Unifications and improvements in TSP algorithms (#386)
authorPeter Kovacs <kpeter@inf.elte.hu>
Sun, 09 Jan 2011 00:56:52 +0100 (2011-01-08)
changeset 1202ef200e268af2
parent 1201 9a51db038228
child 1203 07682e24c4e8
Unifications and improvements in TSP algorithms (#386)
     1.1 --- a/doc/groups.dox	Sat Jan 08 22:51:16 2011 +0100
     1.2 +++ b/doc/groups.dox	Sun Jan 09 00:56:52 2011 +0100
     1.3 @@ -561,8 +561,9 @@
     1.4  the problem is to find a shortest possible tour that visits each node exactly
     1.5  once (i.e. the minimum cost Hamiltonian cycle).
     1.7 -These TSP algorithms should be used with a
     1.8 -metric cost function. Otherwise, they could yield worse results.
     1.9 +These TSP algorithms are intended to be used with a \e metric \e cost
    1.10 +\e function, i.e. the edge costs should satisfy the triangle inequality.
    1.11 +Otherwise the algorithms could yield worse results.
    1.13  LEMON provides five well-known heuristics for solving symmetric TSP:
    1.14   - \ref NearestNeighborTsp Neareast neighbor algorithm
     2.1 --- a/lemon/christofides_tsp.h	Sat Jan 08 22:51:16 2011 +0100
     2.2 +++ b/lemon/christofides_tsp.h	Sun Jan 09 00:56:52 2011 +0100
     2.3 @@ -31,13 +31,15 @@
     2.5  namespace lemon {
     2.7 +  /// \ingroup tsp
     2.8 +  ///
     2.9    /// \brief Christofides algorithm for symmetric TSP.
    2.10    ///
    2.11    /// ChristofidesTsp implements Christofides' heuristic for solving
    2.12    /// symmetric \ref tsp "TSP".
    2.13    ///
    2.14    /// This a well-known approximation method for the TSP problem with
    2.15 -  /// \ref checkMetricCost() "metric cost function".
    2.16 +  /// metric cost function.
    2.17    /// It yields a tour whose total cost is at most 3/2 of the optimum,
    2.18    /// but it is usually much better.
    2.19    /// This implementation runs in O(n<sup>3</sup>log(n)) time.
    2.20 @@ -54,7 +56,7 @@
    2.21    ///
    2.22    /// \tparam CM Type of the cost map.
    2.23    ///
    2.24 -  /// \warning \& CM::Value must be signed type.
    2.25 +  /// \warning CM::Value must be a signed number type.
    2.26    template <typename CM>
    2.27    class ChristofidesTsp
    2.28    {
    2.29 @@ -195,7 +197,7 @@
    2.30        /// \brief Returns a const reference to the node sequence of the
    2.31        /// found tour.
    2.32        ///
    2.33 -      /// This function returns a const reference to the internal structure
    2.34 +      /// This function returns a const reference to a vector
    2.35        /// that stores the node sequence of the found tour.
    2.36        ///
    2.37        /// \pre run() must be called before using this function.
     3.1 --- a/lemon/greedy_tsp.h	Sat Jan 08 22:51:16 2011 +0100
     3.2 +++ b/lemon/greedy_tsp.h	Sun Jan 09 00:56:52 2011 +0100
     3.3 @@ -30,6 +30,8 @@
     3.5  namespace lemon {
     3.7 +  /// \ingroup tsp
     3.8 +  ///
     3.9    /// \brief Greedy algorithm for symmetric TSP.
    3.10    ///
    3.11    /// GreedyTsp implements the greedy heuristic for solving
    3.12 @@ -42,9 +44,8 @@
    3.13    /// not increase the degree of any node above two.
    3.14    ///
    3.15    /// This method runs in O(n<sup>2</sup>log(n)) time.
    3.16 -  /// It quickly finds an effectively short tour for most TSP
    3.17 -  /// instances, but in special cases, it could yield a really bad
    3.18 -  /// (or even the worst) solution.
    3.19 +  /// It quickly finds a short tour for most TSP instances, but in special
    3.20 +  /// cases, it could yield a really bad (or even the worst) solution.
    3.21    ///
    3.22    /// \tparam CM Type of the cost map.
    3.23    template <typename CM>
    3.24 @@ -193,7 +194,7 @@
    3.25        /// \brief Returns a const reference to the node sequence of the
    3.26        /// found tour.
    3.27        ///
    3.28 -      /// This function returns a const reference to the internal structure
    3.29 +      /// This function returns a const reference to a vector
    3.30        /// that stores the node sequence of the found tour.
    3.31        ///
    3.32        /// \pre run() must be called before using this function.
     4.1 --- a/lemon/insertion_tsp.h	Sat Jan 08 22:51:16 2011 +0100
     4.2 +++ b/lemon/insertion_tsp.h	Sun Jan 09 00:56:52 2011 +0100
     4.3 @@ -30,6 +30,8 @@
     4.5  namespace lemon {
     4.7 +  /// \ingroup tsp
     4.8 +  ///
     4.9    /// \brief Insertion algorithm for symmetric TSP.
