Peter Kovacs <> [Thu, 15 Nov 2012 07:17:48 +0100] rev 1013
Ensure strongly polynomial running time for CycleCanceling (#436)
The number of iterations performed by Howard's algorithm is limited.
If the limit is reached, a strongly polynomial implementation,
HartmannOrlinMmc is executed to find a minimum mean cycle.
This iteration limit is typically not reached, thus the combined
method is practically equivalent to Howard's algorithm, while it
also ensures the strongly polynomial time bound.
Peter Kovacs <> [Thu, 15 Nov 2012 07:05:29 +0100] rev 1012
Optional iteration limit in HowardMmc (#438)
Alpar Juttner <> [Wed, 28 Nov 2012 12:08:47 +0100] rev 1011
Further GCC 4.7 compiler warning fix (#453)
Alpar Juttner <> [Wed, 28 Nov 2012 12:05:27 +0100] rev 1010
Merge bugfix #453