Insert citations into the doc (#184)
authorPeter Kovacs <>
Sat, 10 Oct 2009 08:18:46 +0200 (2009-10-10)
changeset 802134852d7fb0a
parent 801 2de0fc630899
child 803 53bea38f71cb
Insert citations into the doc (#184)

- Add general citations to modules.
- Add specific citations for max flow and min cost flow algorithms.
- Add citations for the supported LP and MIP solvers.
- Extend the main page.
- Replace inproceedings entries with the journal versions.
- Add a new bibtex entry about network simplex.
- Remove unwanted entries.
     1.1 --- a/doc/groups.dox	Sat Oct 10 08:15:07 2009 +0200
     1.2 +++ b/doc/groups.dox	Sat Oct 10 08:18:46 2009 +0200
     1.3 @@ -316,7 +316,8 @@
     1.4  \brief Common graph search algorithms.
     1.6  This group contains the common graph search algorithms, namely
     1.7 -\e breadth-first \e search (BFS) and \e depth-first \e search (DFS).
     1.8 +\e breadth-first \e search (BFS) and \e depth-first \e search (DFS)
     1.9 +\ref clrs01algorithms.
    1.10  */
    1.12  /**
    1.13 @@ -324,7 +325,8 @@
    1.14  @ingroup algs
    1.15  \brief Algorithms for finding shortest paths.
    1.17 -This group contains the algorithms for finding shortest paths in digraphs.
    1.18 +This group contains the algorithms for finding shortest paths in digraphs
    1.19 +\ref clrs01algorithms.
    1.21   - \ref Dijkstra algorithm for finding shortest paths from a source node
    1.22     when all arc lengths are non-negative.
    1.23 @@ -346,7 +348,7 @@
    1.24  \brief Algorithms for finding minimum cost spanning trees and arborescences.
    1.26  This group contains the algorithms for finding minimum cost spanning
    1.27 -trees and arborescences.
    1.28 +trees and arborescences \ref clrs01algorithms.
    1.29  */
    1.31  /**
    1.32 @@ -355,7 +357,7 @@
    1.33  \brief Algorithms for finding maximum flows.
    1.35  This group contains the algorithms for finding maximum flows and
    1.36 -feasible circulations.
    1.37 +feasible circulations \ref clrs01algorithms, \ref amo93networkflows.
    1.39  The \e maximum \e flow \e problem is to find a flow of maximum value between
    1.40  a single source and a single target. Formally, there is a \f$G=(V,A)\f$
    1.41 @@ -370,12 +372,16 @@
    1.42  \f[ 0 \leq f(uv) \leq cap(uv) \quad \forall uv\in A \f]
    1.44  LEMON contains several algorithms for solving maximum flow problems:
    1.45 -- \ref EdmondsKarp Edmonds-Karp algorithm.
    1.46 -- \ref Preflow Goldberg-Tarjan's preflow push-relabel algorithm.
    1.47 -- \ref DinitzSleatorTarjan Dinitz's blocking flow algorithm with dynamic trees.
    1.48 -- \ref GoldbergTarjan Preflow push-relabel algorithm with dynamic trees.
    1.49 +- \ref EdmondsKarp Edmonds-Karp algorithm
    1.50 +  \ref edmondskarp72theoretical.
    1.51 +- \ref Preflow Goldberg-Tarjan's preflow push-relabel algorithm
    1.52 +  \ref goldberg88newapproach.
    1.53 +- \ref DinitzSleatorTarjan Dinitz's blocking flow algorithm with dynamic trees
    1.54 +  \ref dinic70algorithm, \ref sleator83dynamic.
    1.55 +- \ref GoldbergTarjan !Preflow push-relabel algorithm with dynamic trees
    1.56 +  \ref goldberg88newapproach, \ref sleator83dynamic.
    1.58 -In most cases the \ref Preflow "Preflow" algorithm provides the
    1.59 +In most cases the \ref Preflow algorithm provides the
    1.60  fastest method for computing a maximum flow. All implementations
    1.61  also provide functions to query the minimum cut, which is the dual
    1.62  problem of maximum flow.
    1.63 @@ -393,18 +399,22 @@
    1.64  \brief Algorithms for finding minimum cost flows and circulations.
    1.66  This group contains the algorithms for finding minimum cost flows and
    1.67 -circulations. For more information about this problem and its dual
    1.68 -solution see \ref min_cost_flow "Minimum Cost Flow Problem".
