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Graph Structures
Data Structures

Detailed Description

The implementation of combinatorial algorithms heavily relies on efficient graph implementations. LEMON offers data structures which are planned to be easily used in an experimental phase of implementation studies, and thereafter the program code can be made efficient by small modifications.

The most efficient implementation of diverse applications require the usage of different physical graph implementations. These differences appear in the size of graph we require to handle, memory or time usage limitations or in the set of operations through which the graph can be accessed. LEMON provides several physical graph structures to meet the diverging requirements of the possible users. In order to save on running time or on memory usage, some structures may fail to provide some graph features like arc/edge or node deletion.

Alteration of standard containers need a very limited number of operations, these together satisfy the everyday requirements. In the case of graph structures, different operations are needed which do not alter the physical graph, but gives another view. If some nodes or arcs have to be hidden or the reverse oriented graph have to be used, then this is the case. It also may happen that in a flow implementation the residual graph can be accessed by another algorithm, or a node-set is to be shrunk for another algorithm. LEMON also provides a variety of graphs for these requirements called graph adaptors. Adaptors cannot be used alone but only in conjunction with other graph representations.

You are free to use the graph structure that fit your requirements the best, most graph algorithms and auxiliary data structures can be used with any graph structure.

See also: Graph Structure Concepts.


class  ListArcSet< GR >
 Digraph using a node set of another digraph or graph and an own arc set. More...
class  ListEdgeSet< GR >
 Graph using a node set of another digraph or graph and an own edge set. More...
class  SmartArcSet< GR >
 Digraph using a node set of another digraph or graph and an own arc set. More...
class  SmartEdgeSet< GR >
 Graph using a node set of another digraph or graph and an own edge set. More...
class  FullDigraph
 A directed full graph class. More...
class  FullGraph
 An undirected full graph class. More...
class  GridGraph
 Grid graph class. More...
class  HypercubeGraph
 Hypercube graph class. More...
class  ListDigraph
 A general directed graph structure. More...
class  ListGraph
 A general undirected graph structure. More...
class  SmartDigraph
 A smart directed graph class. More...
class  SmartGraph
 A smart undirected graph class. More...
class  StaticDigraph
 A static directed graph class. More...
class  GridGraph::ColMap
class  GridGraph::IndexMap
class  GridGraph::RowMap
class  HypercubeGraph::HyperMap< T, BF >
 Linear combination map. More...
class  ListDigraph::Snapshot
 Class to make a snapshot of the digraph and restore it later. More...
class  ListGraph::Snapshot
 Class to make a snapshot of the graph and restore it later. More...
class  SmartDigraph::Snapshot
 Class to make a snapshot of the digraph and to restore it later. More...
class  SmartGraph::Snapshot
 Class to make a snapshot of the graph and to restore it later. More...


 Adaptor Classes for Graphs
 Adaptor classes for digraphs and graphs.


file  edge_set.h
 ArcSet and EdgeSet classes.
file  full_graph.h
 FullDigraph and FullGraph classes.
file  grid_graph.h
 GridGraph class.
file  hypercube_graph.h
 HypercubeGraph class.
file  list_graph.h
 ListDigraph and ListGraph classes.
file  smart_graph.h
 SmartDigraph and SmartGraph classes.
file  static_graph.h
 StaticDigraph class.