2010-09-09Make CMAKE config more consistent with configure.ac (#390)
Alpar Juttner <alpar@cs.elte.hu> [Thu, 09 Sep 2010 15:55:00 +0200] rev 900
Make CMAKE config more consistent with configure.ac (#390)

- CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE is Release by deafult
- The same set of warnings are used when compiling with gcc

2010-09-03Safer call of ./scripts/chg-len.py on Windows (#389)
Alpar Juttner <alpar@cs.elte.hu> [Fri, 03 Sep 2010 15:37:19 +0200] rev 899
Safer call of ./scripts/chg-len.py on Windows (#389)

Still hard to get it worked properly by user. It needs
- a python interpreter in the exec path
- the mercurial modules accessible by this interpreter

2010-08-25Put the output of chg-len.py in the version string (#389)
Akos Ladanyi <ladanyi@tmit.bme.hu> [Wed, 25 Aug 2010 22:02:40 +0200] rev 898
Put the output of chg-len.py in the version string (#389)

2010-08-25Add check target for CMake (#388)
Akos Ladanyi <ladanyi@tmit.bme.hu> [Wed, 25 Aug 2010 21:34:58 +0200] rev 897
Add check target for CMake (#388)

2010-09-04Improve arc mixing in NS and enable it by default (#391)
Peter Kovacs <kpeter@inf.elte.hu> [Sat, 04 Sep 2010 23:58:03 +0200] rev 896
Improve arc mixing in NS and enable it by default (#391)

2010-08-22Improve the tree update process and a pivot rule (#391)
Peter Kovacs <kpeter@inf.elte.hu> [Sun, 22 Aug 2010 23:54:10 +0200] rev 895
Improve the tree update process and a pivot rule (#391)
and make some parts of the code clearer using better names

2010-06-22Improve graph_copy_test.cc
Peter Kovacs <kpeter@inf.elte.hu> [Tue, 22 Jun 2010 16:13:00 +0200] rev 894
Improve graph_copy_test.cc

2010-06-25Merge bugfix #371
Alpar Juttner <alpar@cs.elte.hu> [Fri, 25 Jun 2010 06:41:55 +0200] rev 893
Merge bugfix #371

2010-06-25Merge bugfix #372
Alpar Juttner <alpar@cs.elte.hu> [Fri, 25 Jun 2010 06:00:56 +0200] rev 892
Merge bugfix #372

2010-06-24Fix critical bug in preflow (#372)
Balazs Dezso <deba@inf.elte.hu> [Thu, 24 Jun 2010 09:27:53 +0200] rev 891
Fix critical bug in preflow (#372)

The wrong transition between the bound decrease and highest active
heuristics caused the bug. The last node chosen in bound decrease mode
is used in the first iteration in highest active mode.