Rename Flow to Value in the flow algorithms (#266)
authorPeter Kovacs <>
Wed, 29 Apr 2009 14:25:51 +0200 (2009-04-29)
changeset 688756a5ec551c8
parent 687 6c408d864fa1
child 689 111698359429
Rename Flow to Value in the flow algorithms (#266)

We agreed that using Flow for the value type is misleading, since
a flow should be rather a function on the arcs, not a single value.

This patch reverts the changes of [dacc2cee2b4c] for Preflow and
     1.1 --- a/lemon/circulation.h	Wed Apr 29 03:15:24 2009 +0200
     1.2 +++ b/lemon/circulation.h	Wed Apr 29 14:25:51 2009 +0200
     1.3 @@ -64,15 +64,15 @@
     1.4      /// It must conform to the \ref concepts::ReadMap "ReadMap" concept.
     1.5      typedef SM SupplyMap;
     1.7 -    /// \brief The type of the flow values.
     1.8 -    typedef typename SupplyMap::Value Flow;
     1.9 +    /// \brief The type of the flow and supply values.
    1.10 +    typedef typename SupplyMap::Value Value;
    1.12      /// \brief The type of the map that stores the flow values.
    1.13      ///
    1.14      /// The type of the map that stores the flow values.
    1.15      /// It must conform to the \ref concepts::ReadWriteMap "ReadWriteMap"
    1.16      /// concept.
    1.17 -    typedef typename Digraph::template ArcMap<Flow> FlowMap;
    1.18 +    typedef typename Digraph::template ArcMap<Value> FlowMap;
    1.20      /// \brief Instantiates a FlowMap.
    1.21      ///
    1.22 @@ -104,7 +104,7 @@
    1.23      /// \brief The tolerance used by the algorithm
    1.24      ///
    1.25      /// The tolerance used by the algorithm to handle inexact computation.
    1.26 -    typedef lemon::Tolerance<Flow> Tolerance;
    1.27 +    typedef lemon::Tolerance<Value> Tolerance;
    1.29    };
    1.31 @@ -187,8 +187,8 @@
    1.32      typedef TR Traits;
    1.33      ///The type of the digraph the algorithm runs on.
    1.34      typedef typename Traits::Digraph Digraph;
    1.35 -    ///The type of the flow values.
    1.36 -    typedef typename Traits::Flow Flow;
    1.37 +    ///The type of the flow and supply values.
    1.38 +    typedef typename Traits::Value Value;
    1.40      ///The type of the lower bound map.
    1.41      typedef typename Traits::LowerMap LowerMap;
    1.42 @@ -221,7 +221,7 @@
    1.43      Elevator* _level;
    1.44      bool _local_level;
    1.46 -    typedef typename Digraph::template NodeMap<Flow> ExcessMap;
    1.47 +    typedef typename Digraph::template NodeMap<Value> ExcessMap;
    1.48      ExcessMap* _excess;
    1.50      Tolerance _tol;
    1.51 @@ -530,7 +530,7 @@
    1.52            (*_excess)[] += (*_lo)[e];
    1.53            (*_excess)[_g.source(e)] -= (*_lo)[e];
    1.54          } else {
    1.55 -          Flow fc = -(*_excess)[];
    1.56 +          Value fc = -(*_excess)[];
    1.57            _flow->set(e, fc);
    1.58            (*_excess)[] = 0;
    1.59            (*_excess)[_g.source(e)] -= fc;
    1.60 @@ -563,11 +563,11 @@
    1.61        while((act=_level->highestActive())!=INVALID) {
    1.62          int actlevel=(*_level)[act];
    1.63          int mlevel=_node_num;
    1.64 -        Flow exc=(*_excess)[act];
    1.65 +        Value exc=(*_excess)[act];
    1.67          for(OutArcIt e(_g,act);e!=INVALID; ++e) {
    1.68            Node v =;
    1.69 -          Flow fc=(*_up)[e]-(*_flow)[e];
    1.70 +          Value fc=(*_up)[e]-(*_flow)[e];
    1.71            if(!_tol.positive(fc)) continue;
    1.72            if((*_level)[v]<actlevel) {
    1.73              if(!_tol.less(fc, exc)) {
    1.74 @@ -591,7 +591,7 @@
    1.75          }
    1.76          for(InArcIt e(_g,act);e!=INVALID; ++e) {
    1.77            Node v = _g.source(e);
    1.78 -          Flow fc=(*_flow)[e]-(*_lo)[e];
    1.79 +          Value fc=(*_flow)[e]-(*_lo)[e];
    1.80            if(!_tol.positive(fc)) continue;
    1.81            if((*_level)[v]<actlevel) {
    1.82              if(!_tol.less(fc, exc)) {
    1.83 @@ -661,13 +661,13 @@
    1.85      ///@{
    1.87 -    /// \brief Returns the flow on the given arc.
