Several doc improvements + new default parameter values
authorAlpar Juttner <>
Sun, 13 Apr 2008 08:20:43 +0100 (2008-04-13)
changeset 133d76e2ff9c70d
parent 132 50ff949140fa
child 134 0775d2ba2afb
Several doc improvements + new default parameter values
* * *
Several minor improvements in graph_to_eps.h
* * *
Several minor improvements in graph_to_eps.h
     1.1 --- a/lemon/color.h	Mon Apr 14 11:23:56 2008 +0100
     1.2 +++ b/lemon/color.h	Sun Apr 13 08:20:43 2008 +0100
     1.3 @@ -111,14 +111,14 @@
     1.4      ///Constructor
     1.6      ///Constructor 
     1.7 +    ///\param have_white indicates whether white is amongst the
     1.8 +    ///provided initial colors (\c true) or not (\c false). If it is true,
     1.9 +    ///white will be assigned to \c 0.
    1.10      ///\param num the number of the allocated colors. If it is \c -1,
    1.11 -    ///the default color configuration is set up (26 color plus the
    1.12 +    ///the default color configuration is set up (26 color plus optionaly the
    1.13      ///white).  If \c num is less then 26/27 then the default color
    1.14      ///list is cut. Otherwise the color list is filled repeatedly with
    1.15      ///the default color list.  (The colors can be changed later on.)
    1.16 -    ///\param have_white indicates whether white is amongst the
    1.17 -    ///provided color (\c true) or not (\c false). If it is true,
    1.18 -    ///white will be assigned to \c 0.
    1.19      Palette(bool have_white=false,int num=-1)
    1.20      {
    1.21        if (num==0) return;
    1.22 @@ -173,7 +173,7 @@
    1.23      {
    1.24        colors[i%colors.size()]=c;
    1.25      }
    1.26 -    ///\e
    1.27 +    ///Add a new color to the end of the color list.
    1.28      void add(const Color &c) 
    1.29      {
    1.30        colors.push_back(c);
    1.31 @@ -185,7 +185,7 @@
    1.32      int size() const { return int(colors.size());}
    1.33    };
    1.35 -  ///Returns a visible distinct \ref Color
    1.36 +  ///Returns a visibly distinct \ref Color
    1.38    ///Returns a \ref Color which is as different from the given parameter
    1.39    ///as it is possible.
     2.1 --- a/lemon/graph_to_eps.h	Mon Apr 14 11:23:56 2008 +0100
     2.2 +++ b/lemon/graph_to_eps.h	Sun Apr 13 08:20:43 2008 +0100
     2.3 @@ -43,9 +43,7 @@
     2.5  ///\ingroup eps_io
     2.6  ///\file
     2.7 -///\brief Simple graph drawer
     2.8 -///
     2.9 -///\author Alpar Juttner
    2.10 +///\brief A well configurable tool for visualizing graphs
    2.12  namespace lemon {
    2.14 @@ -172,16 +170,9 @@
    2.15    {}
    2.16  };
    2.18 -///Helper class to implement the named parameters of \ref graphToEps()
    2.19 +///Auxiliary class to implement the named parameters of \ref graphToEps()
    2.21 -///Helper class to implement the named parameters of \ref graphToEps()
    2.22 -///\todo Is 'helper class' a good name for this?
    2.23 -///
    2.24 -///\todo Follow PostScript's DSC.
    2.25 -/// Use own dictionary.
    2.26 -///\todo Useful new features.
    2.27 -/// - Linestyles: dotted, dashed etc.
    2.28 -/// - A second color and percent value for the lines.
    2.29 +///Auxiliary class to implement the named parameters of \ref graphToEps()
    2.30  template<class T> class GraphToEps : public T 
    2.31  {
    2.32    // Can't believe it is required by the C++ standard
    2.33 @@ -369,7 +360,7 @@
    2.34    ///Sets the map of the node shapes
    2.36    ///Sets the map of the node shapes.
    2.37 -  ///The availabe shape values
    2.38 +  ///The available shape values
    2.39    ///can be found in \ref NodeShapes "enum NodeShapes".
    2.40    ///\param x must be a node map with \c int (or convertible) values. 
    2.41    ///\sa NodeShapes
    2.42 @@ -411,8 +402,6 @@
    2.43    ///ostream.
    2.44    ///
    2.45    ///\sa nodePsTextsPreamble()
    2.46 -  ///\todo Offer the choise not to move to the centre but pass the coordinates
    2.47 -  ///to the Postscript block inserted.
