
+    /// Initializes the internal data structures. The optional parameter
+    /// is the initial distance of each node.
+    void init(const Value value = OperationTraits::infinity()) {
+      create_maps();
+      for (NodeIt it(*_gr); it != INVALID; ++it) {
+	_pred->set(it, INVALID);
+	_dist->set(it, value);
+      }
+      _process.clear();
+      if (OperationTraits::less(value, OperationTraits::infinity())) {
+	for (NodeIt it(*_gr); it != INVALID; ++it) {
+	  _process.push_back(it);
+	  _mask->set(it, true);
+	}
+      }
+    }
+    /// \brief Adds a new source node.
+    ///
+    /// This function adds a new source node. The optional second parameter
+    /// is the initial distance of the node.
+    void addSource(Node source, Value dst = OperationTraits::zero()) {
+      _dist->set(source, dst);
+      if (!(*_mask)[source]) {
+	_process.push_back(source);
+	_mask->set(source, true);
+      }
+    }
+    /// \brief Executes one round from the Bellman-Ford algorithm.
+    ///
+    /// If the algoritm calculated the distances in the previous round
+    /// exactly for the paths of at most \c k arcs, then this function
+    /// will calculate the distances exactly for the paths of at most
+    /// <tt>k+1</tt> arcs. Performing \c k iterations using this function
+    /// calculates the shortest path distances exactly for the paths
+    /// consisting of at most \c k arcs.
+    ///
+    /// \warning The paths with limited arc number cannot be retrieved
+    /// easily with \ref path() or \ref predArc() functions. If you also
+    /// need the shortest paths and not only the distances, you should
+    /// store the \ref predMap() "predecessor map" after each iteration
+    /// and build the path manually.
+    ///
+    /// \return \c true when the algorithm have not found more shorter
+    /// paths.
+    ///
+    /// \see ActiveIt
+    bool processNextRound() {
+      for (int i = 0; i < int(_process.size()); ++i) {
+	_mask->set(_process[i], false);
+      }
+      std::vector<Node> nextProcess;
+      std::vector<Value> values(_process.size());
+      for (int i = 0; i < int(_process.size()); ++i) {
+	values[i] = (*_dist)[_process[i]];
+      }
+      for (int i = 0; i < int(_process.size()); ++i) {
+	for (OutArcIt it(*_gr, _process[i]); it != INVALID; ++it) {
+	  Node target = _gr->target(it);
+	  Value relaxed = OperationTraits::plus(values[i], (*_length)[it]);
+	  if (OperationTraits::less(relaxed, (*_dist)[target])) {
+	    _pred->set(target, it);
+	    _dist->set(target, relaxed);
+	    if (!(*_mask)[target]) {
+	      _mask->set(target, true);
+	      nextProcess.push_back(target);
+	    }
+	  }	  
+	}
+      }
+      _process.swap(nextProcess);
+      return _process.empty();
+    }
+    /// \brief Executes one weak round from the Bellman-Ford algorithm.
+    ///
+    /// If the algorithm calculated the distances in the previous round
+    /// at least for the paths of at most \c k arcs, then this function
+    /// will calculate the distances at least for the paths of at most
+    /// <tt>k+1</tt> arcs.
+    /// This function does not make it possible to calculate the shortest
+    /// path distances exactly for paths consisting of at most \c k arcs,
+    /// this is why it is called weak round.
+    ///
+    /// \return \c true when the algorithm have not found more shorter
+    /// paths.
+    ///
+    /// \see ActiveIt
+    bool processNextWeakRound() {
+      for (int i = 0; i < int(_process.size()); ++i) {
+	_mask->set(_process[i], false);
+      }
+      std::vector<Node> nextProcess;
+      for (int i = 0; i < int(_process.size()); ++i) {
+	for (OutArcIt it(*_gr, _process[i]); it != INVALID; ++it) {
+	  Node target = _gr->target(it);
+	  Value relaxed = 
+	    OperationTraits::plus((*_dist)[_process[i]], (*_length)[it]);
+	  if (OperationTraits::less(relaxed, (*_dist)[target])) {
+	    _pred->set(target, it);
+	    _dist->set(target, relaxed);
+	    if (!(*_mask)[target]) {
+	      _mask->set(target, true);
+	      nextProcess.push_back(target);
+	    }
+	  }	  
+	}
+      }
+      _process.swap(nextProcess);
+      return _process.empty();
+    }
+    /// \brief Executes the algorithm.
+    ///
+    /// Executes the algorithm.
+    ///
+    /// This method runs the Bellman-Ford algorithm from the root node(s)
+    /// in order to compute the shortest path to each node.
+    ///
+    /// The algorithm computes
+    /// - the shortest path tree (forest),
+    /// - the distance of each node from the root(s).
+    ///
+    /// \pre init() must be called and at least one root node should be
+    /// added with addSource() before using this function.
+    void start() {
+      int num = countNodes(*_gr) - 1;
+      for (int i = 0; i < num; ++i) {
+	if (processNextWeakRound()) break;
+      }
+    }
+    /// \brief Executes the algorithm and checks the negative cycles.
+    ///
+    /// Executes the algorithm and checks the negative cycles.
+    ///
+    /// This method runs the Bellman-Ford algorithm from the root node(s)
+    /// in order to compute the shortest path to each node and also checks
+    /// if the digraph contains cycles with negative total length.
+    ///
+    /// The algorithm computes 
+    /// - the shortest path tree (forest),
+    /// - the distance of each node from the root(s).
+    /// 
+    /// \return \c false if there is a negative cycle in the digraph.
+    ///
+    /// \pre init() must be called and at least one root node should be
+    /// added with addSource() before using this function. 
+    bool checkedStart() {
+      int num = countNodes(*_gr);
+      for (int i = 0; i < num; ++i) {
+	if (processNextWeakRound()) return true;
+      }
+      return _process.empty();
+    }
+    /// \brief Executes the algorithm with arc number limit.
+    ///
+    /// Executes the algorithm with arc number limit.
+    ///
+    /// This method runs the Bellman-Ford algorithm from the root node(s)
+    /// in order to compute the shortest path distance for each node
+    /// using only the paths consisting of at most \c num arcs.
+    ///
+    /// The algorithm computes
+    /// - the limited distance of each node from the root(s),
+    /// - the predecessor arc for each node.
+    ///
+    /// \warning The paths with limited arc number cannot be retrieved
+    /// easily with \ref path() or \ref predArc() functions. If you also
+    /// need the shortest paths and not only the distances, you should
+    /// store the \ref predMap() "predecessor map" after each iteration
+    /// and build the path manually.
+    ///
+    /// \pre init() must be called and at least one root node should be
+    /// added with addSource() before using this function. 
+    void limitedStart(int num) {
+      for (int i = 0; i < num; ++i) {
+	if (processNextRound()) break;
+      }
+    }
+    /// \brief Runs the algorithm from the given root node.
+    ///    
+    /// This method runs the Bellman-Ford algorithm from the given root
+    /// node \c s in order to compute the shortest path to each node.
+    ///
+    /// The algorithm computes
+    /// - the shortest path tree (forest),
+    /// - the distance of each node from the root(s).
+    ///
+    /// \note bf.run(s) is just a shortcut of the following code.
+    /// \code
+    ///   bf.init();
+    ///   bf.addSource(s);
+    ///   bf.start();
+    /// \endcode
+    void run(Node s) {
+      init();
+      addSource(s);
+      start();
+    }
+    /// \brief Runs the algorithm from the given root node with arc
+    /// number limit.
+    ///    
+    /// This method runs the Bellman-Ford algorithm from the given root
+    /// node \c s in order to compute the shortest path distance for each
+    /// node using only the paths consisting of at most \c num arcs.
+    ///
+    /// The algorithm computes
+    /// - the limited distance of each node from the root(s),
+    /// - the predecessor arc for each node.
+    ///
+    /// \warning The paths with limited arc number cannot be retrieved
+    /// easily with \ref path() or \ref predArc() functions. If you also
+    /// need the shortest paths and not only the distances, you should
+    /// store the \ref predMap() "predecessor map" after each iteration
+    /// and build the path manually.
+    ///
+    /// \note bf.run(s, num) is just a shortcut of the following code.
+    /// \code
+    ///   bf.init();
+    ///   bf.addSource(s);
+    ///   bf.limitedStart(num);
+    /// \endcode
+    void run(Node s, int num) {
+      init();
+      addSource(s);
+      limitedStart(num);
+    }
+    ///@}
+    /// \brief LEMON iterator for getting the active nodes.
+    ///
+    /// This class provides a common style LEMON iterator that traverses
+    /// the active nodes of the Bellman-Ford algorithm after the last
+    /// phase. These nodes should be checked in the next phase to
+    /// find augmenting arcs outgoing from them.
+    class ActiveIt {
+    public:
+      /// \brief Constructor.
+      ///
+      /// Constructor for getting the active nodes of the given BellmanFord
+      /// instance. 
+      ActiveIt(const BellmanFord& algorithm) : _algorithm(&algorithm)
+      {
+        _index = _algorithm->_process.size() - 1;
+      }
+      /// \brief Invalid constructor.
+      ///
+      /// Invalid constructor.
+      ActiveIt(Invalid) : _algorithm(0), _index(-1) {}
+      /// \brief Conversion to \c Node.
+      ///
+      /// Conversion to \c Node.
+      operator Node() const { 
+        return _index >= 0 ? _algorithm->_process[_index] : INVALID;
+      }
+      /// \brief Increment operator.
+      ///
+      /// Increment operator.
+      ActiveIt& operator++() {
+        --_index;
+        return *this; 
+      }
+      bool operator==(const ActiveIt& it) const { 
+        return static_cast<Node>(*this) == static_cast<Node>(it); 
+      }
+      bool operator!=(const ActiveIt& it) const { 
+        return static_cast<Node>(*this) != static_cast<Node>(it); 
+      }
+      bool operator<(const ActiveIt& it) const { 
+        return static_cast<Node>(*this) < static_cast<Node>(it); 
+      }
+    private:
+      const BellmanFord* _algorithm;
+      int _index;
+    };
+    /// \name Query Functions
+    /// The result of the Bellman-Ford algorithm can be obtained using these
+    /// functions.\n
+    /// Either \ref run() or \ref init() should be called before using them.
+    ///@{
+    /// \brief The shortest path to the given node.
+    ///    
+    /// Gives back the shortest path to the given node from the root(s).
+    ///
+    /// \warning \c t should be reached from the root(s).
+    ///
+    /// \pre Either \ref run() or \ref init() must be called before
+    /// using this function.
+    Path path(Node t) const
+    {
+      return Path(*_gr, *_pred, t);
+    }
+    /// \brief The distance of the given node from the root(s).
+    ///
+    /// Returns the distance of the given node from the root(s).
+    ///
+    /// \warning If node \c v is not reached from the root(s), then
+    /// the return value of this function is undefined.
+    ///
+    /// \pre Either \ref run() or \ref init() must be called before
+    /// using this function.
+    Value dist(Node v) const { return (*_dist)[v]; }
+    /// \brief Returns the 'previous arc' of the shortest path tree for
+    /// the given node.
+    ///
+    /// This function returns the 'previous arc' of the shortest path
+    /// tree for node \c v, i.e. it returns the last arc of a
+    /// shortest path from a root to \c v. It is \c INVALID if \c v
+    /// is not reached from the root(s) or if \c v is a root.
+    ///
+    /// The shortest path tree used here is equal to the shortest path
+    /// tree used in \ref predNode() and \predMap().
+    ///
+    /// \pre Either \ref run() or \ref init() must be called before
+    /// using this function.
+    Arc predArc(Node v) const { return (*_pred)[v]; }
+    /// \brief Returns the 'previous node' of the shortest path tree for
+    /// the given node.
+    ///
+    /// This function returns the 'previous node' of the shortest path
+    /// tree for node \c v, i.e. it returns the last but one node of
+    /// a shortest path from a root to \c v. It is \c INVALID if \c v
+    /// is not reached from the root(s) or if \c v is a root.
+    ///
+    /// The shortest path tree used here is equal to the shortest path
+    /// tree used in \ref predArc() and \predMap().
+    ///
+    /// \pre Either \ref run() or \ref init() must be called before
+    /// using this function.
+    Node predNode(Node v) const { 
+      return (*_pred)[v] == INVALID ? INVALID : _gr->source((*_pred)[v]); 
+    }
+    /// \brief Returns a const reference to the node map that stores the
+    /// distances of the nodes.
+    ///
+    /// Returns a const reference to the node map that stores the distances
+    /// of the nodes calculated by the algorithm.
+    ///
+    /// \pre Either \ref run() or \ref init() must be called before
+    /// using this function.
+    const DistMap &distMap() const { return *_dist;}
+    /// \brief Returns a const reference to the node map that stores the
+    /// predecessor arcs.
+    ///
+    /// Returns a const reference to the node map that stores the predecessor
+    /// arcs, which form the shortest path tree (forest).
+    ///
+    /// \pre Either \ref run() or \ref init() must be called before
+    /// using this function.
+    const PredMap &predMap() const { return *_pred; }
+    /// \brief Checks if a node is reached from the root(s).
+    ///
+    /// Returns \c true if \c v is reached from the root(s).
+    ///
+    /// \pre Either \ref run() or \ref init() must be called before
+    /// using this function.
+    bool reached(Node v) const {
+      return (*_dist)[v] != OperationTraits::infinity();
+    }
+    /// \brief Gives back a negative cycle.
+    ///    
+    /// This function gives back a directed cycle with negative total
+    /// length if the algorithm has already found one.
+    /// Otherwise it gives back an empty path.
+    lemon::Path<Digraph> negativeCycle() {
+      typename Digraph::template NodeMap<int> state(*_gr, -1);
+      lemon::Path<Digraph> cycle;
+      for (int i = 0; i < int(_process.size()); ++i) {
+        if (state[_process[i]] != -1) continue;
+        for (Node v = _process[i]; (*_pred)[v] != INVALID;
+             v = _gr->source((*_pred)[v])) {
+          if (state[v] == i) {
+            cycle.addFront((*_pred)[v]);
+            for (Node u = _gr->source((*_pred)[v]); u != v;
+                 u = _gr->source((*_pred)[u])) {
+              cycle.addFront((*_pred)[u]);
+            }
+            return cycle;
+          }
+          else if (state[v] >= 0) {
+            break;
+          }
+          state[v] = i;
+        }
+      }
+      return cycle;
+    }
+    ///@}
+  };
+  /// \brief Default traits class of bellmanFord() function.
+  ///
+  /// Default traits class of bellmanFord() function.
+  /// \tparam GR The type of the digraph.
+  /// \tparam LEN The type of the length map.
+  template <typename GR, typename LEN>
+  struct BellmanFordWizardDefaultTraits {
+    /// The type of the digraph the algorithm runs on. 
+    typedef GR Digraph;
+    /// \brief The type of the map that stores the arc lengths.
+    ///
+    /// The type of the map that stores the arc lengths.
+    /// It must meet the \ref concepts::ReadMap "ReadMap" concept.
+    typedef LEN LengthMap;
+    /// The type of the arc lengths.
+    typedef typename LEN::Value Value;
+    /// \brief Operation traits for Bellman-Ford algorithm.
+    ///
+    /// It defines the used operations and the infinity value for the
+    /// given \c Value type.
+    /// \see BellmanFordDefaultOperationTraits
+    typedef BellmanFordDefaultOperationTraits<Value> OperationTraits;
+    /// \brief The type of the map that stores the last
+    /// arcs of the shortest paths.
+    /// 
+    /// The type of the map that stores the last arcs of the shortest paths.
+    /// It must conform to the \ref concepts::WriteMap "WriteMap" concept.
+    typedef typename GR::template NodeMap<typename GR::Arc> PredMap;
+    /// \brief Instantiates a \c PredMap.
+    /// 
+    /// This function instantiates a \ref PredMap.
+    /// \param g is the digraph to which we would like to define the
+    /// \ref PredMap.
+    static PredMap *createPredMap(const GR &g) {
+      return new PredMap(g);
+    }
+    /// \brief The type of the map that stores the distances of the nodes.
+    ///
+    /// The type of the map that stores the distances of the nodes.
+    /// It must conform to the \ref concepts::WriteMap "WriteMap" concept.
+    typedef typename GR::template NodeMap<Value> DistMap;
+    /// \brief Instantiates a \c DistMap.
+    ///
+    /// This function instantiates a \ref DistMap. 
+    /// \param g is the digraph to which we would like to define the
+    /// \ref DistMap.
+    static DistMap *createDistMap(const GR &g) {
+      return new DistMap(g);
+    }
+    ///The type of the shortest paths.
+    ///The type of the shortest paths.
+    ///It must meet the \ref concepts::Path "Path" concept.
+    typedef lemon::Path<Digraph> Path;
+  };
+  /// \brief Default traits class used by BellmanFordWizard.
+  ///
+  /// Default traits class used by BellmanFordWizard.
+  /// \tparam GR The type of the digraph.
+  /// \tparam LEN The type of the length map.
+  template <typename GR, typename LEN>
+  class BellmanFordWizardBase 
+    : public BellmanFordWizardDefaultTraits<GR, LEN> {
+    typedef BellmanFordWizardDefaultTraits<GR, LEN> Base;
+  protected:
+    // Type of the nodes in the digraph.
+    typedef typename Base::Digraph::Node Node;
+    // Pointer to the underlying digraph.
+    void *_graph;
+    // Pointer to the length map
+    void *_length;
+    // Pointer to the map of predecessors arcs.
+    void *_pred;
+    // Pointer to the map of distances.
+    void *_dist;
+    //Pointer to the shortest path to the target node.
+    void *_path;
+    //Pointer to the distance of the target node.
+    void *_di;
+    public:
+    /// Constructor.
+    /// This constructor does not require parameters, it initiates
+    /// all of the attributes to default values \c 0.
+    BellmanFordWizardBase() :
+      _graph(0), _length(0), _pred(0), _dist(0), _path(0), _di(0) {}
+    /// Constructor.
+    /// This constructor requires two parameters,
+    /// others are initiated to \c 0.
+    /// \param gr The digraph the algorithm runs on.
+    /// \param len The length map.
+    BellmanFordWizardBase(const GR& gr, 
+			  const LEN& len) :
+      _graph(reinterpret_cast<void*>(const_cast<GR*>(&gr))), 
+      _length(reinterpret_cast<void*>(const_cast<LEN*>(&len))), 
+      _pred(0), _dist(0), _path(0), _di(0) {}
+  };
+  /// \brief Auxiliary class for the function-type interface of the
+  /// \ref BellmanFord "Bellman-Ford" algorithm.
+  ///
+  /// This auxiliary class is created to implement the
+  /// \ref bellmanFord() "function-type interface" of the
+  /// \ref BellmanFord "Bellman-Ford" algorithm.
+  /// It does not have own \ref run() method, it uses the
+  /// functions and features of the plain \ref BellmanFord.
+  ///
+  /// This class should only be used through the \ref bellmanFord()
+  /// function, which makes it easier to use the algorithm.
+  template<class TR>
+  class BellmanFordWizard : public TR {
+    typedef TR Base;
+    typedef typename TR::Digraph Digraph;
+    typedef typename Digraph::Node Node;
+    typedef typename Digraph::NodeIt NodeIt;
+    typedef typename Digraph::Arc Arc;
+    typedef typename Digraph::OutArcIt ArcIt;
+    typedef typename TR::LengthMap LengthMap;
+    typedef typename LengthMap::Value Value;
+    typedef typename TR::PredMap PredMap;
+    typedef typename TR::DistMap DistMap;
+    typedef typename TR::Path Path;
+  public:
+    /// Constructor.
+    BellmanFordWizard() : TR() {}
+    /// \brief Constructor that requires parameters.
+    ///
+    /// Constructor that requires parameters.
+    /// These parameters will be the default values for the traits class.
+    /// \param gr The digraph the algorithm runs on.
+    /// \param len The length map.
+    BellmanFordWizard(const Digraph& gr, const LengthMap& len) 
+      : TR(gr, len) {}
+    /// \brief Copy constructor
+    BellmanFordWizard(const TR &b) : TR(b) {}
+    ~BellmanFordWizard() {}
+    /// \brief Runs the Bellman-Ford algorithm from the given source node.
+    ///    
+    /// This method runs the Bellman-Ford algorithm from the given source
+    /// node in order to compute the shortest path to each node.
+    void run(Node s) {
+      BellmanFord<Digraph,LengthMap,TR> 
+	bf(*reinterpret_cast<const Digraph*>(Base::_graph), 
+           *reinterpret_cast<const LengthMap*>(Base::_length));
+      if (Base::_pred) bf.predMap(*reinterpret_cast<PredMap*>(Base::_pred));
+      if (Base::_dist) bf.distMap(*reinterpret_cast<DistMap*>(Base::_dist));
+      bf.run(s);
+    }
+    /// \brief Runs the Bellman-Ford algorithm to find the shortest path
+    /// between \c s and \c t.
+    ///
+    /// This method runs the Bellman-Ford algorithm from node \c s
+    /// in order to compute the shortest path to node \c t.
+    /// Actually, it computes the shortest path to each node, but using
+    /// this function you can retrieve the distance and the shortest path
+    /// for a single target node easier.
+    ///
+    /// \return \c true if \c t is reachable form \c s.
+    bool run(Node s, Node t) {
+      BellmanFord<Digraph,LengthMap,TR>
+        bf(*reinterpret_cast<const Digraph*>(Base::_graph),
+           *reinterpret_cast<const LengthMap*>(Base::_length));
+      if (Base::_pred) bf.predMap(*reinterpret_cast<PredMap*>(Base::_pred));
+      if (Base::_dist) bf.distMap(*reinterpret_cast<DistMap*>(Base::_dist));
+      bf.run(s);
+      if (Base::_path) *reinterpret_cast<Path*>(Base::_path) = bf.path(t);
+      if (Base::_di) *reinterpret_cast<Value*>(Base::_di) = bf.dist(t);
+      return bf.reached(t);
+    }
+    template<class T>
+    struct SetPredMapBase : public Base {
+      typedef T PredMap;
+      static PredMap *createPredMap(const Digraph &) { return 0; };
+      SetPredMapBase(const TR &b) : TR(b) {}
+    };
+    /// \brief \ref named-templ-param "Named parameter" for setting
+    /// the predecessor map.
+    ///
+    /// \ref named-templ-param "Named parameter" for setting
+    /// the map that stores the predecessor arcs of the nodes.
+    template<class T>
+    BellmanFordWizard<SetPredMapBase<T> > predMap(const T &t) {
+      Base::_pred=reinterpret_cast<void*>(const_cast<T*>(&t));
+      return BellmanFordWizard<SetPredMapBase<T> >(*this);
+    }
+    template<class T>
+    struct SetDistMapBase : public Base {
+      typedef T DistMap;
+      static DistMap *createDistMap(const Digraph &) { return 0; };
+      SetDistMapBase(const TR &b) : TR(b) {}
+    };
+    /// \brief \ref named-templ-param "Named parameter" for setting
+    /// the distance map.
+    ///
+    /// \ref named-templ-param "Named parameter" for setting
+    /// the map that stores the distances of the nodes calculated
+    /// by the algorithm.
+    template<class T>
+    BellmanFordWizard<SetDistMapBase<T> > distMap(const T &t) {
+      Base::_dist=reinterpret_cast<void*>(const_cast<T*>(&t));
+      return BellmanFordWizard<SetDistMapBase<T> >(*this);
+    }
+    template<class T>
+    struct SetPathBase : public Base {
+      typedef T Path;
+      SetPathBase(const TR &b) : TR(b) {}
+    };
+    /// \brief \ref named-func-param "Named parameter" for getting
+    /// the shortest path to the target node.
+    ///
+    /// \ref named-func-param "Named parameter" for getting
+    /// the shortest path to the target node.
+    template<class T>
+    BellmanFordWizard<SetPathBase<T> > path(const T &t)
+    {
+      Base::_path=reinterpret_cast<void*>(const_cast<T*>(&t));
+      return BellmanFordWizard<SetPathBase<T> >(*this);
+    }
+    /// \brief \ref named-func-param "Named parameter" for getting
+    /// the distance of the target node.
+    ///
+    /// \ref named-func-param "Named parameter" for getting
+    /// the distance of the target node.
+    BellmanFordWizard dist(const Value &d)
+    {
+      Base::_di=reinterpret_cast<void*>(const_cast<Value*>(&d));
+      return *this;
+    }
+  };
+  /// \brief Function type interface for the \ref BellmanFord "Bellman-Ford"
+  /// algorithm.
+  ///
+  /// \ingroup shortest_path
+  /// Function type interface for the \ref BellmanFord "Bellman-Ford"
+  /// algorithm.
+  ///
+  /// This function also has several \ref named-templ-func-param 
+  /// "named parameters", they are declared as the members of class 
+  /// \ref BellmanFordWizard.
+  /// The following examples show how to use these parameters.
+  /// \code
+  ///   // Compute shortest path from node s to each node
+  ///   bellmanFord(g,length).predMap(preds).distMap(dists).run(s);
+  ///
+  ///   // Compute shortest path from s to t
+  ///   bool reached = bellmanFord(g,length).path(p).dist(d).run(s,t);
+  /// \endcode
+  /// \warning Don't forget to put the \ref BellmanFordWizard::run() "run()"
+  /// to the end of the parameter list.
+  /// \sa BellmanFordWizard
+  /// \sa BellmanFord
+  template<typename GR, typename LEN>
+  BellmanFordWizard<BellmanFordWizardBase<GR,LEN> >
+  bellmanFord(const GR& digraph,
+	      const LEN& length)
+  {
+    return BellmanFordWizard<BellmanFordWizardBase<GR,LEN> >(digraph, length);
+  }
diff -r 98a30824fe36 -r ece80147fb08 lemon/bin_heap.h
--- a/lemon/bin_heap.h	Fri Jul 24 11:07:52 2009 +0200
+++ b/lemon/bin_heap.h	Fri Sep 25 09:06:32 2009 +0200
@@ -19,9 +19,9 @@
-///\ingroup auxdat
+///\ingroup heaps
-///\brief Binary Heap implementation.
+///\brief Binary heap implementation.
 #include <vector>
 #include <utility>
@@ -29,45 +29,41 @@
 namespace lemon {
-  ///\ingroup auxdat
+  /// \ingroup heaps
-  ///\brief A Binary Heap implementation.
+  /// \brief Binary heap data structure.
-  ///This class implements the \e binary \e heap data structure.
+  /// This class implements the \e binary \e heap data structure.
+  /// It fully conforms to the \ref concepts::Heap "heap concept".
-  ///A \e heap is a data structure for storing items with specified values
-  ///called \e priorities in such a way that finding the item with minimum
-  ///priority is efficient. \c CMP specifies the ordering of the priorities.
-  ///In a heap one can change the priority of an item, add or erase an
-  ///item, etc.
-  ///
-  ///\tparam PR Type of the priority of the items.
-  ///\tparam IM A read and writable item map with int values, used internally
-  ///to handle the cross references.
-  ///\tparam CMP A functor class for the ordering of the priorities.
-  ///The default is \c std::less<PR>.
