# HG changeset patch
# User Peter Kovacs <kpeter@inf.elte.hu>
# Date 1225215231 -3600
# Node ID 956a29f3088780b83149718f6ae7756cb187d5fe
# Parent  3e906e6c08a9621adf2dcb63610f911637d81c78
Improve the migration script and guide (#166)

 - Safer replacement of 'graph' and 'edge'.
 - Fix the erroneous renaming of [Gg]raphToEps.
 - Fixes and improvements in the migration guide.

diff -r 3e906e6c08a9 -r 956a29f30887 doc/migration.dox
--- a/doc/migration.dox	Tue Oct 28 14:49:18 2008 +0000
+++ b/doc/migration.dox	Tue Oct 28 18:33:51 2008 +0100
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
 to the 0.x release series.
 Many of these changes adjusted automatically by the
-<tt>script/lemon-0.x-to-1.x.sh</tt> tool. Those requiring manual
+<tt>lemon-0.x-to-1.x.sh</tt> tool. Those requiring manual
 update are typeset <b>boldface</b>.
 \section migration-graph Graph Related Name Changes
@@ -53,9 +53,11 @@
   for <tt>Arc</tt>s (directed edges).
-<b>The <tt>script/lemon-0.x-to-1.x.sh</tt> tool replaces all instances of
-the words \c graph, \c digraph, \c edge and \c arc, so it replaces them
-in strings, comments etc. as well as in all identifiers.</b>
+<b>The <tt>lemon-0.x-to-1.x.sh</tt> script replaces the words \c graph,
+\c ugraph, \c edge and \c uedge in your own identifiers and in
+strings, comments etc. as well as in all LEMON specific identifiers.
+So use the script carefully and make a backup copy of your source files
+before applying the script to them.</b>
 \section migration-lgf LGF tools
  - The \ref lgf-format "LGF file format" has changed,
diff -r 3e906e6c08a9 -r 956a29f30887 tools/lemon-0.x-to-1.x.sh
--- a/tools/lemon-0.x-to-1.x.sh	Tue Oct 28 14:49:18 2008 +0000
+++ b/tools/lemon-0.x-to-1.x.sh	Tue Oct 28 18:33:51 2008 +0100
@@ -14,27 +14,36 @@
     sed -e "s/undirected graph/_gr_aph_label_/g"\
         -e "s/undirected edge/_ed_ge_label_/g"\
-        -e "s/graph_/_gr_aph_label__/g"\
-        -e "s/_graph/__gr_aph_label_/g"\
         -e "s/UGraph/_Gr_aph_label_/g"\
-        -e "s/uGraph/_gr_aph_label_/g"\
-        -e "s/ugraph/_gr_aph_label_/g"\
+        -e "s/u[Gg]raph/_gr_aph_label_/g"\
+        -e "s/\<Graph\>/_Digr_aph_label_/g"\
+        -e "s/\<graph\>/_digr_aph_label_/g"\
+        -e "s/\<Graphs\>/_Digr_aph_label_s/g"\
+        -e "s/\<graphs\>/_digr_aph_label_s/g"\
+        -e "s/_Graph/__Gr_aph_label_/g"\
+        -e "s/\([Gg]\)raph\([a-z_]\)/_\1r_aph_label_\2/g"\
+        -e "s/\([a-z_]\)graph/\1_gr_aph_label_/g"\
         -e "s/Graph/_Digr_aph_label_/g"\
         -e "s/graph/_digr_aph_label_/g"\
         -e "s/UEdge/_Ed_ge_label_/g"\
-        -e "s/uEdge/_ed_ge_label_/g"\
-        -e "s/uedge/_ed_ge_label_/g"\
+        -e "s/u[Ee]dge/_ed_ge_label_/g"\
         -e "s/IncEdgeIt/_In_cEd_geIt_label_/g"\
+        -e "s/\<Edge\>/_Ar_c_label_/g"\
+        -e "s/\<edge\>/_ar_c_label_/g"\
+        -e "s/\<Edges\>/_Ar_c_label_s/g"\
+        -e "s/\<edges\>/_ar_c_label_s/g"\
+        -e "s/_Edge/__Ed_ge_label_/g"\
+        -e "s/Edge\([a-z_]\)/_Ed_ge_label_\1/g"\
+        -e "s/edge\([a-z_]\)/_ed_ge_label_\1/g"\
+        -e "s/\([a-z_]\)edge/\1_ed_ge_label_/g"\
         -e "s/Edge/_Ar_c_label_/g"\
         -e "s/edge/_ar_c_label_/g"\
-        -e "s/ANode/_Re_d_label_/g"\
-        -e "s/BNode/_Blu_e_label_/g"\
-        -e "s/A-Node/_Re_d_label_/g"\
-        -e "s/B-Node/_Blu_e_label_/g"\
-        -e "s/anode/_re_d_label_/g"\
-        -e "s/bnode/_blu_e_label_/g"\
-        -e "s/aNode/_re_d_label_/g"\
-        -e "s/bNode/_blu_e_label_/g"\
+        -e "s/A[Nn]ode/_Re_d_label_/g"\
+        -e "s/B[Nn]ode/_Blu_e_label_/g"\
+        -e "s/A-[Nn]ode/_Re_d_label_/g"\
+        -e "s/B-[Nn]ode/_Blu_e_label_/g"\
+        -e "s/a[Nn]ode/_re_d_label_/g"\
+        -e "s/b[Nn]ode/_blu_e_label_/g"\
         -e "s/_Digr_aph_label_/Digraph/g"\
         -e "s/_digr_aph_label_/digraph/g"\
         -e "s/_Gr_aph_label_/Graph/g"\
@@ -48,6 +57,8 @@
         -e "s/_Blu_e_label_/Blue/g"\
         -e "s/_re_d_label_/red/g"\
         -e "s/_blu_e_label_/blue/g"\
+        -e "s/DigraphToEps/GraphToEps/g"\
+        -e "s/digraphToEps/graphToEps/g"\
         -e "s/\<DefPredMap\>/SetPredMap/g"\
         -e "s/\<DefDistMap\>/SetDistMap/g"\
         -e "s/\<DefReachedMap\>/SetReachedMap/g"\