/* glpcpx.c (CPLEX LP format routines) */ /*********************************************************************** * This code is part of GLPK (GNU Linear Programming Kit). * * Copyright (C) 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, * 2009, 2010, 2011 Andrew Makhorin, Department for Applied Informatics, * Moscow Aviation Institute, Moscow, Russia. All rights reserved. * E-mail: . * * GLPK is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * GLPK is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public * License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with GLPK. If not, see . ***********************************************************************/ #include "glpapi.h" /*********************************************************************** * NAME * * glp_init_cpxcp - initialize CPLEX LP format control parameters * * SYNOPSIS * * void glp_init_cpxcp(glp_cpxcp *parm): * * The routine glp_init_cpxcp initializes control parameters used by * the CPLEX LP input/output routines glp_read_lp and glp_write_lp with * default values. * * Default values of the control parameters are stored in the glp_cpxcp * structure, which the parameter parm points to. */ void glp_init_cpxcp(glp_cpxcp *parm) { xassert(parm != NULL); return; } static void check_parm(const char *func, const glp_cpxcp *parm) { /* check control parameters */ xassert(func != NULL); xassert(parm != NULL); return; } /*********************************************************************** * NAME * * glp_read_lp - read problem data in CPLEX LP format * * SYNOPSIS * * int glp_read_lp(glp_prob *P, const glp_cpxcp *parm, const char * *fname); * * DESCRIPTION * * The routine glp_read_lp reads problem data in CPLEX LP format from * a text file. * * The parameter parm is a pointer to the structure glp_cpxcp, which * specifies control parameters used by the routine. If parm is NULL, * the routine uses default settings. * * The character string fname specifies a name of the text file to be * read. * * Note that before reading data the current content of the problem * object is completely erased with the routine glp_erase_prob. * * RETURNS * * If the operation was successful, the routine glp_read_lp returns * zero. Otherwise, it prints an error message and returns non-zero. */ struct csa { /* common storage area */ glp_prob *P; /* LP/MIP problem object */ const glp_cpxcp *parm; /* pointer to control parameters */ const char *fname; /* name of input CPLEX LP file */ XFILE *fp; /* stream assigned to input CPLEX LP file */ jmp_buf jump; /* label for go to in case of error */ int count; /* line count */ int c; /* current character or XEOF */ int token; /* current token: */ #define T_EOF 0x00 /* end of file */ #define T_MINIMIZE 0x01 /* keyword 'minimize' */ #define T_MAXIMIZE 0x02 /* keyword 'maximize' */ #define T_SUBJECT_TO 0x03 /* keyword 'subject to' */ #define T_BOUNDS 0x04 /* keyword 'bounds' */ #define T_GENERAL 0x05 /* keyword 'general' */ #define T_INTEGER 0x06 /* keyword 'integer' */ #define T_BINARY 0x07 /* keyword 'binary' */ #define T_END 0x08 /* keyword 'end' */ #define T_NAME 0x09 /* symbolic name */ #define T_NUMBER 0x0A /* numeric constant */ #define T_PLUS 0x0B /* delimiter '+' */ #define T_MINUS 0x0C /* delimiter '-' */ #define T_COLON 0x0D /* delimiter ':' */ #define T_LE 0x0E /* delimiter '<=' */ #define T_GE 0x0F /* delimiter '>=' */ #define T_EQ 0x10 /* delimiter '=' */ char image[255+1]; /* image of current token */ int imlen; /* length of token image */ double value; /* value of numeric constant */ int n_max; /* length of the following five arrays (enlarged automatically, if necessary) */ int *ind; /* int ind[1+n_max]; */ double *val; /* double val[1+n_max]; */ char *flag; /* char flag[1+n_max]; */ /* working arrays used to construct linear forms */ double *lb; /* double lb[1+n_max]; */ double *ub; /* double ub[1+n_max]; */ /* lower and upper bounds of variables (columns) */ }; #define CHAR_SET "!\"#$%&()/,.;?