-  ///
-  ///\sa FibHeap
-  ///\sa Dijkstra
+  /// \tparam PR Type of the priorities of the items.
+  /// \tparam IM A read-writable item map with \c int values, used
+  /// internally to handle the cross references.
+  /// \tparam CMP A functor class for comparing the priorities.
+  /// The default is \c std::less<PR>.
+#ifdef DOXYGEN
+  template <typename PR, typename IM, typename CMP>
   template <typename PR, typename IM, typename CMP = std::less<PR> >
   class BinHeap {
+  public:
-  public:
-    ///\e
+    /// Type of the item-int map.
     typedef IM ItemIntMap;
-    ///\e
+    /// Type of the priorities.
     typedef PR Prio;
-    ///\e
+    /// Type of the items stored in the heap.
     typedef typename ItemIntMap::Key Item;
-    ///\e
+    /// Type of the item-priority pairs.
     typedef std::pair<Item,Prio> Pair;
-    ///\e
+    /// Functor type for comparing the priorities.
     typedef CMP Compare;
-    /// \brief Type to represent the items states.
+    /// \brief Type to represent the states of the items.
-    /// Each Item element have a state associated to it. It may be "in heap",
-    /// "pre heap" or "post heap". The latter two are indifferent from the
+    /// Each item has a state associated to it. It can be "in heap",
+    /// "pre-heap" or "post-heap". The latter two are indifferent from the
     /// heap's point of view, but may be useful to the user.
     /// The item-int map must be initialized in such way that it assigns
@@ -84,42 +80,43 @@
     ItemIntMap &_iim;
-    /// \brief The constructor.
+    /// \brief Constructor.
-    /// The constructor.
-    /// \param map should be given to the constructor, since it is used
-    /// internally to handle the cross references. The value of the map
-    /// must be \c PRE_HEAP (<tt>-1</tt>) for every item.
+    /// Constructor.
+    /// \param map A map that assigns \c int values to the items.
+    /// It is used internally to handle the cross references.
+    /// The assigned value must be \c PRE_HEAP (<tt>-1</tt>) for each item.
     explicit BinHeap(ItemIntMap &map) : _iim(map) {}
-    /// \brief The constructor.
+    /// \brief Constructor.
-    /// The constructor.
-    /// \param map should be given to the constructor, since it is used
-    /// internally to handle the cross references. The value of the map
-    /// should be PRE_HEAP (-1) for each element.
-    ///
-    /// \param comp The comparator function object.
+    /// Constructor.
+    /// \param map A map that assigns \c int values to the items.
+    /// It is used internally to handle the cross references.
+    /// The assigned value must be \c PRE_HEAP (<tt>-1</tt>) for each item.
+    /// \param comp The function object used for comparing the priorities.
     BinHeap(ItemIntMap &map, const Compare &comp)
       : _iim(map), _comp(comp) {}
-    /// The number of items stored in the heap.
+    /// \brief The number of items stored in the heap.
-    /// \brief Returns the number of items stored in the heap.
+    /// This function returns the number of items stored in the heap.
     int size() const { return _data.size(); }
-    /// \brief Checks if the heap stores no items.
+    /// \brief Check if the heap is empty.
-    /// Returns \c true if and only if the heap stores no items.
+    /// This function returns \c true if the heap is empty.
     bool empty() const { return _data.empty(); }
-    /// \brief Make empty this heap.
+    /// \brief Make the heap empty.
-    /// Make empty this heap. It does not change the cross reference map.
-    /// If you want to reuse what is not surely empty you should first clear
-    /// the heap and after that you should set the cross reference map for
-    /// each item to \c PRE_HEAP.
+    /// This functon makes the heap empty.
+    /// It does not change the cross reference map. If you want to reuse
+    /// a heap that is not surely empty, you should first clear it and
+    /// then you should set the cross reference map to \c PRE_HEAP
+    /// for each item.
     void clear() {
@@ -127,12 +124,12 @@
     static int parent(int i) { return (i-1)/2; }
-    static int second_child(int i) { return 2*i+2; }
+    static int secondChild(int i) { return 2*i+2; }
     bool less(const Pair &p1, const Pair &p2) const {
       return _comp(p1.second, p2.second);
-    int bubble_up(int hole, Pair p) {
+    int bubbleUp(int hole, Pair p) {
       int par = parent(hole);
       while( hole>0 && less(p,_data[par]) ) {
@@ -143,8 +140,8 @@
       return hole;
-    int bubble_down(int hole, Pair p, int length) {
-      int child = second_child(hole);
+    int bubbleDown(int hole, Pair p, int length) {
+      int child = secondChild(hole);
       while(child < length) {
         if( less(_data[child-1], _data[child]) ) {
@@ -153,7 +150,7 @@
           goto ok;
         move(_data[child], hole);
         hole = child;
-        child = second_child(hole);
+        child = secondChild(hole);
       if( child<length && less(_data[child], p) ) {
@@ -171,87 +168,91 @@
     /// \brief Insert a pair of item and priority into the heap.
-    /// Adds \c p.first to the heap with priority \c p.second.
+    /// This function inserts \c p.first to the heap with priority
+    /// \c p.second.
     /// \param p The pair to insert.
+    /// \pre \c p.first must not be stored in the heap.
     void push(const Pair &p) {
       int n = _data.size();
-      bubble_up(n, p);
+      bubbleUp(n, p);
-    /// \brief Insert an item into the heap with the given heap.
+    /// \brief Insert an item into the heap with the given priority.
-    /// Adds \c i to the heap with priority \c p.
+    /// This function inserts the given item into the heap with the
+    /// given priority.
     /// \param i The item to insert.
     /// \param p The priority of the item.
+    /// \pre \e i must not be stored in the heap.
     void push(const Item &i, const Prio &p) { push(Pair(i,p)); }
-    /// \brief Returns the item with minimum priority relative to \c Compare.
+    /// \brief Return the item having minimum priority.
-    /// This method returns the item with minimum priority relative to \c
-    /// Compare.
-    /// \pre The heap must be nonempty.
+    /// This function returns the item having minimum priority.
+    /// \pre The heap must be non-empty.
     Item top() const {
       return _data[0].first;
-    /// \brief Returns the minimum priority relative to \c Compare.
+    /// \brief The minimum priority.
-    /// It returns the minimum priority relative to \c Compare.
-    /// \pre The heap must be nonempty.
+    /// This function returns the minimum priority.
+    /// \pre The heap must be non-empty.
     Prio prio() const {
       return _data[0].second;
-    /// \brief Deletes the item with minimum priority relative to \c Compare.
+    /// \brief Remove the item having minimum priority.
-    /// This method deletes the item with minimum priority relative to \c
-    /// Compare from the heap.
+    /// This function removes the item having minimum priority.
     /// \pre The heap must be non-empty.
     void pop() {
       int n = _data.size()-1;
       _iim.set(_data[0].first, POST_HEAP);
       if (n > 0) {
-        bubble_down(0, _data[n], n);
+        bubbleDown(0, _data[n], n);
-    /// \brief Deletes \c i from the heap.
+    /// \brief Remove the given item from the heap.
-    /// This method deletes item \c i from the heap.
-    /// \param i The item to erase.
-    /// \pre The item should be in the heap.
+    /// This function removes the given item from the heap if it is
+    /// already stored.
+    /// \param i The item to delete.
+    /// \pre \e i must be in the heap.
     void erase(const Item &i) {
       int h = _iim[i];
       int n = _data.size()-1;
       _iim.set(_data[h].first, POST_HEAP);
       if( h < n ) {
-        if ( bubble_up(h, _data[n]) == h) {
-          bubble_down(h, _data[n], n);
+        if ( bubbleUp(h, _data[n]) == h) {
+          bubbleDown(h, _data[n], n);
-    /// \brief Returns the priority of \c i.
+    /// \brief The priority of the given item.
-    /// This function returns the priority of item \c i.
+    /// This function returns the priority of the given item.
     /// \param i The item.
-    /// \pre \c i must be in the heap.
+    /// \pre \e i must be in the heap.
     Prio operator[](const Item &i) const {
       int idx = _iim[i];
       return _data[idx].second;
-    /// \brief \c i gets to the heap with priority \c p independently
-    /// if \c i was already there.
+    /// \brief Set the priority of an item or insert it, if it is
+    /// not stored in the heap.
-    /// This method calls \ref push(\c i, \c p) if \c i is not stored
-    /// in the heap and sets the priority of \c i to \c p otherwise.
+    /// This method sets the priority of the given item if it is
+    /// already stored in the heap. Otherwise it inserts the given
+    /// item into the heap with the given priority.
     /// \param i The item.
     /// \param p The priority.
     void set(const Item &i, const Prio &p) {
@@ -260,44 +261,42 @@
       else if( _comp(p, _data[idx].second) ) {
-        bubble_up(idx, Pair(i,p));
+        bubbleUp(idx, Pair(i,p));
       else {
-        bubble_down(idx, Pair(i,p), _data.size());
+        bubbleDown(idx, Pair(i,p), _data.size());
-    /// \brief Decreases the priority of \c i to \c p.
+    /// \brief Decrease the priority of an item to the given value.
-    /// This method decreases the priority of item \c i to \c p.
+    /// This function decreases the priority of an item to the given value.
     /// \param i The item.
     /// \param p The priority.
-    /// \pre \c i must be stored in the heap with priority at least \c
-    /// p relative to \c Compare.
+    /// \pre \e i must be stored in the heap with priority at least \e p.
     void decrease(const Item &i, const Prio &p) {
       int idx = _iim[i];
-      bubble_up(idx, Pair(i,p));
+      bubbleUp(idx, Pair(i,p));
-    /// \brief Increases the priority of \c i to \c p.
+    /// \brief Increase the priority of an item to the given value.
-    /// This method sets the priority of item \c i to \c p.
+    /// This function increases the priority of an item to the given value.
     /// \param i The item.
     /// \param p The priority.
-    /// \pre \c i must be stored in the heap with priority at most \c
-    /// p relative to \c Compare.
+    /// \pre \e i must be stored in the heap with priority at most \e p.
     void increase(const Item &i, const Prio &p) {
       int idx = _iim[i];
-      bubble_down(idx, Pair(i,p), _data.size());
+      bubbleDown(idx, Pair(i,p), _data.size());
-    /// \brief Returns if \c item is in, has already been in, or has
-    /// never been in the heap.
+    /// \brief Return the state of an item.
-    /// This method returns PRE_HEAP if \c item has never been in the
-    /// heap, IN_HEAP if it is in the heap at the moment, and POST_HEAP
-    /// otherwise. In the latter case it is possible that \c item will
-    /// get back to the heap again.
+    /// This method returns \c PRE_HEAP if the given item has never
+    /// been in the heap, \c IN_HEAP if it is in the heap at the moment,
+    /// and \c POST_HEAP otherwise.
+    /// In the latter case it is possible that the item will get back
+    /// to the heap again.
     /// \param i The item.
     State state(const Item &i) const {
       int s = _iim[i];
@@ -306,11 +305,11 @@
       return State(s);
-    /// \brief Sets the state of the \c item in the heap.
+    /// \brief Set the state of an item in the heap.
-    /// Sets the state of the \c item in the heap. It can be used to
-    /// manually clear the heap when it is important to achive the
-    /// better time complexity.
+    /// This function sets the state of the given item in the heap.
+    /// It can be used to manually clear the heap when it is important
+    /// to achive better time complexity.
     /// \param i The item.
     /// \param st The state. It should not be \c IN_HEAP.
     void state(const Item& i, State st) {
@@ -327,12 +326,13 @@
-    /// \brief Replaces an item in the heap.
+    /// \brief Replace an item in the heap.
-    /// The \c i item is replaced with \c j item. The \c i item should
-    /// be in the heap, while the \c j should be out of the heap. The
-    /// \c i item will out of the heap and \c j will be in the heap
-    /// with the same prioriority as prevoiusly the \c i item.
+    /// This function replaces item \c i with item \c j.
+    /// Item \c i must be in the heap, while \c j must be out of the heap.
+    /// After calling this method, item \c i will be out of the
+    /// heap and \c j will be in the heap with the same prioriority
+    /// as item \c i had before.
     void replace(const Item& i, const Item& j) {
       int idx = _iim[i];
       _iim.set(i, _iim[j]);
diff -r 98a30824fe36 -r ece80147fb08 lemon/binom_heap.h
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/lemon/binom_heap.h	Fri Sep 25 09:06:32 2009 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,445 @@
+/* -*- mode: C++; indent-tabs-mode: nil; -*-
+ *
+ * This file is a part of LEMON, a generic C++ optimization library.
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2003-2009
+ * Egervary Jeno Kombinatorikus Optimalizalasi Kutatocsoport
+ * (Egervary Research Group on Combinatorial Optimization, EGRES).
+ *
+ * Permission to use, modify and distribute this software is granted
+ * provided that this copyright notice appears in all copies. For
+ * precise terms see the accompanying LICENSE file.
+ *
+ * This software is provided "AS IS" with no warranty of any kind,
+ * express or implied, and with no claim as to its suitability for any
+ * purpose.
+ *
+ */
+///\ingroup heaps
+///\brief Binomial Heap implementation.
+#include <vector>
+#include <utility>
+#include <functional>
+#include <lemon/math.h>
+#include <lemon/counter.h>
+namespace lemon {
+  /// \ingroup heaps
+  ///
+  ///\brief Binomial heap data structure.
+  ///
+  /// This class implements the \e binomial \e heap data structure.
+  /// It fully conforms to the \ref concepts::Heap "heap concept".
+  ///
+  /// The methods \ref increase() and \ref erase() are not efficient
+  /// in a binomial heap. In case of many calls of these operations,
+  /// it is better to use other heap structure, e.g. \ref BinHeap
+  /// "binary heap".
+  ///
+  /// \tparam PR Type of the priorities of the items.
+  /// \tparam IM A read-writable item map with \c int values, used
+  /// internally to handle the cross references.
+  /// \tparam CMP A functor class for comparing the priorities.
+  /// The default is \c std::less<PR>.
+#ifdef DOXYGEN
+  template <typename PR, typename IM, typename CMP>
+  template <typename PR, typename IM, typename CMP = std::less<PR> >
+  class BinomHeap {
+  public:
+    /// Type of the item-int map.
+    typedef IM ItemIntMap;
+    /// Type of the priorities.
+    typedef PR Prio;
+    /// Type of the items stored in the heap.
+    typedef typename ItemIntMap::Key Item;
+    /// Functor type for comparing the priorities.
+    typedef CMP Compare;
+    /// \brief Type to represent the states of the items.
+    ///
+    /// Each item has a state associated to it. It can be "in heap",
+    /// "pre-heap" or "post-heap". The latter two are indifferent from the
+    /// heap's point of view, but may be useful to the user.
+    ///
+    /// The item-int map must be initialized in such way that it assigns
+    /// \c PRE_HEAP (<tt>-1</tt>) to any element to be put in the heap.
+    enum State {
+      IN_HEAP = 0,    ///< = 0.
+      PRE_HEAP = -1,  ///< = -1.
+      POST_HEAP = -2  ///< = -2.
+    };
+  private:
+    class Store;
+    std::vector<Store> _data;
+    int _min, _head;
+    ItemIntMap &_iim;
+    Compare _comp;
+    int _num_items;
+  public:
+    /// \brief Constructor.
+    ///
+    /// Constructor.
+    /// \param map A map that assigns \c int values to the items.
+    /// It is used internally to handle the cross references.
+    /// The assigned value must be \c PRE_HEAP (<tt>-1</tt>) for each item.
+    explicit BinomHeap(ItemIntMap &map)
+      : _min(0), _head(-1), _iim(map), _num_items(0) {}
+    /// \brief Constructor.
+    ///
+    /// Constructor.
+    /// \param map A map that assigns \c int values to the items.
+    /// It is used internally to handle the cross references.
+    /// The assigned value must be \c PRE_HEAP (<tt>-1</tt>) for each item.
+    /// \param comp The function object used for comparing the priorities.
+    BinomHeap(ItemIntMap &map, const Compare &comp)
+      : _min(0), _head(-1), _iim(map), _comp(comp), _num_items(0) {}
+    /// \brief The number of items stored in the heap.
+    ///
+    /// This function returns the number of items stored in the heap.
+    int size() const { return _num_items; }
+    /// \brief Check if the heap is empty.
+    ///
+    /// This function returns \c true if the heap is empty.
+    bool empty() const { return _num_items==0; }
+    /// \brief Make the heap empty.
+    ///
+    /// This functon makes the heap empty.
+    /// It does not change the cross reference map. If you want to reuse
+    /// a heap that is not surely empty, you should first clear it and
+    /// then you should set the cross reference map to \c PRE_HEAP
+    /// for each item.
+    void clear() {
+      _data.clear(); _min=0; _num_items=0; _head=-1;
+    }
+    /// \brief Set the priority of an item or insert it, if it is
+    /// not stored in the heap.
+    ///
+    /// This method sets the priority of the given item if it is
+    /// already stored in the heap. Otherwise it inserts the given
+    /// item into the heap with the given priority.
+    /// \param item The item.
+    /// \param value The priority.
+    void set (const Item& item, const Prio& value) {
+      int i=_iim[item];
+      if ( i >= 0 && _data[i].in ) {
+        if ( _comp(value, _data[i].prio) ) decrease(item, value);
+        if ( _comp(_data[i].prio, value) ) increase(item, value);
+      } else push(item, value);
+    }
+    /// \brief Insert an item into the heap with the given priority.
+    ///
+    /// This function inserts the given item into the heap with the
+    /// given priority.
+    /// \param item The item to insert.
+    /// \param value The priority of the item.
+    /// \pre \e item must not be stored in the heap.
+    void push (const Item& item, const Prio& value) {
+      int i=_iim[item];
+      if ( i<0 ) {
+        int s=_data.size();
+        _iim.set( item,s );
+        Store st;
+        st.name=item;
+        st.prio=value;
+        _data.push_back(st);
+        i=s;
+      }
+      else {
+        _data[i].parent=_data[i].right_neighbor=_data[i].child=-1;
+        _data[i].degree=0;
+        _data[i].in=true;
+        _data[i].prio=value;
+      }
+      if( 0==_num_items ) {
+        _head=i;
+        _min=i;
+      } else {
+        merge(i);
+        if( _comp(_data[i].prio, _data[_min].prio) ) _min=i;
+      }
+      ++_num_items;
+    }
+    /// \brief Return the item having minimum priority.
+    ///
+    /// This function returns the item having minimum priority.
+    /// \pre The heap must be non-empty.
+    Item top() const { return _data[_min].name; }
+    /// \brief The minimum priority.
+    ///
+    /// This function returns the minimum priority.
+    /// \pre The heap must be non-empty.
+    Prio prio() const { return _data[_min].prio; }
+    /// \brief The priority of the given item.
+    ///
+    /// This function returns the priority of the given item.
+    /// \param item The item.
+    /// \pre \e item must be in the heap.
+    const Prio& operator[](const Item& item) const {
+      return _data[_iim[item]].prio;
+    }
+    /// \brief Remove the item having minimum priority.
+    ///
+    /// This function removes the item having minimum priority.
+    /// \pre The heap must be non-empty.
+    void pop() {
+      _data[_min].in=false;
+      int head_child=-1;
+      if ( _data[_min].child!=-1 ) {
+        int child=_data[_min].child;
+        int neighb;
+        while( child!=-1 ) {
+          neighb=_data[child].right_neighbor;
+          _data[child].parent=-1;
+          _data[child].right_neighbor=head_child;
+          head_child=child;
+          child=neighb;
+        }
+      }
+      if ( _data[_head].right_neighbor==-1 ) {
+        // there was only one root
+        _head=head_child;
+      }
+      else {
+        // there were more roots
+        if( _head!=_min )  { unlace(_min); }
+        else { _head=_data[_head].right_neighbor; }
+        merge(head_child);
+      }
+      _min=findMin();
+      --_num_items;
+    }
+    /// \brief Remove the given item from the heap.
+    ///
+    /// This function removes the given item from the heap if it is
+    /// already stored.
+    /// \param item The item to delete.
+    /// \pre \e item must be in the heap.
+    void erase (const Item& item) {
+      int i=_iim[item];
+      if ( i >= 0 && _data[i].in ) {
+        decrease( item, _data[_min].prio-1 );
+        pop();
+      }
+    }
+    /// \brief Decrease the priority of an item to the given value.
+    ///
+    /// This function decreases the priority of an item to the given value.
+    /// \param item The item.
+    /// \param value The priority.
+    /// \pre \e item must be stored in the heap with priority at least \e value.
+    void decrease (Item item, const Prio& value) {
+      int i=_iim[item];
+      int p=_data[i].parent;
+      _data[i].prio=value;
+      while( p!=-1 && _comp(value, _data[p].prio) ) {
+        _data[i].name=_data[p].name;
+        _data[i].prio=_data[p].prio;
+        _data[p].name=item;
+        _data[p].prio=value;
+        _iim[_data[i].name]=i;
+        i=p;
+        p=_data[p].parent;
+      }
+      _iim[item]=i;
+      if ( _comp(value, _data[_min].prio) ) _min=i;
+    }
+    /// \brief Increase the priority of an item to the given value.
+    ///
+    /// This function increases the priority of an item to the given value.
+    /// \param item The item.
+    /// \param value The priority.
+    /// \pre \e item must be stored in the heap with priority at most \e value.
+    void increase (Item item, const Prio& value) {
+      erase(item);
+      push(item, value);
+    }
+    /// \brief Return the state of an item.
+    ///
+    /// This method returns \c PRE_HEAP if the given item has never
+    /// been in the heap, \c IN_HEAP if it is in the heap at the moment,
+    /// and \c POST_HEAP otherwise.
+    /// In the latter case it is possible that the item will get back
+    /// to the heap again.
+    /// \param item The item.
+    State state(const Item &item) const {
+      int i=_iim[item];
+      if( i>=0 ) {
+        if ( _data[i].in ) i=0;
+        else i=-2;
+      }
+      return State(i);
+    }
+    /// \brief Set the state of an item in the heap.
+    ///
+    /// This function sets the state of the given item in the heap.
+    /// It can be used to manually clear the heap when it is important
+    /// to achive better time complexity.
+    /// \param i The item.
+    /// \param st The state. It should not be \c IN_HEAP.
+    void state(const Item& i, State st) {
+      switch (st) {
+      case POST_HEAP:
+      case PRE_HEAP:
+        if (state(i) == IN_HEAP) {
+          erase(i);
+        }
+        _iim[i] = st;
+        break;
+      case IN_HEAP:
+        break;
+      }
+    }
+  private:
+    // Find the minimum of the roots
+    int findMin() {
+      if( _head!=-1 ) {
+        int min_loc=_head, min_val=_data[_head].prio;
+        for( int x=_data[_head].right_neighbor; x!=-1;
+             x=_data[x].right_neighbor ) {
+          if( _comp( _data[x].prio,min_val ) ) {
+            min_val=_data[x].prio;
+            min_loc=x;
+          }
+        }
+        return min_loc;
+      }
+      else return -1;
+    }
+    // Merge the heap with another heap starting at the given position
+    void merge(int a) {
+      if( _head==-1 || a==-1 ) return;
+      if( _data[a].right_neighbor==-1 &&
+          _data[a].degree<=_data[_head].degree ) {
+        _data[a].right_neighbor=_head;
+        _head=a;
+      } else {
+        interleave(a);
+      }
+      if( _data[_head].right_neighbor==-1 ) return;
+      int x=_head;
+      int x_prev=-1, x_next=_data[x].right_neighbor;
+      while( x_next!=-1 ) {
+        if( _data[x].degree!=_data[x_next].degree ||
+            ( _data[x_next].right_neighbor!=-1 &&
+              _data[_data[x_next].right_neighbor].degree==_data[x].degree ) ) {
+          x_prev=x;
+          x=x_next;
+        }
+        else {
+          if( _comp(_data[x_next].prio,_data[x].prio) ) {
+            if( x_prev==-1 ) {
+              _head=x_next;
+            } else {
+              _data[x_prev].right_neighbor=x_next;
+            }
+            fuse(x,x_next);
+            x=x_next;
+          }
+          else {
+            _data[x].right_neighbor=_data[x_next].right_neighbor;
+            fuse(x_next,x);
+          }
+        }
+        x_next=_data[x].right_neighbor;
+      }
+    }
+    // Interleave the elements of the given list into the list of the roots
+    void interleave(int a) {
+      int p=_head, q=a;
+      int curr=_data.size();
+      _data.push_back(Store());
+      while( p!=-1 || q!=-1 ) {
+        if( q==-1 || ( p!=-1 && _data[p].degree<_data[q].degree ) ) {
+          _data[curr].right_neighbor=p;
+          curr=p;
+          p=_data[p].right_neighbor;
+        }
+        else {
+          _data[curr].right_neighbor=q;
+          curr=q;
+          q=_data[q].right_neighbor;
+        }
+      }
+      _head=_data.back().right_neighbor;
+      _data.pop_back();
+    }
+    // Lace node a under node b
+    void fuse(int a, int b) {
+      _data[a].parent=b;
+      _data[a].right_neighbor=_data[b].child;
+      _data[b].child=a;
+      ++_data[b].degree;
+    }
+    // Unlace node a (if it has siblings)
+    void unlace(int a) {
+      int neighb=_data[a].right_neighbor;
+      int other=_head;
+      while( _data[other].right_neighbor!=a )
+        other=_data[other].right_neighbor;
+      _data[other].right_neighbor=neighb;
+    }
+  private:
+    class Store {
+      friend class BinomHeap;
+      Item name;
+      int parent;
+      int right_neighbor;
+      int child;
+      int degree;
+      bool in;
+      Prio prio;
+      Store() : parent(-1), right_neighbor(-1), child(-1), degree(0),
+        in(true) {}
+    };
+  };
+} //namespace lemon
diff -r 98a30824fe36 -r ece80147fb08 lemon/bits/edge_set_extender.h
--- a/lemon/bits/edge_set_extender.h	Fri Jul 24 11:07:52 2009 +0200
+++ b/lemon/bits/edge_set_extender.h	Fri Sep 25 09:06:32 2009 +0200
@@ -537,7 +537,7 @@
       typedef MapExtender<DefaultMap<Graph, Arc, _Value> > Parent;
-      ArcMap(const Graph& _g) 
+      explicit ArcMap(const Graph& _g) 
 	: Parent(_g) {}
       ArcMap(const Graph& _g, const _Value& _v) 
 	: Parent(_g, _v) {}
@@ -561,7 +561,7 @@
       typedef MapExtender<DefaultMap<Graph, Edge, _Value> > Parent;
-      EdgeMap(const Graph& _g) 
+      explicit EdgeMap(const Graph& _g) 
 	: Parent(_g) {}
       EdgeMap(const Graph& _g, const _Value& _v) 
diff -r 98a30824fe36 -r ece80147fb08 lemon/bits/graph_extender.h
--- a/lemon/bits/graph_extender.h	Fri Jul 24 11:07:52 2009 +0200
+++ b/lemon/bits/graph_extender.h	Fri Sep 25 09:06:32 2009 +0200
@@ -604,7 +604,7 @@
       typedef MapExtender<DefaultMap<Graph, Node, _Value> > Parent;
-      NodeMap(const Graph& graph)
+      explicit NodeMap(const Graph& graph)
         : Parent(graph) {}
       NodeMap(const Graph& graph, const _Value& value)
         : Parent(graph, value) {}
@@ -628,7 +628,7 @@
       typedef MapExtender<DefaultMap<Graph, Arc, _Value> > Parent;
-      ArcMap(const Graph& graph)
+      explicit ArcMap(const Graph& graph)
         : Parent(graph) {}
       ArcMap(const Graph& graph, const _Value& value)
         : Parent(graph, value) {}
@@ -652,7 +652,7 @@
       typedef MapExtender<DefaultMap<Graph, Edge, _Value> > Parent;
-      EdgeMap(const Graph& graph)
+      explicit EdgeMap(const Graph& graph)
         : Parent(graph) {}
       EdgeMap(const Graph& graph, const _Value& value)
diff -r 98a30824fe36 -r ece80147fb08 lemon/bucket_heap.h
--- a/lemon/bucket_heap.h	Fri Jul 24 11:07:52 2009 +0200
+++ b/lemon/bucket_heap.h	Fri Sep 25 09:06:32 2009 +0200
@@ -19,9 +19,9 @@
-///\ingroup auxdat
+///\ingroup heaps
-///\brief Bucket Heap implementation.
