author Alpar Juttner <alpar@cs.elte.hu>
Wed, 17 Oct 2018 22:55:02 +0200
changeset 1195 73e29215aaa4
parent 1191 d9f79b81ef6c
permissions -rw-r--r--
Add citation for Vf2pp (#597)
     1 /* -*- mode: C++; indent-tabs-mode: nil; -*-
     2  *
     3  * This file is a part of LEMON, a generic C++ optimization library.
     4  *
     5  * Copyright (C) 2015-2017
     6  * EMAXA Kutato-fejleszto Kft. (EMAXA Research Ltd.)
     7  *
     8  * Permission to use, modify and distribute this software is granted
     9  * provided that this copyright notice appears in all copies. For
    10  * precise terms see the accompanying LICENSE file.
    11  *
    12  * This software is provided "AS IS" with no warranty of any kind,
    13  * express or implied, and with no claim as to its suitability for any
    14  * purpose.
    15  *
    16  */
    18 #ifndef LEMON_VF2_H
    19 #define LEMON_VF2_H
    21 ///\ingroup graph_properties
    22 ///\file
    23 ///\brief VF2 algorithm \cite cordella2004sub.
    25 #include <lemon/core.h>
    26 #include <lemon/concepts/graph.h>
    27 #include <lemon/bfs.h>
    28 #include <lemon/bits/vf2_internals.h>
    30 #include <vector>
    32 namespace lemon {
    33   namespace bits {
    34     namespace vf2 {
    36       class AlwaysEq {
    37       public:
    38         template<class T1, class T2>
    39         bool operator()(T1&, T2&) const {
    40           return true;
    41         }
    42       };
    44       template<class M1, class M2>
    45       class MapEq{
    46         const M1 &_m1;
    47         const M2 &_m2;
    48       public:
    49         MapEq(const M1 &m1, const M2 &m2) : _m1(m1), _m2(m2) { }
    50         bool operator()(typename M1::Key k1, typename M2::Key k2) const {
    51           return _m1[k1] == _m2[k2];
    52         }
    53       };
    55       template <class G>
    56       class BfsLeaveOrder : public BfsVisitor<G> {
    57         int i;
    58         const G &_g;
    59         std::vector<typename G::Node> &_order;
    60       public:
    61         BfsLeaveOrder(const G &g, std::vector<typename G::Node> &order)
    62           : i(0), _g(g), _order(order){
    63         }
    64         void process(const typename G::Node &node) {
    65           _order[i++]=node;
    66         }
    67       };
    68     }
    69   }
    72   ///%VF2 algorithm class.
    74   ///\ingroup graph_isomorphism This class provides an efficient
    75   ///implementation of the %VF2 algorithm \cite cordella2004sub
    76   ///for variants of the (Sub)graph Isomorphism problem.
    77   ///
    78   ///There is also a \ref vf2() "function-type interface" called \ref vf2()
    79   ///for the %VF2 algorithm, which is probably more convenient in most
    80   ///use cases.
    81   ///
    82   ///\tparam G1 The type of the graph to be embedded.
    83   ///The default type is \ref ListGraph.
    84   ///\tparam G2 The type of the graph g1 will be embedded into.
    85   ///The default type is \ref ListGraph.
    86   ///\tparam M The type of the NodeMap storing the mapping.
    87   ///By default, it is G1::NodeMap<G2::Node>
    88   ///\tparam NEQ A bool-valued binary functor determinining whether a node is
    89   ///mappable to another. By default, it is an always-true operator.
