Cummulative charts removed
authorMadarasi Peter
Wed, 23 Nov 2016 20:51:09 +0100 (2016-11-23)
changeset 101e4a79cd8332
parent 9 2ad9aa6d7f63
child 11 e73184c3928f
Cummulative charts removed
     1.1 --- a/damecco.tex	Wed Nov 23 20:45:31 2016 +0100
     1.2 +++ b/damecco.tex	Wed Nov 23 20:51:09 2016 +0100
     1.3 @@ -1503,12 +1503,9 @@
     1.4  choose 10 of its induced subgraphs having $\rho\ |V_{large}|$ nodes,
     1.5  and for all the 10 subgraphs find a mapping by using both the graph
     1.6  matching algorithms.  The $\delta = 5, 10, 35$ and $\rho = 0.05, 0.1,
     1.7 -0.3, 0.6, 0.8, 0.95$ cases have been examined (see
     1.8 +0.3, 0.6, 0.8, 0.95$ cases have been examined, see
     1.9  Figure~\ref{fig:randIND5}, \ref{fig:randIND10} and
    1.10 -\ref{fig:randIND35}, and for each $\delta$, a cumulative chart is
    1.11 -given as well, which excludes $\rho = 0.05$ and $0.1$ for the sake of
    1.12 -perspicuity (see Figure~\ref{fig:randIND5Sum}, \ref{fig:randIND10Sum}
    1.13 -and \ref{fig:randIND35Sum}).
    1.14 +\ref{fig:randIND35}.
    1.18 @@ -1611,39 +1608,6 @@
    1.19    5.}\label{fig:randIND5}
    1.20  \end{figure}
    1.22 -\begin{figure}[H]
    1.23 -\begin{center}
    1.24 -\hspace*{-2cm}
    1.25 -\begin{tikzpicture}
    1.26 -\begin{axis}[title={Rand IND Summary, $\delta = 5$, $\rho = 0.3, 0.6, 0.8, 0.95$},height=17cm,width=16cm,xlabel={target size},ylabel={time (ms)},legend entries={VF2 Plus,VF2++},line width=0.8pt,grid
    1.27 -=major,mark size=1pt, legend style={at={(0,1)},anchor=north
    1.28 -  west},scaled x ticks = false,x tick label style={/pgf/number
    1.29 -  format/1000 sep = \thinspace}]
    1.30 -%\addplot+[only marks] table {proteinsOrig.txt};
    1.31 -\addplot[mark=*,mark size=1.5pt,color=blue] table
    1.32 -        {randGraph/ind/vf2pInd5_0.3.txt}; \addplot[mark=triangle*,mark
    1.33 -          size=1.8pt,color=red] table
    1.34 -        {randGraph/ind/vf2ppInd5_0.3.txt}; \addplot[mark=*,mark
    1.35 -          size=1.5pt,color=blue] table
    1.36 -        {randGraph/ind/vf2pInd5_0.6.txt}; \addplot[mark=triangle*,mark
    1.37 -          size=1.8pt,color=red] table
    1.38 -        {randGraph/ind/vf2ppInd5_0.6.txt}; \addplot[mark=*,mark
    1.39 -          size=1.5pt,color=blue] table
    1.40 -        {randGraph/ind/vf2pInd5_0.8.txt}; \addplot[mark=triangle*,mark
    1.41 -          size=1.8pt,color=red] table
    1.42 -        {randGraph/ind/vf2ppInd5_0.8.txt}; \addplot[mark=*,mark
    1.43 -          size=1.5pt,color=blue] table
    1.44 -        {randGraph/ind/vf2pInd5_0.95.txt};
    1.45 -        \addplot[mark=triangle*,mark size=1.8pt,color=red] table
    1.46 -                {randGraph/ind/vf2ppInd5_0.95.txt};
    1.47 -\end{axis}
    1.48 -\end{tikzpicture}
    1.49 -\end{center}
    1.50 -\vspace*{-0.8cm}
    1.51 -\caption{Cummulative chart for $\delta=5$.}\label{fig:randIND5Sum}
    1.52 -\end{figure}
    1.53 -
    1.54 -
    1.56  \begin{figure}[H]
    1.57  \vspace*{-1.5cm}
    1.58 @@ -1743,45 +1707,6 @@
    1.59    10.}\label{fig:randIND10}
    1.60  \end{figure}
    1.62 -\begin{figure}[H]
    1.63 -\begin{center}
    1.64 -\hspace*{-2cm}
    1.65 -\begin{tikzpicture}
    1.66 -\begin{axis}[title={Rand IND Summary, $\delta = 10$, $\rho = 0.3, 0.6, 0.8, 0.95$},height=17cm,width=16cm,xlabel={target size},ylabel={time (ms)},legend entries={VF2 Plus,VF2++},line width=0.8pt,grid
    1.67 -=major,mark size=1pt, legend style={at={(0,1)},anchor=north
    1.68 -  west},scaled x ticks = false,x tick label style={/pgf/number
    1.69 -  format/1000 sep = \thinspace}]
    1.70 -%\addplot+[only marks] table {proteinsOrig.txt};
    1.71 -\addplot[mark=*,mark size=1.5pt,color=blue] table
    1.72 -        {randGraph/ind/vf2pInd10_0.3.txt};
    1.73 -        \addplot[mark=triangle*,mark size=1.8pt,color=red] table
    1.74 -                {randGraph/ind/vf2ppInd10_0.3.txt};
    1.75 -                \addplot[mark=*,mark size=1.5pt,color=blue] table
    1.76 -                        {randGraph/ind/vf2pInd10_0.6.txt};
    1.77 -                        \addplot[mark=triangle*,mark
    1.78 -                          size=1.8pt,color=red] table
