Documentation for VF2 (#597)
authorAlpar Juttner <>
Thu, 14 May 2015 16:07:38 +0200 (2015-05-14)
changeset 11422f479109a71d
parent 1141 a037254714b3
child 1143 f85ee41c84bc
Documentation for VF2 (#597)

The implementation of this feature was sponsored by QuantumBio Inc.
     1.1 --- a/doc/groups.dox	Mon Mar 30 17:42:30 2015 +0200
     1.2 +++ b/doc/groups.dox	Thu May 14 16:07:38 2015 +0200
     1.3 @@ -561,6 +561,35 @@
     1.4  */
     1.6  /**
     1.7 +@defgroup graph_isomorphism Graph Isomorphism
     1.8 +@ingroup algs
     1.9 +\brief Algorithms for testing (sub)graph isomorphism
    1.10 +
    1.11 +This group contains algorithms for finding isomorph copies of a
    1.12 +given graph in another one, or simply check whether two graphs are isomorphic.
    1.13 +
    1.14 +The formal definition of subgraph isomorphism is as follows.
    1.15 +
    1.16 +We are given two graphs, \f$G_1=(V_1,E_1)\f$ and \f$G_2=(V_2,E_2)\f$. A
    1.17 +function \f$f:V_1\longrightarrow V_2\f$ is called \e mapping or \e
    1.18 +embedding if \f$f(u)\neq f(v)\f$ whenever \f$u\neq v\f$.
    1.19 +
    1.20 +The standard <em>Subgraph Isomorphism Problem (SIP)</em> looks for a
    1.21 +mapping with the property that whenever \f$(u,v)\in E_1\f$, then
    1.22 +\f$(f(u),f(v))\in E_2\f$.
    1.23 +
    1.24 +In case of <em>Induced Subgraph Isomorphism Problem (ISIP)</em> one
    1.25 +also requires that if \f$(u,v)\not\in E_1\f$, then \f$(f(u),f(v))\not\in
    1.26 +E_2\f$
    1.27 +
    1.28 +In addition, the graph nodes may be \e labeled, i.e. we are given two
    1.29 +node labelings \f$l_1:V_1\longrightarrow L\f$ and \f$l_2:V_2\longrightarrow
    1.30 +L\f$ and we require that \f$l_1(u)=l_2(f(u))\f$ holds for all nodes \f$u \in
    1.31 +G\f$.
    1.32 +
    1.33 +*/
    1.34 +
    1.35 +/**
    1.36  @defgroup planar Planar Embedding and Drawing
    1.37  @ingroup algs
    1.38  \brief Algorithms for planarity checking, embedding and drawing
     2.1 --- a/doc/named-param.dox	Mon Mar 30 17:42:30 2015 +0200
     2.2 +++ b/doc/named-param.dox	Thu May 14 16:07:38 2015 +0200
     2.3 @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
     2.4  Several modern languages provide a convenient way to refer the
     2.5  function parameters by name also when you call the function. It is
     2.6  especially comfortable in case of a function having tons of parameters
     2.7 -with natural default values. Sadly, C++ lack this amenity.
     2.8 +with natural default values. Sadly, C++ lacks this amenity.
    2.10  However, with a crafty trick and with some little
    2.11  inconvenience, it is possible to emulate is.
     3.1 --- a/doc/references.bib	Mon Mar 30 17:42:30 2015 +0200
     3.2 +++ b/doc/references.bib	Thu May 14 16:07:38 2015 +0200
     3.3 @@ -354,3 +354,17 @@
     3.4    number =       6,
     3.5    pages =        {587--612}
     3.6  }
     3.7 +
     3.8 +@article{cordella2004sub,
     3.9 +  title =	 {A (sub) graph isomorphism algorithm for matching
    3.10 +                  large graphs},
    3.11 +  author =	 {Cordella, Luigi P and Foggia, Pasquale and Sansone,
    3.12 +                  Carlo and Vento, Mario},
    3.13 +  journal =	 {Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, IEEE
    3.14 +                  Transactions on},
    3.15 +  volume =	 26,
    3.16 +  number =	 10,
    3.17 +  pages =	 {1367--1372},
    3.18 +  year =	 2004,
    3.19 +  publisher =	 {IEEE}
    3.20 +}
     4.1 --- a/lemon/vf2.h	Mon Mar 30 17:42:30 2015 +0200
     4.2 +++ b/lemon/vf2.h	Thu May 14 16:07:38 2015 +0200
     4.3 @@ -18,6 +18,10 @@
     4.4  #ifndef LEMON_VF2_H
     4.5  #define LEMON_VF2_H
     4.7 +///\ingroup graph_properties
     4.8 +///\file
     4.9 +///\brief VF2 algorithm \cite cordella2004sub.