    1.69 +circulations \ref amo93networkflows. For more information about this
    1.70 +problem and its dual solution, see \ref min_cost_flow
    1.71 +"Minimum Cost Flow Problem".
    1.73  LEMON contains several algorithms for this problem.
    1.74   - \ref NetworkSimplex Primal Network Simplex algorithm with various
    1.75 -   pivot strategies.
    1.76 +   pivot strategies \ref dantzig63linearprog, \ref kellyoneill91netsimplex.
    1.77   - \ref CostScaling Push-Relabel and Augment-Relabel algorithms based on
    1.78 -   cost scaling.
    1.79 +   cost scaling \ref goldberg90approximation, \ref goldberg97efficient,
    1.80 +   \ref bunnagel98efficient.
    1.81   - \ref CapacityScaling Successive Shortest %Path algorithm with optional
    1.82 -   capacity scaling.
    1.83 - - \ref CancelAndTighten The Cancel and Tighten algorithm.
    1.84 - - \ref CycleCanceling Cycle-Canceling algorithms.
    1.85 +   capacity scaling \ref edmondskarp72theoretical.
    1.86 + - \ref CancelAndTighten The Cancel and Tighten algorithm
    1.87 +   \ref goldberg89cyclecanceling.
    1.88 + - \ref CycleCanceling Cycle-Canceling algorithms
    1.89 +   \ref klein67primal, \ref goldberg89cyclecanceling.
    1.91  In general NetworkSimplex is the most efficient implementation,
    1.92  but in special cases other algorithms could be faster.
    1.93 @@ -534,13 +544,16 @@
    1.94  */
    1.96  /**
    1.97 -@defgroup lp_group Lp and Mip Solvers
    1.98 +@defgroup lp_group LP and MIP Solvers
    1.99  @ingroup gen_opt_group
   1.100 -\brief Lp and Mip solver interfaces for LEMON.
   1.101 +\brief LP and MIP solver interfaces for LEMON.
   1.103 -This group contains Lp and Mip solver interfaces for LEMON. The
   1.104 -various LP solvers could be used in the same manner with this
   1.105 -interface.
   1.106 +This group contains LP and MIP solver interfaces for LEMON.
   1.107 +Various LP solvers could be used in the same manner with this
   1.108 +high-level interface.
   1.109 +
   1.110 +The currently supported solvers are \ref glpk, \ref clp, \ref cbc,
   1.111 +\ref cplex, \ref soplex.
   1.112  */
   1.114  /**
     2.1 --- a/doc/mainpage.dox	Sat Oct 10 08:15:07 2009 +0200
     2.2 +++ b/doc/mainpage.dox	Sat Oct 10 08:18:46 2009 +0200
     2.3 @@ -21,14 +21,11 @@
     2.5  \section intro Introduction
     2.7 -\subsection whatis What is LEMON
     2.8 -
     2.9 -LEMON stands for <b>L</b>ibrary for <b>E</b>fficient <b>M</b>odeling
    2.10 -and <b>O</b>ptimization in <b>N</b>etworks.
    2.11 -It is a C++ template
    2.12 -library aimed at combinatorial optimization tasks which
    2.13 -often involve in working
    2.14 -with graphs.
    2.15 +<b>LEMON</b> stands for <i><b>L</b>ibrary for <b>E</b>fficient <b>M</b>odeling
    2.16 +and <b>O</b>ptimization in <b>N</b>etworks</i>.
    2.17 +It is a C++ template library providing efficient implementation of common
    2.18 +data structures and algorithms with focus on combinatorial optimization
    2.19 +problems in graphs and networks.
    2.21  <b>
    2.22  LEMON is an <a class="el" href="">open&nbsp;source</a>
    2.23 @@ -38,7 +35,16 @@
    2.24  \ref license "license terms".
    2.25  </b>
    2.27 -\subsection howtoread How to read the documentation
    2.28 +The project is maintained by the 
    2.29 +<a href="">Egerv&aacute;ry Research Group on
    2.30 +Combinatorial Optimization</a> \ref egres
    2.31 +at the Operations Research Department of the
    2.32 +<a href="">E&ouml;tv&ouml;s Lor&aacute;nd University,
    2.33 +Budapest</a>, Hungary.