    1.88 +    /// \brief Returns the flow value on the given arc.
    1.89      ///
    1.90 -    /// Returns the flow on the given arc.
    1.91 +    /// Returns the flow value on the given arc.
    1.92      ///
    1.93      /// \pre Either \ref run() or \ref init() must be called before
    1.94      /// using this function.
    1.95 -    Flow flow(const Arc& arc) const {
    1.96 +    Value flow(const Arc& arc) const {
    1.97        return (*_flow)[arc];
    1.98      }
   1.100 @@ -750,7 +750,7 @@
   1.101          if((*_flow)[e]<(*_lo)[e]||(*_flow)[e]>(*_up)[e]) return false;
   1.102        for(NodeIt n(_g);n!=INVALID;++n)
   1.103          {
   1.104 -          Flow dif=-(*_supply)[n];
   1.105 +          Value dif=-(*_supply)[n];
   1.106            for(InArcIt e(_g,n);e!=INVALID;++e) dif-=(*_flow)[e];
   1.107            for(OutArcIt e(_g,n);e!=INVALID;++e) dif+=(*_flow)[e];
   1.108            if(_tol.negative(dif)) return false;
   1.109 @@ -765,10 +765,10 @@
   1.110      ///\sa barrierMap()
   1.111      bool checkBarrier() const
   1.112      {
   1.113 -      Flow delta=0;
   1.114 -      Flow inf_cap = std::numeric_limits<Flow>::has_infinity ?
   1.115 -        std::numeric_limits<Flow>::infinity() :
   1.116 -        std::numeric_limits<Flow>::max();
   1.117 +      Value delta=0;
   1.118 +      Value inf_cap = std::numeric_limits<Value>::has_infinity ?
   1.119 +        std::numeric_limits<Value>::infinity() :
   1.120 +        std::numeric_limits<Value>::max();
   1.121        for(NodeIt n(_g);n!=INVALID;++n)
   1.122          if(barrier(n))
   1.123            delta-=(*_supply)[n];
     2.1 --- a/lemon/network_simplex.h	Wed Apr 29 03:15:24 2009 +0200
     2.2 +++ b/lemon/network_simplex.h	Wed Apr 29 14:25:51 2009 +0200
     2.3 @@ -56,10 +56,10 @@
     2.4    /// specified, then default values will be used.
     2.5    ///
     2.6    /// \tparam GR The digraph type the algorithm runs on.
     2.7 -  /// \tparam F The value type used for flow amounts, capacity bounds
     2.8 +  /// \tparam V The value type used for flow amounts, capacity bounds
     2.9    /// and supply values in the algorithm. By default it is \c int.
    2.10    /// \tparam C The value type used for costs and potentials in the
    2.11 -  /// algorithm. By default it is the same as \c F.
    2.12 +  /// algorithm. By default it is the same as \c V.
    2.13    ///
    2.14    /// \warning Both value types must be signed and all input data must
    2.15    /// be integer.
    2.16 @@ -67,23 +67,23 @@
    2.17    /// \note %NetworkSimplex provides five different pivot rule
    2.18    /// implementations, from which the most efficient one is used
    2.19    /// by default. For more information see \ref PivotRule.