    4.10    ///
    4.11    /// InsertionTsp implements the insertion heuristic for solving
    4.12 @@ -74,9 +76,9 @@
    4.13        ///
    4.14        /// During the algorithm, nodes are selected for addition to the current
    4.15        /// subtour according to the applied rule.
    4.16 -      /// In general, the FARTHEST yields the best tours, thus it is the
    4.17 -      /// default option. RANDOM usually gives somewhat worse results, but
    4.18 -      /// it is much faster than the others and it is the most robust.
    4.19 +      /// In general, the FARTHEST method yields the best tours, thus it is the
    4.20 +      /// default option. The RANDOM rule usually gives somewhat worse results,
    4.21 +      /// but it is much faster than the others and it is the most robust.
    4.22        ///
    4.23        /// The desired selection rule can be specified as a parameter of the
    4.24        /// \ref run() function.
    4.25 @@ -178,7 +180,7 @@
    4.26        /// \brief Returns a const reference to the node sequence of the
    4.27        /// found tour.
    4.28        ///
    4.29 -      /// This function returns a const reference to the internal structure
    4.30 +      /// This function returns a const reference to a vector
    4.31        /// that stores the node sequence of the found tour.
    4.32        ///
    4.33        /// \pre run() must be called before using this function.
     5.1 --- a/lemon/nearest_neighbor_tsp.h	Sat Jan 08 22:51:16 2011 +0100
     5.2 +++ b/lemon/nearest_neighbor_tsp.h	Sun Jan 09 00:56:52 2011 +0100
     5.3 @@ -24,12 +24,15 @@
     5.4  /// \brief Nearest neighbor algorithm for symmetric TSP
     5.6  #include <deque>
     5.7 +#include <vector>
     5.8  #include <limits>
     5.9  #include <lemon/full_graph.h>
    5.10  #include <lemon/maps.h>
    5.12  namespace lemon {
    5.14 +  /// \ingroup tsp
    5.15 +  ///
    5.16    /// \brief Nearest neighbor algorithm for symmetric TSP.
    5.17    ///
    5.18    /// NearestNeighborTsp implements the nearest neighbor heuristic for solving
    5.19 @@ -41,9 +44,8 @@
    5.20    /// Finally, it connects the two end points of the path to form a tour.
    5.21    ///
    5.22    /// This method runs in O(n<sup>2</sup>) time.
    5.23 -  /// It quickly finds an effectively short tour for most TSP
    5.24 -  /// instances, but in special cases, it could yield a really bad
    5.25 -  /// (or even the worst) solution.
    5.26 +  /// It quickly finds a short tour for most TSP instances, but in special
    5.27 +  /// cases, it could yield a really bad (or even the worst) solution.
    5.28    ///
    5.29    /// \tparam CM Type of the cost map.
    5.30    template <typename CM>
    5.31 @@ -63,7 +65,7 @@
    5.32        const FullGraph &_gr;
    5.33        const CostMap &_cost;
    5.34        Cost _sum;
    5.35 -      std::deque<Node> _path;
    5.36 +      std::vector<Node> _path;
    5.38      public:
    5.40 @@ -85,28 +87,30 @@
    5.41        /// \return The total cost of the found tour.
    5.42        Cost run() {
    5.43          _path.clear();
    5.44 -
    5.45 -        if (_gr.nodeNum() == 0) return _sum = 0;
    5.46 +        if (_gr.nodeNum() == 0) {
    5.47 +          return _sum = 0;
    5.48 +        }
    5.49          else if (_gr.nodeNum() == 1) {
    5.50            _path.push_back(_gr(0));
    5.51            return _sum = 0;
    5.52          }
    5.54 +        std::deque<Node> path_dq;
    5.55          Edge min_edge1 = INVALID,
    5.56               min_edge2 = INVALID;
    5.58          min_edge1 = mapMin(_gr, _cost);
    5.59          Node n1 = _gr.u(min_edge1),
    5.60               n2 = _gr.v(min_edge1);
    5.61 -        _path.push_back(n1);
    5.62 -        _path.push_back(n2);
    5.63 +        path_dq.push_back(n1);
    5.64 +        path_dq.push_back(n2);
    5.66          FullGraph::NodeMap<bool> used(_gr, false);
    5.67          used[n1] = true;
    5.68          used[n2] = true;
    5.70          min_edge1 = INVALID;
    5.71 -        while (int(_path.size()) != _gr.nodeNum()) {
    5.72 +        while (int(path_dq.size()) != _gr.nodeNum()) {
    5.73            if (min_edge1 == INVALID) {
    5.74              for (IncEdgeIt e(_gr, n1); e != INVALID; ++e) {
    5.75                if (!used[_gr.runningNode(e)] &&
    5.76 @@ -127,7 +131,7 @@
    5.78            if (_cost[min_edge1] < _cost[min_edge2]) {
    5.79              n1 = _gr.oppositeNode(n1, min_edge1);
    5.80 -            _path.push_front(n1);
    5.81 +            path_dq.push_front(n1);
    5.83              used[n1] = true;
    5.84              min_edge1 = INVALID;
    5.85 @@ -136,7 +140,7 @@
    5.86                min_edge2 = INVALID;
    5.87            } else {
    5.88              n2 = _gr.oppositeNode(n2, min_edge2);
    5.89 -            _path.push_back(n2);
    5.90 +            path_dq.push_back(n2);
    5.92              used[n2] = true;
    5.93              min_edge2 = INVALID;
    5.94 @@ -146,9 +150,15 @@
    5.95            }
    5.96          }
    5.98 -        _sum = _cost[_gr.edge(_path.back(), _path.front())];
    5.99 -        for (int i = 0; i < int(_path.size())-1; ++i) {
   5.100 -          _sum += _cost[_gr.edge(_path[i], _path[i+1])];
   5.101 +        n1 = path_dq.back();
   5.102 +        n2 = path_dq.front();
   5.103 +        _path.push_back(n2);
   5.104 +        _sum = _cost[_gr.edge(n1, n2)];
   5.105 +        for (int i = 1; i < int(path_dq.size()); ++i) {
   5.106 +          n1 = n2;
   5.107 +          n2 = path_dq[i];
   5.108 +          _path.push_back(n2);
   5.109 +          _sum += _cost[_gr.edge(n1, n2)];
   5.110          }
   5.112          return _sum;
   5.113 @@ -171,11 +181,11 @@
   5.114        /// \brief Returns a const reference to the node sequence of the
   5.115        /// found tour.