    4.10 +
    4.11  #include <lemon/core.h>
    4.12  #include <lemon/concepts/graph.h>
    4.13  #include <lemon/dfs.h>
    4.14 @@ -90,25 +94,69 @@
    4.15      }
    4.16    }
    4.18 -  enum MappingType {
    4.19 +  ///Graph mapping types.
    4.20 +
    4.21 +  ///\ingroup graph_isomorphism
    4.22 +  ///The \ref Vf2 "VF2" algorithm is capable of finding different kind of
    4.23 +  ///embeddings, this enum specifies its type.
    4.24 +  ///
    4.25 +  ///See \ref graph_isomorphism for a more detailed description.
    4.26 +  enum Vf2MappingType {
    4.27 +    /// Subgraph isomorphism
    4.28      SUBGRAPH = 0,
    4.29 +    /// Induced subgraph isomorphism
    4.30      INDUCED = 1,
    4.31 +    /// Graph isomorphism
    4.32 +
    4.33 +    /// If the two graph has the same number of nodes, than it is
    4.34 +    /// equivalent to \ref INDUCED, and if they also have the same
    4.35 +    /// number of edges, then it is also equivalent to \ref SUBGRAPH.
    4.36 +    ///
    4.37 +    /// However, using this setting is faster than the other two
    4.38 +    /// options.
    4.39      ISOMORPH = 2
    4.40    };
    4.42 -  template<class G1, class G2, class I, class NEq = bits::vf2::AlwaysEq >
    4.43 +  ///%VF2 algorithm class.
    4.44 +
    4.45 +  ///\ingroup graph_isomorphism This class provides an efficient
    4.46 +  ///implementation of the %VF2 algorithm \cite cordella2004sub
    4.47 +  ///for variants of the (Sub)graph Isomorphism problem.
    4.48 +  ///
    4.49 +  ///There is also a \ref vf2() "function-type interface" called \ref vf2()
    4.50 +  ///for the %VF2 algorithm, which is probably more convenient in most
    4.51 +  ///use-cases.
    4.52 +  ///
    4.53 +  ///\tparam G1 The type of the graph to be embedded.
    4.54 +  ///The default type is \ref ListDigraph.
    4.55 +  ///\tparam G2 The type of the graph g1 will be embedded into.
    4.56 +  ///The default type is \ref ListDigraph.
    4.57 +  ///\tparam M The type of the NodeMap storing the mapping.
    4.58 +  ///By default, it is G1::NodeMap<G2::Node>
    4.59 +  ///\tparam NEQ A bool-valued binary functor determinining whether a node is
    4.60 +  ///mappable to another. By default it is an always true operator.
    4.61 +  ///
    4.62 +  ///\sa vf2()
    4.63 +#ifdef DOXYGEN
    4.64 +  template<class G1, class G2, class M, class NEQ >
    4.65 +#else
    4.66 +  template<class G1=ListDigraph,
    4.67 +           class G2=ListDigraph,
    4.68 +           class M = typename G1::template NodeMap<G2::Node>,
    4.69 +           class NEQ = bits::vf2::AlwaysEq >
    4.70 +#endif
    4.71    class Vf2
    4.72    {
    4.73      //Current depth in the DFS tree.
    4.74      int _depth;
    4.75      //Functor with bool operator()(G1::Node,G2::Node), which returns 1
    4.76      //if and only if the 2 nodes are equivalent.
    4.77 -    NEq _nEq;
    4.78 +    NEQ _nEq;
    4.80      typename G2::template NodeMap<int> _conn;
    4.81 -    //Current matching. We index it by the nodes of g1, and match[v] is
    4.82 +    //Current mapping. We index it by the nodes of g1, and match[v] is
    4.83      //a node of g2.
