Doc improvement in ArgParser
authorAlpar Juttner <>
Mon, 17 Mar 2008 12:44:13 +0000 (2008-03-17)
changeset 902981a73d49a3
parent 89 e6452a49192c
child 91 e28fc773f3c0
Doc improvement in ArgParser
     1.1 --- a/lemon/arg_parser.h	Mon Mar 17 11:03:35 2008 +0000
     1.2 +++ b/lemon/arg_parser.h	Mon Mar 17 12:44:13 2008 +0000
     1.3 @@ -127,7 +127,7 @@
     1.5      ///\param name The name of the option. The leading '-' must be omitted.
     1.6      ///\param help A help string.
     1.7 -    ///\retval value The value of the argument will be written to this variable.
     1.8 +    ///\param value A default value for the option
     1.9      ///\param obl Indicate if the option is mandatory.
    1.10      ArgParser &intOption(const std::string &name,
    1.11  		    const std::string &help,
    1.12 @@ -137,7 +137,7 @@
    1.14      ///\param name The name of the option. The leading '-' must be omitted.
    1.15      ///\param help A help string.
    1.16 -    ///\retval value The value of the argument will be written to this variable.
    1.17 +    ///\param value A default value for the option
    1.18      ///\param obl Indicate if the option is mandatory.
    1.19      ArgParser &doubleOption(const std::string &name,
    1.20  		      const std::string &help,
    1.21 @@ -147,7 +147,7 @@
    1.23      ///\param name The name of the option. The leading '-' must be omitted.
    1.24      ///\param help A help string.
    1.25 -    ///\retval value The value of the argument will be written to this variable.
    1.26 +    ///\param value A default value for the option
    1.27      ///\param obl Indicate if the option is mandatory.
    1.28      ////\note A mandatory bool obtion is of very little use.)
    1.29      ArgParser &boolOption(const std::string &name,
    1.30 @@ -158,7 +158,7 @@
    1.32      ///\param name The name of the option. The leading '-' must be omitted.
    1.33      ///\param help A help string.
    1.34 -    ///\retval value The value of the argument will be written to this variable.
    1.35 +    ///\param value A default value for the option
    1.36      ///\param obl Indicate if the option is mandatory.
    1.37      ArgParser &stringOption(const std::string &name,
    1.38  		      const std::string &help,
    1.39 @@ -174,8 +174,8 @@
    1.41      ///\param name The name of the option. The leading '-' must be omitted.
    1.42      ///\param help A help string.
    1.43 +    ///\param obl Indicate if the option is mandatory.
    1.44      ///\retval ref The value of the argument will be written to this variable.
    1.45 -    ///\param obl Indicate if the option is mandatory.
    1.46      ArgParser &refOption(const std::string &name,
    1.47  		    const std::string &help,
    1.48  		    int &ref, bool obl=false);
    1.49 @@ -184,8 +184,8 @@
    1.51      ///\param name The name of the option. The leading '-' must be omitted.
    1.52      ///\param help A help string.
    1.53 +    ///\param obl Indicate if the option is mandatory.
    1.54      ///\retval ref The value of the argument will be written to this variable.
    1.55 -    ///\param obl Indicate if the option is mandatory.
    1.56      ArgParser &refOption(const std::string &name,
    1.57  		      const std::string &help,
    1.58  		      double &ref, bool obl=false);
    1.59 @@ -194,8 +194,8 @@
    1.61      ///\param name The name of the option. The leading '-' must be omitted.
    1.62      ///\param help A help string.
    1.63 +    ///\param obl Indicate if the option is mandatory.
    1.64      ///\retval ref The value of the argument will be written to this variable.
    1.65 -    ///\param obl Indicate if the option is mandatory.
    1.66      ////\note A mandatory bool obtion is of very little use.)
    1.67      ArgParser &refOption(const std::string &name,
    1.68  		      const std::string &help,