+///\brief Bucket heap implementation.
 #include <vector>
 #include <utility>
@@ -53,35 +53,41 @@
-  /// \ingroup auxdat
+  /// \ingroup heaps
-  /// \brief A Bucket Heap implementation.
+  /// \brief Bucket heap data structure.
-  /// This class implements the \e bucket \e heap data structure. A \e heap
-  /// is a data structure for storing items with specified values called \e
-  /// priorities in such a way that finding the item with minimum priority is
-  /// efficient. The bucket heap is very simple implementation, it can store
-  /// only integer priorities and it stores for each priority in the
-  /// \f$ [0..C) \f$ range a list of items. So it should be used only when
-  /// the priorities are small. It is not intended to use as dijkstra heap.
+  /// This class implements the \e bucket \e heap data structure.
+  /// It practically conforms to the \ref concepts::Heap "heap concept",
+  /// but it has some limitations.
-  /// \param IM A read and write Item int map, used internally
-  /// to handle the cross references.
-  /// \param MIN If the given parameter is false then instead of the
-  /// minimum value the maximum can be retrivied with the top() and
-  /// prio() member functions.
+  /// The bucket heap is a very simple structure. It can store only
+  /// \c int priorities and it maintains a list of items for each priority
+  /// in the range <tt>[0..C)</tt>. So it should only be used when the
+  /// priorities are small. It is not intended to use as a Dijkstra heap.
+  ///
+  /// \tparam IM A read-writable item map with \c int values, used
+  /// internally to handle the cross references.
+  /// \tparam MIN Indicate if the heap is a \e min-heap or a \e max-heap.
+  /// The default is \e min-heap. If this parameter is set to \c false,
+  /// then the comparison is reversed, so the top(), prio() and pop()
+  /// functions deal with the item having maximum priority instead of the
+  /// minimum.
+  ///
+  /// \sa SimpleBucketHeap
   template <typename IM, bool MIN = true>
   class BucketHeap {
-    /// \e
-    typedef typename IM::Key Item;
-    /// \e
+    /// Type of the item-int map.
+    typedef IM ItemIntMap;
+    /// Type of the priorities.
     typedef int Prio;
-    /// \e
-    typedef std::pair<Item, Prio> Pair;
-    /// \e
-    typedef IM ItemIntMap;
+    /// Type of the items stored in the heap.
+    typedef typename ItemIntMap::Key Item;
+    /// Type of the item-priority pairs.
+    typedef std::pair<Item,Prio> Pair;
@@ -89,10 +95,10 @@
-    /// \brief Type to represent the items states.
+    /// \brief Type to represent the states of the items.
-    /// Each Item element have a state associated to it. It may be "in heap",
-    /// "pre heap" or "post heap". The latter two are indifferent from the
+    /// Each item has a state associated to it. It can be "in heap",
+    /// "pre-heap" or "post-heap". The latter two are indifferent from the
     /// heap's point of view, but may be useful to the user.
     /// The item-int map must be initialized in such way that it assigns
@@ -104,37 +110,39 @@
-    /// \brief The constructor.
+    /// \brief Constructor.
-    /// The constructor.
-    /// \param map should be given to the constructor, since it is used
-    /// internally to handle the cross references. The value of the map
-    /// should be PRE_HEAP (-1) for each element.
+    /// Constructor.
+    /// \param map A map that assigns \c int values to the items.
+    /// It is used internally to handle the cross references.
+    /// The assigned value must be \c PRE_HEAP (<tt>-1</tt>) for each item.
     explicit BucketHeap(ItemIntMap &map) : _iim(map), _minimum(0) {}
-    /// The number of items stored in the heap.
+    /// \brief The number of items stored in the heap.
-    /// \brief Returns the number of items stored in the heap.
+    /// This function returns the number of items stored in the heap.
     int size() const { return _data.size(); }
-    /// \brief Checks if the heap stores no items.
+    /// \brief Check if the heap is empty.
-    /// Returns \c true if and only if the heap stores no items.
+    /// This function returns \c true if the heap is empty.
     bool empty() const { return _data.empty(); }
-    /// \brief Make empty this heap.
+    /// \brief Make the heap empty.
-    /// Make empty this heap. It does not change the cross reference
-    /// map.  If you want to reuse a heap what is not surely empty you
-    /// should first clear the heap and after that you should set the
-    /// cross reference map for each item to \c PRE_HEAP.
+    /// This functon makes the heap empty.
+    /// It does not change the cross reference map. If you want to reuse
+    /// a heap that is not surely empty, you should first clear it and
+    /// then you should set the cross reference map to \c PRE_HEAP
+    /// for each item.
     void clear() {
       _data.clear(); _first.clear(); _minimum = 0;
-    void relocate_last(int idx) {
+    void relocateLast(int idx) {
       if (idx + 1 < int(_data.size())) {
         _data[idx] = _data.back();
         if (_data[idx].prev != -1) {
@@ -174,19 +182,24 @@
     /// \brief Insert a pair of item and priority into the heap.
-    /// Adds \c p.first to the heap with priority \c p.second.
+    /// This function inserts \c p.first to the heap with priority
+    /// \c p.second.
     /// \param p The pair to insert.
+    /// \pre \c p.first must not be stored in the heap.
     void push(const Pair& p) {
       push(p.first, p.second);
     /// \brief Insert an item into the heap with the given priority.
-    /// Adds \c i to the heap with priority \c p.
+    /// This function inserts the given item into the heap with the
+    /// given priority.
     /// \param i The item to insert.
     /// \param p The priority of the item.
+    /// \pre \e i must not be stored in the heap.
     void push(const Item &i, const Prio &p) {
       int idx = _data.size();
       _iim[i] = idx;
@@ -197,10 +210,10 @@
-    /// \brief Returns the item with minimum priority.
+    /// \brief Return the item having minimum priority.
-    /// This method returns the item with minimum priority.
-    /// \pre The heap must be nonempty.
+    /// This function returns the item having minimum priority.
+    /// \pre The heap must be non-empty.
     Item top() const {
       while (_first[_minimum] == -1) {
@@ -208,10 +221,10 @@
       return _data[_first[_minimum]].item;
-    /// \brief Returns the minimum priority.
+    /// \brief The minimum priority.
-    /// It returns the minimum priority.
-    /// \pre The heap must be nonempty.
+    /// This function returns the minimum priority.
+    /// \pre The heap must be non-empty.
     Prio prio() const {
       while (_first[_minimum] == -1) {
@@ -219,9 +232,9 @@
       return _minimum;
-    /// \brief Deletes the item with minimum priority.
+    /// \brief Remove the item having minimum priority.
-    /// This method deletes the item with minimum priority from the heap.
+    /// This function removes the item having minimum priority.
     /// \pre The heap must be non-empty.
     void pop() {
       while (_first[_minimum] == -1) {
@@ -230,37 +243,38 @@
       int idx = _first[_minimum];
       _iim[_data[idx].item] = -2;
-      relocate_last(idx);
+      relocateLast(idx);
-    /// \brief Deletes \c i from the heap.
+    /// \brief Remove the given item from the heap.
-    /// This method deletes item \c i from the heap, if \c i was
-    /// already stored in the heap.
-    /// \param i The item to erase.
+    /// This function removes the given item from the heap if it is
+    /// already stored.
+    /// \param i The item to delete.
+    /// \pre \e i must be in the heap.
     void erase(const Item &i) {
       int idx = _iim[i];
       _iim[_data[idx].item] = -2;
-      relocate_last(idx);
+      relocateLast(idx);
-    /// \brief Returns the priority of \c i.
+    /// \brief The priority of the given item.
-    /// This function returns the priority of item \c i.
-    /// \pre \c i must be in the heap.
+    /// This function returns the priority of the given item.
     /// \param i The item.
+    /// \pre \e i must be in the heap.
     Prio operator[](const Item &i) const {
       int idx = _iim[i];
       return _data[idx].value;
-    /// \brief \c i gets to the heap with priority \c p independently
-    /// if \c i was already there.
+    /// \brief Set the priority of an item or insert it, if it is
+    /// not stored in the heap.
-    /// This method calls \ref push(\c i, \c p) if \c i is not stored
-    /// in the heap and sets the priority of \c i to \c p otherwise.
+    /// This method sets the priority of the given item if it is
+    /// already stored in the heap. Otherwise it inserts the given
+    /// item into the heap with the given priority.
     /// \param i The item.
     /// \param p The priority.
     void set(const Item &i, const Prio &p) {
@@ -274,13 +288,12 @@
-    /// \brief Decreases the priority of \c i to \c p.
+    /// \brief Decrease the priority of an item to the given value.
-    /// This method decreases the priority of item \c i to \c p.
-    /// \pre \c i must be stored in the heap with priority at least \c
-    /// p relative to \c Compare.
+    /// This function decreases the priority of an item to the given value.
     /// \param i The item.
     /// \param p The priority.
+    /// \pre \e i must be stored in the heap with priority at least \e p.
     void decrease(const Item &i, const Prio &p) {
       int idx = _iim[i];
@@ -291,13 +304,12 @@
-    /// \brief Increases the priority of \c i to \c p.
+    /// \brief Increase the priority of an item to the given value.
-    /// This method sets the priority of item \c i to \c p.
-    /// \pre \c i must be stored in the heap with priority at most \c
-    /// p relative to \c Compare.
+    /// This function increases the priority of an item to the given value.
     /// \param i The item.
     /// \param p The priority.
+    /// \pre \e i must be stored in the heap with priority at most \e p.
     void increase(const Item &i, const Prio &p) {
       int idx = _iim[i];
@@ -305,13 +317,13 @@
-    /// \brief Returns if \c item is in, has already been in, or has
-    /// never been in the heap.
+    /// \brief Return the state of an item.
-    /// This method returns PRE_HEAP if \c item has never been in the
-    /// heap, IN_HEAP if it is in the heap at the moment, and POST_HEAP
-    /// otherwise. In the latter case it is possible that \c item will
-    /// get back to the heap again.
+    /// This method returns \c PRE_HEAP if the given item has never
+    /// been in the heap, \c IN_HEAP if it is in the heap at the moment,
+    /// and \c POST_HEAP otherwise.
+    /// In the latter case it is possible that the item will get back
+    /// to the heap again.
     /// \param i The item.
     State state(const Item &i) const {
       int idx = _iim[i];
@@ -319,11 +331,11 @@
       return State(idx);
-    /// \brief Sets the state of the \c item in the heap.
+    /// \brief Set the state of an item in the heap.
-    /// Sets the state of the \c item in the heap. It can be used to
-    /// manually clear the heap when it is important to achive the
-    /// better time complexity.
+    /// This function sets the state of the given item in the heap.
+    /// It can be used to manually clear the heap when it is important
+    /// to achive better time complexity.
     /// \param i The item.
     /// \param st The state. It should not be \c IN_HEAP.
     void state(const Item& i, State st) {
@@ -359,33 +371,44 @@
   }; // class BucketHeap
-  /// \ingroup auxdat
+  /// \ingroup heaps
-  /// \brief A Simplified Bucket Heap implementation.
+  /// \brief Simplified bucket heap data structure.
   /// This class implements a simplified \e bucket \e heap data
-  /// structure.  It does not provide some functionality but it faster
-  /// and simplier data structure than the BucketHeap. The main
-  /// difference is that the BucketHeap stores for every key a double
-  /// linked list while this class stores just simple lists. In the
-  /// other way it does not support erasing each elements just the
-  /// minimal and it does not supports key increasing, decreasing.
+  /// structure. It does not provide some functionality, but it is
+  /// faster and simpler than BucketHeap. The main difference is
+  /// that BucketHeap stores a doubly-linked list for each key while
+  /// this class stores only simply-linked lists. It supports erasing
+  /// only for the item having minimum priority and it does not support
+  /// key increasing and decreasing.
-  /// \param IM A read and write Item int map, used internally
-  /// to handle the cross references.
-  /// \param MIN If the given parameter is false then instead of the
-  /// minimum value the maximum can be retrivied with the top() and
-  /// prio() member functions.
+  /// Note that this implementation does not conform to the
+  /// \ref concepts::Heap "heap concept" due to the lack of some 
+  /// functionality.
+  ///
+  /// \tparam IM A read-writable item map with \c int values, used
+  /// internally to handle the cross references.
+  /// \tparam MIN Indicate if the heap is a \e min-heap or a \e max-heap.
+  /// The default is \e min-heap. If this parameter is set to \c false,
+  /// then the comparison is reversed, so the top(), prio() and pop()
+  /// functions deal with the item having maximum priority instead of the
+  /// minimum.
   /// \sa BucketHeap
   template <typename IM, bool MIN = true >
   class SimpleBucketHeap {
-    typedef typename IM::Key Item;
+    /// Type of the item-int map.
+    typedef IM ItemIntMap;
+    /// Type of the priorities.
     typedef int Prio;
-    typedef std::pair<Item, Prio> Pair;
-    typedef IM ItemIntMap;
+    /// Type of the items stored in the heap.
+    typedef typename ItemIntMap::Key Item;
+    /// Type of the item-priority pairs.
+    typedef std::pair<Item,Prio> Pair;
@@ -393,10 +416,10 @@
-    /// \brief Type to represent the items states.
+    /// \brief Type to represent the states of the items.
-    /// Each Item element have a state associated to it. It may be "in heap",
-    /// "pre heap" or "post heap". The latter two are indifferent from the
+    /// Each item has a state associated to it. It can be "in heap",
+    /// "pre-heap" or "post-heap". The latter two are indifferent from the
     /// heap's point of view, but may be useful to the user.
     /// The item-int map must be initialized in such way that it assigns
@@ -409,48 +432,53 @@
-    /// \brief The constructor.
+    /// \brief Constructor.
-    /// The constructor.
-    /// \param map should be given to the constructor, since it is used
-    /// internally to handle the cross references. The value of the map
-    /// should be PRE_HEAP (-1) for each element.
+    /// Constructor.
+    /// \param map A map that assigns \c int values to the items.
+    /// It is used internally to handle the cross references.
+    /// The assigned value must be \c PRE_HEAP (<tt>-1</tt>) for each item.
     explicit SimpleBucketHeap(ItemIntMap &map)
       : _iim(map), _free(-1), _num(0), _minimum(0) {}
-    /// \brief Returns the number of items stored in the heap.
+    /// \brief The number of items stored in the heap.
-    /// The number of items stored in the heap.
+    /// This function returns the number of items stored in the heap.
     int size() const { return _num; }
-    /// \brief Checks if the heap stores no items.
+    /// \brief Check if the heap is empty.
-    /// Returns \c true if and only if the heap stores no items.
+    /// This function returns \c true if the heap is empty.
     bool empty() const { return _num == 0; }
-    /// \brief Make empty this heap.
+    /// \brief Make the heap empty.
-    /// Make empty this heap. It does not change the cross reference
-    /// map.  If you want to reuse a heap what is not surely empty you
-    /// should first clear the heap and after that you should set the
-    /// cross reference map for each item to \c PRE_HEAP.
+    /// This functon makes the heap empty.
+    /// It does not change the cross reference map. If you want to reuse
+    /// a heap that is not surely empty, you should first clear it and
+    /// then you should set the cross reference map to \c PRE_HEAP
+    /// for each item.
     void clear() {
       _data.clear(); _first.clear(); _free = -1; _num = 0; _minimum = 0;
     /// \brief Insert a pair of item and priority into the heap.
-    /// Adds \c p.first to the heap with priority \c p.second.
+    /// This function inserts \c p.first to the heap with priority
+    /// \c p.second.
     /// \param p The pair to insert.
+    /// \pre \c p.first must not be stored in the heap.
     void push(const Pair& p) {
       push(p.first, p.second);
     /// \brief Insert an item into the heap with the given priority.
-    /// Adds \c i to the heap with priority \c p.
+    /// This function inserts the given item into the heap with the
+    /// given priority.
     /// \param i The item to insert.
     /// \param p The priority of the item.
+    /// \pre \e i must not be stored in the heap.
     void push(const Item &i, const Prio &p) {
       int idx;
       if (_free == -1) {
@@ -471,10 +499,10 @@
-    /// \brief Returns the item with minimum priority.
+    /// \brief Return the item having minimum priority.
-    /// This method returns the item with minimum priority.
-    /// \pre The heap must be nonempty.
+    /// This function returns the item having minimum priority.
+    /// \pre The heap must be non-empty.
     Item top() const {
       while (_first[_minimum] == -1) {
@@ -482,10 +510,10 @@
       return _data[_first[_minimum]].item;
-    /// \brief Returns the minimum priority.
+    /// \brief The minimum priority.
-    /// It returns the minimum priority.
-    /// \pre The heap must be nonempty.
+    /// This function returns the minimum priority.
+    /// \pre The heap must be non-empty.
     Prio prio() const {
       while (_first[_minimum] == -1) {
@@ -493,9 +521,9 @@
       return _minimum;
-    /// \brief Deletes the item with minimum priority.
+    /// \brief Remove the item having minimum priority.
-    /// This method deletes the item with minimum priority from the heap.
+    /// This function removes the item having minimum priority.
     /// \pre The heap must be non-empty.
     void pop() {
       while (_first[_minimum] == -1) {
@@ -509,16 +537,15 @@
-    /// \brief Returns the priority of \c i.
+    /// \brief The priority of the given item.
-    /// This function returns the priority of item \c i.
-    /// \warning This operator is not a constant time function
-    /// because it scans the whole data structure to find the proper
-    /// value.
-    /// \pre \c i must be in the heap.
+    /// This function returns the priority of the given item.
     /// \param i The item.
+    /// \pre \e i must be in the heap.
+    /// \warning This operator is not a constant time function because
+    /// it scans the whole data structure to find the proper value.
     Prio operator[](const Item &i) const {
-      for (int k = 0; k < _first.size(); ++k) {
+      for (int k = 0; k < int(_first.size()); ++k) {
         int idx = _first[k];
         while (idx != -1) {
           if (_data[idx].item == i) {
@@ -530,13 +557,13 @@
       return -1;
-    /// \brief Returns if \c item is in, has already been in, or has
-    /// never been in the heap.
+    /// \brief Return the state of an item.
-    /// This method returns PRE_HEAP if \c item has never been in the
-    /// heap, IN_HEAP if it is in the heap at the moment, and POST_HEAP
-    /// otherwise. In the latter case it is possible that \c item will
-    /// get back to the heap again.
+    /// This method returns \c PRE_HEAP if the given item has never
+    /// been in the heap, \c IN_HEAP if it is in the heap at the moment,
+    /// and \c POST_HEAP otherwise.
+    /// In the latter case it is possible that the item will get back
+    /// to the heap again.
     /// \param i The item.
     State state(const Item &i) const {
       int idx = _iim[i];
diff -r 98a30824fe36 -r ece80147fb08 lemon/circulation.h
--- a/lemon/circulation.h	Fri Jul 24 11:07:52 2009 +0200
+++ b/lemon/circulation.h	Fri Sep 25 09:06:32 2009 +0200
@@ -457,19 +457,21 @@
       return *_level;
-    /// \brief Sets the tolerance used by algorithm.
+    /// \brief Sets the tolerance used by the algorithm.
-    /// Sets the tolerance used by algorithm.
-    Circulation& tolerance(const Tolerance& tolerance) const {
+    /// Sets the tolerance object used by the algorithm.
+    /// \return <tt>(*this)</tt>
+    Circulation& tolerance(const Tolerance& tolerance) {
       _tol = tolerance;
       return *this;
     /// \brief Returns a const reference to the tolerance.
-    /// Returns a const reference to the tolerance.
+    /// Returns a const reference to the tolerance object used by
+    /// the algorithm.
     const Tolerance& tolerance() const {
-      return tolerance;
+      return _tol;
     /// \name Execution Control
diff -r 98a30824fe36 -r ece80147fb08 lemon/concepts/heap.h
--- a/lemon/concepts/heap.h	Fri Jul 24 11:07:52 2009 +0200
+++ b/lemon/concepts/heap.h	Fri Sep 25 09:06:32 2009 +0200
@@ -16,13 +16,13 @@
 ///\ingroup concept
 ///\brief The concept of heaps.
 #include <lemon/core.h>
 #include <lemon/concept_check.h>
@@ -35,21 +35,27 @@
     /// \brief The heap concept.
-    /// Concept class describing the main interface of heaps. A \e heap
-    /// is a data structure for storing items with specified values called
-    /// \e priorities in such a way that finding the item with minimum
-    /// priority is efficient. In a heap one can change the priority of an
-    /// item, add or erase an item, etc.
+    /// This concept class describes the main interface of heaps.
+    /// The various \ref heaps "heap structures" are efficient
+    /// implementations of the abstract data type \e priority \e queue.
+    /// They store items with specified values called \e priorities
+    /// in such a way that finding and removing the item with minimum
+    /// priority are efficient. The basic operations are adding and
+    /// erasing items, changing the priority of an item, etc.
-    /// \tparam PR Type of the priority of the items.
-    /// \tparam IM A read and writable item map with int values, used
+    /// Heaps are crucial in several algorithms, such as Dijkstra and Prim.
+    /// Any class that conforms to this concept can be used easily in such
+    /// algorithms.
+    ///
+    /// \tparam PR Type of the priorities of the items.
+    /// \tparam IM A read-writable item map with \c int values, used
     /// internally to handle the cross references.
-    /// \tparam Comp A functor class for the ordering of the priorities.
+    /// \tparam CMP A functor class for comparing the priorities.
     /// The default is \c std::less<PR>.
 #ifdef DOXYGEN
-    template <typename PR, typename IM, typename Comp = std::less<PR> >
+    template <typename PR, typename IM, typename CMP>
-    template <typename PR, typename IM>
+    template <typename PR, typename IM, typename CMP = std::less<PR> >
     class Heap {
@@ -64,109 +70,125 @@
       /// \brief Type to represent the states of the items.
       /// Each item has a state associated to it. It can be "in heap",
-      /// "pre heap" or "post heap". The later two are indifferent
-      /// from the point of view of the heap, but may be useful for
-      /// the user.
+      /// "pre-heap" or "post-heap". The latter two are indifferent from the
+      /// heap's point of view, but may be useful to the user.
       /// The item-int map must be initialized in such way that it assigns
       /// \c PRE_HEAP (<tt>-1</tt>) to any element to be put in the heap.
       enum State {
         IN_HEAP = 0,    ///< = 0. The "in heap" state constant.
-        PRE_HEAP = -1,  ///< = -1. The "pre heap" state constant.
-        POST_HEAP = -2  ///< = -2. The "post heap" state constant.
+        PRE_HEAP = -1,  ///< = -1. The "pre-heap" state constant.
+        POST_HEAP = -2  ///< = -2. The "post-heap" state constant.
-      /// \brief The constructor.
+      /// \brief Constructor.
-      /// The constructor.
+      /// Constructor.
       /// \param map A map that assigns \c int values to keys of type
       /// \c Item. It is used internally by the heap implementations to
       /// handle the cross references. The assigned value must be
-      /// \c PRE_HEAP (<tt>-1</tt>) for every item.
+      /// \c PRE_HEAP (<tt>-1</tt>) for each item.
       explicit Heap(ItemIntMap &map) {}
+      /// \brief Constructor.
+      ///
+      /// Constructor.
+      /// \param map A map that assigns \c int values to keys of type
+      /// \c Item. It is used internally by the heap implementations to
+      /// handle the cross references. The assigned value must be
+      /// \c PRE_HEAP (<tt>-1</tt>) for each item.
+      /// \param comp The function object used for comparing the priorities.
+      explicit Heap(ItemIntMap &map, const CMP &comp) {}
       /// \brief The number of items stored in the heap.
-      /// Returns the number of items stored in the heap.
+      /// This function returns the number of items stored in the heap.
       int size() const { return 0; }
-      /// \brief Checks if the heap is empty.
+      /// \brief Check if the heap is empty.
-      /// Returns \c true if the heap is empty.
+      /// This function returns \c true if the heap is empty.
       bool empty() const { return false; }
-      /// \brief Makes the heap empty.
+      /// \brief Make the heap empty.
-      /// Makes the heap empty.
-      void clear();
+      /// This functon makes the heap empty.
+      /// It does not change the cross reference map. If you want to reuse
+      /// a heap that is not surely empty, you should first clear it and
+      /// then you should set the cross reference map to \c PRE_HEAP
+      /// for each item.
+      void clear() {}
-      /// \brief Inserts an item into the heap with the given priority.
+      /// \brief Insert an item into the heap with the given priority.
-      /// Inserts the given item into the heap with the given priority.
+      /// This function inserts the given item into the heap with the
+      /// given priority.
       /// \param i The item to insert.
       /// \param p The priority of the item.
+      /// \pre \e i must not be stored in the heap.
       void push(const Item &i, const Prio &p) {}
-      /// \brief Returns the item having minimum priority.
+      /// \brief Return the item having minimum priority.
-      /// Returns the item having minimum priority.
+      /// This function returns the item having minimum priority.
       /// \pre The heap must be non-empty.
       Item top() const {}
       /// \brief The minimum priority.
-      /// Returns the minimum priority.
+      /// This function returns the minimum priority.
       /// \pre The heap must be non-empty.
       Prio prio() const {}
-      /// \brief Removes the item having minimum priority.
+      /// \brief Remove the item having minimum priority.
-      /// Removes the item having minimum priority.
+      /// This function removes the item having minimum priority.
       /// \pre The heap must be non-empty.
       void pop() {}
-      /// \brief Removes an item from the heap.
+      /// \brief Remove the given item from the heap.
-      /// Removes the given item from the heap if it is already stored.
+      /// This function removes the given item from the heap if it is
+      /// already stored.
       /// \param i The item to delete.
+      /// \pre \e i must be in the heap.
       void erase(const Item &i) {}
-      /// \brief The priority of an item.
+      /// \brief The priority of the given item.