    4.84 -    I &_match;
    4.85 +    M &_mapping;
    4.86      //order[i] is the node of g1, for which we find a pair if depth=i
    4.87      std::vector<typename G1::Node> order;
    4.88      //currEdgeIts[i] is an edge iterator, witch is last used in the ith
    4.89 @@ -121,10 +169,10 @@
    4.90      //lookup tables for cut the searchtree
    4.91      typename G1::template NodeMap<int> rNew1t,rInOut1t;
    4.93 -    MappingType _mapping_type;
    4.94 +    Vf2MappingType _mapping_type;
    4.96      //cut the search tree
    4.97 -    template<MappingType MT>
    4.98 +    template<Vf2MappingType MT>
    4.99      bool cut(const typename G1::Node n1,const typename G2::Node n2) const
   4.100      {
   4.101        int rNew2=0,rInOut2=0;
   4.102 @@ -149,7 +197,7 @@
   4.103          }
   4.104      }
   4.106 -    template<MappingType MT>
   4.107 +    template<Vf2MappingType MT>
   4.108      bool feas(const typename G1::Node n1,const typename G2::Node n2)
   4.109      {
   4.110        if(!_nEq(n1,n2))
   4.111 @@ -158,8 +206,8 @@
   4.112        for(typename G1::IncEdgeIt e1(_g1,n1); e1!=INVALID; ++e1)
   4.113          {
   4.114            const typename G1::Node currNode=_g1.oppositeNode(n1,e1);
   4.115 -          if(_match[currNode]!=INVALID)
   4.116 -            --_conn[_match[currNode]];
   4.117 +          if(_mapping[currNode]!=INVALID)
   4.118 +            --_conn[_mapping[currNode]];
   4.119          }
   4.120        bool isIso=1;
   4.121        for(typename G2::IncEdgeIt e2(_g2,n2); e2!=INVALID; ++e2)
   4.122 @@ -177,7 +225,7 @@
   4.123        for(typename G1::IncEdgeIt e1(_g1,n1); e1!=INVALID; ++e1)
   4.124          {
   4.125            const typename G1::Node currNode=_g1.oppositeNode(n1,e1);
   4.126 -          if(_match[currNode]!=INVALID&&_conn[_match[currNode]]!=-1)
   4.127 +          if(_mapping[currNode]!=INVALID&&_conn[_mapping[currNode]]!=-1)
   4.128              {
   4.129                switch(MT)
   4.130                  {
   4.131 @@ -186,11 +234,11 @@
   4.132                    isIso=0;
   4.133                    break;
   4.134                  case SUBGRAPH:
   4.135 -                  if(_conn[_match[currNode]]<-1)
   4.136 +                  if(_conn[_mapping[currNode]]<-1)
   4.137                      isIso=0;
   4.138                    break;
   4.139                  }
   4.140 -              _conn[_match[currNode]]=-1;
   4.141 +              _conn[_mapping[currNode]]=-1;
   4.142              }
   4.143          }
   4.144        return isIso&&cut<MT>(n1,n2);
   4.145 @@ -199,7 +247,7 @@
   4.146      void addPair(const typename G1::Node n1,const typename G2::Node n2)
   4.147      {
   4.148        _conn[n2]=-1;
   4.149 -      _match.set(n1,n2);
   4.150 +      _mapping.set(n1,n2);
   4.151        for(typename G2::IncEdgeIt e2(_g2,n2); e2!=INVALID; ++e2)
   4.152          if(_conn[_g2.oppositeNode(n2,e2)]!=-1)
   4.153            ++_conn[_g2.oppositeNode(n2,e2)];
   4.154 @@ -208,7 +256,7 @@
   4.155      void subPair(const typename G1::Node n1,const typename G2::Node n2)
   4.156      {
   4.157        _conn[n2]=0;
   4.158 -      _match.set(n1,INVALID);
   4.159 +      _mapping.set(n1,INVALID);
   4.160        for(typename G2::IncEdgeIt e2(_g2,n2); e2!=INVALID; ++e2)
   4.161          {
   4.162            const typename G2::Node currNode=_g2.oppositeNode(n2,e2);
   4.163 @@ -231,9 +279,7 @@
   4.165      }
   4.167 -  public:
   4.168 -
   4.169 -    template<MappingType MT>
   4.170 +    template<Vf2MappingType MT>
   4.171      bool extMatch()
   4.172      {
   4.173        while(_depth>=0)
   4.174 @@ -250,14 +296,14 @@
