2009-08-03 Bug fix + extension in the rename script (#305)
2009-04-08 Add RangeIdMap, CrossRefMap to the rename script (#160)
2009-03-27 Fix and extend the migration script (#245)
2009-01-12 Rename graph adaptors with the migration script (#67)
2008-11-06 Merge
2008-11-06 Rework hypercube graph implementation to be undirected (#57)
2008-11-04 Rename readNauty() to readNautyGraph() (#55)
2008-10-28 More improvement in the migration script
2008-10-28 Improve the migration script and guide (#166)
2008-10-18 Improve the 0.x->1.x converter script (ticket #157)
2008-10-09 Repository reorganization