-      /// Returns the priority of the given item.
+      /// This function returns the priority of the given item.
       /// \param i The item.
-      /// \pre \c i must be in the heap.
+      /// \pre \e i must be in the heap.
       Prio operator[](const Item &i) const {}
-      /// \brief Sets the priority of an item or inserts it, if it is
+      /// \brief Set the priority of an item or insert it, if it is
       /// not stored in the heap.
       /// This method sets the priority of the given item if it is
-      /// already stored in the heap.
-      /// Otherwise it inserts the given item with the given priority.
+      /// already stored in the heap. Otherwise it inserts the given
+      /// item into the heap with the given priority.
       /// \param i The item.
       /// \param p The priority.
       void set(const Item &i, const Prio &p) {}
-      /// \brief Decreases the priority of an item to the given value.
+      /// \brief Decrease the priority of an item to the given value.
-      /// Decreases the priority of an item to the given value.
+      /// This function decreases the priority of an item to the given value.
       /// \param i The item.
       /// \param p The priority.
-      /// \pre \c i must be stored in the heap with priority at least \c p.
+      /// \pre \e i must be stored in the heap with priority at least \e p.
       void decrease(const Item &i, const Prio &p) {}
-      /// \brief Increases the priority of an item to the given value.
+      /// \brief Increase the priority of an item to the given value.
-      /// Increases the priority of an item to the given value.
+      /// This function increases the priority of an item to the given value.
       /// \param i The item.
       /// \param p The priority.
-      /// \pre \c i must be stored in the heap with priority at most \c p.
+      /// \pre \e i must be stored in the heap with priority at most \e p.
       void increase(const Item &i, const Prio &p) {}
-      /// \brief Returns if an item is in, has already been in, or has
-      /// never been in the heap.
+      /// \brief Return the state of an item.
       /// This method returns \c PRE_HEAP if the given item has never
       /// been in the heap, \c IN_HEAP if it is in the heap at the moment,
@@ -176,11 +198,11 @@
       /// \param i The item.
       State state(const Item &i) const {}
-      /// \brief Sets the state of an item in the heap.
+      /// \brief Set the state of an item in the heap.
-      /// Sets the state of the given item in the heap. It can be used
-      /// to manually clear the heap when it is important to achive the
-      /// better time complexity.
+      /// This function sets the state of the given item in the heap.
+      /// It can be used to manually clear the heap when it is important
+      /// to achive better time complexity.
       /// \param i The item.
       /// \param st The state. It should not be \c IN_HEAP.
       void state(const Item& i, State st) {}
diff -r 98a30824fe36 -r ece80147fb08 lemon/fib_heap.h
--- a/lemon/fib_heap.h	Fri Jul 24 11:07:52 2009 +0200
+++ b/lemon/fib_heap.h	Fri Sep 25 09:06:32 2009 +0200
@@ -20,53 +20,49 @@
-///\ingroup auxdat
-///\brief Fibonacci Heap implementation.
+///\ingroup heaps
+///\brief Fibonacci heap implementation.
 #include <vector>
+#include <utility>
 #include <functional>
 #include <lemon/math.h>
 namespace lemon {
-  /// \ingroup auxdat
+  /// \ingroup heaps
-  ///\brief Fibonacci Heap.
+  /// \brief Fibonacci heap data structure.
-  ///This class implements the \e Fibonacci \e heap data structure. A \e heap
-  ///is a data structure for storing items with specified values called \e
-  ///priorities in such a way that finding the item with minimum priority is
-  ///efficient. \c CMP specifies the ordering of the priorities. In a heap
-  ///one can change the priority of an item, add or erase an item, etc.
+  /// This class implements the \e Fibonacci \e heap data structure.
+  /// It fully conforms to the \ref concepts::Heap "heap concept".
-  ///The methods \ref increase and \ref erase are not efficient in a Fibonacci
-  ///heap. In case of many calls to these operations, it is better to use a
-  ///\ref BinHeap "binary heap".
+  /// The methods \ref increase() and \ref erase() are not efficient in a
+  /// Fibonacci heap. In case of many calls of these operations, it is
+  /// better to use other heap structure, e.g. \ref BinHeap "binary heap".
-  ///\param PRIO Type of the priority of the items.
-  ///\param IM A read and writable Item int map, used internally
-  ///to handle the cross references.
-  ///\param CMP A class for the ordering of the priorities. The
-  ///default is \c std::less<PRIO>.
-  ///
-  ///\sa BinHeap
-  ///\sa Dijkstra
+  /// \tparam PR Type of the priorities of the items.
+  /// \tparam IM A read-writable item map with \c int values, used
+  /// internally to handle the cross references.
+  /// \tparam CMP A functor class for comparing the priorities.
+  /// The default is \c std::less<PR>.
 #ifdef DOXYGEN
-  template <typename PRIO, typename IM, typename CMP>
+  template <typename PR, typename IM, typename CMP>
-  template <typename PRIO, typename IM, typename CMP = std::less<PRIO> >
+  template <typename PR, typename IM, typename CMP = std::less<PR> >
   class FibHeap {
-    ///\e
+    /// Type of the item-int map.
     typedef IM ItemIntMap;
-    ///\e
-    typedef PRIO Prio;
-    ///\e
+    /// Type of the priorities.
+    typedef PR Prio;
+    /// Type of the items stored in the heap.
     typedef typename ItemIntMap::Key Item;
-    ///\e
+    /// Type of the item-priority pairs.
     typedef std::pair<Item,Prio> Pair;
-    ///\e
+    /// Functor type for comparing the priorities.
     typedef CMP Compare;
@@ -80,10 +76,10 @@
-    /// \brief Type to represent the items states.
+    /// \brief Type to represent the states of the items.
-    /// Each Item element have a state associated to it. It may be "in heap",
-    /// "pre heap" or "post heap". The latter two are indifferent from the
+    /// Each item has a state associated to it. It can be "in heap",
+    /// "pre-heap" or "post-heap". The latter two are indifferent from the
     /// heap's point of view, but may be useful to the user.
     /// The item-int map must be initialized in such way that it assigns
@@ -94,60 +90,54 @@
       POST_HEAP = -2  ///< = -2.
-    /// \brief The constructor
+    /// \brief Constructor.
-    /// \c map should be given to the constructor, since it is
-    ///   used internally to handle the cross references.
+    /// Constructor.
+    /// \param map A map that assigns \c int values to the items.
+    /// It is used internally to handle the cross references.
+    /// The assigned value must be \c PRE_HEAP (<tt>-1</tt>) for each item.
     explicit FibHeap(ItemIntMap &map)
       : _minimum(0), _iim(map), _num() {}
-    /// \brief The constructor
+    /// \brief Constructor.
-    /// \c map should be given to the constructor, since it is used
-    /// internally to handle the cross references. \c comp is an
-    /// object for ordering of the priorities.
+    /// Constructor.
+    /// \param map A map that assigns \c int values to the items.
+    /// It is used internally to handle the cross references.
+    /// The assigned value must be \c PRE_HEAP (<tt>-1</tt>) for each item.
+    /// \param comp The function object used for comparing the priorities.
     FibHeap(ItemIntMap &map, const Compare &comp)
       : _minimum(0), _iim(map), _comp(comp), _num() {}
     /// \brief The number of items stored in the heap.
-    /// Returns the number of items stored in the heap.
+    /// This function returns the number of items stored in the heap.
     int size() const { return _num; }
-    /// \brief Checks if the heap stores no items.
+    /// \brief Check if the heap is empty.
-    ///   Returns \c true if and only if the heap stores no items.
+    /// This function returns \c true if the heap is empty.
     bool empty() const { return _num==0; }
-    /// \brief Make empty this heap.
+    /// \brief Make the heap empty.
-    /// Make empty this heap. It does not change the cross reference
-    /// map.  If you want to reuse a heap what is not surely empty you
-    /// should first clear the heap and after that you should set the
-    /// cross reference map for each item to \c PRE_HEAP.
+    /// This functon makes the heap empty.
+    /// It does not change the cross reference map. If you want to reuse
+    /// a heap that is not surely empty, you should first clear it and
+    /// then you should set the cross reference map to \c PRE_HEAP
+    /// for each item.
     void clear() {
       _data.clear(); _minimum = 0; _num = 0;
-    /// \brief \c item gets to the heap with priority \c value independently
-    /// if \c item was already there.
+    /// \brief Insert an item into the heap with the given priority.
-    /// This method calls \ref push(\c item, \c value) if \c item is not
-    /// stored in the heap and it calls \ref decrease(\c item, \c value) or
-    /// \ref increase(\c item, \c value) otherwise.
-    void set (const Item& item, const Prio& value) {
-      int i=_iim[item];
-      if ( i >= 0 && _data[i].in ) {
-        if ( _comp(value, _data[i].prio) ) decrease(item, value);
-        if ( _comp(_data[i].prio, value) ) increase(item, value);
-      } else push(item, value);
-    }
-    /// \brief Adds \c item to the heap with priority \c value.
-    ///
-    /// Adds \c item to the heap with priority \c value.
-    /// \pre \c item must not be stored in the heap.
-    void push (const Item& item, const Prio& value) {
+    /// This function inserts the given item into the heap with the
+    /// given priority.
+    /// \param item The item to insert.
+    /// \param prio The priority of the item.
+    /// \pre \e item must not be stored in the heap.
+    void push (const Item& item, const Prio& prio) {
       int i=_iim[item];
       if ( i < 0 ) {
         int s=_data.size();
@@ -168,47 +158,37 @@
-        if ( _comp( value, _data[_minimum].prio) ) _minimum=i;
+        if ( _comp( prio, _data[_minimum].prio) ) _minimum=i;
       } else {
-      _data[i].prio=value;
+      _data[i].prio=prio;
-    /// \brief Returns the item with minimum priority relative to \c Compare.
+    /// \brief Return the item having minimum priority.
-    /// This method returns the item with minimum priority relative to \c
-    /// Compare.
-    /// \pre The heap must be nonempty.
+    /// This function returns the item having minimum priority.
+    /// \pre The heap must be non-empty.
     Item top() const { return _data[_minimum].name; }
-    /// \brief Returns the minimum priority relative to \c Compare.
+    /// \brief The minimum priority.
-    /// It returns the minimum priority relative to \c Compare.
-    /// \pre The heap must be nonempty.
-    const Prio& prio() const { return _data[_minimum].prio; }
+    /// This function returns the minimum priority.
+    /// \pre The heap must be non-empty.
+    Prio prio() const { return _data[_minimum].prio; }
-    /// \brief Returns the priority of \c item.
+    /// \brief Remove the item having minimum priority.
-    /// It returns the priority of \c item.
-    /// \pre \c item must be in the heap.
-    const Prio& operator[](const Item& item) const {
-      return _data[_iim[item]].prio;
-    }
-    /// \brief Deletes the item with minimum priority relative to \c Compare.
-    ///
-    /// This method deletes the item with minimum priority relative to \c
-    /// Compare from the heap.
+    /// This function removes the item having minimum priority.
     /// \pre The heap must be non-empty.
     void pop() {
       /*The first case is that there are only one root.*/
       if ( _data[_minimum].left_neighbor==_minimum ) {
         if ( _data[_minimum].degree!=0 ) {
-          makeroot(_data[_minimum].child);
+          makeRoot(_data[_minimum].child);
@@ -221,7 +201,7 @@
           int child=_data[_minimum].child;
           int last_child=_data[child].left_neighbor;
-          makeroot(child);
+          makeRoot(child);
@@ -234,10 +214,12 @@
-    /// \brief Deletes \c item from the heap.
+    /// \brief Remove the given item from the heap.
-    /// This method deletes \c item from the heap, if \c item was already
-    /// stored in the heap. It is quite inefficient in Fibonacci heaps.
+    /// This function removes the given item from the heap if it is
+    /// already stored.
+    /// \param item The item to delete.
+    /// \pre \e item must be in the heap.
     void erase (const Item& item) {
       int i=_iim[item];
@@ -252,43 +234,68 @@
-    /// \brief Decreases the priority of \c item to \c value.
+    /// \brief The priority of the given item.
-    /// This method decreases the priority of \c item to \c value.
-    /// \pre \c item must be stored in the heap with priority at least \c
-    ///   value relative to \c Compare.
-    void decrease (Item item, const Prio& value) {
+    /// This function returns the priority of the given item.
+    /// \param item The item.
+    /// \pre \e item must be in the heap.
+    Prio operator[](const Item& item) const {
+      return _data[_iim[item]].prio;
+    }
+    /// \brief Set the priority of an item or insert it, if it is
+    /// not stored in the heap.
+    ///
+    /// This method sets the priority of the given item if it is
+    /// already stored in the heap. Otherwise it inserts the given
+    /// item into the heap with the given priority.
+    /// \param item The item.
+    /// \param prio The priority.
+    void set (const Item& item, const Prio& prio) {
       int i=_iim[item];
-      _data[i].prio=value;
+      if ( i >= 0 && _data[i].in ) {
+        if ( _comp(prio, _data[i].prio) ) decrease(item, prio);
+        if ( _comp(_data[i].prio, prio) ) increase(item, prio);
+      } else push(item, prio);
+    }
+    /// \brief Decrease the priority of an item to the given value.
+    ///
+    /// This function decreases the priority of an item to the given value.
+    /// \param item The item.
+    /// \param prio The priority.
+    /// \pre \e item must be stored in the heap with priority at least \e prio.
+    void decrease (const Item& item, const Prio& prio) {
+      int i=_iim[item];
+      _data[i].prio=prio;
       int p=_data[i].parent;
-      if ( p!=-1 && _comp(value, _data[p].prio) ) {
+      if ( p!=-1 && _comp(prio, _data[p].prio) ) {
-      if ( _comp(value, _data[_minimum].prio) ) _minimum=i;
+      if ( _comp(prio, _data[_minimum].prio) ) _minimum=i;
-    /// \brief Increases the priority of \c item to \c value.
+    /// \brief Increase the priority of an item to the given value.
-    /// This method sets the priority of \c item to \c value. Though
-    /// there is no precondition on the priority of \c item, this
-    /// method should be used only if it is indeed necessary to increase
-    /// (relative to \c Compare) the priority of \c item, because this
-    /// method is inefficient.
-    void increase (Item item, const Prio& value) {
+    /// This function increases the priority of an item to the given value.
+    /// \param item The item.
+    /// \param prio The priority.
+    /// \pre \e item must be stored in the heap with priority at most \e prio.
+    void increase (const Item& item, const Prio& prio) {
-      push(item, value);
+      push(item, prio);
-    /// \brief Returns if \c item is in, has already been in, or has never
-    /// been in the heap.
+    /// \brief Return the state of an item.
-    /// This method returns PRE_HEAP if \c item has never been in the
-    /// heap, IN_HEAP if it is in the heap at the moment, and POST_HEAP
-    /// otherwise. In the latter case it is possible that \c item will
-    /// get back to the heap again.
+    /// This method returns \c PRE_HEAP if the given item has never
+    /// been in the heap, \c IN_HEAP if it is in the heap at the moment,
+    /// and \c POST_HEAP otherwise.
+    /// In the latter case it is possible that the item will get back
+    /// to the heap again.
+    /// \param item The item.
     State state(const Item &item) const {
       int i=_iim[item];
       if( i>=0 ) {
@@ -298,11 +305,11 @@
       return State(i);
-    /// \brief Sets the state of the \c item in the heap.
+    /// \brief Set the state of an item in the heap.
-    /// Sets the state of the \c item in the heap. It can be used to
-    /// manually clear the heap when it is important to achive the
-    /// better time _complexity.
+    /// This function sets the state of the given item in the heap.
+    /// It can be used to manually clear the heap when it is important
+    /// to achive better time complexity.
     /// \param i The item.
     /// \param st The state. It should not be \c IN_HEAP.
     void state(const Item& i, State st) {
@@ -365,7 +372,7 @@
       } while ( s != m );
-    void makeroot(int c) {
+    void makeRoot(int c) {
       int s=c;
       do {
diff -r 98a30824fe36 -r ece80147fb08 lemon/fourary_heap.h
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/lemon/fourary_heap.h	Fri Sep 25 09:06:32 2009 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,342 @@
+/* -*- mode: C++; indent-tabs-mode: nil; -*-
+ *
+ * This file is a part of LEMON, a generic C++ optimization library.
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2003-2009
+ * Egervary Jeno Kombinatorikus Optimalizalasi Kutatocsoport
+ * (Egervary Research Group on Combinatorial Optimization, EGRES).
+ *
+ * Permission to use, modify and distribute this software is granted
+ * provided that this copyright notice appears in all copies. For
+ * precise terms see the accompanying LICENSE file.
+ *
+ * This software is provided "AS IS" with no warranty of any kind,
+ * express or implied, and with no claim as to its suitability for any
+ * purpose.
+ *
+ */
+///\ingroup heaps
+///\brief Fourary heap implementation.
+#include <vector>
+#include <utility>
+#include <functional>
+namespace lemon {
+  /// \ingroup heaps
+  ///
+  ///\brief Fourary heap data structure.
+  ///
+  /// This class implements the \e fourary \e heap data structure.
+  /// It fully conforms to the \ref concepts::Heap "heap concept".
+  ///
+  /// The fourary heap is a specialization of the \ref KaryHeap "K-ary heap"
+  /// for <tt>K=4</tt>. It is similar to the \ref BinHeap "binary heap",
+  /// but its nodes have at most four children, instead of two.
+  ///
+  /// \tparam PR Type of the priorities of the items.
+  /// \tparam IM A read-writable item map with \c int values, used
+  /// internally to handle the cross references.
+  /// \tparam CMP A functor class for comparing the priorities.
+  /// The default is \c std::less<PR>.
+  ///
+  ///\sa BinHeap
+  ///\sa KaryHeap
+#ifdef DOXYGEN
+  template <typename PR, typename IM, typename CMP>
+  template <typename PR, typename IM, typename CMP = std::less<PR> >
+  class FouraryHeap {
+  public:
+    /// Type of the item-int map.
+    typedef IM ItemIntMap;
+    /// Type of the priorities.
+    typedef PR Prio;
+    /// Type of the items stored in the heap.
+    typedef typename ItemIntMap::Key Item;
+    /// Type of the item-priority pairs.
+    typedef std::pair<Item,Prio> Pair;
+    /// Functor type for comparing the priorities.
+    typedef CMP Compare;
+    /// \brief Type to represent the states of the items.
+    ///
+    /// Each item has a state associated to it. It can be "in heap",
+    /// "pre-heap" or "post-heap". The latter two are indifferent from the
+    /// heap's point of view, but may be useful to the user.
+    ///
+    /// The item-int map must be initialized in such way that it assigns
+    /// \c PRE_HEAP (<tt>-1</tt>) to any element to be put in the heap.
+    enum State {
+      IN_HEAP = 0,    ///< = 0.
+      PRE_HEAP = -1,  ///< = -1.
+      POST_HEAP = -2  ///< = -2.
+    };
+  private:
+    std::vector<Pair> _data;
+    Compare _comp;
+    ItemIntMap &_iim;
+  public:
+    /// \brief Constructor.
+    ///
+    /// Constructor.
+    /// \param map A map that assigns \c int values to the items.
+    /// It is used internally to handle the cross references.
+    /// The assigned value must be \c PRE_HEAP (<tt>-1</tt>) for each item.
+    explicit FouraryHeap(ItemIntMap &map) : _iim(map) {}
+    /// \brief Constructor.
+    ///
+    /// Constructor.
+    /// \param map A map that assigns \c int values to the items.
+    /// It is used internally to handle the cross references.
+    /// The assigned value must be \c PRE_HEAP (<tt>-1</tt>) for each item.
+    /// \param comp The function object used for comparing the priorities.
+    FouraryHeap(ItemIntMap &map, const Compare &comp)
+      : _iim(map), _comp(comp) {}
+    /// \brief The number of items stored in the heap.
+    ///
+    /// This function returns the number of items stored in the heap.
+    int size() const { return _data.size(); }
+    /// \brief Check if the heap is empty.
+    ///
+    /// This function returns \c true if the heap is empty.
+    bool empty() const { return _data.empty(); }
+    /// \brief Make the heap empty.
+    ///
+    /// This functon makes the heap empty.
+    /// It does not change the cross reference map. If you want to reuse
+    /// a heap that is not surely empty, you should first clear it and
+    /// then you should set the cross reference map to \c PRE_HEAP
+    /// for each item.
+    void clear() { _data.clear(); }
+  private:
+    static int parent(int i) { return (i-1)/4; }
+    static int firstChild(int i) { return 4*i+1; }
+    bool less(const Pair &p1, const Pair &p2) const {
+      return _comp(p1.second, p2.second);
+    }
+    void bubbleUp(int hole, Pair p) {
+      int par = parent(hole);
+      while( hole>0 && less(p,_data[par]) ) {
+        move(_data[par],hole);
+        hole = par;
+        par = parent(hole);
+      }
+      move(p, hole);
+    }
+    void bubbleDown(int hole, Pair p, int length) {
+      if( length>1 ) {
+        int child = firstChild(hole);
+        while( child+3<length ) {
+          int min=child;
+          if( less(_data[++child], _data[min]) ) min=child;
+          if( less(_data[++child], _data[min]) ) min=child;
+          if( less(_data[++child], _data[min]) ) min=child;
+          if( !less(_data[min], p) )
+            goto ok;
+          move(_data[min], hole);
+          hole = min;
+          child = firstChild(hole);
+        }
+        if ( child<length ) {
+          int min = child;
+          if( ++child<length && less(_data[child], _data[min]) ) min=child;
+          if( ++child<length && less(_data[child], _data[min]) ) min=child;
+          if( less(_data[min], p) ) {
+            move(_data[min], hole);
+            hole = min;
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    ok:
+      move(p, hole);
+    }
+    void move(const Pair &p, int i) {
+      _data[i] = p;
+      _iim.set(p.first, i);
+    }
+  public:
+    /// \brief Insert a pair of item and priority into the heap.
+    ///
+    /// This function inserts \c p.first to the heap with priority
+    /// \c p.second.
+    /// \param p The pair to insert.
+    /// \pre \c p.first must not be stored in the heap.
+    void push(const Pair &p) {
+      int n = _data.size();
+      _data.resize(n+1);
+      bubbleUp(n, p);
+    }
+    /// \brief Insert an item into the heap with the given priority.
+    ///
+    /// This function inserts the given item into the heap with the
+    /// given priority.
+    /// \param i The item to insert.
+    /// \param p The priority of the item.
+    /// \pre \e i must not be stored in the heap.
+    void push(const Item &i, const Prio &p) { push(Pair(i,p)); }
+    /// \brief Return the item having minimum priority.
+    ///
+    /// This function returns the item having minimum priority.
+    /// \pre The heap must be non-empty.
+    Item top() const { return _data[0].first; }
+    /// \brief The minimum priority.
+    ///
+    /// This function returns the minimum priority.
+    /// \pre The heap must be non-empty.
+    Prio prio() const { return _data[0].second; }
+    /// \brief Remove the item having minimum priority.
+    ///
+    /// This function removes the item having minimum priority.
+    /// \pre The heap must be non-empty.
+    void pop() {
+      int n = _data.size()-1;
+      _iim.set(_data[0].first, POST_HEAP);
+      if (n>0) bubbleDown(0, _data[n], n);
+      _data.pop_back();
+    }
+    /// \brief Remove the given item from the heap.
+    ///
+    /// This function removes the given item from the heap if it is
+    /// already stored.
+    /// \param i The item to delete.
+    /// \pre \e i must be in the heap.
+    void erase(const Item &i) {
+      int h = _iim[i];
+      int n = _data.size()-1;
+      _iim.set(_data[h].first, POST_HEAP);
+      if( h<n ) {
+        if( less(_data[parent(h)], _data[n]) )
+          bubbleDown(h, _data[n], n);
+        else
+          bubbleUp(h, _data[n]);
+      }
+      _data.pop_back();
+    }
+    /// \brief The priority of the given item.
+    ///
+    /// This function returns the priority of the given item.
+    /// \param i The item.
+    /// \pre \e i must be in the heap.
+    Prio operator[](const Item &i) const {
+      int idx = _iim[i];
+      return _data[idx].second;
+    }
+    /// \brief Set the priority of an item or insert it, if it is
+    /// not stored in the heap.
+    ///
+    /// This method sets the priority of the given item if it is
+    /// already stored in the heap. Otherwise it inserts the given
+    /// item into the heap with the given priority.
+    /// \param i The item.
+    /// \param p The priority.
+    void set(const Item &i, const Prio &p) {
+      int idx = _iim[i];
+      if( idx < 0 )
+        push(i,p);
+      else if( _comp(p, _data[idx].second) )
+        bubbleUp(idx, Pair(i,p));
+      else
+        bubbleDown(idx, Pair(i,p), _data.size());
+    }
+    /// \brief Decrease the priority of an item to the given value.
+    ///
+    /// This function decreases the priority of an item to the given value.
+    /// \param i The item.
+    /// \param p The priority.
+    /// \pre \e i must be stored in the heap with priority at least \e p.
+    void decrease(const Item &i, const Prio &p) {
+      int idx = _iim[i];
+      bubbleUp(idx, Pair(i,p));
+    }
+    /// \brief Increase the priority of an item to the given value.
+    ///
+    /// This function increases the priority of an item to the given value.
+    /// \param i The item.
+    /// \param p The priority.
+    /// \pre \e i must be stored in the heap with priority at most \e p.
+    void increase(const Item &i, const Prio &p) {
+      int idx = _iim[i];
+      bubbleDown(idx, Pair(i,p), _data.size());
+    }
+    /// \brief Return the state of an item.
+    ///
+    /// This method returns \c PRE_HEAP if the given item has never
+    /// been in the heap, \c IN_HEAP if it is in the heap at the moment,
+    /// and \c POST_HEAP otherwise.
+    /// In the latter case it is possible that the item will get back
+    /// to the heap again.
+    /// \param i The item.
+    State state(const Item &i) const {
+      int s = _iim[i];
+      if (s>=0) s=0;
+      return State(s);
+    }
+    /// \brief Set the state of an item in the heap.
+    ///
+    /// This function sets the state of the given item in the heap.
+    /// It can be used to manually clear the heap when it is important
+    /// to achive better time complexity.
+    /// \param i The item.
+    /// \param st The state. It should not be \c IN_HEAP.
+    void state(const Item& i, State st) {
+      switch (st) {
+        case POST_HEAP:
+        case PRE_HEAP:
+          if (state(i) == IN_HEAP) erase(i);
+          _iim[i] = st;
+          break;
+        case IN_HEAP:
+          break;
+      }
+    }
+    /// \brief Replace an item in the heap.
+    ///
+    /// This function replaces item \c i with item \c j.
+    /// Item \c i must be in the heap, while \c j must be out of the heap.
+    /// After calling this method, item \c i will be out of the
+    /// heap and \c j will be in the heap with the same prioriority
+    /// as item \c i had before.
