Classes | Namespaces

maps.h File Reference

Detailed Description

#include <iterator>
#include <functional>
#include <vector>
#include <lemon/core.h>
#include <map>


class  MapBase< K, V >
 Base class of maps. More...
class  NullMap< K, V >
 Null map. (a.k.a. DoNothingMap) More...
class  ConstMap< K, V >
 Constant map. More...
class  ConstMap< K, Const< V, v > >
 Constant map with inlined constant value. More...
class  IdentityMap< T >
 Identity map. More...
class  RangeMap< V >
 Map for storing values for integer keys from the range [0..size-1]. More...
class  SparseMap< K, V, Comp >
 Map type based on std::map. More...
class  ComposeMap< M1, M2 >
 Composition of two maps. More...
class  CombineMap< M1, M2, F, V >
 Combination of two maps using an STL (binary) functor. More...
class  FunctorToMap< F, K, V >
 Converts an STL style (unary) functor to a map. More...
class  MapToFunctor< M >
 Converts a map to an STL style (unary) functor. More...
class  ConvertMap< M, V >
 Map adaptor to convert the Value type of a map to another type using the default conversion. More...
class  ForkMap< M1, M2 >
 Applies all map setting operations to two maps. More...
class  AddMap< M1, M2 >
 Sum of two maps. More...
class  SubMap< M1, M2 >
 Difference of two maps. More...
class  MulMap< M1, M2 >
 Product of two maps. More...
class  DivMap< M1, M2 >
 Quotient of two maps. More...
class  ShiftMap< M, C >
 Shifts a map with a constant. More...
class  ShiftWriteMap< M, C >
 Shifts a map with a constant (read-write version). More...
class  ScaleMap< M, C >
 Scales a map with a constant. More...
class  ScaleWriteMap< M, C >
 Scales a map with a constant (read-write version). More...
class  NegMap< M >
 Negative of a map. More...
class  NegWriteMap< M >
 Negative of a map (read-write version) More...
class  AbsMap< M >
 Absolute value of a map. More...
class  TrueMap< K >
 Constant true map. More...
class  FalseMap< K >
 Constant false map. More...
class  AndMap< M1, M2 >
 Logical 'and' of two maps. More...
class  OrMap< M1, M2 >
 Logical 'or' of two maps. More...
class  NotMap< M >
 Logical 'not' of a map. More...
class  NotWriteMap< M >
 Logical 'not' of a map (read-write version) More...
class  EqualMap< M1, M2 >
 Combination of two maps using the == operator. More...
class  LessMap< M1, M2 >
 Combination of two maps using the < operator. More...
class  LoggerBoolMap< IT, KEY >
 Writable bool map for logging each true assigned element. More...
class  IdMap< GR, K >
 Provides an immutable and unique id for each item in a graph. More...
class  IdMap< GR, K >::InverseMap
 This class represents the inverse of its owner (IdMap). More...
class  CrossRefMap< GR, K, V >
 General cross reference graph map type. More...
class  CrossRefMap< GR, K, V >::ValueIterator
 Forward iterator for values. More...
class  CrossRefMap< GR, K, V >::InverseMap
 The inverse map type. More...
class  RangeIdMap< GR, K >
 Provides continuous and unique ID for the items of a graph. More...
class  RangeIdMap< GR, K >::InverseMap
class  SourceMap< GR >
 Map of the source nodes of arcs in a digraph. More...
class  TargetMap< GR >
 Map of the target nodes of arcs in a digraph. More...
class  ForwardMap< GR >
 Map of the "forward" directed arc view of edges in a graph. More...
class  BackwardMap< GR >
 Map of the "backward" directed arc view of edges in a graph. More...
class  InDegMap< GR >
 Map of the in-degrees of nodes in a digraph. More...
class  OutDegMap< GR >
 Map of the out-degrees of nodes in a digraph. More...
class  PotentialDifferenceMap< GR, POT >
 Potential difference map. More...


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