    90   ///
    91   ///\sa vf2()
    92 #ifdef DOXYGEN
    93   template<class G1, class G2, class M, class NEQ >
    94 #else
    95   template<class G1 = ListGraph,
    96            class G2 = ListGraph,
    97            class M = typename G1::template NodeMap<G2::Node>,
    98            class NEQ = bits::vf2::AlwaysEq >
    99 #endif
   100   class Vf2 {
   101     //The graph to be embedded
   102     const G1 &_g1;
   104     //The graph into which g1 is to be embedded
   105     const G2 &_g2;
   107     //Functor with bool operator()(G1::Node,G2::Node), which returns 1
   108     //if and only if the two nodes are equivalent
   109     NEQ _nEq;
   111     //Current depth in the search tree
   112     int _depth;
   114     //The current mapping. _mapping[v1]=v2 iff v1 has been mapped to v2,
   115     //where v1 is a node of G1 and v2 is a node of G2
   116     M &_mapping;
   118     //_order[i] is the node of g1 for which a pair is searched if depth=i
   119     std::vector<typename G1::Node> _order;
   121     //_conn[v2] = number of covered neighbours of v2
   122     typename G2::template NodeMap<int> _conn;
   124     //_currEdgeIts[i] is the last used edge iterator in the i-th
   125     //depth to find a pair for node _order[i]
   126     std::vector<typename G2::IncEdgeIt> _currEdgeIts;
   128     //lookup tables for cutting the searchtree
   129     typename G1::template NodeMap<int> _rNew1t, _rInOut1t;
   131     MappingType _mapping_type;
   133     bool _deallocMappingAfterUse;
   135     //cut the search tree
   136     template<MappingType MT>
   137     bool cut(const typename G1::Node n1,const typename G2::Node n2) const {
   138       int rNew2=0,rInOut2=0;
   139       for(typename G2::IncEdgeIt e2(_g2,n2); e2!=INVALID; ++e2) {
   140         const typename G2::Node currNode=_g2.oppositeNode(n2,e2);
   141         if(_conn[currNode]>0)
   142           ++rInOut2;
   143         else if(MT!=SUBGRAPH&&_conn[currNode]==0)
   144           ++rNew2;
   145       }
   146       switch(MT) {
   147       case INDUCED:
   148         return _rInOut1t[n1]<=rInOut2&&_rNew1t[n1]<=rNew2;
   149       case SUBGRAPH:
   150         return _rInOut1t[n1]<=rInOut2;
   151       case ISOMORPH:
   152         return _rInOut1t[n1]==rInOut2&&_rNew1t[n1]==rNew2;
   153       default:
   154         return false;
   155       }
   156     }
   158     template<MappingType MT>
   159     bool feas(const typename G1::Node n1,const typename G2::Node n2) {
   160       if(!_nEq(n1,n2))
   161         return 0;
   163       for(typename G1::IncEdgeIt e1(_g1,n1); e1!=INVALID; ++e1) {
   164         const typename G1::Node& currNode=_g1.oppositeNode(n1,e1);
   165         if(_mapping[currNode]!=INVALID)
   166           --_conn[_mapping[currNode]];
   167       }
   168       bool isIso=1;
   169       for(typename G2::IncEdgeIt e2(_g2,n2); e2!=INVALID; ++e2) {
   170         int& connCurrNode = _conn[_g2.oppositeNode(n2,e2)];
   171         if(connCurrNode<-1)
   172           ++connCurrNode;
   173         else if(MT!=SUBGRAPH&&connCurrNode==-1) {
   174           isIso=0;
   175           break;
   176         }
   177       }
   179       for(typename G1::IncEdgeIt e1(_g1,n1); e1!=INVALID; ++e1) {
   180         const typename G2::Node& currNodePair=_mapping[_g1.oppositeNode(n1,e1)];
   181         int& connCurrNodePair=_conn[currNodePair];
   182         if(currNodePair!=INVALID&&connCurrNodePair!=-1) {
   183           switch(MT) {
   184           case INDUCED:
   185           case ISOMORPH:
   186             isIso=0;
   187             break;
   188           case SUBGRAPH:
   189             if(connCurrNodePair<-1)
   190               isIso=0;
   191             break;
   192           }
   193           connCurrNodePair=-1;
   194         }
   195       }
   196       return isIso&&cut<MT>(n1,n2);
   197     }
   199     void addPair(const typename G1::Node n1,const typename G2::Node n2) {
   200       _conn[n2]=-1;
   201       _mapping.set(n1,n2);
   202       for(typename G2::IncEdgeIt e2(_g2,n2); e2!=INVALID; ++e2) {
   203         int& currConn = _conn[_g2.oppositeNode(n2,e2)];
   204         if(currConn!=-1)
   205           ++currConn;
   206       }
   207     }
   209     void subPair(const typename G1::Node n1,const typename G2::Node n2) {
   210       _conn[n2]=0;
   211       _mapping.set(n1,INVALID);
   212       for(typename G2::IncEdgeIt e2(_g2,n2); e2!=INVALID; ++e2) {
   213         int& currConn = _conn[_g2.oppositeNode(n2,e2)];
   214         if(currConn>0)
   215           --currConn;
   216         else if(currConn==-1)
   217           ++_conn[n2];
   218       }
   219     }
   221     void initOrder() {
   222       //determine the order in which we will find pairs for the nodes of g1
   223       //BFS order is more efficient in practice than DFS
