#include #include #include "test_tools.h" using namespace std; using namespace hugo; int main() { cout << "Testing classes xy and boundingbox." << endl; typedef xy XY; XY seged; XY a(1,2); XY b(3,4); seged = a+b; check(seged.x==4 && seged.y==6, "Wrong vector addition"); seged = a-b; check(seged.x==-2 && seged.y==-2, "a-b"); check(a.normSquare()==5,"Wrong norm calculation"); check(a*b==11, "a*b"); int l=2; seged = a*l; check(seged.x==2 && seged.y==4, "a*l"); seged = b/l; check(seged.x==1 && seged.y==2, "b/l"); typedef BoundingBox BB; BB doboz1; check(doboz1.empty(), "empty? Should be."); doboz1 += a; check(!doboz1.empty(), "empty? Should not be."); doboz1 += b; check(doboz1.bottomLeft().x==1 && doboz1.bottomLeft().y==2 && doboz1.topRight().x==3 && doboz1.topRight().y==4, "added points to box"); seged.x=2;seged.y=3; check(doboz1.inside(seged),"Inside? It should be."); seged.x=1;seged.y=3; check(doboz1.inside(seged),"Inside? It should be."); seged.x=0;seged.y=3; check(!doboz1.inside(seged),"Inside? It should not be."); BB doboz2(seged); check(!doboz2.empty(), "empty? Should not be. Constructed from 1 point."); doboz2 += doboz1; check(doboz2.inside(seged), "Not inside? It should be. Incremented a box with an other."); }