    2.20 -  template <typename GR, typename F = int, typename C = F>
    2.21 +  template <typename GR, typename V = int, typename C = V>
    2.22    class NetworkSimplex
    2.23    {
    2.24    public:
    2.26      /// The flow type of the algorithm
    2.27 -    typedef F Flow;
    2.28 +    typedef V Value;
    2.29      /// The cost type of the algorithm
    2.30      typedef C Cost;
    2.31  #ifdef DOXYGEN
    2.32      /// The type of the flow map
    2.33 -    typedef GR::ArcMap<Flow> FlowMap;
    2.34 +    typedef GR::ArcMap<Value> FlowMap;
    2.35      /// The type of the potential map
    2.36      typedef GR::NodeMap<Cost> PotentialMap;
    2.37  #else
    2.38      /// The type of the flow map
    2.39 -    typedef typename GR::template ArcMap<Flow> FlowMap;
    2.40 +    typedef typename GR::template ArcMap<Value> FlowMap;
    2.41      /// The type of the potential map
    2.42      typedef typename GR::template NodeMap<Cost> PotentialMap;
    2.43  #endif
    2.44 @@ -206,15 +206,15 @@
    2.48 -    typedef typename GR::template ArcMap<Flow> FlowArcMap;
    2.49 +    typedef typename GR::template ArcMap<Value> ValueArcMap;
    2.50      typedef typename GR::template ArcMap<Cost> CostArcMap;
    2.51 -    typedef typename GR::template NodeMap<Flow> FlowNodeMap;
    2.52 +    typedef typename GR::template NodeMap<Value> ValueNodeMap;
    2.54      typedef std::vector<Arc> ArcVector;
    2.55      typedef std::vector<Node> NodeVector;
    2.56      typedef std::vector<int> IntVector;
    2.57      typedef std::vector<bool> BoolVector;
    2.58 -    typedef std::vector<Flow> FlowVector;
    2.59 +    typedef std::vector<Value> FlowVector;
    2.60      typedef std::vector<Cost> CostVector;
    2.62      // State constants for arcs
    2.63 @@ -232,16 +232,16 @@
    2.64      int _arc_num;
    2.66      // Parameters of the problem
    2.67 -    FlowArcMap *_plower;
    2.68 -    FlowArcMap *_pupper;
    2.69 +    ValueArcMap *_plower;
    2.70 +    ValueArcMap *_pupper;
    2.71      CostArcMap *_pcost;
    2.72 -    FlowNodeMap *_psupply;
    2.73 +    ValueNodeMap *_psupply;
    2.74      bool _pstsup;
    2.75      Node _psource, _ptarget;
    2.76 -    Flow _pstflow;
    2.77 +    Value _pstflow;
    2.78      SupplyType _stype;
    2.80 -    Flow _sum_supply;
    2.81 +    Value _sum_supply;
    2.83      // Result maps
    2.84      FlowMap *_flow_map;
    2.85 @@ -278,16 +278,16 @@
    2.86      int in_arc, join, u_in, v_in, u_out, v_out;
    2.87      int first, second, right, last;
    2.88      int stem, par_stem, new_stem;
    2.89 -    Flow delta;
    2.90 +    Value delta;
    2.92    public:
    2.94      /// \brief Constant for infinite upper bounds (capacities).
    2.95      ///
    2.96      /// Constant for infinite upper bounds (capacities).
    2.97 -    /// It is \c std::numeric_limits<Flow>::infinity() if available,
    2.98 -    /// \c std::numeric_limits<Flow>::max() otherwise.
    2.99 -    const Flow INF;
   2.100 +    /// It is \c std::numeric_limits<Value>::infinity() if available,
   2.101 +    /// \c std::numeric_limits<Value>::max() otherwise.
   2.102 +    const Value INF;
   2.104    private:
   2.106 @@ -695,12 +695,12 @@
   2.107        _flow_map(NULL), _potential_map(NULL),
   2.108        _local_flow(false), _local_potential(false),
   2.109        _node_id(graph),
   2.110 -      INF(std::numeric_limits<Flow>::has_infinity ?
   2.111 -          std::numeric_limits<Flow>::infinity() :
   2.112 -          std::numeric_limits<Flow>::max())
   2.113 +      INF(std::numeric_limits<Value>::has_infinity ?
   2.114 +          std::numeric_limits<Value>::infinity() :
   2.115 +          std::numeric_limits<Value>::max())
   2.116      {
   2.117        // Check the value types
   2.118 -      LEMON_ASSERT(std::numeric_limits<Flow>::is_signed,
   2.119 +      LEMON_ASSERT(std::numeric_limits<Value>::is_signed,
   2.120          "The flow type of NetworkSimplex must be signed");
   2.121        LEMON_ASSERT(std::numeric_limits<Cost>::is_signed,
   2.122          "The cost type of NetworkSimplex must be signed");
   2.123 @@ -725,14 +725,14 @@
   2.124      /// will be set to zero on all arcs.