   224       bits::vf2::BfsLeaveOrder<G1> v(_g1,_order);
   225       BfsVisit<G1,bits::vf2::BfsLeaveOrder<G1> > bfs(_g1, v);
   226       bfs.run();
   227     }
   229     template<MappingType MT>
   230     bool extMatch() {
   231       while(_depth>=0) {
   232         if(_depth==static_cast<int>(_order.size())) {
   233           //all nodes of g1 are mapped to nodes of g2
   234           --_depth;
   235           return true;
   236         }
   237         typename G1::Node& nodeOfDepth = _order[_depth];
   238         const typename G2::Node& pairOfNodeOfDepth = _mapping[nodeOfDepth];
   239         typename G2::IncEdgeIt &edgeItOfDepth = _currEdgeIts[_depth];
   240         //the node of g2 whose neighbours are the candidates for
   241         //the pair of nodeOfDepth
   242         typename G2::Node currPNode;
   243         if(edgeItOfDepth==INVALID) {
   244           typename G1::IncEdgeIt fstMatchedE(_g1,nodeOfDepth);
   245           //if pairOfNodeOfDepth!=INVALID, we don't use fstMatchedE
   246           if(pairOfNodeOfDepth==INVALID) {
   247             for(; fstMatchedE!=INVALID &&
   248                   _mapping[_g1.oppositeNode(nodeOfDepth,
   249                                             fstMatchedE)]==INVALID;
   250                 ++fstMatchedE) ; //find fstMatchedE
   251           }
   252           if(fstMatchedE==INVALID||pairOfNodeOfDepth!=INVALID) {
   253             //We found no covered neighbours, this means that
   254             //the graph is not connected (or _depth==0). Each
   255             //uncovered (and there are some other properties due
   256             //to the spec. problem types) node of g2 is
   257             //candidate. We can read the iterator of the last
   258             //tried node from the match if it is not the first
   259             //try (match[nodeOfDepth]!=INVALID)
   260             typename G2::NodeIt n2(_g2);
   261             //if it's not the first try
   262             if(pairOfNodeOfDepth!=INVALID) {
   263               n2=++typename G2::NodeIt(_g2,pairOfNodeOfDepth);
   264               subPair(nodeOfDepth,pairOfNodeOfDepth);
   265             }
   266             for(; n2!=INVALID; ++n2)
   267               if(MT!=SUBGRAPH) {
   268                 if(_conn[n2]==0&&feas<MT>(nodeOfDepth,n2))
   269                   break;
   270               }
   271               else if(_conn[n2]>=0&&feas<MT>(nodeOfDepth,n2))
   272                 break;
   273             // n2 is the next candidate
   274             if(n2!=INVALID){
   275               addPair(nodeOfDepth,n2);
   276               ++_depth;
   277             }
   278             else // there are no more candidates
   279               --_depth;
   280             continue;
   281           }
   282           else {
   283             currPNode=_mapping[_g1.oppositeNode(nodeOfDepth,
   284                                                 fstMatchedE)];
   285             edgeItOfDepth=typename G2::IncEdgeIt(_g2,currPNode);
   286           }
   287         }
   288         else {
   289           currPNode=_g2.oppositeNode(pairOfNodeOfDepth,
   290                                      edgeItOfDepth);
   291           subPair(nodeOfDepth,pairOfNodeOfDepth);
   292           ++edgeItOfDepth;
   293         }
   294         for(; edgeItOfDepth!=INVALID; ++edgeItOfDepth) {
   295           const typename G2::Node currNode =
   296             _g2.oppositeNode(currPNode, edgeItOfDepth);
   297           if(_conn[currNode]>0&&feas<MT>(nodeOfDepth,currNode)) {
   298             addPair(nodeOfDepth,currNode);
   299             break;
   300           }
   301         }
   302         edgeItOfDepth==INVALID?--_depth:++_depth;
   303       }
   304       return false;
   305     }
   307     //calculate the lookup table for cutting the search tree
   308     void initRNew1tRInOut1t() {
   309       typename G1::template NodeMap<int> tmp(_g1,0);
   310       for(unsigned int i=0; i<_order.size(); ++i) {
   311         const typename G1::Node& orderI = _order[i];
   312         tmp[orderI]=-1;
   313         for(typename G1::IncEdgeIt e1(_g1,orderI); e1!=INVALID; ++e1) {
   314           const typename G1::Node currNode=_g1.oppositeNode(orderI,e1);
   315           if(tmp[currNode]>0)
   316             ++_rInOut1t[orderI];
   317           else if(tmp[currNode]==0)
   318             ++_rNew1t[orderI];
   319         }
   320         for(typename G1::IncEdgeIt e1(_g1,orderI); e1!=INVALID; ++e1) {
   321           const typename G1::Node currNode=_g1.oppositeNode(orderI,e1);
   322           if(tmp[currNode]!=-1)
   323             ++tmp[currNode];
   324         }
   325       }
   326     }
   327   public:
   328     ///Constructor
   330     ///Constructor
   332     ///\param g1 The graph to be embedded into \e g2.