+    void replace(const Item& i, const Item& j) {
+      int idx = _iim[i];
+      _iim.set(i, _iim[j]);
+      _iim.set(j, idx);
+      _data[idx].first = j;
+    }
+  }; // class FouraryHeap
+} // namespace lemon
diff -r 98a30824fe36 -r ece80147fb08 lemon/kary_heap.h
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/lemon/kary_heap.h	Fri Sep 25 09:06:32 2009 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,352 @@
+/* -*- mode: C++; indent-tabs-mode: nil; -*-
+ *
+ * This file is a part of LEMON, a generic C++ optimization library.
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2003-2009
+ * Egervary Jeno Kombinatorikus Optimalizalasi Kutatocsoport
+ * (Egervary Research Group on Combinatorial Optimization, EGRES).
+ *
+ * Permission to use, modify and distribute this software is granted
+ * provided that this copyright notice appears in all copies. For
+ * precise terms see the accompanying LICENSE file.
+ *
+ * This software is provided "AS IS" with no warranty of any kind,
+ * express or implied, and with no claim as to its suitability for any
+ * purpose.
+ *
+ */
+///\ingroup heaps
+///\brief Fourary heap implementation.
+#include <vector>
+#include <utility>
+#include <functional>
+namespace lemon {
+  /// \ingroup heaps
+  ///
+  ///\brief K-ary heap data structure.
+  ///
+  /// This class implements the \e K-ary \e heap data structure.
+  /// It fully conforms to the \ref concepts::Heap "heap concept".
+  ///
+  /// The \ref KaryHeap "K-ary heap" is a generalization of the
+  /// \ref BinHeap "binary heap" structure, its nodes have at most
+  /// \c K children, instead of two.
+  /// \ref BinHeap and \ref FouraryHeap are specialized implementations
+  /// of this structure for <tt>K=2</tt> and <tt>K=4</tt>, respectively.
+  ///
+  /// \tparam PR Type of the priorities of the items.
+  /// \tparam IM A read-writable item map with \c int values, used
+  /// internally to handle the cross references.
+  /// \tparam K The degree of the heap, each node have at most \e K
+  /// children. The default is 16. Powers of two are suggested to use
+  /// so that the multiplications and divisions needed to traverse the
+  /// nodes of the heap could be performed faster.
+  /// \tparam CMP A functor class for comparing the priorities.
+  /// The default is \c std::less<PR>.
+  ///
+  ///\sa BinHeap
+  ///\sa FouraryHeap
+#ifdef DOXYGEN
+  template <typename PR, typename IM, int K, typename CMP>
+  template <typename PR, typename IM, int K = 16,
+            typename CMP = std::less<PR> >
+  class KaryHeap {
+  public:
+    /// Type of the item-int map.
+    typedef IM ItemIntMap;
+    /// Type of the priorities.
+    typedef PR Prio;
+    /// Type of the items stored in the heap.
+    typedef typename ItemIntMap::Key Item;
+    /// Type of the item-priority pairs.
+    typedef std::pair<Item,Prio> Pair;
+    /// Functor type for comparing the priorities.
+    typedef CMP Compare;
+    /// \brief Type to represent the states of the items.
+    ///
+    /// Each item has a state associated to it. It can be "in heap",
+    /// "pre-heap" or "post-heap". The latter two are indifferent from the
+    /// heap's point of view, but may be useful to the user.
+    ///
+    /// The item-int map must be initialized in such way that it assigns
+    /// \c PRE_HEAP (<tt>-1</tt>) to any element to be put in the heap.
+    enum State {
+      IN_HEAP = 0,    ///< = 0.
+      PRE_HEAP = -1,  ///< = -1.
+      POST_HEAP = -2  ///< = -2.
+    };
+  private:
+    std::vector<Pair> _data;
+    Compare _comp;
+    ItemIntMap &_iim;
+  public:
+    /// \brief Constructor.
+    ///
+    /// Constructor.
+    /// \param map A map that assigns \c int values to the items.
+    /// It is used internally to handle the cross references.
+    /// The assigned value must be \c PRE_HEAP (<tt>-1</tt>) for each item.
+    explicit KaryHeap(ItemIntMap &map) : _iim(map) {}
+    /// \brief Constructor.
+    ///
+    /// Constructor.
+    /// \param map A map that assigns \c int values to the items.
+    /// It is used internally to handle the cross references.
+    /// The assigned value must be \c PRE_HEAP (<tt>-1</tt>) for each item.
+    /// \param comp The function object used for comparing the priorities.
+    KaryHeap(ItemIntMap &map, const Compare &comp)
+      : _iim(map), _comp(comp) {}
+    /// \brief The number of items stored in the heap.
+    ///
+    /// This function returns the number of items stored in the heap.
+    int size() const { return _data.size(); }
+    /// \brief Check if the heap is empty.
+    ///
+    /// This function returns \c true if the heap is empty.
+    bool empty() const { return _data.empty(); }
+    /// \brief Make the heap empty.
+    ///
+    /// This functon makes the heap empty.
+    /// It does not change the cross reference map. If you want to reuse
+    /// a heap that is not surely empty, you should first clear it and
+    /// then you should set the cross reference map to \c PRE_HEAP
+    /// for each item.
+    void clear() { _data.clear(); }
+  private:
+    int parent(int i) { return (i-1)/K; }
+    int firstChild(int i) { return K*i+1; }
+    bool less(const Pair &p1, const Pair &p2) const {
+      return _comp(p1.second, p2.second);
+    }
+    void bubbleUp(int hole, Pair p) {
+      int par = parent(hole);
+      while( hole>0 && less(p,_data[par]) ) {
+        move(_data[par],hole);
+        hole = par;
+        par = parent(hole);
+      }
+      move(p, hole);
+    }
+    void bubbleDown(int hole, Pair p, int length) {
+      if( length>1 ) {
+        int child = firstChild(hole);
+        while( child+K<=length ) {
+          int min=child;
+          for (int i=1; i<K; ++i) {
+            if( less(_data[child+i], _data[min]) )
+              min=child+i;
+          }
+          if( !less(_data[min], p) )
+            goto ok;
+          move(_data[min], hole);
+          hole = min;
+          child = firstChild(hole);
+        }
+        if ( child<length ) {
+          int min = child;
+          while (++child < length) {
+            if( less(_data[child], _data[min]) )
+              min=child;
+          }
+          if( less(_data[min], p) ) {
+            move(_data[min], hole);
+            hole = min;
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    ok:
+      move(p, hole);
+    }
+    void move(const Pair &p, int i) {
+      _data[i] = p;
+      _iim.set(p.first, i);
+    }
+  public:
+    /// \brief Insert a pair of item and priority into the heap.
+    ///
+    /// This function inserts \c p.first to the heap with priority
+    /// \c p.second.
+    /// \param p The pair to insert.
+    /// \pre \c p.first must not be stored in the heap.
+    void push(const Pair &p) {
+      int n = _data.size();
+      _data.resize(n+1);
+      bubbleUp(n, p);
+    }
+    /// \brief Insert an item into the heap with the given priority.
+    ///
+    /// This function inserts the given item into the heap with the
+    /// given priority.
+    /// \param i The item to insert.
+    /// \param p The priority of the item.
+    /// \pre \e i must not be stored in the heap.
+    void push(const Item &i, const Prio &p) { push(Pair(i,p)); }
+    /// \brief Return the item having minimum priority.
+    ///
+    /// This function returns the item having minimum priority.
+    /// \pre The heap must be non-empty.
+    Item top() const { return _data[0].first; }
+    /// \brief The minimum priority.
+    ///
+    /// This function returns the minimum priority.
+    /// \pre The heap must be non-empty.
+    Prio prio() const { return _data[0].second; }
+    /// \brief Remove the item having minimum priority.
+    ///
+    /// This function removes the item having minimum priority.
+    /// \pre The heap must be non-empty.
+    void pop() {
+      int n = _data.size()-1;
+      _iim.set(_data[0].first, POST_HEAP);
+      if (n>0) bubbleDown(0, _data[n], n);
+      _data.pop_back();
+    }
+    /// \brief Remove the given item from the heap.
+    ///
+    /// This function removes the given item from the heap if it is
+    /// already stored.
+    /// \param i The item to delete.
+    /// \pre \e i must be in the heap.
+    void erase(const Item &i) {
+      int h = _iim[i];
+      int n = _data.size()-1;
+      _iim.set(_data[h].first, POST_HEAP);
+      if( h<n ) {
+        if( less(_data[parent(h)], _data[n]) )
+          bubbleDown(h, _data[n], n);
+        else
+          bubbleUp(h, _data[n]);
+      }
+      _data.pop_back();
+    }
+    /// \brief The priority of the given item.
+    ///
+    /// This function returns the priority of the given item.
+    /// \param i The item.
+    /// \pre \e i must be in the heap.
+    Prio operator[](const Item &i) const {
+      int idx = _iim[i];
+      return _data[idx].second;
+    }
+    /// \brief Set the priority of an item or insert it, if it is
+    /// not stored in the heap.
+    ///
+    /// This method sets the priority of the given item if it is
+    /// already stored in the heap. Otherwise it inserts the given
+    /// item into the heap with the given priority.
+    /// \param i The item.
+    /// \param p The priority.
+    void set(const Item &i, const Prio &p) {
+      int idx = _iim[i];
+      if( idx<0 )
+        push(i,p);
+      else if( _comp(p, _data[idx].second) )
+        bubbleUp(idx, Pair(i,p));
+      else
+        bubbleDown(idx, Pair(i,p), _data.size());
+    }
+    /// \brief Decrease the priority of an item to the given value.
+    ///
+    /// This function decreases the priority of an item to the given value.
+    /// \param i The item.
+    /// \param p The priority.
+    /// \pre \e i must be stored in the heap with priority at least \e p.
+    void decrease(const Item &i, const Prio &p) {
+      int idx = _iim[i];
+      bubbleUp(idx, Pair(i,p));
+    }
+    /// \brief Increase the priority of an item to the given value.
+    ///
+    /// This function increases the priority of an item to the given value.
+    /// \param i The item.
+    /// \param p The priority.
+    /// \pre \e i must be stored in the heap with priority at most \e p.
+    void increase(const Item &i, const Prio &p) {
+      int idx = _iim[i];
+      bubbleDown(idx, Pair(i,p), _data.size());
+    }
+    /// \brief Return the state of an item.
+    ///
+    /// This method returns \c PRE_HEAP if the given item has never
+    /// been in the heap, \c IN_HEAP if it is in the heap at the moment,
+    /// and \c POST_HEAP otherwise.
+    /// In the latter case it is possible that the item will get back
+    /// to the heap again.
+    /// \param i The item.
+    State state(const Item &i) const {
+      int s = _iim[i];
+      if (s>=0) s=0;
+      return State(s);
+    }
+    /// \brief Set the state of an item in the heap.
+    ///
+    /// This function sets the state of the given item in the heap.
+    /// It can be used to manually clear the heap when it is important
+    /// to achive better time complexity.
+    /// \param i The item.
+    /// \param st The state. It should not be \c IN_HEAP.
+    void state(const Item& i, State st) {
+      switch (st) {
+        case POST_HEAP:
+        case PRE_HEAP:
+          if (state(i) == IN_HEAP) erase(i);
+          _iim[i] = st;
+          break;
+        case IN_HEAP:
+          break;
+      }
+    }
+    /// \brief Replace an item in the heap.
+    ///
+    /// This function replaces item \c i with item \c j.
+    /// Item \c i must be in the heap, while \c j must be out of the heap.
+    /// After calling this method, item \c i will be out of the
+    /// heap and \c j will be in the heap with the same prioriority
+    /// as item \c i had before.
+    void replace(const Item& i, const Item& j) {
+      int idx=_iim[i];
+      _iim.set(i, _iim[j]);
+      _iim.set(j, idx);
+      _data[idx].first=j;
+    }
+  }; // class KaryHeap
+} // namespace lemon
+#endif // LEMON_KARY_HEAP_H
diff -r 98a30824fe36 -r ece80147fb08 lemon/maps.h
--- a/lemon/maps.h	Fri Jul 24 11:07:52 2009 +0200
+++ b/lemon/maps.h	Fri Sep 25 09:06:32 2009 +0200
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
 #include <iterator>
 #include <functional>
 #include <vector>
+#include <map>
 #include <lemon/core.h>
@@ -29,8 +30,6 @@
 ///\ingroup maps
 ///\brief Miscellaneous property maps
-#include <map>
 namespace lemon {
   /// \addtogroup maps
@@ -1818,7 +1817,7 @@
   /// \brief Provides an immutable and unique id for each item in a graph.
   /// IdMap provides a unique and immutable id for each item of the
-  /// same type (\c Node, \c Arc or \c Edge) in a graph. This id is 
+  /// same type (\c Node, \c Arc or \c Edge) in a graph. This id is
   ///  - \b unique: different items get different ids,
   ///  - \b immutable: the id of an item does not change (even if you
   ///    delete other nodes).
@@ -1902,13 +1901,14 @@
   /// \brief General cross reference graph map type.
   /// This class provides simple invertable graph maps.
-  /// It wraps an arbitrary \ref concepts::ReadWriteMap "ReadWriteMap"
-  /// and if a key is set to a new value then store it
-  /// in the inverse map.
-  ///
+  /// It wraps a standard graph map (\c NodeMap, \c ArcMap or \c EdgeMap)
+  /// and if a key is set to a new value, then stores it in the inverse map.
   /// The values of the map can be accessed
   /// with stl compatible forward iterator.
+  /// This type is not reference map, so it cannot be modified with
+  /// the subscript operator.
+  ///
   /// \tparam GR The graph type.
   /// \tparam K The key type of the map (\c GR::Node, \c GR::Arc or
   /// \c GR::Edge).
@@ -1923,7 +1923,7 @@
     typedef typename ItemSetTraits<GR, K>::
       template Map<V>::Type Map;
-    typedef std::map<V, K> Container;
+    typedef std::multimap<V, K> Container;
     Container _inv_map;
@@ -1948,6 +1948,8 @@
     /// This iterator is an stl compatible forward
     /// iterator on the values of the map. The values can
     /// be accessed in the <tt>[beginValue, endValue)</tt> range.
+    /// They are considered with multiplicity, so each value is
+    /// traversed for each item it is assigned to.
     class ValueIterator
       : public std::iterator<std::forward_iterator_tag, Value> {
       friend class CrossRefMap;
@@ -2000,11 +2002,15 @@
     /// Sets the value associated with the given key.
     void set(const Key& key, const Value& val) {
       Value oldval = Map::operator[](key);
-      typename Container::iterator it = _inv_map.find(oldval);
-      if (it != _inv_map.end() && it->second == key) {
-        _inv_map.erase(it);
+      typename Container::iterator it;
+      for (it = _inv_map.equal_range(oldval).first;
+           it != _inv_map.equal_range(oldval).second; ++it) {
+        if (it->second == key) {
+          _inv_map.erase(it);
+          break;
+        }
-      _inv_map.insert(make_pair(val, key));
+      _inv_map.insert(std::make_pair(val, key));
       Map::set(key, val);
@@ -2016,11 +2022,14 @@
       return Map::operator[](key);
-    /// \brief Gives back the item by its value.
+    /// \brief Gives back an item by its value.
-    /// Gives back the item by its value.
-    Key operator()(const Value& key) const {
-      typename Container::const_iterator it = _inv_map.find(key);
+    /// This function gives back an item that is assigned to
+    /// the given value or \c INVALID if no such item exists.
+    /// If there are more items with the same associated value,
+    /// only one of them is returned.
+    Key operator()(const Value& val) const {
+      typename Container::const_iterator it = _inv_map.find(val);
       return it != _inv_map.end() ? it->second : INVALID;
@@ -2032,9 +2041,13 @@
     /// \c AlterationNotifier.
     virtual void erase(const Key& key) {
       Value val = Map::operator[](key);
-      typename Container::iterator it = _inv_map.find(val);
-      if (it != _inv_map.end() && it->second == key) {
-        _inv_map.erase(it);
+      typename Container::iterator it;
+      for (it = _inv_map.equal_range(val).first;
+           it != _inv_map.equal_range(val).second; ++it) {
+        if (it->second == key) {
+          _inv_map.erase(it);
+          break;
+        }
@@ -2046,9 +2059,13 @@
     virtual void erase(const std::vector<Key>& keys) {
       for (int i = 0; i < int(keys.size()); ++i) {
         Value val = Map::operator[](keys[i]);
-        typename Container::iterator it = _inv_map.find(val);
-        if (it != _inv_map.end() && it->second == keys[i]) {
-          _inv_map.erase(it);
+        typename Container::iterator it;
+        for (it = _inv_map.equal_range(val).first;
+             it != _inv_map.equal_range(val).second; ++it) {
+          if (it->second == keys[i]) {
+            _inv_map.erase(it);
+            break;
+          }
@@ -2084,8 +2101,9 @@
       /// \brief Subscript operator.
-      /// Subscript operator. It gives back the item
-      /// that was last assigned to the given value.
+      /// Subscript operator. It gives back an item
+      /// that is assigned to the given value or \c INVALID
+      /// if no such item exists.
       Value operator[](const Key& key) const {
         return _inverted(key);
@@ -2254,7 +2272,7 @@
     /// \brief Gives back the item belonging to a \e RangeId
-    /// 
+    ///
     /// Gives back the item belonging to a \e RangeId.
     Item operator()(int id) const {
       return _inv_map[id];
@@ -2311,6 +2329,903 @@
+  /// \brief Dynamic iterable \c bool map.
+  ///
+  /// This class provides a special graph map type which can store a
+  /// \c bool value for graph items (\c Node, \c Arc or \c Edge).
+  /// For both \c true and \c false values it is possible to iterate on
+  /// the keys.
+  ///
+  /// This type is a reference map, so it can be modified with the
+  /// subscript operator.
+  ///
+  /// \tparam GR The graph type.
+  /// \tparam K The key type of the map (\c GR::Node, \c GR::Arc or
+  /// \c GR::Edge).
+  ///
+  /// \see IterableIntMap, IterableValueMap
+  /// \see CrossRefMap
+  template <typename GR, typename K>
+  class IterableBoolMap
+    : protected ItemSetTraits<GR, K>::template Map<int>::Type {
+  private:
+    typedef GR Graph;
+    typedef typename ItemSetTraits<GR, K>::ItemIt KeyIt;
+    typedef typename ItemSetTraits<GR, K>::template Map<int>::Type Parent;
+    std::vector<K> _array;
+    int _sep;
+  public:
+    /// Indicates that the map is reference map.
+    typedef True ReferenceMapTag;
+    /// The key type
+    typedef K Key;
+    /// The value type
+    typedef bool Value;
+    /// The const reference type.
+    typedef const Value& ConstReference;
+  private:
+    int position(const Key& key) const {
+      return Parent::operator[](key);
+    }
+  public:
+    /// \brief Reference to the value of the map.
+    ///
+    /// This class is similar to the \c bool type. It can be converted to
+    /// \c bool and it provides the same operators.
+    class Reference {
+      friend class IterableBoolMap;
+    private:
+      Reference(IterableBoolMap& map, const Key& key)
+        : _key(key), _map(map) {}
+    public:
+      Reference& operator=(const Reference& value) {
+        _map.set(_key, static_cast<bool>(value));
+         return *this;
+      }
+      operator bool() const {
+        return static_cast<const IterableBoolMap&>(_map)[_key];
+      }
+      Reference& operator=(bool value) {
+        _map.set(_key, value);
+        return *this;
+      }
+      Reference& operator&=(bool value) {
+        _map.set(_key, _map[_key] & value);
+        return *this;
+      }
+      Reference& operator|=(bool value) {
+        _map.set(_key, _map[_key] | value);
+        return *this;
+      }
+      Reference& operator^=(bool value) {
+        _map.set(_key, _map[_key] ^ value);
+        return *this;
+      }
+    private:
+      Key _key;
+      IterableBoolMap& _map;
+    };
+    /// \brief Constructor of the map with a default value.
+    ///
+    /// Constructor of the map with a default value.
+    explicit IterableBoolMap(const Graph& graph, bool def = false)
+      : Parent(graph) {
+      typename Parent::Notifier* nf = Parent::notifier();
+      Key it;
+      for (nf->first(it); it != INVALID; nf->next(it)) {
+        Parent::set(it, _array.size());
+        _array.push_back(it);
+      }
+      _sep = (def ? _array.size() : 0);
+    }
+    /// \brief Const subscript operator of the map.
+    ///
+    /// Const subscript operator of the map.
+    bool operator[](const Key& key) const {
+      return position(key) < _sep;
+    }
+    /// \brief Subscript operator of the map.
+    ///
+    /// Subscript operator of the map.
+    Reference operator[](const Key& key) {
+      return Reference(*this, key);
+    }
+    /// \brief Set operation of the map.
+    ///
+    /// Set operation of the map.
+    void set(const Key& key, bool value) {
+      int pos = position(key);
+      if (value) {
+        if (pos < _sep) return;
+        Key tmp = _array[_sep];
+        _array[_sep] = key;
+        Parent::set(key, _sep);
+        _array[pos] = tmp;
+        Parent::set(tmp, pos);
+        ++_sep;
+      } else {
+        if (pos >= _sep) return;
+        --_sep;
+        Key tmp = _array[_sep];
+        _array[_sep] = key;
+        Parent::set(key, _sep);
+        _array[pos] = tmp;
+        Parent::set(tmp, pos);
+      }
+    }
+    /// \brief Set all items.
+    ///
+    /// Set all items in the map.
+    /// \note Constant time operation.
+    void setAll(bool value) {
+      _sep = (value ? _array.size() : 0);
+    }
+    /// \brief Returns the number of the keys mapped to \c true.
+    ///
+    /// Returns the number of the keys mapped to \c true.
+    int trueNum() const {
+      return _sep;
+    }
+    /// \brief Returns the number of the keys mapped to \c false.
+    ///
+    /// Returns the number of the keys mapped to \c false.
+    int falseNum() const {
+      return _array.size() - _sep;
+    }
+    /// \brief Iterator for the keys mapped to \c true.
+    ///
+    /// Iterator for the keys mapped to \c true. It works
+    /// like a graph item iterator, it can be converted to
+    /// the key type of the map, incremented with \c ++ operator, and
+    /// if the iterator leaves the last valid key, it will be equal to
+    /// \c INVALID.
+    class TrueIt : public Key {
+    public:
+      typedef Key Parent;
+      /// \brief Creates an iterator.
+      ///
+      /// Creates an iterator. It iterates on the
+      /// keys mapped to \c true.
+      /// \param map The IterableBoolMap.
+      explicit TrueIt(const IterableBoolMap& map)
+        : Parent(map._sep > 0 ? map._array[map._sep - 1] : INVALID),
+          _map(&map) {}
+      /// \brief Invalid constructor \& conversion.
+      ///
+      /// This constructor initializes the iterator to be invalid.
+      /// \sa Invalid for more details.
+      TrueIt(Invalid) : Parent(INVALID), _map(0) {}
+      /// \brief Increment operator.
+      ///
+      /// Increment operator.
+      TrueIt& operator++() {
+        int pos = _map->position(*this);
+        Parent::operator=(pos > 0 ? _map->_array[pos - 1] : INVALID);
+        return *this;
+      }
+    private:
+      const IterableBoolMap* _map;
+    };
+    /// \brief Iterator for the keys mapped to \c false.
+    ///
+    /// Iterator for the keys mapped to \c false. It works
+    /// like a graph item iterator, it can be converted to
+    /// the key type of the map, incremented with \c ++ operator, and
+    /// if the iterator leaves the last valid key, it will be equal to
+    /// \c INVALID.
+    class FalseIt : public Key {
+    public:
+      typedef Key Parent;
+      /// \brief Creates an iterator.
+      ///
+      /// Creates an iterator. It iterates on the
+      /// keys mapped to \c false.
+      /// \param map The IterableBoolMap.
+      explicit FalseIt(const IterableBoolMap& map)
+        : Parent(map._sep < int(map._array.size()) ?
+                 map._array.back() : INVALID), _map(&map) {}
+      /// \brief Invalid constructor \& conversion.
+      ///
+      /// This constructor initializes the iterator to be invalid.
+      /// \sa Invalid for more details.
+      FalseIt(Invalid) : Parent(INVALID), _map(0) {}
+      /// \brief Increment operator.
+      ///
+      /// Increment operator.
+      FalseIt& operator++() {
+        int pos = _map->position(*this);
+        Parent::operator=(pos > _map->_sep ? _map->_array[pos - 1] : INVALID);
+        return *this;
+      }
+    private:
+      const IterableBoolMap* _map;
+    };
+    /// \brief Iterator for the keys mapped to a given value.
+    ///
+    /// Iterator for the keys mapped to a given value. It works
+    /// like a graph item iterator, it can be converted to
+    /// the key type of the map, incremented with \c ++ operator, and
+    /// if the iterator leaves the last valid key, it will be equal to
+    /// \c INVALID.
+    class ItemIt : public Key {
+    public:
+      typedef Key Parent;
+      /// \brief Creates an iterator with a value.
+      ///
+      /// Creates an iterator with a value. It iterates on the
+      /// keys mapped to the given value.
+      /// \param map The IterableBoolMap.
+      /// \param value The value.
+      ItemIt(const IterableBoolMap& map, bool value)
+        : Parent(value ? 
+                 (map._sep > 0 ?
+                  map._array[map._sep - 1] : INVALID) :
+                 (map._sep < int(map._array.size()) ?
+                  map._array.back() : INVALID)), _map(&map) {}
+      /// \brief Invalid constructor \& conversion.
+      ///
+      /// This constructor initializes the iterator to be invalid.
+      /// \sa Invalid for more details.
+      ItemIt(Invalid) : Parent(INVALID), _map(0) {}
+      /// \brief Increment operator.
+      ///
+      /// Increment operator.
+      ItemIt& operator++() {
+        int pos = _map->position(*this);
+        int _sep = pos >= _map->_sep ? _map->_sep : 0;
+        Parent::operator=(pos > _sep ? _map->_array[pos - 1] : INVALID);
+        return *this;
+      }
+    private:
+      const IterableBoolMap* _map;
+    };
+  protected:
+    virtual void add(const Key& key) {
+      Parent::add(key);
+      Parent::set(key, _array.size());
+      _array.push_back(key);
+    }
+    virtual void add(const std::vector<Key>& keys) {
+      Parent::add(keys);
+      for (int i = 0; i < int(keys.size()); ++i) {
+        Parent::set(keys[i], _array.size());
+        _array.push_back(keys[i]);
+      }
+    }
+    virtual void erase(const Key& key) {
+      int pos = position(key);
+      if (pos < _sep) {
+        --_sep;
+        Parent::set(_array[_sep], pos);
+        _array[pos] = _array[_sep];
+        Parent::set(_array.back(), _sep);
+        _array[_sep] = _array.back();
+        _array.pop_back();
+      } else {
+        Parent::set(_array.back(), pos);
+        _array[pos] = _array.back();
+        _array.pop_back();
+      }
+      Parent::erase(key);
+    }
+    virtual void erase(const std::vector<Key>& keys) {
+      for (int i = 0; i < int(keys.size()); ++i) {
+        int pos = position(keys[i]);
+        if (pos < _sep) {
+          --_sep;
+          Parent::set(_array[_sep], pos);
+          _array[pos] = _array[_sep];
+          Parent::set(_array.back(), _sep);
+          _array[_sep] = _array.back();
+          _array.pop_back();
+        } else {
+          Parent::set(_array.back(), pos);
+          _array[pos] = _array.back();
+          _array.pop_back();
+        }
+      }
+      Parent::erase(keys);
+    }
+    virtual void build() {
+      Parent::build();
+      typename Parent::Notifier* nf = Parent::notifier();
+      Key it;
+      for (nf->first(it); it != INVALID; nf->next(it)) {
+        Parent::set(it, _array.size());
+        _array.push_back(it);
+      }
+      _sep = 0;
+    }
+    virtual void clear() {
+      _array.clear();
+      _sep = 0;
+      Parent::clear();
+    }
+  };
+  namespace _maps_bits {
+    template <typename Item>
+    struct IterableIntMapNode {
+      IterableIntMapNode() : value(-1) {}
+      IterableIntMapNode(int _value) : value(_value) {}
+      Item prev, next;
+      int value;
+    };
+  }
+  /// \brief Dynamic iterable integer map.