    2.34 +LEMON is also a member of the <a href="">COIN-OR</a>
    2.35 +initiative \ref coinor.
    2.36 +
    2.37 +\section howtoread How to Read the Documentation
    2.39  If you would like to get to know the library, see
    2.40  <a class="el" href="">LEMON Tutorial</a>.
     3.1 --- a/doc/min_cost_flow.dox	Sat Oct 10 08:15:07 2009 +0200
     3.2 +++ b/doc/min_cost_flow.dox	Sat Oct 10 08:18:46 2009 +0200
     3.3 @@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
     3.4  The \e minimum \e cost \e flow \e problem is to find a feasible flow of
     3.5  minimum total cost from a set of supply nodes to a set of demand nodes
     3.6  in a network with capacity constraints (lower and upper bounds)
     3.7 -and arc costs.
     3.8 +and arc costs \ref amo93networkflows.
    3.10  Formally, let \f$G=(V,A)\f$ be a digraph, \f$lower: A\rightarrow\mathbf{R}\f$,
    3.11  \f$upper: A\rightarrow\mathbf{R}\cup\{+\infty\}\f$ denote the lower and
     4.1 --- a/doc/references.bib	Sat Oct 10 08:15:07 2009 +0200
     4.2 +++ b/doc/references.bib	Sat Oct 10 08:18:46 2009 +0200
     4.3 @@ -150,15 +150,25 @@
     4.5  %%%%% Maximum flow algorithms %%%%%
     4.7 -@inproceedings{goldberg86newapproach,
     4.8 +@article{edmondskarp72theoretical,
     4.9 +  author =       {Jack Edmonds and Richard M. Karp},
    4.10 +  title =        {Theoretical improvements in algorithmic efficiency
    4.11 +                  for network flow problems},
    4.12 +  journal =      {Journal of the ACM},
    4.13 +  year =         1972,
    4.14 +  volume =       19,
    4.15 +  number =       2,
    4.16 +  pages =        {248-264}
    4.17 +}
    4.18 +
    4.19 +@article{goldberg88newapproach,
    4.20    author =       {Andrew V. Goldberg and Robert E. Tarjan},
    4.21    title =        {A new approach to the maximum flow problem},
    4.22 -  booktitle =    {STOC '86: Proceedings of the Eighteenth Annual ACM
    4.23 -                  Symposium on Theory of Computing},
    4.24 -  year =         1986,
    4.25 -  publisher =    {ACM Press},
    4.26 -  address =      {New York, NY},
    4.27 -  pages =        {136-146}
    4.28 +  journal =      {Journal of the ACM},
    4.29 +  year =         1988,
    4.30 +  volume =       35,
    4.31 +  number =       4,
    4.32 +  pages =        {921-940}
    4.33  }
    4.35  @article{dinic70algorithm,
    4.36 @@ -229,42 +239,18 @@
    4.37    pages =        {205-220}
    4.38  }
    4.40 -@inproceedings{goldberg88cyclecanceling,
    4.41 +@article{goldberg89cyclecanceling,
    4.42    author =       {Andrew V. Goldberg and Robert E. Tarjan},
    4.43    title =        {Finding minimum-cost circulations by canceling
    4.44                    negative cycles},
    4.45 -  booktitle =    {STOC '88: Proceedings of the Twentieth Annual ACM
    4.46 -                  Symposium on Theory of Computing},
    4.47 -  year =         1988,
    4.48 -  publisher =    {ACM Press},
    4.49 -  address =      {New York, NY},
    4.50 -  pages =        {388-397}
    4.51 +  journal =      {Journal of the ACM},
    4.52 +  year =         1989,
    4.53 +  volume =       36,
    4.54 +  number =       4,
    4.55 +  pages =        {873-886}
    4.56  }
    4.58 -@article{edmondskarp72theoretical,
    4.59 -  author =       {Jack Edmonds and Richard M. Karp},
    4.60 -  title =        {Theoretical improvements in algorithmic efficiency
    4.61 -                  for network flow problems},
    4.62 -  journal =      {Journal of the ACM},
    4.63 -  year =         1972,
    4.64 -  volume =       19,
    4.65 -  number =       2,
    4.66 -  pages =        {248-264}
    4.67 -}
    4.68 -
    4.69 -@inproceedings{goldberg87approximation,
    4.70 -  author =       {Andrew V. Goldberg and Robert E. Tarjan},
    4.71 -  title =        {Solving minimum-cost flow problems by successive