   333     ///\param g2 The graph \e g1 will be embedded into.
   334     ///\param m \ref concepts::ReadWriteMap "read-write" NodeMap
   335     ///storing the found mapping.
   336     ///\param neq A bool-valued binary functor determining whether a node is
   337     ///mappable to another. By default it is an always true operator.
   338     Vf2(const G1 &g1, const G2 &g2, M &m, const NEQ &neq = NEQ() ) :
   339       _g1(g1), _g2(g2), _nEq(neq), _depth(0), _mapping(m),
   340       _order(countNodes(g1)), _conn(g2,0),
   341       _currEdgeIts(countNodes(g1),INVALID), _rNew1t(g1,0), _rInOut1t(g1,0),
   342       _mapping_type(SUBGRAPH), _deallocMappingAfterUse(0)
   343     {
   344       initOrder();
   345       initRNew1tRInOut1t();
   346       for(typename G1::NodeIt n(g1);n!=INVALID;++n)
   347         m[n]=INVALID;
   348     }
   350     ///Destructor
   352     ///Destructor.
   353     ///
   355     ~Vf2(){
   356       if(_deallocMappingAfterUse)
   357         delete &_mapping;
   358     }
   360     ///Returns the current mapping type
   362     ///Returns the current mapping type
   363     ///
   364     MappingType mappingType() const {
   365       return _mapping_type;
   366     }
   367     ///Sets mapping type
   369     ///Sets mapping type.
   370     ///
   371     ///The mapping type is set to \ref SUBGRAPH by default.
   372     ///
   373     ///\sa See \ref MappingType for the possible values.
   374     void mappingType(MappingType m_type) {
   375       _mapping_type = m_type;
   376     }
   378     ///Finds a mapping
   380     ///It finds a mapping from g1 into g2 according to the mapping
   381     ///type set by \ref mappingType(MappingType) "mappingType()".
   382     ///
   383     ///By subsequent calls, it returns all possible mappings one-by-one.
   384     ///
   385     ///\retval true if a mapping is found.
   386     ///\retval false if there is no (more) mapping.
   387     bool find() {
   388       switch(_mapping_type) {
   389       case SUBGRAPH:
   390         return extMatch<SUBGRAPH>();
   391       case INDUCED:
   392         return extMatch<INDUCED>();
   393       case ISOMORPH:
   394         return extMatch<ISOMORPH>();
   395       default:
   396         return false;
   397       }
   398     }
   399   };
   401   template<class G1, class G2>
   402   class Vf2WizardBase {
   403   protected:
   404     typedef G1 Graph1;
   405     typedef G2 Graph2;
   407     const G1 &_g1;
   408     const G2 &_g2;
   410     MappingType _mapping_type;
   412     typedef typename G1::template NodeMap<typename G2::Node> Mapping;
   413     bool _local_mapping;
   414     void *_mapping;
   415     void createMapping() {
   416       _mapping = new Mapping(_g1);
   417     }
   419     void *myVf2; //used in Vf2Wizard::find
   422     typedef bits::vf2::AlwaysEq NodeEq;
   423     NodeEq _node_eq;
   425     Vf2WizardBase(const G1 &g1,const G2 &g2)
   426       : _g1(g1), _g2(g2), _mapping_type(SUBGRAPH), _local_mapping(true) { }
   427   };
   430   /// Auxiliary class for the function-type interface of %VF2 algorithm.
   431   ///
   432   /// This auxiliary class implements the named parameters of
   433   /// \ref vf2() "function-type interface" of \ref Vf2 algorithm.
   434   ///
   435   /// \warning This class is not to be used directly.
   436   ///
   437   /// \tparam TR The traits class that defines various types used by the
   438   /// algorithm.