+  ///
+  /// This class provides a special graph map type which can store an
+  /// integer value for graph items (\c Node, \c Arc or \c Edge).
+  /// For each non-negative value it is possible to iterate on the keys
+  /// mapped to the value.
+  ///
+  /// This type is a reference map, so it can be modified with the
+  /// subscript operator.
+  ///
+  /// \note The size of the data structure depends on the largest
+  /// value in the map.
+  ///
+  /// \tparam GR The graph type.
+  /// \tparam K The key type of the map (\c GR::Node, \c GR::Arc or
+  /// \c GR::Edge).
+  ///
+  /// \see IterableBoolMap, IterableValueMap
+  /// \see CrossRefMap
+  template <typename GR, typename K>
+  class IterableIntMap
+    : protected ItemSetTraits<GR, K>::
+        template Map<_maps_bits::IterableIntMapNode<K> >::Type {
+  public:
+    typedef typename ItemSetTraits<GR, K>::
+      template Map<_maps_bits::IterableIntMapNode<K> >::Type Parent;
+    /// The key type
+    typedef K Key;
+    /// The value type
+    typedef int Value;
+    /// The graph type
+    typedef GR Graph;
+    /// \brief Constructor of the map.
+    ///
+    /// Constructor of the map. It sets all values to -1.
+    explicit IterableIntMap(const Graph& graph)
+      : Parent(graph) {}
+    /// \brief Constructor of the map with a given value.
+    ///
+    /// Constructor of the map with a given value.
+    explicit IterableIntMap(const Graph& graph, int value)
+      : Parent(graph, _maps_bits::IterableIntMapNode<K>(value)) {
+      if (value >= 0) {
+        for (typename Parent::ItemIt it(*this); it != INVALID; ++it) {
+          lace(it);
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  private:
+    void unlace(const Key& key) {
+      typename Parent::Value& node = Parent::operator[](key);
+      if (node.value < 0) return;
+      if (node.prev != INVALID) {
+        Parent::operator[](node.prev).next = node.next;
+      } else {
+        _first[node.value] = node.next;
+      }
+      if (node.next != INVALID) {
+        Parent::operator[](node.next).prev = node.prev;
+      }
+      while (!_first.empty() && _first.back() == INVALID) {
+        _first.pop_back();
+      }
+    }
+    void lace(const Key& key) {
+      typename Parent::Value& node = Parent::operator[](key);
+      if (node.value < 0) return;
+      if (node.value >= int(_first.size())) {
+        _first.resize(node.value + 1, INVALID);
+      }
+      node.prev = INVALID;
+      node.next = _first[node.value];
+      if (node.next != INVALID) {
+        Parent::operator[](node.next).prev = key;
+      }
+      _first[node.value] = key;
+    }
+  public:
+    /// Indicates that the map is reference map.
+    typedef True ReferenceMapTag;
+    /// \brief Reference to the value of the map.
+    ///
+    /// This class is similar to the \c int type. It can
+    /// be converted to \c int and it has the same operators.
+    class Reference {
+      friend class IterableIntMap;
+    private:
+      Reference(IterableIntMap& map, const Key& key)
+        : _key(key), _map(map) {}
+    public:
+      Reference& operator=(const Reference& value) {
+        _map.set(_key, static_cast<const int&>(value));
+         return *this;
+      }
+      operator const int&() const {
+        return static_cast<const IterableIntMap&>(_map)[_key];
+      }
+      Reference& operator=(int value) {
+        _map.set(_key, value);
+        return *this;
+      }
+      Reference& operator++() {
+        _map.set(_key, _map[_key] + 1);
+        return *this;
+      }
+      int operator++(int) {
+        int value = _map[_key];
+        _map.set(_key, value + 1);
+        return value;
+      }
+      Reference& operator--() {
+        _map.set(_key, _map[_key] - 1);
+        return *this;
+      }
+      int operator--(int) {
+        int value = _map[_key];
+        _map.set(_key, value - 1);
+        return value;
+      }
+      Reference& operator+=(int value) {
+        _map.set(_key, _map[_key] + value);
+        return *this;
+      }
+      Reference& operator-=(int value) {
+        _map.set(_key, _map[_key] - value);
+        return *this;
+      }
+      Reference& operator*=(int value) {
+        _map.set(_key, _map[_key] * value);
+        return *this;
+      }
+      Reference& operator/=(int value) {
+        _map.set(_key, _map[_key] / value);
+        return *this;
+      }
+      Reference& operator%=(int value) {
+        _map.set(_key, _map[_key] % value);
+        return *this;
+      }
+      Reference& operator&=(int value) {
+        _map.set(_key, _map[_key] & value);
+        return *this;
+      }
+      Reference& operator|=(int value) {
+        _map.set(_key, _map[_key] | value);
+        return *this;
+      }
+      Reference& operator^=(int value) {
+        _map.set(_key, _map[_key] ^ value);
+        return *this;
+      }
+      Reference& operator<<=(int value) {
+        _map.set(_key, _map[_key] << value);
+        return *this;
+      }
+      Reference& operator>>=(int value) {
+        _map.set(_key, _map[_key] >> value);
+        return *this;
+      }
+    private:
+      Key _key;
+      IterableIntMap& _map;
+    };
+    /// The const reference type.
+    typedef const Value& ConstReference;
+    /// \brief Gives back the maximal value plus one.
+    ///
+    /// Gives back the maximal value plus one.
+    int size() const {
+      return _first.size();
+    }
+    /// \brief Set operation of the map.
+    ///
+    /// Set operation of the map.
+    void set(const Key& key, const Value& value) {
+      unlace(key);
+      Parent::operator[](key).value = value;
+      lace(key);
+    }
+    /// \brief Const subscript operator of the map.
+    ///
+    /// Const subscript operator of the map.
+    const Value& operator[](const Key& key) const {
+      return Parent::operator[](key).value;
+    }
+    /// \brief Subscript operator of the map.
+    ///
+    /// Subscript operator of the map.
+    Reference operator[](const Key& key) {
+      return Reference(*this, key);
+    }
+    /// \brief Iterator for the keys with the same value.
+    ///
+    /// Iterator for the keys with the same value. It works
+    /// like a graph item iterator, it can be converted to
+    /// the item type of the map, incremented with \c ++ operator, and
+    /// if the iterator leaves the last valid item, it will be equal to
+    /// \c INVALID.
+    class ItemIt : public Key {
+    public:
+      typedef Key Parent;
+      /// \brief Invalid constructor \& conversion.
+      ///
+      /// This constructor initializes the iterator to be invalid.
+      /// \sa Invalid for more details.
+      ItemIt(Invalid) : Parent(INVALID), _map(0) {}
+      /// \brief Creates an iterator with a value.
+      ///
+      /// Creates an iterator with a value. It iterates on the
+      /// keys mapped to the given value.
+      /// \param map The IterableIntMap.
+      /// \param value The value.
+      ItemIt(const IterableIntMap& map, int value) : _map(&map) {
+        if (value < 0 || value >= int(_map->_first.size())) {
+          Parent::operator=(INVALID);
+        } else {
+          Parent::operator=(_map->_first[value]);
+        }
+      }
+      /// \brief Increment operator.
+      ///
+      /// Increment operator.
+      ItemIt& operator++() {
+        Parent::operator=(_map->IterableIntMap::Parent::
+                          operator[](static_cast<Parent&>(*this)).next);
+        return *this;
+      }
+    private:
+      const IterableIntMap* _map;
+    };
+  protected:
+    virtual void erase(const Key& key) {
+      unlace(key);
+      Parent::erase(key);
+    }
+    virtual void erase(const std::vector<Key>& keys) {
+      for (int i = 0; i < int(keys.size()); ++i) {
+        unlace(keys[i]);
+      }
+      Parent::erase(keys);
+    }
+    virtual void clear() {
+      _first.clear();
+      Parent::clear();
+    }
+  private:
+    std::vector<Key> _first;
+  };
+  namespace _maps_bits {
+    template <typename Item, typename Value>
+    struct IterableValueMapNode {
+      IterableValueMapNode(Value _value = Value()) : value(_value) {}
+      Item prev, next;
+      Value value;
+    };
+  }
+  /// \brief Dynamic iterable map for comparable values.
+  ///
+  /// This class provides a special graph map type which can store an
+  /// comparable value for graph items (\c Node, \c Arc or \c Edge).
+  /// For each value it is possible to iterate on the keys mapped to
+  /// the value.
+  ///
+  /// The map stores for each value a linked list with
+  /// the items which mapped to the value, and the values are stored
+  /// in balanced binary tree. The values of the map can be accessed
+  /// with stl compatible forward iterator.
+  ///
+  /// This type is not reference map, so it cannot be modified with
+  /// the subscript operator.
+  ///
+  /// \tparam GR The graph type.
+  /// \tparam K The key type of the map (\c GR::Node, \c GR::Arc or
+  /// \c GR::Edge).
+  /// \tparam V The value type of the map. It can be any comparable
+  /// value type.
+  ///
+  /// \see IterableBoolMap, IterableIntMap
+  /// \see CrossRefMap
+  template <typename GR, typename K, typename V>
+  class IterableValueMap
+    : protected ItemSetTraits<GR, K>::
+        template Map<_maps_bits::IterableValueMapNode<K, V> >::Type {
+  public:
+    typedef typename ItemSetTraits<GR, K>::
+      template Map<_maps_bits::IterableValueMapNode<K, V> >::Type Parent;
+    /// The key type
+    typedef K Key;
+    /// The value type
+    typedef V Value;
+    /// The graph type
+    typedef GR Graph;
+  public:
+    /// \brief Constructor of the map with a given value.
+    ///
+    /// Constructor of the map with a given value.
+    explicit IterableValueMap(const Graph& graph,
+                              const Value& value = Value())
+      : Parent(graph, _maps_bits::IterableValueMapNode<K, V>(value)) {
+      for (typename Parent::ItemIt it(*this); it != INVALID; ++it) {
+        lace(it);
+      }
+    }
+  protected:
+    void unlace(const Key& key) {
+      typename Parent::Value& node = Parent::operator[](key);
+      if (node.prev != INVALID) {
+        Parent::operator[](node.prev).next = node.next;
+      } else {
+        if (node.next != INVALID) {
+          _first[node.value] = node.next;
+        } else {
+          _first.erase(node.value);
+        }
+      }
+      if (node.next != INVALID) {
+        Parent::operator[](node.next).prev = node.prev;
+      }
+    }
+    void lace(const Key& key) {
+      typename Parent::Value& node = Parent::operator[](key);
+      typename std::map<Value, Key>::iterator it = _first.find(node.value);
+      if (it == _first.end()) {
+        node.prev = node.next = INVALID;
+        _first.insert(std::make_pair(node.value, key));
+      } else {
+        node.prev = INVALID;
+        node.next = it->second;
+        if (node.next != INVALID) {
+          Parent::operator[](node.next).prev = key;
+        }
+        it->second = key;
+      }
+    }
+  public:
+    /// \brief Forward iterator for values.
+    ///
+    /// This iterator is an stl compatible forward
+    /// iterator on the values of the map. The values can
+    /// be accessed in the <tt>[beginValue, endValue)</tt> range.
+    class ValueIterator
+      : public std::iterator<std::forward_iterator_tag, Value> {
+      friend class IterableValueMap;
+    private:
+      ValueIterator(typename std::map<Value, Key>::const_iterator _it)
+        : it(_it) {}
+    public:
+      ValueIterator() {}
+      ValueIterator& operator++() { ++it; return *this; }
+      ValueIterator operator++(int) {
+        ValueIterator tmp(*this);
+        operator++();
+        return tmp;
+      }
+      const Value& operator*() const { return it->first; }
+      const Value* operator->() const { return &(it->first); }
+      bool operator==(ValueIterator jt) const { return it == jt.it; }
+      bool operator!=(ValueIterator jt) const { return it != jt.it; }
+    private:
+      typename std::map<Value, Key>::const_iterator it;
+    };
+    /// \brief Returns an iterator to the first value.
+    ///
+    /// Returns an stl compatible iterator to the
+    /// first value of the map. The values of the
+    /// map can be accessed in the <tt>[beginValue, endValue)</tt>
+    /// range.
+    ValueIterator beginValue() const {
+      return ValueIterator(_first.begin());
+    }
+    /// \brief Returns an iterator after the last value.
+    ///
+    /// Returns an stl compatible iterator after the
+    /// last value of the map. The values of the
+    /// map can be accessed in the <tt>[beginValue, endValue)</tt>
+    /// range.
+    ValueIterator endValue() const {
+      return ValueIterator(_first.end());
+    }
+    /// \brief Set operation of the map.
+    ///
+    /// Set operation of the map.
+    void set(const Key& key, const Value& value) {
+      unlace(key);
+      Parent::operator[](key).value = value;
+      lace(key);
+    }
+    /// \brief Const subscript operator of the map.
+    ///
+    /// Const subscript operator of the map.
+    const Value& operator[](const Key& key) const {
+      return Parent::operator[](key).value;
+    }
+    /// \brief Iterator for the keys with the same value.
+    ///
+    /// Iterator for the keys with the same value. It works
+    /// like a graph item iterator, it can be converted to
+    /// the item type of the map, incremented with \c ++ operator, and
+    /// if the iterator leaves the last valid item, it will be equal to
+    /// \c INVALID.
+    class ItemIt : public Key {
+    public:
+      typedef Key Parent;
+      /// \brief Invalid constructor \& conversion.
+      ///
+      /// This constructor initializes the iterator to be invalid.
+      /// \sa Invalid for more details.
+      ItemIt(Invalid) : Parent(INVALID), _map(0) {}
+      /// \brief Creates an iterator with a value.
+      ///
+      /// Creates an iterator with a value. It iterates on the
+      /// keys which have the given value.
+      /// \param map The IterableValueMap
+      /// \param value The value
+      ItemIt(const IterableValueMap& map, const Value& value) : _map(&map) {
+        typename std::map<Value, Key>::const_iterator it =
+          map._first.find(value);
+        if (it == map._first.end()) {
+          Parent::operator=(INVALID);
+        } else {
+          Parent::operator=(it->second);
+        }
+      }
+      /// \brief Increment operator.
+      ///
+      /// Increment Operator.
+      ItemIt& operator++() {
+        Parent::operator=(_map->IterableValueMap::Parent::
+                          operator[](static_cast<Parent&>(*this)).next);
+        return *this;
+      }
+    private:
+      const IterableValueMap* _map;
+    };
+  protected:
+    virtual void add(const Key& key) {
+      Parent::add(key);
+      unlace(key);
+    }
+    virtual void add(const std::vector<Key>& keys) {
+      Parent::add(keys);
+      for (int i = 0; i < int(keys.size()); ++i) {
+        lace(keys[i]);
+      }
+    }
+    virtual void erase(const Key& key) {
+      unlace(key);
+      Parent::erase(key);
+    }
+    virtual void erase(const std::vector<Key>& keys) {
+      for (int i = 0; i < int(keys.size()); ++i) {
+        unlace(keys[i]);
+      }
+      Parent::erase(keys);
+    }
+    virtual void build() {
+      Parent::build();
+      for (typename Parent::ItemIt it(*this); it != INVALID; ++it) {
+        lace(it);
+      }
+    }
+    virtual void clear() {
+      _first.clear();
+      Parent::clear();
+    }
+  private:
+    std::map<Value, Key> _first;
+  };
   /// \brief Map of the source nodes of arcs in a digraph.
   /// SourceMap provides access for the source node of each arc in a digraph,
@@ -2480,7 +3395,7 @@
   /// in constant time. On the other hand, the values are updated automatically
   /// whenever the digraph changes.
-  /// \warning Besides \c addNode() and \c addArc(), a digraph structure 
+  /// \warning Besides \c addNode() and \c addArc(), a digraph structure
   /// may provide alternative ways to modify the digraph.
   /// The correct behavior of InDegMap is not guarantied if these additional
   /// features are used. For example the functions
@@ -2496,7 +3411,7 @@
       ::ItemNotifier::ObserverBase {
     /// The graph type of InDegMap
     typedef GR Graph;
     typedef GR Digraph;
@@ -2610,7 +3525,7 @@
   /// in constant time. On the other hand, the values are updated automatically
   /// whenever the digraph changes.
-  /// \warning Besides \c addNode() and \c addArc(), a digraph structure 
+  /// \warning Besides \c addNode() and \c addArc(), a digraph structure
   /// may provide alternative ways to modify the digraph.
   /// The correct behavior of OutDegMap is not guarantied if these additional
   /// features are used. For example the functions
diff -r 98a30824fe36 -r ece80147fb08 lemon/pairing_heap.h
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/lemon/pairing_heap.h	Fri Sep 25 09:06:32 2009 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,474 @@
+/* -*- mode: C++; indent-tabs-mode: nil; -*-
+ *
+ * This file is a part of LEMON, a generic C++ optimization library.
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2003-2009
+ * Egervary Jeno Kombinatorikus Optimalizalasi Kutatocsoport
+ * (Egervary Research Group on Combinatorial Optimization, EGRES).
+ *
+ * Permission to use, modify and distribute this software is granted
+ * provided that this copyright notice appears in all copies. For
+ * precise terms see the accompanying LICENSE file.
+ *
+ * This software is provided "AS IS" with no warranty of any kind,
+ * express or implied, and with no claim as to its suitability for any
+ * purpose.
+ *
+ */
+///\ingroup heaps
+///\brief Pairing heap implementation.
+#include <vector>
+#include <utility>
+#include <functional>
+#include <lemon/math.h>
+namespace lemon {
+  /// \ingroup heaps
+  ///
+  ///\brief Pairing Heap.
+  ///
+  /// This class implements the \e pairing \e heap data structure.
+  /// It fully conforms to the \ref concepts::Heap "heap concept".
+  ///
+  /// The methods \ref increase() and \ref erase() are not efficient
+  /// in a pairing heap. In case of many calls of these operations,
+  /// it is better to use other heap structure, e.g. \ref BinHeap
+  /// "binary heap".
+  ///
+  /// \tparam PR Type of the priorities of the items.
+  /// \tparam IM A read-writable item map with \c int values, used
+  /// internally to handle the cross references.
+  /// \tparam CMP A functor class for comparing the priorities.
+  /// The default is \c std::less<PR>.
+#ifdef DOXYGEN
+  template <typename PR, typename IM, typename CMP>
+  template <typename PR, typename IM, typename CMP = std::less<PR> >
+  class PairingHeap {
+  public:
+    /// Type of the item-int map.
+    typedef IM ItemIntMap;
+    /// Type of the priorities.
+    typedef PR Prio;
+    /// Type of the items stored in the heap.
+    typedef typename ItemIntMap::Key Item;
+    /// Functor type for comparing the priorities.
+    typedef CMP Compare;
+    /// \brief Type to represent the states of the items.
+    ///
+    /// Each item has a state associated to it. It can be "in heap",
+    /// "pre-heap" or "post-heap". The latter two are indifferent from the
+    /// heap's point of view, but may be useful to the user.
+    ///
+    /// The item-int map must be initialized in such way that it assigns
+    /// \c PRE_HEAP (<tt>-1</tt>) to any element to be put in the heap.
+    enum State {
+      IN_HEAP = 0,    ///< = 0.
+      PRE_HEAP = -1,  ///< = -1.
+      POST_HEAP = -2  ///< = -2.
+    };
+  private:
+    class store;
+    std::vector<store> _data;
+    int _min;
+    ItemIntMap &_iim;
+    Compare _comp;
+    int _num_items;
+  public:
+    /// \brief Constructor.
+    ///
+    /// Constructor.
+    /// \param map A map that assigns \c int values to the items.
+    /// It is used internally to handle the cross references.
+    /// The assigned value must be \c PRE_HEAP (<tt>-1</tt>) for each item.
+    explicit PairingHeap(ItemIntMap &map)
+      : _min(0), _iim(map), _num_items(0) {}
+    /// \brief Constructor.
+    ///
+    /// Constructor.
+    /// \param map A map that assigns \c int values to the items.
+    /// It is used internally to handle the cross references.
+    /// The assigned value must be \c PRE_HEAP (<tt>-1</tt>) for each item.
+    /// \param comp The function object used for comparing the priorities.
+    PairingHeap(ItemIntMap &map, const Compare &comp)
+      : _min(0), _iim(map), _comp(comp), _num_items(0) {}
+    /// \brief The number of items stored in the heap.
+    ///
+    /// This function returns the number of items stored in the heap.
+    int size() const { return _num_items; }
+    /// \brief Check if the heap is empty.
+    ///
+    /// This function returns \c true if the heap is empty.
+    bool empty() const { return _num_items==0; }
+    /// \brief Make the heap empty.
+    ///
+    /// This functon makes the heap empty.
+    /// It does not change the cross reference map. If you want to reuse
+    /// a heap that is not surely empty, you should first clear it and
+    /// then you should set the cross reference map to \c PRE_HEAP
+    /// for each item.
+    void clear() {
+      _data.clear();
+      _min = 0;
+      _num_items = 0;
+    }
+    /// \brief Set the priority of an item or insert it, if it is
+    /// not stored in the heap.
+    ///
+    /// This method sets the priority of the given item if it is
+    /// already stored in the heap. Otherwise it inserts the given
+    /// item into the heap with the given priority.
+    /// \param item The item.
+    /// \param value The priority.
+    void set (const Item& item, const Prio& value) {
+      int i=_iim[item];
+      if ( i>=0 && _data[i].in ) {
+        if ( _comp(value, _data[i].prio) ) decrease(item, value);
+        if ( _comp(_data[i].prio, value) ) increase(item, value);
+      } else push(item, value);
+    }
+    /// \brief Insert an item into the heap with the given priority.
+    ///
+    /// This function inserts the given item into the heap with the
+    /// given priority.
+    /// \param item The item to insert.
+    /// \param value The priority of the item.
+    /// \pre \e item must not be stored in the heap.
+    void push (const Item& item, const Prio& value) {
+      int i=_iim[item];
+      if( i<0 ) {
+        int s=_data.size();
+        _iim.set(item, s);
+        store st;
+        st.name=item;
+        _data.push_back(st);
+        i=s;
+      } else {
+        _data[i].parent=_data[i].child=-1;
+        _data[i].left_child=false;
+        _data[i].degree=0;
+        _data[i].in=true;
+      }
+      _data[i].prio=value;
+      if ( _num_items!=0 ) {
+        if ( _comp( value, _data[_min].prio) ) {
+          fuse(i,_min);
+          _min=i;
+        }
+        else fuse(_min,i);
+      }
+      else _min=i;
+      ++_num_items;
+    }
+    /// \brief Return the item having minimum priority.
+    ///
+    /// This function returns the item having minimum priority.
+    /// \pre The heap must be non-empty.
+    Item top() const { return _data[_min].name; }
+    /// \brief The minimum priority.
+    ///
+    /// This function returns the minimum priority.
+    /// \pre The heap must be non-empty.
+    const Prio& prio() const { return _data[_min].prio; }
+    /// \brief The priority of the given item.
+    ///
+    /// This function returns the priority of the given item.
+    /// \param item The item.
+    /// \pre \e item must be in the heap.
+    const Prio& operator[](const Item& item) const {
+      return _data[_iim[item]].prio;
+    }
+    /// \brief Remove the item having minimum priority.
+    ///
+    /// This function removes the item having minimum priority.
+    /// \pre The heap must be non-empty.
+    void pop() {
+      std::vector<int> trees;
+      int i=0, child_right = 0;
+      _data[_min].in=false;
+      if( -1!=_data[_min].child ) {
+        i=_data[_min].child;
+        trees.push_back(i);
+        _data[i].parent = -1;
+        _data[_min].child = -1;
+        int ch=-1;
+        while( _data[i].child!=-1 ) {
+          ch=_data[i].child;
+          if( _data[ch].left_child && i==_data[ch].parent ) {
+            break;
+          } else {
+            if( _data[ch].left_child ) {
+              child_right=_data[ch].parent;
+              _data[ch].parent = i;
+              --_data[i].degree;
+            }
+            else {
+              child_right=ch;
+              _data[i].child=-1;
+              _data[i].degree=0;
+            }
+            _data[child_right].parent = -1;
+            trees.push_back(child_right);
+            i = child_right;
+          }
+        }
+        int num_child = trees.size();
+        int other;
+        for( i=0; i<num_child-1; i+=2 ) {
+          if ( !_comp(_data[trees[i]].prio, _data[trees[i+1]].prio) ) {
+            other=trees[i];
+            trees[i]=trees[i+1];
+            trees[i+1]=other;
+          }
+          fuse( trees[i], trees[i+1] );
+        }
+        i = (0==(num_child % 2)) ? num_child-2 : num_child-1;
+        while(i>=2) {
+          if ( _comp(_data[trees[i]].prio, _data[trees[i-2]].prio) ) {
+            other=trees[i];
+            trees[i]=trees[i-2];
+            trees[i-2]=other;
+          }
+          fuse( trees[i-2], trees[i] );
+          i-=2;
+        }
+        _min = trees[0];
+      }
+      else {
+        _min = _data[_min].child;
+      }
+      if (_min >= 0) _data[_min].left_child = false;
+      --_num_items;
+    }
+    /// \brief Remove the given item from the heap.
+    ///
+    /// This function removes the given item from the heap if it is
+    /// already stored.
+    /// \param item The item to delete.
+    /// \pre \e item must be in the heap.
+    void erase (const Item& item) {
+      int i=_iim[item];
+      if ( i>=0 && _data[i].in ) {
+        decrease( item, _data[_min].prio-1 );
+        pop();
+      }
+    }
+    /// \brief Decrease the priority of an item to the given value.
+    ///
+    /// This function decreases the priority of an item to the given value.
+    /// \param item The item.
+    /// \param value The priority.
+    /// \pre \e item must be stored in the heap with priority at least \e value.
+    void decrease (Item item, const Prio& value) {
+      int i=_iim[item];
+      _data[i].prio=value;
+      int p=_data[i].parent;
+      if( _data[i].left_child && i!=_data[p].child ) {
+        p=_data[p].parent;
+      }
+      if ( p!=-1 && _comp(value,_data[p].prio) ) {
+        cut(i,p);
+        if ( _comp(_data[_min].prio,value) ) {
+          fuse(_min,i);
+        } else {
+          fuse(i,_min);
+          _min=i;
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    /// \brief Increase the priority of an item to the given value.