    4.72 -                  approximation},
    4.73 -  booktitle =    {STOC '87: Proceedings of the Nineteenth Annual ACM
    4.74 -                  Symposium on Theory of Computing},
    4.75 -  year =         1987,
    4.76 -  publisher =    {ACM Press},
    4.77 -  address =      {New York, NY},
    4.78 -  pages =        {7-18}
    4.79 -}
    4.80 -
    4.81 -@article{goldberg90finding,
    4.82 +@article{goldberg90approximation,
    4.83    author =       {Andrew V. Goldberg and Robert E. Tarjan},
    4.84    title =        {Finding Minimum-Cost Circulations by Successive
    4.85                    Approximation},
    4.86 @@ -297,6 +283,13 @@
    4.87    pages =        {157-174}
    4.88  }
    4.90 +@book{dantzig63linearprog,
    4.91 +  author =       {George B. Dantzig},
    4.92 +  title =        {Linear Programming and Extensions},
    4.93 +  publisher =    {Princeton University Press},
    4.94 +  year =         1963
    4.95 +}
    4.96 +
    4.97  @mastersthesis{kellyoneill91netsimplex,
    4.98    author =       {Damian J. Kelly and Garrett M. O'Neill},
    4.99    title =        {The Minimum Cost Flow Problem and The Network
   4.100 @@ -306,25 +299,3 @@
   4.101    year =         1991,
   4.102    month =        sep,
   4.103  }
   4.104 -
   4.105 -@techreport{lobel96networksimplex,
   4.106 -  author =       {Andreas L{\"o}bel},
   4.107 -  title =        {Solving large-scale real-world minimum-cost flow
   4.108 -                  problems by a network simplex method},
   4.109 -  institution =  {Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum fur Informationstechnik Berlin
   4.110 -                  ({ZIB})},
   4.111 -  address =      {Berlin, Germany},
   4.112 -  year =         1996,
   4.113 -  number =       {SC 96-7}
   4.114 -}
   4.115 -
   4.116 -@article{frangioni06computational,
   4.117 -  author =       {Antonio Frangioni and Antonio Manca},
   4.118 -  title =        {A Computational Study of Cost Reoptimization for
   4.119 -                  Min-Cost Flow Problems},
   4.120 -  journal =      {INFORMS Journal On Computing},
   4.121 -  year =         2006,
   4.122 -  volume =       18,
   4.123 -  number =       1,
   4.124 -  pages =        {61-70}
   4.125 -}
     5.1 --- a/lemon/network_simplex.h	Sat Oct 10 08:15:07 2009 +0200
     5.2 +++ b/lemon/network_simplex.h	Sat Oct 10 08:18:46 2009 +0200
     5.3 @@ -40,7 +40,9 @@
     5.4    /// for finding a \ref min_cost_flow "minimum cost flow".
     5.5    ///
     5.6    /// \ref NetworkSimplex implements the primal Network Simplex algorithm
     5.7 -  /// for finding a \ref min_cost_flow "minimum cost flow".
     5.8 +  /// for finding a \ref min_cost_flow "minimum cost flow"
     5.9 +  /// \ref amo93networkflows, \ref dantzig63linearprog,
    5.10 +  /// \ref kellyoneill91netsimplex.
    5.11    /// This algorithm is a specialized version of the linear programming
    5.12    /// simplex method directly for the minimum cost flow problem.
    5.13    /// It is one of the most efficient solution methods.
     6.1 --- a/lemon/preflow.h	Sat Oct 10 08:15:07 2009 +0200
     6.2 +++ b/lemon/preflow.h	Sat Oct 10 08:18:46 2009 +0200
     6.3 @@ -102,7 +102,8 @@
     6.4    ///
     6.5    /// This class provides an implementation of Goldberg-Tarjan's \e preflow
     6.6    /// \e push-relabel algorithm producing a \ref max_flow
     6.7 -  /// "flow of maximum value" in a digraph.
     6.8 +  /// "flow of maximum value" in a digraph \ref clrs01algorithms,
     6.9 +  /// \ref amo93networkflows, \ref goldberg88newapproach.
    6.10    /// The preflow algorithms are the fastest known maximum
    6.11    /// flow algorithms. The current implementation uses a mixture of the
    6.12    /// \e "highest label" and the \e "bound decrease" heuristics.