   439   template<class TR>
   440   class Vf2Wizard : public TR {
   441     typedef TR Base;
   442     typedef typename TR::Graph1 Graph1;
   443     typedef typename TR::Graph2 Graph2;
   445     typedef typename TR::Mapping Mapping;
   446     typedef typename TR::NodeEq NodeEq;
   448     using TR::_g1;
   449     using TR::_g2;
   450     using TR::_mapping_type;
   451     using TR::_mapping;
   452     using TR::_node_eq;
   454   public:
   455     ///Constructor
   456     Vf2Wizard(const Graph1 &g1,const Graph2 &g2) : Base(g1,g2) {}
   458     ///Copy constructor
   459     Vf2Wizard(const Base &b) : Base(b) {}
   461     ///Copy constructor
   462     Vf2Wizard(const Vf2Wizard &b) : Base(b) {}
   465     template<class T>
   466     struct SetMappingBase : public Base{
   467       typedef T Mapping;
   468       SetMappingBase(const Base &b) : Base(b) {}
   469     };
   471     ///\brief \ref named-templ-param "Named parameter" for setting
   472     ///the mapping.
   473     ///
   474     ///\ref named-templ-param "Named parameter" function for setting
   475     ///the map that stores the found embedding.
   476     template<class T>
   477     Vf2Wizard< SetMappingBase<T> > mapping(const T &t) {
   478       Base::_mapping=reinterpret_cast<void*>(const_cast<T*>(&t));
   479       Base::_local_mapping = false;
   480       return Vf2Wizard<SetMappingBase<T> >(*this);
   481     }
   483     template<class NE>
   484     struct SetNodeEqBase : public Base {
   485       typedef NE NodeEq;
   486       NodeEq _node_eq;
   487       SetNodeEqBase(const Base &b, const NE &node_eq)
   488         : Base(b), _node_eq(node_eq){
   489       }
   490     };
   492     ///\brief \ref named-templ-param "Named parameter" for setting
   493     ///the node equivalence relation.
   494     ///
   495     ///\ref named-templ-param "Named parameter" function for setting
   496     ///the equivalence relation between the nodes.
   497     ///
   498     ///\param node_eq A bool-valued binary functor determinining
   499     ///whether a node is mappable to another. By default it is an
   500     ///always true operator.
   501     template<class T>
   502     Vf2Wizard< SetNodeEqBase<T> > nodeEq(const T &node_eq) {
   503       return Vf2Wizard<SetNodeEqBase<T> >(SetNodeEqBase<T>(*this,node_eq));
   504     }
   506     ///\brief \ref named-templ-param "Named parameter" for setting
   507     ///the node labels.
   508     ///
   509     ///\ref named-templ-param "Named parameter" function for setting
   510     ///the node labels defining equivalence relation between them.
   511     ///
   512     ///\param m1 An arbitrary \ref concepts::ReadMap "readable node map"
   513     ///of g1.
   514     ///\param m2 An arbitrary \ref concepts::ReadMap "readable node map"
   515     ///of g2.
   516     ///
   517     ///The value type of these maps must be equal comparable.
   518     template<class M1, class M2>
   519     Vf2Wizard< SetNodeEqBase<bits::vf2::MapEq<M1,M2> > >
   520     nodeLabels(const M1 &m1,const M2 &m2){
   521       return nodeEq(bits::vf2::MapEq<M1,M2>(m1,m2));
   522     }
   524     ///\brief \ref named-templ-param "Named parameter" for setting
   525     ///the mapping type.
   526     ///
   527     ///\ref named-templ-param "Named parameter" for setting
   528     ///the mapping type.
   529     ///
   530     ///The mapping type is set to \ref SUBGRAPH by default.
   531     ///
   532     ///\sa See \ref MappingType for the possible values.
   533     Vf2Wizard<Base> &mappingType(MappingType m_type) {
   534       _mapping_type = m_type;
   535       return *this;
   536     }
   538     ///\brief \ref named-templ-param "Named parameter" for setting
   539     ///the mapping type to \ref INDUCED.
   540     ///
   541     ///\ref named-templ-param "Named parameter" for setting
   542     ///the mapping type to \ref INDUCED.
   543     Vf2Wizard<Base> &induced() {
   544       _mapping_type = INDUCED;
   545       return *this;
   546     }
   548     ///\brief \ref named-templ-param "Named parameter" for setting
   549     ///the mapping type to \ref ISOMORPH.
   550     ///
   551     ///\ref named-templ-param "Named parameter" for setting
   552     ///the mapping type to \ref ISOMORPH.