   2.125      ///
   2.126      /// \param map An arc map storing the lower bounds.
   2.127 -    /// Its \c Value type must be convertible to the \c Flow type
   2.128 +    /// Its \c Value type must be convertible to the \c Value type
   2.129      /// of the algorithm.
   2.130      ///
   2.131      /// \return <tt>(*this)</tt>
   2.132      template <typename LowerMap>
   2.133      NetworkSimplex& lowerMap(const LowerMap& map) {
   2.134        delete _plower;
   2.135 -      _plower = new FlowArcMap(_graph);
   2.136 +      _plower = new ValueArcMap(_graph);
   2.137        for (ArcIt a(_graph); a != INVALID; ++a) {
   2.138          (*_plower)[a] = map[a];
   2.139        }
   2.140 @@ -747,14 +747,14 @@
   2.141      /// unbounded from above on each arc).
   2.142      ///
   2.143      /// \param map An arc map storing the upper bounds.
   2.144 -    /// Its \c Value type must be convertible to the \c Flow type
   2.145 +    /// Its \c Value type must be convertible to the \c Value type
   2.146      /// of the algorithm.
   2.147      ///
   2.148      /// \return <tt>(*this)</tt>
   2.149      template<typename UpperMap>
   2.150      NetworkSimplex& upperMap(const UpperMap& map) {
   2.151        delete _pupper;
   2.152 -      _pupper = new FlowArcMap(_graph);
   2.153 +      _pupper = new ValueArcMap(_graph);
   2.154        for (ArcIt a(_graph); a != INVALID; ++a) {
   2.155          (*_pupper)[a] = map[a];
   2.156        }
   2.157 @@ -790,7 +790,7 @@
   2.158      /// (It makes sense only if non-zero lower bounds are given.)
   2.159      ///
   2.160      /// \param map A node map storing the supply values.
   2.161 -    /// Its \c Value type must be convertible to the \c Flow type
   2.162 +    /// Its \c Value type must be convertible to the \c Value type
   2.163      /// of the algorithm.
   2.164      ///
   2.165      /// \return <tt>(*this)</tt>
   2.166 @@ -798,7 +798,7 @@
   2.167      NetworkSimplex& supplyMap(const SupplyMap& map) {
   2.168        delete _psupply;
   2.169        _pstsup = false;
   2.170 -      _psupply = new FlowNodeMap(_graph);
   2.171 +      _psupply = new ValueNodeMap(_graph);
   2.172        for (NodeIt n(_graph); n != INVALID; ++n) {
   2.173          (*_psupply)[n] = map[n];
   2.174        }
   2.175 @@ -823,7 +823,7 @@
   2.176      /// (i.e. the supply of \c s and the demand of \c t).
   2.177      ///
   2.178      /// \return <tt>(*this)</tt>
   2.179 -    NetworkSimplex& stSupply(const Node& s, const Node& t, Flow k) {
   2.180 +    NetworkSimplex& stSupply(const Node& s, const Node& t, Value k) {
   2.181        delete _psupply;
   2.182        _psupply = NULL;
   2.183        _pstsup = true;
   2.184 @@ -1025,7 +1025,7 @@
   2.185      /// This function returns the flow on the given arc.
   2.186      ///
   2.187      /// \pre \ref run() must be called before using this function.
