// -*- C++ -*- // #ifndef MAP_WIN_H #define MAP_WIN_H class MapWin; #include #include #include #include #include ///This class is responsible for creating a window, ///on which the visualization attributes can be ///assigned to maps. class MapWin : public Gtk::Window { protected: NoteBookTab & mytab; Gtk::Table * table; MapSelector ** e_combo_array, ** n_combo_array; Gtk::Label * label; Gtk::VBox vbox; public: ///Constructor of MapWin creates the widgets shown in MapWin. MapWin(const std::string& title, std::vector, std::vector, NoteBookTab & mw); ~MapWin(); virtual bool on_delete_event(GdkEventAny *); void nodeMapChanged(std::string, int); void edgeMapChanged(std::string, int); void newMapWinNeeded(bool); ///This function inserts name of the new edgemap in the list in the combo box void registerNewEdgeMap(std::string); ///This function inserts name of the new nodemap in the list in the combo box void registerNewNodeMap(std::string); virtual bool closeIfEscapeIsPressed(GdkEventKey*); void update(std::vector, std::vector); }; #endif //MAP_WIN_H