author Peter Kovacs <kpeter@inf.elte.hu>
Tue, 15 Mar 2011 19:32:21 +0100
changeset 936 ddd3c0d3d9bf
parent 916 70bee017b584
parent 913 5087694945e4
child 956 4dd3dc8eb5a7
child 1031 ae0b056593a7
permissions -rw-r--r--
Implement the scaling Price Refinement heuristic in CostScaling (#417)
instead of Early Termination.

These two heuristics are similar, but the newer one is faster
and not only makes it possible to skip some epsilon phases, but
it can improve the performance of the other phases, as well.
     1 EXTRA_DIST += \
     2 	lemon/lemon.pc.in \
     3 	lemon/CMakeLists.txt \
     4 	lemon/config.h.cmake
     6 pkgconfig_DATA += lemon/lemon.pc
     8 lib_LTLIBRARIES += lemon/libemon.la
    10 lemon_libemon_la_SOURCES = \
    11 	lemon/arg_parser.cc \
    12 	lemon/base.cc \
    13 	lemon/color.cc \
    14 	lemon/lp_base.cc \
    15 	lemon/lp_skeleton.cc \
    16 	lemon/random.cc \
    17 	lemon/bits/windows.cc
    19 nodist_lemon_HEADERS = lemon/config.h	
    21 lemon_libemon_la_CXXFLAGS = \
    22 	$(AM_CXXFLAGS) \
    23 	$(GLPK_CFLAGS) \
    24 	$(CPLEX_CFLAGS) \
    25 	$(SOPLEX_CXXFLAGS) \
    26 	$(CLP_CXXFLAGS) \
    27 	$(CBC_CXXFLAGS)
    29 lemon_libemon_la_LDFLAGS = \
    30 	$(GLPK_LIBS) \
    31 	$(CPLEX_LIBS) \
    32 	$(SOPLEX_LIBS) \
    33 	$(CLP_LIBS) \
    34 	$(CBC_LIBS)
    36 if HAVE_GLPK
    37 lemon_libemon_la_SOURCES += lemon/glpk.cc
    38 endif
    40 if HAVE_CPLEX
    41 lemon_libemon_la_SOURCES += lemon/cplex.cc
    42 endif
    44 if HAVE_SOPLEX
    45 lemon_libemon_la_SOURCES += lemon/soplex.cc
    46 endif
    48 if HAVE_CLP
    49 lemon_libemon_la_SOURCES += lemon/clp.cc
    50 endif
    52 if HAVE_CBC
    53 lemon_libemon_la_SOURCES += lemon/cbc.cc
    54 endif
    56 lemon_HEADERS += \
    57 	lemon/adaptors.h \
    58 	lemon/arg_parser.h \
    59 	lemon/assert.h \
    60 	lemon/bellman_ford.h \
    61 	lemon/bfs.h \
    62 	lemon/bin_heap.h \
    63 	lemon/binomial_heap.h \
    64 	lemon/bucket_heap.h \
    65 	lemon/capacity_scaling.h \
    66 	lemon/cbc.h \
    67 	lemon/circulation.h \
    68 	lemon/clp.h \
    69 	lemon/color.h \
    70 	lemon/concept_check.h \
    71 	lemon/connectivity.h \
    72 	lemon/core.h \
    73 	lemon/cost_scaling.h \
    74 	lemon/counter.h \
    75 	lemon/cplex.h \
    76 	lemon/cycle_canceling.h \
    77 	lemon/dfs.h \
    78 	lemon/dheap.h \
    79 	lemon/dijkstra.h \
    80 	lemon/dim2.h \
    81 	lemon/dimacs.h \
    82 	lemon/edge_set.h \
    83 	lemon/elevator.h \
    84 	lemon/error.h \
    85 	lemon/euler.h \
    86 	lemon/fib_heap.h \
    87 	lemon/fractional_matching.h \
    88 	lemon/full_graph.h \
    89 	lemon/glpk.h \
    90 	lemon/gomory_hu.h \
    91 	lemon/graph_to_eps.h \
    92 	lemon/grid_graph.h \
    93 	lemon/grosso_locatelli_pullan_mc.h \
    94 	lemon/hartmann_orlin_mmc.h \
    95 	lemon/howard_mmc.h \
    96 	lemon/hypercube_graph.h \
    97 	lemon/karp_mmc.h \
    98 	lemon/kruskal.h \
    99 	lemon/hao_orlin.h \
   100 	lemon/lgf_reader.h \
   101 	lemon/lgf_writer.h \
   102 	lemon/list_graph.h \
   103 	lemon/lp.h \
   104 	lemon/lp_base.h \
   105 	lemon/lp_skeleton.h \
   106 	lemon/maps.h \
   107 	lemon/matching.h \
   108 	lemon/math.h \
   109 	lemon/min_cost_arborescence.h \
   110 	lemon/max_cardinality_search.h \
   111 	lemon/nagamochi_ibaraki.h \
   112 	lemon/nauty_reader.h \
   113 	lemon/network_simplex.h \
   114 	lemon/pairing_heap.h \
   115 	lemon/path.h \
   116 	lemon/planarity.h \
   117 	lemon/preflow.h \
   118 	lemon/quad_heap.h \
   119 	lemon/radix_heap.h \
   120 	lemon/radix_sort.h \
   121 	lemon/random.h \
   122 	lemon/smart_graph.h \
   123 	lemon/soplex.h \
   124 	lemon/static_graph.h \
   125 	lemon/suurballe.h \
   126 	lemon/time_measure.h \
   127 	lemon/tolerance.h \
   128 	lemon/unionfind.h \
   129 	lemon/bits/windows.h
   131 bits_HEADERS += \
   132 	lemon/bits/alteration_notifier.h \
   133 	lemon/bits/array_map.h \
   134 	lemon/bits/bezier.h \
   135 	lemon/bits/default_map.h \
   136 	lemon/bits/edge_set_extender.h \
   137 	lemon/bits/enable_if.h \
   138 	lemon/bits/graph_adaptor_extender.h \
   139 	lemon/bits/graph_extender.h \
   140 	lemon/bits/map_extender.h \
   141 	lemon/bits/path_dump.h \
   142 	lemon/bits/solver_bits.h \
   143 	lemon/bits/traits.h \
   144 	lemon/bits/variant.h \
   145 	lemon/bits/vector_map.h
   147 concept_HEADERS += \
   148 	lemon/concepts/digraph.h \
   149 	lemon/concepts/graph.h \
   150 	lemon/concepts/graph_components.h \
   151 	lemon/concepts/heap.h \
   152 	lemon/concepts/maps.h \
   153 	lemon/concepts/path.h