   2.188 -    Flow flow(const Arc& a) const {
   2.189 +    Value flow(const Arc& a) const {
   2.190        return (*_flow_map)[a];
   2.191      }
   2.193 @@ -1204,7 +1204,7 @@
   2.194        // Remove non-zero lower bounds
   2.195        if (_plower) {
   2.196          for (int i = 0; i != _arc_num; ++i) {
   2.197 -          Flow c = (*_plower)[_arc_ref[i]];
   2.198 +          Value c = (*_plower)[_arc_ref[i]];
   2.199            if (c > 0) {
   2.200              if (_cap[i] < INF) _cap[i] -= c;
   2.201              _supply[_source[i]] -= c;
   2.202 @@ -1275,7 +1275,7 @@
   2.203        }
   2.204        delta = _cap[in_arc];
   2.205        int result = 0;
   2.206 -      Flow d;
   2.207 +      Value d;
   2.208        int e;
   2.210        // Search the cycle along the path form the first node to the root
   2.211 @@ -1315,7 +1315,7 @@
   2.212      void changeFlow(bool change) {
   2.213        // Augment along the cycle
   2.214        if (delta > 0) {
   2.215 -        Flow val = _state[in_arc] * delta;
   2.216 +        Value val = _state[in_arc] * delta;
   2.217          _flow[in_arc] += val;
   2.218          for (int u = _source[in_arc]; u != join; u = _parent[u]) {
   2.219            _flow[_pred[u]] += _forward[u] ? -val : val;
     3.1 --- a/lemon/preflow.h	Wed Apr 29 03:15:24 2009 +0200
     3.2 +++ b/lemon/preflow.h	Wed Apr 29 14:25:51 2009 +0200
     3.3 @@ -46,13 +46,13 @@
     3.4      typedef CAP CapacityMap;
     3.6      /// \brief The type of the flow values.
     3.7 -    typedef typename CapacityMap::Value Flow;
     3.8 +    typedef typename CapacityMap::Value Value;
    3.10      /// \brief The type of the map that stores the flow values.
    3.11      ///
    3.12      /// The type of the map that stores the flow values.
    3.13      /// It must meet the \ref concepts::ReadWriteMap "ReadWriteMap" concept.
    3.14 -    typedef typename Digraph::template ArcMap<Flow> FlowMap;
    3.15 +    typedef typename Digraph::template ArcMap<Value> FlowMap;
    3.17      /// \brief Instantiates a FlowMap.
    3.18      ///
    3.19 @@ -84,7 +84,7 @@
    3.20      /// \brief The tolerance used by the algorithm
    3.21      ///
    3.22      /// The tolerance used by the algorithm to handle inexact computation.
    3.23 -    typedef lemon::Tolerance<Flow> Tolerance;
    3.24 +    typedef lemon::Tolerance<Value> Tolerance;
    3.26    };
    3.28 @@ -125,7 +125,7 @@
    3.29      ///The type of the capacity map.
    3.30      typedef typename Traits::CapacityMap CapacityMap;
    3.31      ///The type of the flow values.
    3.32 -    typedef typename Traits::Flow Flow;
    3.33 +    typedef typename Traits::Value Value;
    3.35      ///The type of the flow map.
    3.36      typedef typename Traits::FlowMap FlowMap;
    3.37 @@ -151,7 +151,7 @@
    3.38      Elevator* _level;
    3.39      bool _local_level;
    3.41 -    typedef typename Digraph::template NodeMap<Flow> ExcessMap;
    3.42 +    typedef typename Digraph::template NodeMap<Value> ExcessMap;
    3.43      ExcessMap* _excess;
    3.45      Tolerance _tolerance;
    3.46 @@ -470,7 +470,7 @@
    3.47        }
    3.49        for (NodeIt n(_graph); n != INVALID; ++n) {
    3.50 -        Flow excess = 0;
    3.51 +        Value excess = 0;
    3.52          for (InArcIt e(_graph, n); e != INVALID; ++e) {
    3.53            excess += (*_flow)[e];
    3.54          }
    3.55 @@ -519,7 +519,7 @@
    3.56        _level->initFinish();
    3.58        for (OutArcIt e(_graph, _source); e != INVALID; ++e) {
    3.59 -        Flow rem = (*_capacity)[e] - (*_flow)[e];
    3.60 +        Value rem = (*_capacity)[e] - (*_flow)[e];
    3.61          if (_tolerance.positive(rem)) {
    3.62            Node u =;
    3.63            if ((*_level)[u] == _level->maxLevel()) continue;
    3.64 @@ -531,7 +531,7 @@
    3.65          }
    3.66        }
    3.67        for (InArcIt e(_graph, _source); e != INVALID; ++e) {
    3.68 -        Flow rem = (*_flow)[e];
    3.69 +        Value rem = (*_flow)[e];
    3.70          if (_tolerance.positive(rem)) {