   4.175            if(currEdgeIts[_depth]==INVALID)
   4.176              {
   4.177                typename G1::IncEdgeIt fstMatchedE(_g1,order[_depth]);
   4.178 -              //if _match[order[_depth]]!=INVALID, we dont use
   4.179 +              //if _mapping[order[_depth]]!=INVALID, we dont use
   4.180                //fstMatchedE
   4.181 -              if(_match[order[_depth]]==INVALID)
   4.182 +              if(_mapping[order[_depth]]==INVALID)
   4.183                  for(; fstMatchedE!=INVALID &&
   4.184 -                      _match[_g1.oppositeNode(order[_depth],
   4.185 +                      _mapping[_g1.oppositeNode(order[_depth],
   4.186                                                fstMatchedE)]==INVALID;
   4.187                      ++fstMatchedE) ; //find fstMatchedE
   4.188 -              if(fstMatchedE==INVALID||_match[order[_depth]]!=INVALID)
   4.189 +              if(fstMatchedE==INVALID||_mapping[order[_depth]]!=INVALID)
   4.190                  {
   4.191                    //We did not find an covered neighbour, this means
   4.192                    //the graph is not connected(or _depth==0).  Every
   4.193 @@ -268,10 +314,10 @@
   4.194                    //try(match[order[_depth]]!=INVALID)
   4.195                    typename G2::NodeIt n2(_g2);
   4.196                    //if its not the first try
   4.197 -                  if(_match[order[_depth]]!=INVALID)
   4.198 +                  if(_mapping[order[_depth]]!=INVALID)
   4.199                      {
   4.200 -                      n2=++typename G2::NodeIt(_g2,_match[order[_depth]]);
   4.201 -                      subPair(order[_depth],_match[order[_depth]]);
   4.202 +                      n2=++typename G2::NodeIt(_g2,_mapping[order[_depth]]);
   4.203 +                      subPair(order[_depth],_mapping[order[_depth]]);
   4.204                      }
   4.205                    for(; n2!=INVALID; ++n2)
   4.206                      if(MT!=SUBGRAPH&&_conn[n2]==0)
   4.207 @@ -294,15 +340,16 @@
   4.208                  }
   4.209                else
   4.210                  {
   4.211 -                  currPNode=_match[_g1.oppositeNode(order[_depth],fstMatchedE)];
   4.212 +                  currPNode=_mapping[_g1.oppositeNode(order[_depth],
   4.213 +                                                      fstMatchedE)];
   4.214                    currEdgeIts[_depth]=typename G2::IncEdgeIt(_g2,currPNode);
   4.215                  }
   4.216              }
   4.217            else
   4.218              {
   4.219 -              currPNode=_g2.oppositeNode(_match[order[_depth]],
   4.220 +              currPNode=_g2.oppositeNode(_mapping[order[_depth]],
   4.221                                           currEdgeIts[_depth]);
   4.222 -              subPair(order[_depth],_match[order[_depth]]);
   4.223 +              subPair(order[_depth],_mapping[order[_depth]]);
   4.224                ++currEdgeIts[_depth];
   4.225              }
   4.226            for(; currEdgeIts[_depth]!=INVALID; ++currEdgeIts[_depth])
   4.227 @@ -345,8 +392,18 @@
   4.228          }
   4.229      }
   4.230    public:
   4.231 -    Vf2(const G1 &g1, const G2 &g2,I &i, const NEq &nEq = NEq() ) :
   4.232 -      _nEq(nEq), _conn(g2,0), _match(i), order(countNodes(g1)),
   4.233 +    ///Constructor
   4.234 +
   4.235 +    ///Constructor
   4.236 +
   4.237 +    ///\param g1 The graph to be embedded into \e g2.
   4.238 +    ///\param g2 The graph \e g1 will be embedded into.
   4.239 +    ///\param m \ref concepts::ReadWriteMap "read-write" NodeMap
   4.240 +    ///storing the found mapping.