   553     Vf2Wizard<Base> &iso() {
   554       _mapping_type = ISOMORPH;
   555       return *this;
   556     }
   559     ///Runs VF2 algorithm.
   561     ///This method runs VF2 algorithm.
   562     ///
   563     ///\retval true if a mapping is found.
   564     ///\retval false if there is no mapping.
   565     bool run(){
   566       if(Base::_local_mapping)
   567         Base::createMapping();
   569       Vf2<Graph1, Graph2, Mapping, NodeEq >
   570         alg(_g1, _g2, *reinterpret_cast<Mapping*>(_mapping), _node_eq);
   572       alg.mappingType(_mapping_type);
   574       bool ret = alg.find();
   576       if(Base::_local_mapping)
   577         delete reinterpret_cast<Mapping*>(_mapping);
   579       return ret;
   580     }
   582     ///Get a pointer to the generated Vf2 object.
   584     ///Gives a pointer to the generated Vf2 object.
   585     ///
   586     ///\return Pointer to the generated Vf2 object.
   587     ///\warning Don't forget to delete the referred Vf2 object after use.
   588     Vf2<Graph1, Graph2, Mapping, NodeEq >* getPtrToVf2Object() {
   589       if(Base::_local_mapping)
   590         Base::createMapping();
   591       Vf2<Graph1, Graph2, Mapping, NodeEq >* ptr =
   592         new Vf2<Graph1, Graph2, Mapping, NodeEq>
   593         (_g1, _g2, *reinterpret_cast<Mapping*>(_mapping), _node_eq);
   594       ptr->mappingType(_mapping_type);
   595       if(Base::_local_mapping)
   596         ptr->_deallocMappingAfterUse = true;
   597       return ptr;
   598     }
   600     ///Counts the number of mappings.
   602     ///This method counts the number of mappings.
   603     ///
   604     /// \return The number of mappings.
   605     int count() {
   606       if(Base::_local_mapping)
   607         Base::createMapping();
   609       Vf2<Graph1, Graph2, Mapping, NodeEq>
   610         alg(_g1, _g2, *reinterpret_cast<Mapping*>(_mapping), _node_eq);
   611       if(Base::_local_mapping)
   612         alg._deallocMappingAfterUse = true;
   613       alg.mappingType(_mapping_type);
   615       int ret = 0;
   616       while(alg.find())
   617         ++ret;
   619       return ret;
   620     }
   621   };
   623   ///Function-type interface for VF2 algorithm.
   625   /// \ingroup graph_isomorphism
   626   ///Function-type interface for VF2 algorithm \cite cordella2004sub.
   627   ///
   628   ///This function has several \ref named-func-param "named parameters"
   629   ///declared as the members of class \ref Vf2Wizard.
   630   ///The following examples show how to use these parameters.
   631   ///\code
   632   ///  // Find an embedding of graph g1 into graph g2
   633   ///  ListGraph::NodeMap<ListGraph::Node> m(g);
   634   ///  vf2(g1,g2).mapping(m).run();
   635   ///
   636   ///  // Check whether graphs g1 and g2 are isomorphic
   637   ///  bool is_iso = vf2(g1,g2).iso().run();
   638   ///
   639   ///  // Count the number of isomorphisms
   640   ///  int num_isos = vf2(g1,g2).iso().count();
   641   ///
   642   ///  // Iterate through all the induced subgraph mappings of graph g1 into g2
   643   ///  auto* myVf2 = vf2(g1,g2).mapping(m).nodeLabels(c1,c2)
   644   ///  .induced().getPtrToVf2Object();
   645   ///  while(myVf2->find()){
   646   ///    //process the current mapping m
   647   ///  }
   648   ///  delete myVf22;
   649   ///\endcode
   650   ///\warning Don't forget to put the \ref Vf2Wizard::run() "run()",
   651   ///\ref Vf2Wizard::count() "count()" or
   652   ///the \ref Vf2Wizard::getPtrToVf2Object() "getPtrToVf2Object()"
   653   ///to the end of the expression.
   654   ///\sa Vf2Wizard
   655   ///\sa Vf2
   656   template<class G1, class G2>
   657   Vf2Wizard<Vf2WizardBase<G1,G2> > vf2(const G1 &g1, const G2 &g2) {
   658     return Vf2Wizard<Vf2WizardBase<G1,G2> >(g1,g2);
   659   }
   661 }
   663 #endif