    2.48    template<class X> GraphToEps<NodePsTextsTraits<X> > nodePsTexts(const X &x)
    2.49    {
    2.50      dontPrint=true;
    2.51 @@ -521,13 +510,11 @@
    2.53    ///Negates the Y coordinates.
    2.54    ///
    2.55 -  ///\todo More docs.
    2.56 -  ///
    2.57    GraphToEps<T> &negateY(bool b=true) {
    2.58      _negY=b;return *this;
    2.59    }
    2.61 -  ///Turn on/off prescaling
    2.62 +  ///Turn on/off pre-scaling
    2.64    ///By default graphToEps() rescales the whole image in order to avoid
    2.65    ///very big or very small bounding boxes.
    2.66 @@ -578,7 +565,7 @@
    2.68    ///Sets the width of the border around the picture
    2.69    ///
    2.70 -  GraphToEps<T> &border(double b) {_xBorder=_yBorder=b;return *this;}
    2.71 +  GraphToEps<T> &border(double b=10) {_xBorder=_yBorder=b;return *this;}
    2.72    ///Sets the width of the border around the picture
    2.74    ///Sets the width of the border around the picture
    2.75 @@ -595,12 +582,12 @@
    2.77    ///Sets the length of the arrowheads
    2.78    ///
    2.79 -  GraphToEps<T> &arrowLength(double d) {_arrowLength*=d;return *this;}
    2.80 +  GraphToEps<T> &arrowLength(double d=1.0) {_arrowLength*=d;return *this;}
    2.81    ///Sets the width of the arrowheads
    2.83    ///Sets the width of the arrowheads
    2.84    ///
    2.85 -  GraphToEps<T> &arrowWidth(double d) {_arrowWidth*=d;return *this;}
    2.86 +  GraphToEps<T> &arrowWidth(double d=.3) {_arrowWidth*=d;return *this;}
    2.88    ///Scales the drawing to fit to A4 page
    2.90 @@ -662,16 +649,23 @@
    2.91    }
    2.92    ///Sets whether the the graph is undirected
    2.94 -  ///Sets whether the the graph is undirected
    2.95 +  ///Sets whether the the graph is undirected.
    2.96    ///
    2.97 -  GraphToEps<T> &undirected(bool b=true) {_undirected=b;return *this;}
    2.98 +  ///This setting is the default for undirected graphs.
    2.99 +  ///
   2.100 +  ///\sa directed()
   2.101 +   GraphToEps<T> &undirected(bool b=true) {_undirected=b;return *this;}
   2.103    ///Sets whether the the graph is directed
   2.105    ///Sets whether the the graph is directed.
   2.106    ///Use it to show the edges as a pair of directed ones.
   2.107 +  ///
   2.108 +  ///This setting is the default for digraphs.
   2.109 +  ///
   2.110 +  ///\sa undirected()
   2.111    GraphToEps<T> &directed(bool b=true) {_undirected=!b;return *this;}
   2.112 -
   2.113 +  
   2.114    ///Sets the title.
   2.116    ///Sets the title of the generated image,
   2.117 @@ -683,7 +677,6 @@
   2.118    ///Sets the copyright statement of the generated image,
   2.119    ///namely it inserts a <tt>%%Copyright:</tt> DSC field to the header of
   2.120    ///the EPS file.
   2.121 -  ///\todo Multiline copyright notice could be supported.
   2.122    GraphToEps<T> &copyright(const std::string &t) {_copyright=t;return *this;}
   2.124  protected:
   2.125 @@ -709,10 +702,10 @@
   2.127    ///Like other functions using
   2.128    ///\ref named-templ-func-param "named template parameters",
   2.129 -  ///this function calles the algorithm itself, i.e. in this case
   2.130 +  ///this function calls the algorithm itself, i.e. in this case
   2.131    ///it draws the graph.
   2.132    void run() {
   2.133 -    ///\todo better 'epsilon' would be nice here.
   2.134 +    //\todo better 'epsilon' would be nice here.
   2.135      const double EPSILON=1e-9;
   2.136      if(dontPrint) return;
   2.138 @@ -930,7 +923,7 @@
   2.139  	  dim2::Point<double>
   2.140  	    dvec(mycoords[*i)]-mycoords[g.source(*i)]);
   2.141  	  double l=std::sqrt(dvec.normSquare()); 
   2.142 -	  ///\todo better 'epsilon' would be nice here.
   2.143 +	  //\todo better 'epsilon' would be nice here.
   2.144  	  dim2::Point<double> d(dvec/std::max(l,EPSILON));
   2.145   	  dim2::Point<double> m;
   2.146  // 	  m=dim2::Point<double>(mycoords[*i)]+mycoords[g.source(*i)])/2.0;