   4.241 +    ///\param neq A bool-valued binary functor determinining whether a node is
   4.242 +    ///mappable to another. By default it is an always true operator.
   4.243 +    Vf2(const G1 &g1, const G2 &g2,M &m, const NEQ &neq = NEQ() ) :
   4.244 +      _nEq(neq), _conn(g2,0), _mapping(m), order(countNodes(g1)),
   4.245        currEdgeIts(countNodes(g1),INVALID), _g1(g1), _g2(g2), rNew1t(g1,0),
   4.246        rInOut1t(g1,0), _mapping_type(SUBGRAPH)
   4.247      {
   4.248 @@ -355,9 +412,29 @@
   4.249        setRNew1tRInOut1t();
   4.250      }
   4.252 -    MappingType mappingType() const { return _mapping_type; }
   4.253 -    void mappingType(MappingType m_type) { _mapping_type = m_type; }
   4.254 +    ///Returns the current mapping type
   4.256 +    ///Returns the current mapping type
   4.257 +    ///
   4.258 +    Vf2MappingType mappingType() const { return _mapping_type; }
   4.259 +    ///Sets mapping type
   4.260 +
   4.261 +    ///Sets mapping type.
   4.262 +    ///
   4.263 +    ///The mapping type is set to \ref SUBGRAPH by default.
   4.264 +    ///
   4.265 +    ///\sa See \ref for the possible values.
   4.266 +    void mappingType(Vf2MappingType m_type) { _mapping_type = m_type; }
   4.267 +
   4.268 +    ///Find a mapping
   4.269 +
   4.270 +    ///It finds a mapping between from g1 into g2 according to the mapping
   4.271 +    ///type set by \ref mappingType(Vf2MappingType) "mappingType()".
   4.272 +    ///
   4.273 +    ///By subsequent calls, it returns all possible mappings one-by-one.
   4.274 +    ///
   4.275 +    ///\retval true if a mapping is found.
   4.276 +    ///\retval false if there is no (more) mapping.
   4.277      bool find()
   4.278      {
   4.279        switch(_mapping_type)
   4.280 @@ -384,7 +461,7 @@
   4.281      const G1 &_g1;
   4.282      const G2 &_g2;
   4.284 -    MappingType _mapping_type;
   4.285 +    Vf2MappingType _mapping_type;
   4.287      typedef typename G1::template NodeMap<typename G2::Node> Mapping;
   4.288      bool _local_mapping;
   4.289 @@ -401,6 +478,15 @@
   4.290        : _g1(g1), _g2(g2), _mapping_type(SUBGRAPH), _local_mapping(true) {}
   4.291    };
   4.293 +  /// Auxiliary class for the function-type interface of %VF2 algorithm.
   4.294 +
   4.295 +  /// This auxiliary class implements the named parameters of
   4.296 +  /// \ref vf2() "function-type interface" of \ref Vf2 algorithm.
   4.297 +  ///
   4.298 +  /// \warning This class should only be used through the function \ref vf2().
   4.299 +  ///
   4.300 +  /// \tparam TR The traits class that defines various types used by the
   4.301 +  /// algorithm.
   4.302    template<class TR>
   4.303    class Vf2Wizard : public TR
   4.304    {
   4.305 @@ -418,7 +504,7 @@
   4.306      using TR::_node_eq;
   4.308    public:
   4.309 -    ///Copy constructor
   4.310 +    ///Constructor
   4.311      Vf2Wizard(const Graph1 &g1,const Graph2 &g2) : Base(g1,g2) {}
   4.313      ///Copy constructor
   4.314 @@ -457,6 +543,10 @@
   4.315      ///
   4.316      ///\ref named-templ-param "Named parameter" function for setting
   4.317      ///the equivalence relation between the nodes.
   4.318 +    ///
   4.319 +    ///\param node_eq A bool-valued binary functor determinining
   4.320 +    ///whether a node is mappable to another. By default it is an
   4.321 +    ///always true operator.
   4.322      template<class T>
   4.323      Vf2Wizard< SetNodeEqBase<T> > nodeEq(const T &node_eq)
   4.324      {
   4.325 @@ -468,6 +558,11 @@
   4.326      ///
   4.327      ///\ref named-templ-param "Named parameter" function for setting
   4.328      ///the node labels defining equivalence relation between them.
