author Peter Kovacs <kpeter@inf.elte.hu>
Tue, 15 Mar 2011 19:32:21 +0100
changeset 936 ddd3c0d3d9bf
parent 584 33c6b6e755cd
child 1092 dceba191c00d
permissions -rw-r--r--
Implement the scaling Price Refinement heuristic in CostScaling (#417)
instead of Early Termination.

These two heuristics are similar, but the newer one is faster
and not only makes it possible to skip some epsilon phases, but
it can improve the performance of the other phases, as well.
     1 /* -*- mode: C++; indent-tabs-mode: nil; -*-
     2  *
     3  * This file is a part of LEMON, a generic C++ optimization library.
     4  *
     5  * Copyright (C) 2003-2009
     6  * Egervary Jeno Kombinatorikus Optimalizalasi Kutatocsoport
     7  * (Egervary Research Group on Combinatorial Optimization, EGRES).
     8  *
     9  * Permission to use, modify and distribute this software is granted
    10  * provided that this copyright notice appears in all copies. For
    11  * precise terms see the accompanying LICENSE file.
    12  *
    13  * This software is provided "AS IS" with no warranty of any kind,
    14  * express or implied, and with no claim as to its suitability for any
    15  * purpose.
    16  *
    17  */
    19 #ifndef LEMON_KRUSKAL_H
    20 #define LEMON_KRUSKAL_H
    22 #include <algorithm>
    23 #include <vector>
    24 #include <lemon/unionfind.h>
    25 #include <lemon/maps.h>
    27 #include <lemon/core.h>
    28 #include <lemon/bits/traits.h>
    30 ///\ingroup spantree
    31 ///\file
    32 ///\brief Kruskal's algorithm to compute a minimum cost spanning tree
    34 namespace lemon {
    36   namespace _kruskal_bits {
    38     // Kruskal for directed graphs.
    40     template <typename Digraph, typename In, typename Out>
    41     typename disable_if<lemon::UndirectedTagIndicator<Digraph>,
    42                        typename In::value_type::second_type >::type
    43     kruskal(const Digraph& digraph, const In& in, Out& out,dummy<0> = 0) {
    44       typedef typename In::value_type::second_type Value;
    45       typedef typename Digraph::template NodeMap<int> IndexMap;
    46       typedef typename Digraph::Node Node;
    48       IndexMap index(digraph);
    49       UnionFind<IndexMap> uf(index);
    50       for (typename Digraph::NodeIt it(digraph); it != INVALID; ++it) {
    51         uf.insert(it);
    52       }
    54       Value tree_value = 0;
    55       for (typename In::const_iterator it = in.begin(); it != in.end(); ++it) {
    56         if (uf.join(digraph.target(it->first),digraph.source(it->first))) {
    57           out.set(it->first, true);
    58           tree_value += it->second;
    59         }
    60         else {
    61           out.set(it->first, false);
    62         }
    63       }
    64       return tree_value;
    65     }
    67     // Kruskal for undirected graphs.