+    ///
+    /// This function increases the priority of an item to the given value.
+    /// \param item The item.
+    /// \param value The priority.
+    /// \pre \e item must be stored in the heap with priority at most \e value.
+    void increase (Item item, const Prio& value) {
+      erase(item);
+      push(item,value);
+    }
+    /// \brief Return the state of an item.
+    ///
+    /// This method returns \c PRE_HEAP if the given item has never
+    /// been in the heap, \c IN_HEAP if it is in the heap at the moment,
+    /// and \c POST_HEAP otherwise.
+    /// In the latter case it is possible that the item will get back
+    /// to the heap again.
+    /// \param item The item.
+    State state(const Item &item) const {
+      int i=_iim[item];
+      if( i>=0 ) {
+        if( _data[i].in ) i=0;
+        else i=-2;
+      }
+      return State(i);
+    }
+    /// \brief Set the state of an item in the heap.
+    ///
+    /// This function sets the state of the given item in the heap.
+    /// It can be used to manually clear the heap when it is important
+    /// to achive better time complexity.
+    /// \param i The item.
+    /// \param st The state. It should not be \c IN_HEAP.
+    void state(const Item& i, State st) {
+      switch (st) {
+      case POST_HEAP:
+      case PRE_HEAP:
+        if (state(i) == IN_HEAP) erase(i);
+        _iim[i]=st;
+        break;
+      case IN_HEAP:
+        break;
+      }
+    }
+  private:
+    void cut(int a, int b) {
+      int child_a;
+      switch (_data[a].degree) {
+        case 2:
+          child_a = _data[_data[a].child].parent;
+          if( _data[a].left_child ) {
+            _data[child_a].left_child=true;
+            _data[b].child=child_a;
+            _data[child_a].parent=_data[a].parent;
+          }
+          else {
+            _data[child_a].left_child=false;
+            _data[child_a].parent=b;
+            if( a!=_data[b].child )
+              _data[_data[b].child].parent=child_a;
+            else
+              _data[b].child=child_a;
+          }
+          --_data[a].degree;
+          _data[_data[a].child].parent=a;
+          break;
+        case 1:
+          child_a = _data[a].child;
+          if( !_data[child_a].left_child ) {
+            --_data[a].degree;
+            if( _data[a].left_child ) {
+              _data[child_a].left_child=true;
+              _data[child_a].parent=_data[a].parent;
+              _data[b].child=child_a;
+            }
+            else {
+              _data[child_a].left_child=false;
+              _data[child_a].parent=b;
+              if( a!=_data[b].child )
+                _data[_data[b].child].parent=child_a;
+              else
+                _data[b].child=child_a;
+            }
+            _data[a].child=-1;
+          }
+          else {
+            --_data[b].degree;
+            if( _data[a].left_child ) {
+              _data[b].child =
+                (1==_data[b].degree) ? _data[a].parent : -1;
+            } else {
+              if (1==_data[b].degree)
+                _data[_data[b].child].parent=b;
+              else
+                _data[b].child=-1;
+            }
+          }
+          break;
+        case 0:
+          --_data[b].degree;
+          if( _data[a].left_child ) {
+            _data[b].child =
+              (0!=_data[b].degree) ? _data[a].parent : -1;
+          } else {
+            if( 0!=_data[b].degree )
+              _data[_data[b].child].parent=b;
+            else
+              _data[b].child=-1;
+          }
+          break;
+      }
+      _data[a].parent=-1;
+      _data[a].left_child=false;
+    }
+    void fuse(int a, int b) {
+      int child_a = _data[a].child;
+      int child_b = _data[b].child;
+      _data[a].child=b;
+      _data[b].parent=a;
+      _data[b].left_child=true;
+      if( -1!=child_a ) {
+        _data[b].child=child_a;
+        _data[child_a].parent=b;
+        _data[child_a].left_child=false;
+        ++_data[b].degree;
+        if( -1!=child_b ) {
+           _data[b].child=child_b;
+           _data[child_b].parent=child_a;
+        }
+      }
+      else { ++_data[a].degree; }
+    }
+    class store {
+      friend class PairingHeap;
+      Item name;
+      int parent;
+      int child;
+      bool left_child;
+      int degree;
+      bool in;
+      Prio prio;
+      store() : parent(-1), child(-1), left_child(false), degree(0), in(true) {}
+    };
+  };
+} //namespace lemon
diff -r 98a30824fe36 -r ece80147fb08 lemon/preflow.h
--- a/lemon/preflow.h	Fri Jul 24 11:07:52 2009 +0200
+++ b/lemon/preflow.h	Fri Sep 25 09:06:32 2009 +0200
@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@
   /// \e push-relabel algorithm producing a \ref max_flow
   /// "flow of maximum value" in a digraph.
   /// The preflow algorithms are the fastest known maximum
-  /// flow algorithms. The current implementation use a mixture of the
+  /// flow algorithms. The current implementation uses a mixture of the
   /// \e "highest label" and the \e "bound decrease" heuristics.
   /// The worst case time complexity of the algorithm is \f$O(n^2\sqrt{e})\f$.
@@ -378,19 +378,21 @@
       return *_level;
-    /// \brief Sets the tolerance used by algorithm.
+    /// \brief Sets the tolerance used by the algorithm.
-    /// Sets the tolerance used by algorithm.
-    Preflow& tolerance(const Tolerance& tolerance) const {
+    /// Sets the tolerance object used by the algorithm.
+    /// \return <tt>(*this)</tt>
+    Preflow& tolerance(const Tolerance& tolerance) {
       _tolerance = tolerance;
       return *this;
     /// \brief Returns a const reference to the tolerance.
-    /// Returns a const reference to the tolerance.
+    /// Returns a const reference to the tolerance object used by
+    /// the algorithm.
     const Tolerance& tolerance() const {
-      return tolerance;
+      return _tolerance;
     /// \name Execution Control
diff -r 98a30824fe36 -r ece80147fb08 lemon/radix_heap.h
--- a/lemon/radix_heap.h	Fri Jul 24 11:07:52 2009 +0200
+++ b/lemon/radix_heap.h	Fri Sep 25 09:06:32 2009 +0200
@@ -19,9 +19,9 @@
-///\ingroup auxdat
+///\ingroup heaps
-///\brief Radix Heap implementation.
+///\brief Radix heap implementation.
 #include <vector>
 #include <lemon/error.h>
@@ -29,56 +29,54 @@
 namespace lemon {
-  /// \ingroup auxdata
+  /// \ingroup heaps
-  /// \brief A Radix Heap implementation.
+  /// \brief Radix heap data structure.
-  /// This class implements the \e radix \e heap data structure. A \e heap
-  /// is a data structure for storing items with specified values called \e
-  /// priorities in such a way that finding the item with minimum priority is
-  /// efficient. This heap type can store only items with \e int priority.
-  /// In a heap one can change the priority of an item, add or erase an
-  /// item, but the priority cannot be decreased under the last removed
-  /// item's priority.
+  /// This class implements the \e radix \e heap data structure.
+  /// It practically conforms to the \ref concepts::Heap "heap concept",
+  /// but it has some limitations due its special implementation.
+  /// The type of the priorities must be \c int and the priority of an
+  /// item cannot be decreased under the priority of the last removed item.
-  /// \param IM A read and writable Item int map, used internally
-  /// to handle the cross references.
-  ///
-  /// \see BinHeap
-  /// \see Dijkstra
+  /// \tparam IM A read-writable item map with \c int values, used
+  /// internally to handle the cross references.
   template <typename IM>
   class RadixHeap {
-    typedef typename IM::Key Item;
+    /// Type of the item-int map.
+    typedef IM ItemIntMap;
+    /// Type of the priorities.
     typedef int Prio;
-    typedef IM ItemIntMap;
+    /// Type of the items stored in the heap.
+    typedef typename ItemIntMap::Key Item;
     /// \brief Exception thrown by RadixHeap.
-    /// This Exception is thrown when a smaller priority
-    /// is inserted into the \e RadixHeap then the last time erased.
+    /// This exception is thrown when an item is inserted into a
+    /// RadixHeap with a priority smaller than the last erased one.
     /// \see RadixHeap
-    class UnderFlowPriorityError : public Exception {
+    class PriorityUnderflowError : public Exception {
       virtual const char* what() const throw() {
-        return "lemon::RadixHeap::UnderFlowPriorityError";
+        return "lemon::RadixHeap::PriorityUnderflowError";
-    /// \brief Type to represent the items states.
+    /// \brief Type to represent the states of the items.
-    /// Each Item element have a state associated to it. It may be "in heap",
-    /// "pre heap" or "post heap". The latter two are indifferent from the
+    /// Each item has a state associated to it. It can be "in heap",
+    /// "pre-heap" or "post-heap". The latter two are indifferent from the
     /// heap's point of view, but may be useful to the user.
-    /// The ItemIntMap \e should be initialized in such way that it maps
-    /// PRE_HEAP (-1) to any element to be put in the heap...
+    /// The item-int map must be initialized in such way that it assigns
+    /// \c PRE_HEAP (<tt>-1</tt>) to any element to be put in the heap.
     enum State {
-      IN_HEAP = 0,
-      PRE_HEAP = -1,
-      POST_HEAP = -2
+      IN_HEAP = 0,    ///< = 0.
+      PRE_HEAP = -1,  ///< = -1.
+      POST_HEAP = -2  ///< = -2.
@@ -96,52 +94,55 @@
       RadixBox(int _min, int _size) : first(-1), min(_min), size(_size) {}
-    std::vector<RadixItem> data;
-    std::vector<RadixBox> boxes;
+    std::vector<RadixItem> _data;
+    std::vector<RadixBox> _boxes;
     ItemIntMap &_iim;
+  public:
-  public:
-    /// \brief The constructor.
+    /// \brief Constructor.
-    /// The constructor.
-    ///
-    /// \param map It should be given to the constructor, since it is used
-    /// internally to handle the cross references. The value of the map
-    /// should be PRE_HEAP (-1) for each element.
-    ///
-    /// \param minimal The initial minimal value of the heap.
-    /// \param capacity It determines the initial capacity of the heap.
-    RadixHeap(ItemIntMap &map, int minimal = 0, int capacity = 0)
-      : _iim(map) {
-      boxes.push_back(RadixBox(minimal, 1));
-      boxes.push_back(RadixBox(minimal + 1, 1));
-      while (lower(boxes.size() - 1, capacity + minimal - 1)) {
+    /// Constructor.
+    /// \param map A map that assigns \c int values to the items.
+    /// It is used internally to handle the cross references.
+    /// The assigned value must be \c PRE_HEAP (<tt>-1</tt>) for each item.
+    /// \param minimum The initial minimum value of the heap.
+    /// \param capacity The initial capacity of the heap.
+    RadixHeap(ItemIntMap &map, int minimum = 0, int capacity = 0)
+      : _iim(map)
+    {
+      _boxes.push_back(RadixBox(minimum, 1));
+      _boxes.push_back(RadixBox(minimum + 1, 1));
+      while (lower(_boxes.size() - 1, capacity + minimum - 1)) {
-    /// The number of items stored in the heap.
+    /// \brief The number of items stored in the heap.
-    /// \brief Returns the number of items stored in the heap.
-    int size() const { return data.size(); }
-    /// \brief Checks if the heap stores no items.
+    /// This function returns the number of items stored in the heap.
+    int size() const { return _data.size(); }
+    /// \brief Check if the heap is empty.
-    /// Returns \c true if and only if the heap stores no items.
-    bool empty() const { return data.empty(); }
+    /// This function returns \c true if the heap is empty.
+    bool empty() const { return _data.empty(); }
-    /// \brief Make empty this heap.
+    /// \brief Make the heap empty.
-    /// Make empty this heap. It does not change the cross reference
-    /// map.  If you want to reuse a heap what is not surely empty you
-    /// should first clear the heap and after that you should set the
-    /// cross reference map for each item to \c PRE_HEAP.
-    void clear(int minimal = 0, int capacity = 0) {
-      data.clear(); boxes.clear();
-      boxes.push_back(RadixBox(minimal, 1));
-      boxes.push_back(RadixBox(minimal + 1, 1));
-      while (lower(boxes.size() - 1, capacity + minimal - 1)) {
+    /// This functon makes the heap empty.
+    /// It does not change the cross reference map. If you want to reuse
+    /// a heap that is not surely empty, you should first clear it and
+    /// then you should set the cross reference map to \c PRE_HEAP
+    /// for each item.
+    /// \param minimum The minimum value of the heap.
+    /// \param capacity The capacity of the heap.
+    void clear(int minimum = 0, int capacity = 0) {
+      _data.clear(); _boxes.clear();
+      _boxes.push_back(RadixBox(minimum, 1));
+      _boxes.push_back(RadixBox(minimum + 1, 1));
+      while (lower(_boxes.size() - 1, capacity + minimum - 1)) {
@@ -149,255 +150,259 @@
     bool upper(int box, Prio pr) {
-      return pr < boxes[box].min;
+      return pr < _boxes[box].min;
     bool lower(int box, Prio pr) {
-      return pr >= boxes[box].min + boxes[box].size;
+      return pr >= _boxes[box].min + _boxes[box].size;
-    /// \brief Remove item from the box list.
+    // Remove item from the box list
     void remove(int index) {
-      if (data[index].prev >= 0) {
-        data[data[index].prev].next = data[index].next;
+      if (_data[index].prev >= 0) {
+        _data[_data[index].prev].next = _data[index].next;
       } else {
-        boxes[data[index].box].first = data[index].next;
+        _boxes[_data[index].box].first = _data[index].next;
-      if (data[index].next >= 0) {
-        data[data[index].next].prev = data[index].prev;
+      if (_data[index].next >= 0) {
+        _data[_data[index].next].prev = _data[index].prev;
-    /// \brief Insert item into the box list.
+    // Insert item into the box list
     void insert(int box, int index) {
-      if (boxes[box].first == -1) {
-        boxes[box].first = index;
-        data[index].next = data[index].prev = -1;
+      if (_boxes[box].first == -1) {
+        _boxes[box].first = index;
+        _data[index].next = _data[index].prev = -1;
       } else {
-        data[index].next = boxes[box].first;
-        data[boxes[box].first].prev = index;
-        data[index].prev = -1;
-        boxes[box].first = index;
+        _data[index].next = _boxes[box].first;
+        _data[_boxes[box].first].prev = index;
+        _data[index].prev = -1;
+        _boxes[box].first = index;
-      data[index].box = box;
+      _data[index].box = box;
-    /// \brief Add a new box to the box list.
+    // Add a new box to the box list
     void extend() {
-      int min = boxes.back().min + boxes.back().size;
-      int bs = 2 * boxes.back().size;
-      boxes.push_back(RadixBox(min, bs));
+      int min = _boxes.back().min + _boxes.back().size;
+      int bs = 2 * _boxes.back().size;
+      _boxes.push_back(RadixBox(min, bs));
-    /// \brief Move an item up into the proper box.
-    void bubble_up(int index) {
-      if (!lower(data[index].box, data[index].prio)) return;
+    // Move an item up into the proper box.
+    void bubbleUp(int index) {
+      if (!lower(_data[index].box, _data[index].prio)) return;
-      int box = findUp(data[index].box, data[index].prio);
+      int box = findUp(_data[index].box, _data[index].prio);
       insert(box, index);
-    /// \brief Find up the proper box for the item with the given prio.
+    // Find up the proper box for the item with the given priority
     int findUp(int start, int pr) {
       while (lower(start, pr)) {
-        if (++start == int(boxes.size())) {
+        if (++start == int(_boxes.size())) {
       return start;
-    /// \brief Move an item down into the proper box.
-    void bubble_down(int index) {
-      if (!upper(data[index].box, data[index].prio)) return;
+    // Move an item down into the proper box
+    void bubbleDown(int index) {
+      if (!upper(_data[index].box, _data[index].prio)) return;
-      int box = findDown(data[index].box, data[index].prio);
+      int box = findDown(_data[index].box, _data[index].prio);
       insert(box, index);
-    /// \brief Find up the proper box for the item with the given prio.
+    // Find down the proper box for the item with the given priority
     int findDown(int start, int pr) {
       while (upper(start, pr)) {
-        if (--start < 0) throw UnderFlowPriorityError();
+        if (--start < 0) throw PriorityUnderflowError();
       return start;
-    /// \brief Find the first not empty box.
+    // Find the first non-empty box
     int findFirst() {
       int first = 0;
-      while (boxes[first].first == -1) ++first;
+      while (_boxes[first].first == -1) ++first;
       return first;
-    /// \brief Gives back the minimal prio of the box.
+    // Gives back the minimum priority of the given box
     int minValue(int box) {
-      int min = data[boxes[box].first].prio;
-      for (int k = boxes[box].first; k != -1; k = data[k].next) {
-        if (data[k].prio < min) min = data[k].prio;
+      int min = _data[_boxes[box].first].prio;
+      for (int k = _boxes[box].first; k != -1; k = _data[k].next) {
+        if (_data[k].prio < min) min = _data[k].prio;
       return min;
-    /// \brief Rearrange the items of the heap and makes the
-    /// first box not empty.
+    // Rearrange the items of the heap and make the first box non-empty
     void moveDown() {
       int box = findFirst();
       if (box == 0) return;
       int min = minValue(box);
       for (int i = 0; i <= box; ++i) {
-        boxes[i].min = min;
-        min += boxes[i].size;
+        _boxes[i].min = min;
+        min += _boxes[i].size;
-      int curr = boxes[box].first, next;
+      int curr = _boxes[box].first, next;
       while (curr != -1) {
-        next = data[curr].next;
-        bubble_down(curr);
+        next = _data[curr].next;
+        bubbleDown(curr);
         curr = next;
-    void relocate_last(int index) {
-      if (index != int(data.size()) - 1) {
-        data[index] = data.back();
-        if (data[index].prev != -1) {
-          data[data[index].prev].next = index;
+    void relocateLast(int index) {
+      if (index != int(_data.size()) - 1) {
+        _data[index] = _data.back();
+        if (_data[index].prev != -1) {
+          _data[_data[index].prev].next = index;
         } else {
-          boxes[data[index].box].first = index;
+          _boxes[_data[index].box].first = index;
-        if (data[index].next != -1) {
-          data[data[index].next].prev = index;
+        if (_data[index].next != -1) {
+          _data[_data[index].next].prev = index;
-        _iim[data[index].item] = index;
+        _iim[_data[index].item] = index;
-      data.pop_back();
+      _data.pop_back();
     /// \brief Insert an item into the heap with the given priority.
-    /// Adds \c i to the heap with priority \c p.
+    /// This function inserts the given item into the heap with the
+    /// given priority.
     /// \param i The item to insert.
     /// \param p The priority of the item.
+    /// \pre \e i must not be stored in the heap.
+    /// \warning This method may throw an \c UnderFlowPriorityException.
     void push(const Item &i, const Prio &p) {
-      int n = data.size();
+      int n = _data.size();
       _iim.set(i, n);
-      data.push_back(RadixItem(i, p));
-      while (lower(boxes.size() - 1, p)) {
+      _data.push_back(RadixItem(i, p));
+      while (lower(_boxes.size() - 1, p)) {
-      int box = findDown(boxes.size() - 1, p);
+      int box = findDown(_boxes.size() - 1, p);
       insert(box, n);
-    /// \brief Returns the item with minimum priority.
+    /// \brief Return the item having minimum priority.
-    /// This method returns the item with minimum priority.
-    /// \pre The heap must be nonempty.
+    /// This function returns the item having minimum priority.
+    /// \pre The heap must be non-empty.
     Item top() const {
-      return data[boxes[0].first].item;
+      return _data[_boxes[0].first].item;
-    /// \brief Returns the minimum priority.
+    /// \brief The minimum priority.
-    /// It returns the minimum priority.
-    /// \pre The heap must be nonempty.
+    /// This function returns the minimum priority.
+    /// \pre The heap must be non-empty.
     Prio prio() const {
-      return data[boxes[0].first].prio;
+      return _data[_boxes[0].first].prio;
-    /// \brief Deletes the item with minimum priority.
+    /// \brief Remove the item having minimum priority.
-    /// This method deletes the item with minimum priority.
+    /// This function removes the item having minimum priority.
     /// \pre The heap must be non-empty.
     void pop() {
-      int index = boxes[0].first;
-      _iim[data[index].item] = POST_HEAP;
+      int index = _boxes[0].first;
+      _iim[_data[index].item] = POST_HEAP;
-      relocate_last(index);
+      relocateLast(index);
-    /// \brief Deletes \c i from the heap.
+    /// \brief Remove the given item from the heap.
-    /// This method deletes item \c i from the heap, if \c i was
-    /// already stored in the heap.
-    /// \param i The item to erase.
+    /// This function removes the given item from the heap if it is
+    /// already stored.
+    /// \param i The item to delete.
+    /// \pre \e i must be in the heap.
     void erase(const Item &i) {
       int index = _iim[i];
       _iim[i] = POST_HEAP;
-      relocate_last(index);
+      relocateLast(index);
-    /// \brief Returns the priority of \c i.
+    /// \brief The priority of the given item.
-    /// This function returns the priority of item \c i.
-    /// \pre \c i must be in the heap.
+    /// This function returns the priority of the given item.
     /// \param i The item.
+    /// \pre \e i must be in the heap.
     Prio operator[](const Item &i) const {
       int idx = _iim[i];
-      return data[idx].prio;
+      return _data[idx].prio;
-    /// \brief \c i gets to the heap with priority \c p independently
-    /// if \c i was already there.
+    /// \brief Set the priority of an item or insert it, if it is
+    /// not stored in the heap.
-    /// This method calls \ref push(\c i, \c p) if \c i is not stored
-    /// in the heap and sets the priority of \c i to \c p otherwise.
-    /// It may throw an \e UnderFlowPriorityException.
+    /// This method sets the priority of the given item if it is
+    /// already stored in the heap. Otherwise it inserts the given
+    /// item into the heap with the given priority.
     /// \param i The item.
     /// \param p The priority.
+    /// \pre \e i must be in the heap.
+    /// \warning This method may throw an \c UnderFlowPriorityException.
     void set(const Item &i, const Prio &p) {
       int idx = _iim[i];
       if( idx < 0 ) {
         push(i, p);
-      else if( p >= data[idx].prio ) {
-        data[idx].prio = p;
-        bubble_up(idx);
+      else if( p >= _data[idx].prio ) {
+        _data[idx].prio = p;
+        bubbleUp(idx);
       } else {
-        data[idx].prio = p;
-        bubble_down(idx);
+        _data[idx].prio = p;
+        bubbleDown(idx);
-    /// \brief Decreases the priority of \c i to \c p.
+    /// \brief Decrease the priority of an item to the given value.
-    /// This method decreases the priority of item \c i to \c p.
-    /// \pre \c i must be stored in the heap with priority at least \c p, and
-    /// \c should be greater or equal to the last removed item's priority.
+    /// This function decreases the priority of an item to the given value.
     /// \param i The item.
     /// \param p The priority.
+    /// \pre \e i must be stored in the heap with priority at least \e p.
+    /// \warning This method may throw an \c UnderFlowPriorityException.
     void decrease(const Item &i, const Prio &p) {
       int idx = _iim[i];
-      data[idx].prio = p;
-      bubble_down(idx);
+      _data[idx].prio = p;
+      bubbleDown(idx);
-    /// \brief Increases the priority of \c i to \c p.
+    /// \brief Increase the priority of an item to the given value.
-    /// This method sets the priority of item \c i to \c p.
-    /// \pre \c i must be stored in the heap with priority at most \c p
+    /// This function increases the priority of an item to the given value.
     /// \param i The item.
     /// \param p The priority.
+    /// \pre \e i must be stored in the heap with priority at most \e p.
     void increase(const Item &i, const Prio &p) {
       int idx = _iim[i];
-      data[idx].prio = p;
-      bubble_up(idx);
+      _data[idx].prio = p;
+      bubbleUp(idx);
-    /// \brief Returns if \c item is in, has already been in, or has
-    /// never been in the heap.
+    /// \brief Return the state of an item.
-    /// This method returns PRE_HEAP if \c item has never been in the
-    /// heap, IN_HEAP if it is in the heap at the moment, and POST_HEAP
-    /// otherwise. In the latter case it is possible that \c item will
-    /// get back to the heap again.
+    /// This method returns \c PRE_HEAP if the given item has never
+    /// been in the heap, \c IN_HEAP if it is in the heap at the moment,
+    /// and \c POST_HEAP otherwise.
+    /// In the latter case it is possible that the item will get back
+    /// to the heap again.
     /// \param i The item.
     State state(const Item &i) const {
       int s = _iim[i];
@@ -405,11 +410,11 @@
       return State(s);
-    /// \brief Sets the state of the \c item in the heap.
+    /// \brief Set the state of an item in the heap.
-    /// Sets the state of the \c item in the heap. It can be used to
-    /// manually clear the heap when it is important to achive the
-    /// better time complexity.
+    /// This function sets the state of the given item in the heap.
+    /// It can be used to manually clear the heap when it is important
+    /// to achive better time complexity.
     /// \param i The item.
     /// \param st The state. It should not be \c IN_HEAP.
     void state(const Item& i, State st) {
diff -r 98a30824fe36 -r ece80147fb08 test/CMakeLists.txt
--- a/test/CMakeLists.txt	Fri Jul 24 11:07:52 2009 +0200
+++ b/test/CMakeLists.txt	Fri Sep 25 09:06:32 2009 +0200
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
+  bellman_ford_test
diff -r 98a30824fe36 -r ece80147fb08 test/Makefile.am
--- a/test/Makefile.am	Fri Jul 24 11:07:52 2009 +0200
+++ b/test/Makefile.am	Fri Sep 25 09:06:32 2009 +0200
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
 check_PROGRAMS += \
 	test/adaptors_test \
+	test/bellman_ford_test \
 	test/bfs_test \
 	test/circulation_test \
 	test/connectivity_test \
@@ -52,6 +53,7 @@
 XFAIL_TESTS += test/test_tools_fail$(EXEEXT)
 test_adaptors_test_SOURCES = test/adaptors_test.cc
+test_bellman_ford_test_SOURCES = test/bellman_ford_test.cc
 test_bfs_test_SOURCES = test/bfs_test.cc
 test_circulation_test_SOURCES = test/circulation_test.cc
 test_counter_test_SOURCES = test/counter_test.cc
diff -r 98a30824fe36 -r ece80147fb08 test/bellman_ford_test.cc
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/test/bellman_ford_test.cc	Fri Sep 25 09:06:32 2009 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,283 @@
+/* -*- mode: C++; indent-tabs-mode: nil; -*-
+ *
+ * This file is a part of LEMON, a generic C++ optimization library.
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2003-2009
+ * Egervary Jeno Kombinatorikus Optimalizalasi Kutatocsoport
+ * (Egervary Research Group on Combinatorial Optimization, EGRES).