   4.329 +    ///
   4.330 +    ///\param m1 It is arbitrary \ref ReadMap "readable node map" of g1.
   4.331 +    ///\param m1 It is arbitrary \ref ReadMap "readable node map" of g2.
   4.332 +    ///
   4.333 +    ///The value type of these maps must be equal comparable.
   4.334      template<class M1, class M2>
   4.335      Vf2Wizard< SetNodeEqBase<bits::vf2::MapEq<M1,M2> > >
   4.336      nodeLabels(const M1 &m1,const M2 &m2)
   4.337 @@ -475,24 +570,49 @@
   4.338        return nodeEq(bits::vf2::MapEq<M1,M2>(m1,m2));
   4.339      }
   4.341 -    Vf2Wizard<Base> &mappingType(MappingType m_type)
   4.342 +    ///\brief \ref named-templ-param "Named parameter" for setting
   4.343 +    ///the mapping type.
   4.344 +    ///
   4.345 +    ///\ref named-templ-param "Named parameter" for setting
   4.346 +    ///the mapping type.
   4.347 +    ///
   4.348 +    ///The mapping type is set to \ref SUBGRAPH by default.
   4.349 +    ///
   4.350 +    ///\sa See \ref for the possible values.
   4.351 +    Vf2Wizard<Base> &mappingType(Vf2MappingType m_type)
   4.352      {
   4.353        _mapping_type = m_type;
   4.354        return *this;
   4.355      }
   4.357 +    ///\brief \ref named-templ-param "Named parameter" for setting
   4.358 +    ///the mapping type to \ref INDUCED.
   4.359 +    ///
   4.360 +    ///\ref named-templ-param "Named parameter" for setting
   4.361 +    ///the mapping type to \ref INDUCED.
   4.362      Vf2Wizard<Base> &induced()
   4.363      {
   4.364        _mapping_type = INDUCED;
   4.365        return *this;
   4.366      }
   4.368 +    ///\brief \ref named-templ-param "Named parameter" for setting
   4.369 +    ///the mapping type to \ref ISOMORPH.
   4.370 +    ///
   4.371 +    ///\ref named-templ-param "Named parameter" for setting
   4.372 +    ///the mapping type to \ref ISOMORPH.
   4.373      Vf2Wizard<Base> &iso()
   4.374      {
   4.375        _mapping_type = ISOMORPH;
   4.376        return *this;
   4.377      }
   4.379 +    ///Runs VF2 algorithm.
   4.380 +
   4.381 +    ///This method runs VF2 algorithm.
   4.382 +    ///
   4.383 +    ///\retval true if a mapping is found.
   4.384 +    ///\retval false if there is no (more) mapping.
   4.385      bool run()
   4.386      {
   4.387        if(Base::_local_mapping)
   4.388 @@ -512,6 +632,26 @@
   4.389      }
   4.390    };
   4.392 +  ///Function-type interface for VF2 algorithm.
   4.393 +
   4.394 +  /// \ingroup graph_isomorphism
   4.395 +  ///Function-type interface for VF2 algorithm \cite cordella2004sub.
   4.396 +  ///
   4.397 +  ///This function has several \ref named-func-param "named parameters"
   4.398 +  ///declared as the members of class \ref Vf2Wizard.
   4.399 +  ///The following examples show how to use these parameters.
   4.400 +  ///\code
   4.401 +  ///  // Find an embedding of graph g into graph h
   4.402 +  ///  ListGraph::NodeMap<ListGraph::Node> m(g);
   4.403 +  ///  vf2(g,h).mapping(m).run();
   4.404 +  ///
   4.405 +  ///  // Check whether graphs g and h are isomorphic
   4.406 +  ///  bool is_iso = vf2(g,h).iso().run();
   4.407 +  ///\endcode
   4.408 +  ///\warning Don't forget to put the \ref Vf2Wizard::run() "run()"
   4.409 +  ///to the end of the expression.
   4.410 +  ///\sa Vf2Wizard
   4.411 +  ///\sa Vf2
   4.412    template<class G1, class G2>
   4.413    Vf2Wizard<Vf2WizardBase<G1,G2> > vf2(const G1 &g1, const G2 &g2)
   4.414    {