2012-01-11 Merge LP interface updates
2012-01-11 Merge LP interface updates to branch 1.2
2011-12-24 Update CPLEX lookup
2011-12-20 Merge head merging
2011-12-20 Merge head merging to branch 1.2
2011-12-20 Merge
2011-08-04 Merge #382
2011-08-04 Merge #382 to branch 1.2
2011-08-04 Merge #382 to branch 1.1
2011-08-02 Allow lgf file without Arc maps (#382)
2011-07-13 Merge #419
2011-07-13 Merge #419 to branch 1.2
2011-04-15 Build of mip_test and lp_test precede the running of the tests (#419)
2011-03-17 Merge #416 to branch 1.2
2011-03-17 Merge #416
2011-03-14 Support tests with valgrind (#416)
2011-03-04 Merge #404
2011-03-04 Merge CMAKE backports to branch 1.2
2010-08-25 Backport the CMAKE related changesets from the main branch
2010-11-16 Merge
2010-11-15 Port max. card. search alg. from svn -r3512 (#397) and (#56)
2010-11-15 Merge
2010-11-14 New implementation for Nagamochi-Ibaraki algorithm
2010-10-27 The deafult target doesn't build lp_test and mip_test (#388)
2010-09-12 Merge #380
2010-07-23 Add a heuristic algorithm for the max clique problem (#380)
2010-09-10 Add 'Maintainer' CMAKE build type (#388, #390)
2010-08-25 Add check target for CMake (#388)
2010-03-16 Merge #314
2009-09-25 Add fractional matching algorithms (#314)
2009-12-09 Merge #62
2009-09-09 Port planarity related algorithms from SVN 3509 (#62)
2009-11-05 Merge #179 (Port the min mean cycle algorithms)
2009-08-07 Add a detailed test file for MinMeanCycle and fix test_tools.h (#179)
2009-08-02 Add a detailed test file for BellmanFord (#51)
2009-05-29 Minor CMake improvements
2009-05-06 Add a test file for the connectivity functions (#285)
2009-04-28 Merge and extend the fix of #275
2009-04-23 FindCOIN for CMake (#256)
2009-04-23 FindCPLEX for CMake (#256)
2009-04-23 FindGLPK improvements (#256)
2009-04-21 Merge and fix
2009-02-24 Port NetworkSimplex from SVN -r3520 (#234)
2009-04-17 Rename max_matching.h to matching.h (#265)
2009-03-16 Make it possible to use LEMON as a CMake subproject (#240)
2009-02-20 Porting Gomory-Hu algorithm (#66)
2009-02-23 Merge
2008-11-03 Test for euler.h (#65)
2009-02-13 Fixes for MSVC 2008 in grap_adaptors.h and edge_set.h (#194)
2009-01-22 Suppress or fix VS2008 warnings + turn off faulty tests using CMAKE (#208)
2009-04-28 Install lemon/config.h (#274)
2008-12-02 Port MinCostArborescence algorithm from SVN #3509
2009-01-21 Fix CMAKE build without GLPK
2009-01-20 Build GLPK dependent parts with CMake too
2009-01-12 Merge
2008-12-08 ArcSet and EdgeSet ports from SVN 3489 (ticket #67)
2009-01-12 Merge
2009-01-12 Rename graph_adaptor_test.cc to adaptors_test.cc (#67)
2008-12-02 Port LP and MIP solvers from SVN -r3509 (#44)
2009-01-08 Merge