# A TRANSPORTATION PROBLEM # # This problem finds a least cost shipping schedule that meets # requirements at markets and supplies at factories. # # References: # Dantzig G B, "Linear Programming and Extensions." # Princeton University Press, Princeton, New Jersey, 1963, # Chapter 3-3. set I; /* canning plants */ param a{i in I}; /* capacity of plant i in cases */ table plants IN "MySQL" 'Database=glpk;UID=glpk;PWD=gnu' 'SELECT PLANT, CAPA AS CAPACITY FROM transp_capa' : I <- [ PLANT ], a ~ CAPACITY; set J; /* markets */ param b{j in J}; /* demand at market j in cases */ table markets IN "MySQL" 'Database=glpk;UID=glpk;PWD=gnu' 'transp_demand' : J <- [ MARKET ], b ~ DEMAND; param d{i in I, j in J}; /* distance in thousands of miles */ table dist IN "MySQL" 'Database=glpk;UID=glpk;PWD=gnu' 'transp_dist' : [ LOC1, LOC2 ], d ~ DIST; param f; /* freight in dollars per case per thousand miles */ param c{i in I, j in J} := f * d[i,j] / 1000; /* transport cost in thousands of dollars per case */ var x{i in I, j in J} >= 0; /* shipment quantities in cases */ minimize cost: sum{i in I, j in J} c[i,j] * x[i,j]; /* total transportation costs in thousands of dollars */ s.t. supply{i in I}: sum{j in J} x[i,j] <= a[i]; /* observe supply limit at plant i */ s.t. demand{j in J}: sum{i in I} x[i,j] >= b[j]; /* satisfy demand at market j */ solve; table result{i in I, j in J: x[i,j]} OUT "MySQL" 'Database=glpk;UID=glpk;PWD=gnu' 'DELETE FROM transp_result;' 'INSERT INTO transp_result VALUES (?,?,?)' : i ~ LOC1, j ~ LOC2, x[i,j] ~ QUANTITY; data; param f := 90; end;