    69     template <typename Graph, typename In, typename Out>
    70     typename enable_if<lemon::UndirectedTagIndicator<Graph>,
    71                        typename In::value_type::second_type >::type
    72     kruskal(const Graph& graph, const In& in, Out& out,dummy<1> = 1) {
    73       typedef typename In::value_type::second_type Value;
    74       typedef typename Graph::template NodeMap<int> IndexMap;
    75       typedef typename Graph::Node Node;
    77       IndexMap index(graph);
    78       UnionFind<IndexMap> uf(index);
    79       for (typename Graph::NodeIt it(graph); it != INVALID; ++it) {
    80         uf.insert(it);
    81       }
    83       Value tree_value = 0;
    84       for (typename In::const_iterator it = in.begin(); it != in.end(); ++it) {
    85         if (uf.join(graph.u(it->first),graph.v(it->first))) {
    86           out.set(it->first, true);
    87           tree_value += it->second;
    88         }
    89         else {
    90           out.set(it->first, false);
    91         }
    92       }
    93       return tree_value;
    94     }
    97     template <typename Sequence>
    98     struct PairComp {
    99       typedef typename Sequence::value_type Value;
   100       bool operator()(const Value& left, const Value& right) {
   101         return left.second < right.second;
   102       }
   103     };
   105     template <typename In, typename Enable = void>
   106     struct SequenceInputIndicator {
   107       static const bool value = false;
   108     };
   110     template <typename In>
   111     struct SequenceInputIndicator<In,
   112       typename exists<typename In::value_type::first_type>::type> {
   113       static const bool value = true;
   114     };
   116     template <typename In, typename Enable = void>
   117     struct MapInputIndicator {
   118       static const bool value = false;
   119     };
   121     template <typename In>
   122     struct MapInputIndicator<In,
   123       typename exists<typename In::Value>::type> {
   124       static const bool value = true;
   125     };
   127     template <typename In, typename Enable = void>
   128     struct SequenceOutputIndicator {
   129       static const bool value = false;
   130     };
   132     template <typename Out>
   133     struct SequenceOutputIndicator<Out,
   134       typename exists<typename Out::value_type>::type> {
   135       static const bool value = true;
   136     };
   138     template <typename Out, typename Enable = void>
   139     struct MapOutputIndicator {
   140       static const bool value = false;
   141     };
   143     template <typename Out>
   144     struct MapOutputIndicator<Out,
   145       typename exists<typename Out::Value>::type> {
   146       static const bool value = true;
   147     };
   149     template <typename In, typename InEnable = void>
   150     struct KruskalValueSelector {};
   152     template <typename In>
   153     struct KruskalValueSelector<In,
   154       typename enable_if<SequenceInputIndicator<In>, void>::type>
   155     {
   156       typedef typename In::value_type::second_type Value;
   157     };
   159     template <typename In>
   160     struct KruskalValueSelector<In,
   161       typename enable_if<MapInputIndicator<In>, void>::type>
   162     {
   163       typedef typename In::Value Value;
   164     };
   166     template <typename Graph, typename In, typename Out,
   167               typename InEnable = void>
   168     struct KruskalInputSelector {};
   170     template <typename Graph, typename In, typename Out,
   171               typename InEnable = void>
   172     struct KruskalOutputSelector {};
   174     template <typename Graph, typename In, typename Out>
   175     struct KruskalInputSelector<Graph, In, Out,
   176       typename enable_if<SequenceInputIndicator<In>, void>::type >
   177     {
   178       typedef typename In::value_type::second_type Value;
   180       static Value kruskal(const Graph& graph, const In& in, Out& out) {
   181         return KruskalOutputSelector<Graph, In, Out>::
   182           kruskal(graph, in, out);
   183       }
   185     };
   187     template <typename Graph, typename In, typename Out>
   188     struct KruskalInputSelector<Graph, In, Out,
   189       typename enable_if<MapInputIndicator<In>, void>::type >
   190     {
   191       typedef typename In::Value Value;
   192       static Value kruskal(const Graph& graph, const In& in, Out& out) {
   193         typedef typename In::Key MapArc;
   194         typedef typename In::Value Value;
   195         typedef typename ItemSetTraits<Graph, MapArc>::ItemIt MapArcIt;
   196         typedef std::vector<std::pair<MapArc, Value> > Sequence;
   197         Sequence seq;
   199         for (MapArcIt it(graph); it != INVALID; ++it) {
   200           seq.push_back(std::make_pair(it, in[it]));
   201         }
   203         std::sort(seq.begin(), seq.end(), PairComp<Sequence>());
   204         return KruskalOutputSelector<Graph, Sequence, Out>::
   205           kruskal(graph, seq, out);
   206       }
   207     };
   209     template <typename T>
   210     struct RemoveConst {
   211       typedef T type;
   212     };
   214     template <typename T>
   215     struct RemoveConst<const T> {
   216       typedef T type;
   217     };
   219     template <typename Graph, typename In, typename Out>
   220     struct KruskalOutputSelector<Graph, In, Out,
   221       typename enable_if<SequenceOutputIndicator<Out>, void>::type >
   222     {
   223       typedef typename In::value_type::second_type Value;
   225       static Value kruskal(const Graph& graph, const In& in, Out& out) {
   226         typedef LoggerBoolMap<typename RemoveConst<Out>::type> Map;
   227         Map map(out);
   228         return _kruskal_bits::kruskal(graph, in, map);
   229       }
   231     };
   233     template <typename Graph, typename In, typename Out>
   234     struct KruskalOutputSelector<Graph, In, Out,
   235       typename enable_if<MapOutputIndicator<Out>, void>::type >
   236     {
   237       typedef typename In::value_type::second_type Value;
   239       static Value kruskal(const Graph& graph, const In& in, Out& out) {
   240         return _kruskal_bits::kruskal(graph, in, out);
   241       }
   242     };
   244   }
   246   /// \ingroup spantree
   247   ///
   248   /// \brief Kruskal's algorithm for finding a minimum cost spanning tree of
   249   /// a graph.