   5.116        ///
   5.117 -      /// This function returns a const reference to the internal structure
   5.118 +      /// This function returns a const reference to a vector
   5.119        /// that stores the node sequence of the found tour.
   5.120        ///
   5.121        /// \pre run() must be called before using this function.
   5.122 -      const std::deque<Node>& tourNodes() const {
   5.123 +      const std::vector<Node>& tourNodes() const {
   5.124          return _path;
   5.125        }
     6.1 --- a/lemon/opt2_tsp.h	Sat Jan 08 22:51:16 2011 +0100
     6.2 +++ b/lemon/opt2_tsp.h	Sun Jan 09 00:56:52 2011 +0100
     6.3 @@ -21,13 +21,15 @@
     6.5  /// \ingroup tsp
     6.6  /// \file
     6.7 -/// \brief 2-opt algorithm for symmetric TSP
     6.8 +/// \brief 2-opt algorithm for symmetric TSP.
    6.10  #include <vector>
    6.11  #include <lemon/full_graph.h>
    6.13  namespace lemon {
    6.15 +  /// \ingroup tsp
    6.16 +  ///
    6.17    /// \brief 2-opt algorithm for symmetric TSP.
    6.18    ///
    6.19    /// Opt2Tsp implements the 2-opt heuristic for solving
    6.20 @@ -114,7 +116,7 @@
    6.21          return start();
    6.22        }
    6.24 -      /// \brief Runs the algorithm from the given tour.
    6.25 +      /// \brief Runs the algorithm starting from the given tour.
    6.26        ///
    6.27        /// This function runs the algorithm starting from the given tour.
    6.28        ///
    6.29 @@ -156,16 +158,16 @@
    6.30          return start();
    6.31        }
    6.33 -      /// \brief Runs the algorithm from the given tour.
    6.34 +      /// \brief Runs the algorithm starting from the given tour.
    6.35        ///
    6.36 -      /// This function runs the algorithm starting from the given tour.
    6.37 +      /// This function runs the algorithm starting from the given tour
    6.38 +      /// (node sequence).
    6.39        ///
    6.40 -      /// \param tour The tour as a node sequence. It must be a standard
    6.41 -      /// sequence container storing all <tt>Node</tt>s in the desired order.
    6.42 +      /// \param tour A vector that stores all <tt>Node</tt>s of the graph
    6.43 +      /// in the desired order.
    6.44        ///
    6.45        /// \return The total cost of the found tour.
    6.46 -      template <template <typename> class Container>
    6.47 -      Cost run(const Container<Node>& tour) {
    6.48 +      Cost run(const std::vector<Node>& tour) {
    6.49          _path.clear();
    6.51          if (_gr.nodeNum() == 0) return _sum = 0;
    6.52 @@ -180,7 +182,7 @@
    6.53          }
    6.55          _plist.resize(2*_gr.nodeNum());
    6.56 -        typename Container<Node>::const_iterator it = tour.begin();
    6.57 +        typename std::vector<Node>::const_iterator it = tour.begin();
    6.58          int first = _gr.id(*it),
    6.59              prev = first,
    6.60              curr = _gr.id(*(++it)),
    6.61 @@ -217,7 +219,7 @@
    6.62        /// \brief Returns a const reference to the node sequence of the
    6.63        /// found tour.
    6.64        ///
    6.65 -      /// This function returns a const reference to the internal structure
    6.66 +      /// This function returns a const reference to a vector
    6.67        /// that stores the node sequence of the found tour.
    6.68        ///
    6.69        /// \pre run() must be called before using this function.