    1.79 -                                {randGraph/ind/vf2ppInd10_0.6.txt};
    1.80 -                                \addplot[mark=*,mark
    1.81 -                                  size=1.5pt,color=blue] table
    1.82 -                                        {randGraph/ind/vf2pInd10_0.8.txt};
    1.83 -                                        \addplot[mark=triangle*,mark
    1.84 -                                          size=1.8pt,color=red] table
    1.85 -                                                {randGraph/ind/vf2ppInd10_0.8.txt};
    1.86 -                                                \addplot[mark=*,mark
    1.87 -                                                  size=1.5pt,color=blue]
    1.88 -                                                table
    1.89 -                                                {randGraph/ind/vf2pInd10_0.95.txt};
    1.90 -                                                \addplot[mark=triangle*,mark
    1.91 -                                                  size=1.8pt,color=red]
    1.92 -                                                table
    1.93 -                                                {randGraph/ind/vf2ppInd10_0.95.txt};
    1.94 -\end{axis}
    1.95 -\end{tikzpicture}
    1.96 -\end{center}
    1.97 -\vspace*{-0.8cm}
    1.98 -\caption{Cummulative chart for $\delta=10$.}\label{fig:randIND10Sum}
    1.99 -\end{figure}
   1.100 -
   1.103  \begin{figure}[H]
   1.104 @@ -1880,44 +1805,6 @@
   1.105    35.}\label{fig:randIND35}
   1.106  \end{figure}
   1.108 -\begin{figure}[H]
   1.109 -\begin{center}
   1.110 -\hspace*{-2cm}
   1.111 -\begin{tikzpicture}
   1.112 -\begin{axis}[title={Rand IND Summary, $\delta = 35$, $\rho = 0.3, 0.6, 0.8, 0.95$},height=17cm,width=16cm,xlabel={target size},ylabel={time (ms)},legend entries={VF2 Plus,VF2++},line width=0.8pt,grid
   1.113 -=major,mark size=1pt, legend style={at={(0,1)},anchor=north
   1.114 -  west},scaled x ticks = false,x tick label style={/pgf/number
   1.115 -  format/1000 sep = \thinspace}]
   1.116 -%\addplot+[only marks] table {proteinsOrig.txt};
   1.117 -\addplot[mark=*,mark size=1.5pt,color=blue] table
   1.118 -        {randGraph/ind/vf2pInd35_0.3.txt};
   1.119 -        \addplot[mark=triangle*,mark size=1.8pt,color=red] table
   1.120 -                {randGraph/ind/vf2ppInd35_0.3.txt};
   1.121 -                \addplot[mark=*,mark size=1.5pt,color=blue] table
   1.122 -                        {randGraph/ind/vf2pInd35_0.6.txt};
   1.123 -                        \addplot[mark=triangle*,mark
   1.124 -                          size=1.8pt,color=red] table
   1.125 -                                {randGraph/ind/vf2ppInd35_0.6.txt};
   1.126 -                                \addplot[mark=*,mark
   1.127 -                                  size=1.5pt,color=blue] table
   1.128 -                                        {randGraph/ind/vf2pInd35_0.8.txt};
   1.129 -                                        \addplot[mark=triangle*,mark
   1.130 -                                          size=1.8pt,color=red] table
   1.131 -                                                {randGraph/ind/vf2ppInd35_0.8.txt};
   1.132 -                                                \addplot[mark=*,mark
   1.133 -                                                  size=1.5pt,color=blue]
   1.134 -                                                table
   1.135 -                                                {randGraph/ind/vf2pInd35_0.95.txt};
   1.136 -                                                \addplot[mark=triangle*,mark
   1.137 -                                                  size=1.8pt,color=red]
   1.138 -                                                table
   1.139 -                                                {randGraph/ind/vf2ppInd35_0.95.txt};
   1.140 -\end{axis}
   1.141 -\end{tikzpicture}
   1.142 -\end{center}
   1.143 -\vspace*{-0.8cm}
   1.144 -\caption{Cummulative chart for $\delta=35$.}\label{fig:randIND35Sum}
   1.145 -\end{figure}
   1.147  Based on these experiments, VF2++ is faster than VF2 Plus and able to
   1.148  handle really large graphs in milliseconds. Note that when $IND$ was