author Peter Kovacs <>
Sun, 30 Nov 2008 00:51:20 +0100
changeset 394 e7707b3069f1
parent 359 0eec1736ff1d
parent 365 a12eef1f82b2
child 466 4f1431aeef42
permissions -rwxr-xr-x
Better test files for Preflow (#176)

- Slightly improve
- Change preflow_test.lgf to meet the new LGF format
and remove trailing tabs.
     1 #!/bin/bash
     3 set -e
     5 if [ $# -eq 0 -o x$1 = "x-h" -o x$1 = "x-help" -o x$1 = "x--help" ]; then
     6     echo "Usage:"
     7     echo "  $0 source-file(s)"
     8     exit
     9 fi
    11 for i in $@
    12 do
    13     echo Update $i...
    14     TMP=`mktemp`
    15     sed -e "s/\<undirected graph\>/_gr_aph_label_/g"\
    16         -e "s/\<undirected graphs\>/_gr_aph_label_s/g"\
    17         -e "s/\<undirected edge\>/_ed_ge_label_/g"\
    18         -e "s/\<undirected edges\>/_ed_ge_label_s/g"\
    19         -e "s/\<directed graph\>/_digr_aph_label_/g"\
    20         -e "s/\<directed graphs\>/_digr_aph_label_s/g"\
    21         -e "s/\<directed edge\>/_ar_c_label_/g"\
    22         -e "s/\<directed edges\>/_ar_c_label_s/g"\
    23         -e "s/UGraph/_Gr_aph_label_/g"\
    24         -e "s/u[Gg]raph/_gr_aph_label_/g"\
    25         -e "s/\<Graph\>/_Digr_aph_label_/g"\
    26         -e "s/\<graph\>/_digr_aph_label_/g"\
    27         -e "s/\<Graphs\>/_Digr_aph_label_s/g"\
    28         -e "s/\<graphs\>/_digr_aph_label_s/g"\
    29         -e "s/_Graph/__Gr_aph_label_/g"\
    30         -e "s/\([Gg]\)raph\([a-z_]\)/_\1r_aph_label_\2/g"\
    31         -e "s/\([a-z_]\)graph/\1_gr_aph_label_/g"\
    32         -e "s/Graph/_Digr_aph_label_/g"\
    33         -e "s/graph/_digr_aph_label_/g"\
    34         -e "s/UEdge/_Ed_ge_label_/g"\
    35         -e "s/u[Ee]dge/_ed_ge_label_/g"\
    36         -e "s/IncEdgeIt/_In_cEd_geIt_label_/g"\
    37         -e "s/\<Edge\>/_Ar_c_label_/g"\
    38         -e "s/\<edge\>/_ar_c_label_/g"\
    39         -e "s/\<Edges\>/_Ar_c_label_s/g"\
    40         -e "s/\<edges\>/_ar_c_label_s/g"\
    41         -e "s/_Edge/__Ed_ge_label_/g"\
    42         -e "s/Edge\([a-z_]\)/_Ed_ge_label_\1/g"\
    43         -e "s/edge\([a-z_]\)/_ed_ge_label_\1/g"\
    44         -e "s/\([a-z_]\)edge/\1_ed_ge_label_/g"\
    45         -e "s/Edge/_Ar_c_label_/g"\
    46         -e "s/edge/_ar_c_label_/g"\
    47         -e "s/A[Nn]ode/_Re_d_label_/g"\
    48         -e "s/B[Nn]ode/_Blu_e_label_/g"\
    49         -e "s/A-[Nn]ode/_Re_d_label_/g"\
    50         -e "s/B-[Nn]ode/_Blu_e_label_/g"\
    51         -e "s/a[Nn]ode/_re_d_label_/g"\
    52         -e "s/b[Nn]ode/_blu_e_label_/g"\
    53         -e "s/\<UGRAPH_TYPEDEFS\([ \t]*([ \t]*\)typename[ \t]/TEMPLATE__GR_APH_TY_PEDE_FS_label_\1/g"\
    54         -e "s/\<GRAPH_TYPEDEFS\([ \t]*([ \t]*\)typename[ \t]/TEMPLATE__DIGR_APH_TY_PEDE_FS_label_\1/g"\
    55         -e "s/\<UGRAPH_TYPEDEFS\>/_GR_APH_TY_PEDE_FS_label_/g"\
    56         -e "s/\<GRAPH_TYPEDEFS\>/_DIGR_APH_TY_PEDE_FS_label_/g"\
    57         -e "s/_Digr_aph_label_/Digraph/g"\
    58         -e "s/_digr_aph_label_/digraph/g"\
    59         -e "s/_Gr_aph_label_/Graph/g"\
    60         -e "s/_gr_aph_label_/graph/g"\
    61         -e "s/_Ar_c_label_/Arc/g"\
    62         -e "s/_ar_c_label_/arc/g"\
    63         -e "s/_Ed_ge_label_/Edge/g"\
    64         -e "s/_ed_ge_label_/edge/g"\
    65         -e "s/_In_cEd_geIt_label_/IncEdgeIt/g"\
    66         -e "s/_Re_d_label_/Red/g"\
    67         -e "s/_Blu_e_label_/Blue/g"\
    68         -e "s/_re_d_label_/red/g"\
    69         -e "s/_blu_e_label_/blue/g"\
    70         -e "s/_GR_APH_TY_PEDE_FS_label_/GRAPH_TYPEDEFS/g"\
    71         -e "s/_DIGR_APH_TY_PEDE_FS_label_/DIGRAPH_TYPEDEFS/g"\
    72         -e "s/DigraphToEps/GraphToEps/g"\
    73         -e "s/digraphToEps/graphToEps/g"\
    74         -e "s/\<DefPredMap\>/SetPredMap/g"\
    75         -e "s/\<DefDistMap\>/SetDistMap/g"\
    76         -e "s/\<DefReachedMap\>/SetReachedMap/g"\
    77         -e "s/\<DefProcessedMap\>/SetProcessedMap/g"\
    78         -e "s/\<DefHeap\>/SetHeap/g"\
    79         -e "s/\<DefStandardHeap\>/SetStandradHeap/g"\
    80         -e "s/\<DefOperationTraits\>/SetOperationTraits/g"\
    81         -e "s/\<DefProcessedMapToBeDefaultMap\>/SetStandardProcessedMap/g"\
    82         -e "s/\<copyGraph\>/graphCopy/g"\
    83         -e "s/\<copyDigraph\>/digraphCopy/g"\
    84         -e "s/\<HyperCubeDigraph\>/HypercubeGraph/g"\
    85         -e "s/\<IntegerMap\>/RangeMap/g"\
    86         -e "s/\<integerMap\>/rangeMap/g"\
    87         -e "s/\<\([sS]\)tdMap\>/\1parseMap/g"\
    88         -e "s/\<\([Ff]\)unctorMap\>/\1unctorToMap/g"\
    89         -e "s/\<\([Mm]\)apFunctor\>/\1apToFunctor/g"\
    90         -e "s/\<\([Ff]\)orkWriteMap\>/\1orkMap/g"\
    91         -e "s/\<StoreBoolMap\>/LoggerBoolMap/g"\
    92         -e "s/\<storeBoolMap\>/loggerBoolMap/g"\
    93         -e "s/\<BoundingBox\>/Box/g"\
    94         -e "s/\<readNauty\>/readNautyGraph/g"\
    95     <$i > $TMP
    96     mv $TMP $i
    97 done