    3.71            Node v = _graph.source(e);
    3.72            if ((*_level)[v] == _level->maxLevel()) continue;
    3.73 @@ -564,11 +564,11 @@
    3.74          int num = _node_num;
    3.76          while (num > 0 && n != INVALID) {
    3.77 -          Flow excess = (*_excess)[n];
    3.78 +          Value excess = (*_excess)[n];
    3.79            int new_level = _level->maxLevel();
    3.81            for (OutArcIt e(_graph, n); e != INVALID; ++e) {
    3.82 -            Flow rem = (*_capacity)[e] - (*_flow)[e];
    3.83 +            Value rem = (*_capacity)[e] - (*_flow)[e];
    3.84              if (!_tolerance.positive(rem)) continue;
    3.85              Node v =;
    3.86              if ((*_level)[v] < level) {
    3.87 @@ -591,7 +591,7 @@
    3.88            }
    3.90            for (InArcIt e(_graph, n); e != INVALID; ++e) {
    3.91 -            Flow rem = (*_flow)[e];
    3.92 +            Value rem = (*_flow)[e];
    3.93              if (!_tolerance.positive(rem)) continue;
    3.94              Node v = _graph.source(e);
    3.95              if ((*_level)[v] < level) {
    3.96 @@ -637,11 +637,11 @@
    3.98          num = _node_num * 20;
    3.99          while (num > 0 && n != INVALID) {
   3.100 -          Flow excess = (*_excess)[n];
   3.101 +          Value excess = (*_excess)[n];
   3.102            int new_level = _level->maxLevel();
   3.104            for (OutArcIt e(_graph, n); e != INVALID; ++e) {
   3.105 -            Flow rem = (*_capacity)[e] - (*_flow)[e];
   3.106 +            Value rem = (*_capacity)[e] - (*_flow)[e];
   3.107              if (!_tolerance.positive(rem)) continue;
   3.108              Node v =;
   3.109              if ((*_level)[v] < level) {
   3.110 @@ -664,7 +664,7 @@
   3.111            }
   3.113            for (InArcIt e(_graph, n); e != INVALID; ++e) {
   3.114 -            Flow rem = (*_flow)[e];
   3.115 +            Value rem = (*_flow)[e];
   3.116              if (!_tolerance.positive(rem)) continue;
   3.117              Node v = _graph.source(e);
   3.118              if ((*_level)[v] < level) {
   3.119 @@ -778,12 +778,12 @@
   3.121        Node n;
   3.122        while ((n = _level->highestActive()) != INVALID) {
   3.123 -        Flow excess = (*_excess)[n];
   3.124 +        Value excess = (*_excess)[n];
   3.125          int level = _level->highestActiveLevel();
   3.126          int new_level = _level->maxLevel();
   3.128          for (OutArcIt e(_graph, n); e != INVALID; ++e) {
   3.129 -          Flow rem = (*_capacity)[e] - (*_flow)[e];
   3.130 +          Value rem = (*_capacity)[e] - (*_flow)[e];
   3.131            if (!_tolerance.positive(rem)) continue;
   3.132            Node v =;
   3.133            if ((*_level)[v] < level) {
   3.134 @@ -806,7 +806,7 @@
   3.135          }
   3.137          for (InArcIt e(_graph, n); e != INVALID; ++e) {
   3.138 -          Flow rem = (*_flow)[e];
   3.139 +          Value rem = (*_flow)[e];
   3.140            if (!_tolerance.positive(rem)) continue;
   3.141            Node v = _graph.source(e);
   3.142            if ((*_level)[v] < level) {
   3.143 @@ -897,18 +897,18 @@
   3.144      ///
   3.145      /// \pre Either \ref run() or \ref init() must be called before
   3.146      /// using this function.
   3.147 -    Flow flowValue() const {
   3.148 +    Value flowValue() const {
   3.149        return (*_excess)[_target];
   3.150      }
   3.152 -    /// \brief Returns the flow on the given arc.
   3.153 +    /// \brief Returns the flow value on the given arc.
   3.154      ///
   3.155 -    /// Returns the flow on the given arc. This method can
   3.156 +    /// Returns the flow value on the given arc. This method can
   3.157      /// be called after the second phase of the algorithm.
   3.158      ///
   3.159      /// \pre Either \ref run() or \ref init() must be called before
   3.160      /// using this function.
   3.161 -    Flow flow(const Arc& arc) const {
   3.162 +    Value flow(const Arc& arc) const {
   3.163        return (*_flow)[arc];
   3.164      }