+ *
+ * Permission to use, modify and distribute this software is granted
+ * provided that this copyright notice appears in all copies. For
+ * precise terms see the accompanying LICENSE file.
+ *
+ * This software is provided "AS IS" with no warranty of any kind,
+ * express or implied, and with no claim as to its suitability for any
+ * purpose.
+ *
+ */
+#include <lemon/concepts/digraph.h>
+#include <lemon/smart_graph.h>
+#include <lemon/list_graph.h>
+#include <lemon/lgf_reader.h>
+#include <lemon/bellman_ford.h>
+#include <lemon/path.h>
+#include "graph_test.h"
+#include "test_tools.h"
+using namespace lemon;
+char test_lgf[] =
+  "@nodes\n"
+  "label\n"
+  "0\n"
+  "1\n"
+  "2\n"
+  "3\n"
+  "4\n"
+  "@arcs\n"
+  "    length\n"
+  "0 1 3\n"
+  "1 2 -3\n"
+  "1 2 -5\n"
+  "1 3 -2\n"
+  "0 2 -1\n"
+  "1 2 -4\n"
+  "0 3 2\n"
+  "4 2 -5\n"
+  "2 3 1\n"
+  "@attributes\n"
+  "source 0\n"
+  "target 3\n";
+void checkBellmanFordCompile()
+  typedef int Value;
+  typedef concepts::Digraph Digraph;
+  typedef concepts::ReadMap<Digraph::Arc,Value> LengthMap;
+  typedef BellmanFord<Digraph, LengthMap> BF;
+  typedef Digraph::Node Node;
+  typedef Digraph::Arc Arc;
+  Digraph gr;
+  Node s, t, n;
+  Arc e;
+  Value l;
+  int k;
+  bool b;
+  BF::DistMap d(gr);
+  BF::PredMap p(gr);
+  LengthMap length;
+  concepts::Path<Digraph> pp;
+  {
+    BF bf_test(gr,length);
+    const BF& const_bf_test = bf_test;
+    bf_test.run(s);
+    bf_test.run(s,k);
+    bf_test.init();
+    bf_test.addSource(s);
+    bf_test.addSource(s, 1);
+    b = bf_test.processNextRound();
+    b = bf_test.processNextWeakRound();
+    bf_test.start();
+    bf_test.checkedStart();
+    bf_test.limitedStart(k);
+    l  = const_bf_test.dist(t);
+    e  = const_bf_test.predArc(t);
+    s  = const_bf_test.predNode(t);
+    b  = const_bf_test.reached(t);
+    d  = const_bf_test.distMap();
+    p  = const_bf_test.predMap();
+    pp = const_bf_test.path(t);
+    for (BF::ActiveIt it(const_bf_test); it != INVALID; ++it) {}
+  }
+  {
+    BF::SetPredMap<concepts::ReadWriteMap<Node,Arc> >
+      ::SetDistMap<concepts::ReadWriteMap<Node,Value> >
+      ::SetOperationTraits<BellmanFordDefaultOperationTraits<Value> >
+      ::Create bf_test(gr,length);
+    LengthMap length_map;
+    concepts::ReadWriteMap<Node,Arc> pred_map;
+    concepts::ReadWriteMap<Node,Value> dist_map;
+    bf_test
+      .lengthMap(length_map)
+      .predMap(pred_map)
+      .distMap(dist_map);
+    bf_test.run(s);
+    bf_test.run(s,k);
+    bf_test.init();
+    bf_test.addSource(s);
+    bf_test.addSource(s, 1);
+    b = bf_test.processNextRound();
+    b = bf_test.processNextWeakRound();
+    bf_test.start();
+    bf_test.checkedStart();
+    bf_test.limitedStart(k);
+    l  = bf_test.dist(t);
+    e  = bf_test.predArc(t);
+    s  = bf_test.predNode(t);
+    b  = bf_test.reached(t);
+    pp = bf_test.path(t);
+  }
+void checkBellmanFordFunctionCompile()
+  typedef int Value;
+  typedef concepts::Digraph Digraph;
+  typedef Digraph::Arc Arc;
+  typedef Digraph::Node Node;
+  typedef concepts::ReadMap<Digraph::Arc,Value> LengthMap;
+  Digraph g;
+  bool b;
+  bellmanFord(g,LengthMap()).run(Node());
+  b = bellmanFord(g,LengthMap()).run(Node(),Node());
+  bellmanFord(g,LengthMap())
+    .predMap(concepts::ReadWriteMap<Node,Arc>())
+    .distMap(concepts::ReadWriteMap<Node,Value>())
+    .run(Node());
+  b=bellmanFord(g,LengthMap())
+    .predMap(concepts::ReadWriteMap<Node,Arc>())
+    .distMap(concepts::ReadWriteMap<Node,Value>())
+    .path(concepts::Path<Digraph>())
+    .dist(Value())
+    .run(Node(),Node());
+template <typename Digraph, typename Value>
+void checkBellmanFord() {
+  typedef typename Digraph::template ArcMap<Value> LengthMap;
+  Digraph gr;
+  Node s, t;
+  LengthMap length(gr);
+  std::istringstream input(test_lgf);
+  digraphReader(gr, input).
+    arcMap("length", length).
+    node("source", s).
+    node("target", t).
+    run();
+  BellmanFord<Digraph, LengthMap>
+    bf(gr, length);
+  bf.run(s);
+  Path<Digraph> p = bf.path(t);
+  check(bf.reached(t) && bf.dist(t) == -1, "Bellman-Ford found a wrong path.");
+  check(p.length() == 3, "path() found a wrong path.");
+  check(checkPath(gr, p), "path() found a wrong path.");
+  check(pathSource(gr, p) == s, "path() found a wrong path.");
+  check(pathTarget(gr, p) == t, "path() found a wrong path.");
+  ListPath<Digraph> path;
+  Value dist;
+  bool reached = bellmanFord(gr,length).path(path).dist(dist).run(s,t);
+  check(reached && dist == -1, "Bellman-Ford found a wrong path.");
+  check(path.length() == 3, "path() found a wrong path.");
+  check(checkPath(gr, path), "path() found a wrong path.");
+  check(pathSource(gr, path) == s, "path() found a wrong path.");
+  check(pathTarget(gr, path) == t, "path() found a wrong path.");
+  for(ArcIt e(gr); e!=INVALID; ++e) {
+    Node u=gr.source(e);
+    Node v=gr.target(e);
+    check(!bf.reached(u) || (bf.dist(v) - bf.dist(u) <= length[e]),
+          "Wrong output. dist(target)-dist(source)-arc_length=" <<
+          bf.dist(v) - bf.dist(u) - length[e]);
+  }
+  for(NodeIt v(gr); v!=INVALID; ++v) {
+    if (bf.reached(v)) {
+      check(v==s || bf.predArc(v)!=INVALID, "Wrong tree.");
+      if (bf.predArc(v)!=INVALID ) {
+        Arc e=bf.predArc(v);
+        Node u=gr.source(e);
+        check(u==bf.predNode(v),"Wrong tree.");
+        check(bf.dist(v) - bf.dist(u) == length[e],
+              "Wrong distance! Difference: " <<
+              bf.dist(v) - bf.dist(u) - length[e]);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+void checkBellmanFordNegativeCycle() {
+  DIGRAPH_TYPEDEFS(SmartDigraph);
+  SmartDigraph gr;
+  IntArcMap length(gr);
+  Node n1 = gr.addNode();
+  Node n2 = gr.addNode();
+  Node n3 = gr.addNode();
+  Node n4 = gr.addNode();
+  Arc a1 = gr.addArc(n1, n2);
+  Arc a2 = gr.addArc(n2, n2);
+  length[a1] = 2;
+  length[a2] = -1;
+  {
+    BellmanFord<SmartDigraph, IntArcMap> bf(gr, length);
+    bf.run(n1);
+    StaticPath<SmartDigraph> p = bf.negativeCycle();
+    check(p.length() == 1 && p.front() == p.back() && p.front() == a2,
+          "Wrong negative cycle.");
+  }
+  length[a2] = 0;
+  {
+    BellmanFord<SmartDigraph, IntArcMap> bf(gr, length);
+    bf.run(n1);
+    check(bf.negativeCycle().empty(),
+          "Negative cycle should not be found.");
+  }
+  length[gr.addArc(n1, n3)] = 5;
+  length[gr.addArc(n4, n3)] = 1;
+  length[gr.addArc(n2, n4)] = 2;
+  length[gr.addArc(n3, n2)] = -4;
+  {
+    BellmanFord<SmartDigraph, IntArcMap> bf(gr, length);
+    bf.init();
+    bf.addSource(n1);
+    for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
+      check(bf.negativeCycle().empty(),
+            "Negative cycle should not be found.");
+      bf.processNextRound();
+    }
+    StaticPath<SmartDigraph> p = bf.negativeCycle();
+    check(p.length() == 3, "Wrong negative cycle.");
+    check(length[p.nth(0)] + length[p.nth(1)] + length[p.nth(2)] == -1,
+          "Wrong negative cycle.");
+  }
+int main() {
+  checkBellmanFord<ListDigraph, int>();
+  checkBellmanFord<SmartDigraph, double>();
+  checkBellmanFordNegativeCycle();
+  return 0;
diff -r 98a30824fe36 -r ece80147fb08 test/circulation_test.cc
--- a/test/circulation_test.cc	Fri Jul 24 11:07:52 2009 +0200
+++ b/test/circulation_test.cc	Fri Sep 25 09:06:32 2009 +0200
@@ -87,6 +87,11 @@
+  const CirculationType::Elevator& elev = const_circ_test.elevator();
+  circ_test.elevator(const_cast<CirculationType::Elevator&>(elev));
+  CirculationType::Tolerance tol = const_circ_test.tolerance();
+  circ_test.tolerance(tol);
diff -r 98a30824fe36 -r ece80147fb08 test/heap_test.cc
--- a/test/heap_test.cc	Fri Jul 24 11:07:52 2009 +0200
+++ b/test/heap_test.cc	Fri Sep 25 09:06:32 2009 +0200
@@ -25,14 +25,17 @@
 #include <lemon/concepts/heap.h>
 #include <lemon/smart_graph.h>
 #include <lemon/lgf_reader.h>
 #include <lemon/dijkstra.h>
 #include <lemon/maps.h>
 #include <lemon/bin_heap.h>
+#include <lemon/fourary_heap.h>
+#include <lemon/kary_heap.h>
 #include <lemon/fib_heap.h>
+#include <lemon/pairing_heap.h>
 #include <lemon/radix_heap.h>
+#include <lemon/binom_heap.h>
 #include <lemon/bucket_heap.h>
 #include "test_tools.h"
@@ -89,18 +92,16 @@
 template <typename Heap>
 void heapSortTest() {
   RangeMap<int> map(test_len, -1);
   Heap heap(map);
   std::vector<int> v(test_len);
   for (int i = 0; i < test_len; ++i) {
     v[i] = test_seq[i];
     heap.push(i, v[i]);
   std::sort(v.begin(), v.end());
   for (int i = 0; i < test_len; ++i) {
-    check(v[i] == heap.prio() ,"Wrong order in heap sort.");
+    check(v[i] == heap.prio(), "Wrong order in heap sort.");
@@ -112,7 +113,6 @@
   Heap heap(map);
   std::vector<int> v(test_len);
   for (int i = 0; i < test_len; ++i) {
     v[i] = test_seq[i];
     heap.push(i, v[i]);
@@ -123,13 +123,11 @@
   std::sort(v.begin(), v.end());
   for (int i = 0; i < test_len; ++i) {
-    check(v[i] == heap.prio() ,"Wrong order in heap increase test.");
+    check(v[i] == heap.prio(), "Wrong order in heap increase test.");
 template <typename Heap>
 void dijkstraHeapTest(const Digraph& digraph, const IntArcMap& length,
                       Node source) {
@@ -144,7 +142,7 @@
     Node t = digraph.target(a);
     if (dijkstra.reached(s)) {
       check( dijkstra.dist(t) - dijkstra.dist(s) <= length[a],
-             "Error in a shortest path tree!");
+             "Error in shortest path tree.");
@@ -153,7 +151,7 @@
       Arc a = dijkstra.predArc(n);
       Node s = digraph.source(a);
       check( dijkstra.dist(n) - dijkstra.dist(s) == length[a],
-             "Error in a shortest path tree!");
+             "Error in shortest path tree.");
@@ -175,6 +173,7 @@
     node("source", source).
+  // BinHeap
     typedef BinHeap<Prio, ItemIntMap> IntHeap;
     checkConcept<Heap<Prio, ItemIntMap>, IntHeap>();
@@ -186,6 +185,31 @@
     dijkstraHeapTest<NodeHeap>(digraph, length, source);
+  // FouraryHeap
+  {
+    typedef FouraryHeap<Prio, ItemIntMap> IntHeap;
+    checkConcept<Heap<Prio, ItemIntMap>, IntHeap>();
+    heapSortTest<IntHeap>();
+    heapIncreaseTest<IntHeap>();
+    typedef FouraryHeap<Prio, IntNodeMap > NodeHeap;
+    checkConcept<Heap<Prio, IntNodeMap >, NodeHeap>();
+    dijkstraHeapTest<NodeHeap>(digraph, length, source);
+  }
+  // KaryHeap
+  {
+    typedef KaryHeap<Prio, ItemIntMap> IntHeap;
+    checkConcept<Heap<Prio, ItemIntMap>, IntHeap>();
+    heapSortTest<IntHeap>();
+    heapIncreaseTest<IntHeap>();
+    typedef KaryHeap<Prio, IntNodeMap > NodeHeap;
+    checkConcept<Heap<Prio, IntNodeMap >, NodeHeap>();
+    dijkstraHeapTest<NodeHeap>(digraph, length, source);
+  }
+  // FibHeap
     typedef FibHeap<Prio, ItemIntMap> IntHeap;
     checkConcept<Heap<Prio, ItemIntMap>, IntHeap>();
@@ -197,6 +221,19 @@
     dijkstraHeapTest<NodeHeap>(digraph, length, source);
+  // PairingHeap
+  {
+    typedef PairingHeap<Prio, ItemIntMap> IntHeap;
+    checkConcept<Heap<Prio, ItemIntMap>, IntHeap>();
+    heapSortTest<IntHeap>();
+    heapIncreaseTest<IntHeap>();
+    typedef PairingHeap<Prio, IntNodeMap > NodeHeap;
+    checkConcept<Heap<Prio, IntNodeMap >, NodeHeap>();
+    dijkstraHeapTest<NodeHeap>(digraph, length, source);
+  }
+  // RadixHeap
     typedef RadixHeap<ItemIntMap> IntHeap;
     checkConcept<Heap<Prio, ItemIntMap>, IntHeap>();
@@ -208,6 +245,19 @@
     dijkstraHeapTest<NodeHeap>(digraph, length, source);
+  // BinomHeap
+  {
+    typedef BinomHeap<Prio, ItemIntMap> IntHeap;
+    checkConcept<Heap<Prio, ItemIntMap>, IntHeap>();
+    heapSortTest<IntHeap>();
+    heapIncreaseTest<IntHeap>();
+    typedef BinomHeap<Prio, IntNodeMap > NodeHeap;
+    checkConcept<Heap<Prio, IntNodeMap >, NodeHeap>();
+    dijkstraHeapTest<NodeHeap>(digraph, length, source);
+  }
+  // BucketHeap, SimpleBucketHeap
     typedef BucketHeap<ItemIntMap> IntHeap;
     checkConcept<Heap<Prio, ItemIntMap>, IntHeap>();
@@ -217,8 +267,10 @@
     typedef BucketHeap<IntNodeMap > NodeHeap;
     checkConcept<Heap<Prio, IntNodeMap >, NodeHeap>();
     dijkstraHeapTest<NodeHeap>(digraph, length, source);
+    typedef SimpleBucketHeap<ItemIntMap> SimpleIntHeap;
+    heapSortTest<SimpleIntHeap>();
   return 0;
diff -r 98a30824fe36 -r ece80147fb08 test/maps_test.cc
--- a/test/maps_test.cc	Fri Jul 24 11:07:52 2009 +0200
+++ b/test/maps_test.cc	Fri Sep 25 09:06:32 2009 +0200
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
 #include <lemon/concept_check.h>
 #include <lemon/concepts/maps.h>
 #include <lemon/maps.h>
+#include <lemon/smart_graph.h>
 #include "test_tools.h"
@@ -349,5 +350,226 @@
       check(v1[i++] == *it, "Something is wrong with LoggerBoolMap");
+  // CrossRefMap
+  {
+    typedef SmartDigraph Graph;
+    checkConcept<ReadWriteMap<Node, int>,
+                 CrossRefMap<Graph, Node, int> >();
+    Graph gr;
+    typedef CrossRefMap<Graph, Node, char> CRMap;
+    typedef CRMap::ValueIterator ValueIt;
+    CRMap map(gr);
+    Node n0 = gr.addNode();
+    Node n1 = gr.addNode();
+    Node n2 = gr.addNode();
+    map.set(n0, 'A');
+    map.set(n1, 'B');
+    map.set(n2, 'C');
+    map.set(n2, 'A');
+    map.set(n0, 'C');
+    check(map[n0] == 'C' && map[n1] == 'B' && map[n2] == 'A',
+          "Wrong CrossRefMap");
+    check(map('A') == n2 && map.inverse()['A'] == n2, "Wrong CrossRefMap");
+    check(map('B') == n1 && map.inverse()['B'] == n1, "Wrong CrossRefMap");
+    check(map('C') == n0 && map.inverse()['C'] == n0, "Wrong CrossRefMap");
+    ValueIt it = map.beginValue();
+    check(*it++ == 'A' && *it++ == 'B' && *it++ == 'C' &&
+          it == map.endValue(), "Wrong value iterator");
+  }
+  // Iterable bool map
+  {
+    typedef SmartGraph Graph;
+    typedef SmartGraph::Node Item;
+    typedef IterableBoolMap<SmartGraph, SmartGraph::Node> Ibm;
+    checkConcept<ReferenceMap<Item, bool, bool&, const bool&>, Ibm>();
+    const int num = 10;
+    Graph g;
+    std::vector<Item> items;
+    for (int i = 0; i < num; ++i) {
+      items.push_back(g.addNode());
+    }
+    Ibm map1(g, true);
+    int n = 0;
+    for (Ibm::TrueIt it(map1); it != INVALID; ++it) {
+      check(map1[static_cast<Item>(it)], "Wrong TrueIt");
+      ++n;
+    }
+    check(n == num, "Wrong number");
+    n = 0;
+    for (Ibm::ItemIt it(map1, true); it != INVALID; ++it) {
+        check(map1[static_cast<Item>(it)], "Wrong ItemIt for true");
+        ++n;
+    }
+    check(n == num, "Wrong number");
+    check(Ibm::FalseIt(map1) == INVALID, "Wrong FalseIt");
+    check(Ibm::ItemIt(map1, false) == INVALID, "Wrong ItemIt for false");
+    map1[items[5]] = true;
+    n = 0;
+    for (Ibm::ItemIt it(map1, true); it != INVALID; ++it) {
+        check(map1[static_cast<Item>(it)], "Wrong ItemIt for true");
+        ++n;
+    }
+    check(n == num, "Wrong number");
+    map1[items[num / 2]] = false;
+    check(map1[items[num / 2]] == false, "Wrong map value");
+    n = 0;
+    for (Ibm::TrueIt it(map1); it != INVALID; ++it) {
+        check(map1[static_cast<Item>(it)], "Wrong TrueIt for true");
+        ++n;
+    }
+    check(n == num - 1, "Wrong number");
+    n = 0;
+    for (Ibm::FalseIt it(map1); it != INVALID; ++it) {
+        check(!map1[static_cast<Item>(it)], "Wrong FalseIt for true");
+        ++n;
+    }
+    check(n == 1, "Wrong number");
+    map1[items[0]] = false;
+    check(map1[items[0]] == false, "Wrong map value");
+    map1[items[num - 1]] = false;
+    check(map1[items[num - 1]] == false, "Wrong map value");
+    n = 0;
+    for (Ibm::TrueIt it(map1); it != INVALID; ++it) {
+        check(map1[static_cast<Item>(it)], "Wrong TrueIt for true");
+        ++n;
+    }
+    check(n == num - 3, "Wrong number");
+    check(map1.trueNum() == num - 3, "Wrong number");
+    n = 0;
+    for (Ibm::FalseIt it(map1); it != INVALID; ++it) {
+        check(!map1[static_cast<Item>(it)], "Wrong FalseIt for true");
+        ++n;
+    }
+    check(n == 3, "Wrong number");
+    check(map1.falseNum() == 3, "Wrong number");
+  }
+  // Iterable int map
+  {
+    typedef SmartGraph Graph;
+    typedef SmartGraph::Node Item;
+    typedef IterableIntMap<SmartGraph, SmartGraph::Node> Iim;
+    checkConcept<ReferenceMap<Item, int, int&, const int&>, Iim>();
+    const int num = 10;
+    Graph g;
+    std::vector<Item> items;
+    for (int i = 0; i < num; ++i) {
+      items.push_back(g.addNode());
+    }
+    Iim map1(g);
+    check(map1.size() == 0, "Wrong size");
+    for (int i = 0; i < num; ++i) {
+      map1[items[i]] = i;
+    }
+    check(map1.size() == num, "Wrong size");
+    for (int i = 0; i < num; ++i) {
+      Iim::ItemIt it(map1, i);
+      check(static_cast<Item>(it) == items[i], "Wrong value");
+      ++it;
+      check(static_cast<Item>(it) == INVALID, "Wrong value");
+    }
+    for (int i = 0; i < num; ++i) {
+      map1[items[i]] = i % 2;
+    }
+    check(map1.size() == 2, "Wrong size");
+    int n = 0;
+    for (Iim::ItemIt it(map1, 0); it != INVALID; ++it) {
+      check(map1[static_cast<Item>(it)] == 0, "Wrong value");
+      ++n;
+    }
+    check(n == (num + 1) / 2, "Wrong number");
+    for (Iim::ItemIt it(map1, 1); it != INVALID; ++it) {
+      check(map1[static_cast<Item>(it)] == 1, "Wrong value");
+      ++n;
+    }
+    check(n == num, "Wrong number");
+  }
+  // Iterable value map
+  {
+    typedef SmartGraph Graph;
+    typedef SmartGraph::Node Item;
+    typedef IterableValueMap<SmartGraph, SmartGraph::Node, double> Ivm;
+    checkConcept<ReadWriteMap<Item, double>, Ivm>();
+    const int num = 10;
+    Graph g;
+    std::vector<Item> items;
+    for (int i = 0; i < num; ++i) {
+      items.push_back(g.addNode());
+    }
+    Ivm map1(g, 0.0);
+    check(distance(map1.beginValue(), map1.endValue()) == 1, "Wrong size");
+    check(*map1.beginValue() == 0.0, "Wrong value");
+    for (int i = 0; i < num; ++i) {
+      map1.set(items[i], static_cast<double>(i));
+    }
+    check(distance(map1.beginValue(), map1.endValue()) == num, "Wrong size");
+    for (int i = 0; i < num; ++i) {
+      Ivm::ItemIt it(map1, static_cast<double>(i));
+      check(static_cast<Item>(it) == items[i], "Wrong value");
+      ++it;
+      check(static_cast<Item>(it) == INVALID, "Wrong value");
+    }
+    for (Ivm::ValueIterator vit = map1.beginValue();
+         vit != map1.endValue(); ++vit) {
+      check(map1[static_cast<Item>(Ivm::ItemIt(map1, *vit))] == *vit,
+            "Wrong ValueIterator");
+    }
+    for (int i = 0; i < num; ++i) {
+      map1.set(items[i], static_cast<double>(i % 2));
+    }
+    check(distance(map1.beginValue(), map1.endValue()) == 2, "Wrong size");
+    int n = 0;
+    for (Ivm::ItemIt it(map1, 0.0); it != INVALID; ++it) {
+      check(map1[static_cast<Item>(it)] == 0.0, "Wrong value");
+      ++n;
+    }
+    check(n == (num + 1) / 2, "Wrong number");
+    for (Ivm::ItemIt it(map1, 1.0); it != INVALID; ++it) {
+      check(map1[static_cast<Item>(it)] == 1.0, "Wrong value");
+      ++n;
+    }
+    check(n == num, "Wrong number");
+  }
   return 0;
diff -r 98a30824fe36 -r ece80147fb08 test/preflow_test.cc
--- a/test/preflow_test.cc	Fri Jul 24 11:07:52 2009 +0200
+++ b/test/preflow_test.cc	Fri Sep 25 09:06:32 2009 +0200
@@ -94,6 +94,11 @@
             ::Create PreflowType;
   PreflowType preflow_test(g, cap, n, n);
   const PreflowType& const_preflow_test = preflow_test;
+  const PreflowType::Elevator& elev = const_preflow_test.elevator();
+  preflow_test.elevator(const_cast<PreflowType::Elevator&>(elev));
+  PreflowType::Tolerance tol = const_preflow_test.tolerance();
+  preflow_test.tolerance(tol);
diff -r 98a30824fe36 -r ece80147fb08 tools/lemon-0.x-to-1.x.sh
--- a/tools/lemon-0.x-to-1.x.sh	Fri Jul 24 11:07:52 2009 +0200
+++ b/tools/lemon-0.x-to-1.x.sh	Fri Sep 25 09:06:32 2009 +0200
@@ -35,10 +35,10 @@
         -e "s/IncEdgeIt/_In_cEd_geIt_label_/g"\
         -e "s/Edge\>/_Ar_c_label_/g"\
         -e "s/\<edge\>/_ar_c_label_/g"\
-        -e "s/_edge\>/_ar_c_label_/g"\
+        -e "s/_edge\>/__ar_c_label_/g"\
         -e "s/Edges\>/_Ar_c_label_s/g"\
         -e "s/\<edges\>/_ar_c_label_s/g"\
-        -e "s/_edges\>/_ar_c_label_s/g"\
+        -e "s/_edges\>/__ar_c_label_s/g"\
         -e "s/\([Ee]\)dge\([a-z]\)/_\1d_ge_label_\2/g"\
         -e "s/\([a-z]\)edge/\1_ed_ge_label_/g"\
         -e "s/Edge/_Ar_c_label_/g"\
@@ -68,6 +68,11 @@
         -e "s/_blu_e_label_/blue/g"\
         -e "s/_GR_APH_TY_PEDE_FS_label_/GRAPH_TYPEDEFS/g"\
         -e "s/_DIGR_APH_TY_PEDE_FS_label_/DIGRAPH_TYPEDEFS/g"\
+        -e "s/\<digraph_adaptor\.h\>/adaptors.h/g"\
+        -e "s/\<digraph_utils\.h\>/core.h/g"\
+        -e "s/\<digraph_reader\.h\>/lgf_reader.h/g"\
+        -e "s/\<digraph_writer\.h\>/lgf_writer.h/g"\
+        -e "s/\<topology\.h\>/connectivity.h/g"\
         -e "s/DigraphToEps/GraphToEps/g"\
         -e "s/digraphToEps/graphToEps/g"\
         -e "s/\<DefPredMap\>/SetPredMap/g"\