   250   ///
   251   /// This function runs Kruskal's algorithm to find a minimum cost
   252   /// spanning tree of a graph.
   253   /// Due to some C++ hacking, it accepts various input and output types.
   254   ///
   255   /// \param g The graph the algorithm runs on.
   256   /// It can be either \ref concepts::Digraph "directed" or
   257   /// \ref concepts::Graph "undirected".
   258   /// If the graph is directed, the algorithm consider it to be
   259   /// undirected by disregarding the direction of the arcs.
   260   ///
   261   /// \param in This object is used to describe the arc/edge costs.
   262   /// It can be one of the following choices.
   263   /// - An STL compatible 'Forward Container' with
   264   /// <tt>std::pair<GR::Arc,C></tt> or
   265   /// <tt>std::pair<GR::Edge,C></tt> as its <tt>value_type</tt>, where
   266   /// \c C is the type of the costs. The pairs indicates the arcs/edges
   267   /// along with the assigned cost. <em>They must be in a
   268   /// cost-ascending order.</em>
   269   /// - Any readable arc/edge map. The values of the map indicate the
   270   /// arc/edge costs.
   271   ///
   272   /// \retval out Here we also have a choice.
   273   /// - It can be a writable arc/edge map with \c bool value type. After
   274   /// running the algorithm it will contain the found minimum cost spanning
   275   /// tree: the value of an arc/edge will be set to \c true if it belongs
   276   /// to the tree, otherwise it will be set to \c false. The value of
   277   /// each arc/edge will be set exactly once.
   278   /// - It can also be an iteraror of an STL Container with
   279   /// <tt>GR::Arc</tt> or <tt>GR::Edge</tt> as its
   280   /// <tt>value_type</tt>.  The algorithm copies the elements of the
   281   /// found tree into this sequence.  For example, if we know that the
   282   /// spanning tree of the graph \c g has say 53 arcs, then we can
   283   /// put its arcs into an STL vector \c tree with a code like this.
   284   ///\code
   285   /// std::vector<Arc> tree(53);
   286   /// kruskal(g,cost,tree.begin());
   287   ///\endcode
   288   /// Or if we don't know in advance the size of the tree, we can
   289   /// write this.
   290   ///\code
   291   /// std::vector<Arc> tree;
   292   /// kruskal(g,cost,std::back_inserter(tree));
   293   ///\endcode
   294   ///
   295   /// \return The total cost of the found spanning tree.
   296   ///
   297   /// \note If the input graph is not (weakly) connected, a spanning
   298   /// forest is calculated instead of a spanning tree.
   300 #ifdef DOXYGEN
   301   template <typename Graph, typename In, typename Out>
   302   Value kruskal(const Graph& g, const In& in, Out& out)
   303 #else
   304   template <class Graph, class In, class Out>
   305   inline typename _kruskal_bits::KruskalValueSelector<In>::Value
   306   kruskal(const Graph& graph, const In& in, Out& out)
   307 #endif
   308   {
   309     return _kruskal_bits::KruskalInputSelector<Graph, In, Out>::
   310       kruskal(graph, in, out);
   311   }
   314   template <class Graph, class In, class Out>
   315   inline typename _kruskal_bits::KruskalValueSelector<In>::Value
   316   kruskal(const Graph& graph, const In& in, const Out& out)
   317   {
   318     return _kruskal_bits::KruskalInputSelector<Graph, In, const Out>::
   319       kruskal(graph, in, out);
   320   }
   322 } //namespace lemon
   324 #endif //LEMON_KRUSKAL_H