@_`'{}|~" /* characters, which may appear in symbolic names */ static void error(struct csa *csa, const char *fmt, ...) { /* print error message and terminate processing */ va_list arg; xprintf("%s:%d: ", csa->fname, csa->count); va_start(arg, fmt); xvprintf(fmt, arg); va_end(arg); longjmp(csa->jump, 1); /* no return */ } static void warning(struct csa *csa, const char *fmt, ...) { /* print warning message and continue processing */ va_list arg; xprintf("%s:%d: warning: ", csa->fname, csa->count); va_start(arg, fmt); xvprintf(fmt, arg); va_end(arg); return; } static void read_char(struct csa *csa) { /* read next character from input file */ int c; xassert(csa->c != XEOF); if (csa->c == '\n') csa->count++; c = xfgetc(csa->fp); if (c < 0) { if (xferror(csa->fp)) error(csa, "read error - %s\n", xerrmsg()); else if (csa->c == '\n') { csa->count--; c = XEOF; } else { warning(csa, "missing final end of line\n"); c = '\n'; } } else if (c == '\n') ; else if (isspace(c)) c = ' '; else if (iscntrl(c)) error(csa, "invalid control character 0x%02X\n", c); csa->c = c; return; } static void add_char(struct csa *csa) { /* append current character to current token */ if (csa->imlen == sizeof(csa->image)-1) error(csa, "token `%.15s...' too long\n", csa->image); csa->image[csa->imlen++] = (char)csa->c; csa->image[csa->imlen] = '\0'; read_char(csa); return; } static int the_same(char *s1, char *s2) { /* compare two character strings ignoring case sensitivity */ for (; *s1 != '\0'; s1++, s2++) { if (tolower((unsigned char)*s1) != tolower((unsigned char)*s2)) return 0; } return 1; } static void scan_token(struct csa *csa) { /* scan next token */ int flag; csa->token = -1; csa->image[0] = '\0'; csa->imlen = 0; csa->value = 0.0; loop: flag = 0; /* skip non-significant characters */ while (csa->c == ' ') read_char(csa); /* recognize and scan current token */ if (csa->c == XEOF) csa->token = T_EOF; else if (csa->c == '\n') { read_char(csa); /* if the next character is letter, it may begin a keyword */ if (isalpha(csa->c)) { flag = 1; goto name; } goto loop; } else if (csa->c == '\\') { /* comment; ignore everything until end-of-line */ while (csa->c != '\n') read_char(csa); goto loop; } else if (isalpha(csa->c) || csa->c != '.' && strchr(CHAR_SET, csa->c) != NULL) name: { /* symbolic name */ csa->token = T_NAME; while (isalnum(csa->c) || strchr(CHAR_SET, csa->c) != NULL) add_char(csa); if (flag) { /* check for keyword */ if (the_same(csa->image, "minimize")) csa->token = T_MINIMIZE; else if (the_same(csa->image, "minimum")) csa->token = T_MINIMIZE; else if (the_same(csa->image, "min")) csa->token = T_MINIMIZE; else if (the_same(csa->image, "maximize")) csa->token = T_MAXIMIZE; else if (the_same(csa->image, "maximum")) csa->token = T_MAXIMIZE; else if (the_same(csa->image, "max")) csa->token = T_MAXIMIZE; else if (the_same(csa->image, "subject")) { if (csa->c == ' ') { read_char(csa); if (tolower(csa->c) == 't') { csa->token = T_SUBJECT_TO; csa->image[csa->imlen++] = ' '; csa->image[csa->imlen] = '\0'; add_char(csa); if (tolower(csa->c) != 'o') error(csa, "keyword `subject to' incomplete\n"); add_char(csa); if (isalpha(csa->c)) error(csa, "keyword `%s%c...' not recognized\n", csa->image, csa->c); } } } else if (the_same(csa->image, "such")) { if (csa->c == ' ') { read_char(csa); if (tolower(csa->c) == 't') { csa->token = T_SUBJECT_TO; csa->image[csa->imlen++] = ' '; csa->image[csa->imlen] = '\0'; add_char(csa); if (tolower(csa->c) != 'h') err: error(csa, "keyword `such that' incomplete\n"); add_char(csa); if (tolower(csa->c) != 'a') goto err; add_char(csa); if (tolower(csa->c) != 't') goto err; add_char(csa); if (isalpha(csa->c)) error(csa, "keyword `%s%c...' not recognized\n", csa->image, csa->c); } } } else if (the_same(csa->image, "st")) csa->token = T_SUBJECT_TO; else if (the_same(csa->image, "s.t.")) csa->token = T_SUBJECT_TO; else if (the_same(csa->image, "st.")) csa->token = T_SUBJECT_TO; else if (the_same(csa->image, "bounds")) csa->token = T_BOUNDS; else if (the_same(csa->image, "bound")) csa->token = T_BOUNDS; else if (the_same(csa->image, "general")) csa->token = T_GENERAL; else if (the_same(csa->image, "generals")) csa->token = T_GENERAL; else if (the_same(csa->image, "gen")) csa->token = T_GENERAL; else if (the_same(csa->image, "integer")) csa->token = T_INTEGER; else if (the_same(csa->image, "integers")) csa->token = T_INTEGER; else if (the_same(csa->image, "int")) csa->token = T_INTEGER; else if (the_same(csa->image, "binary")) csa->token = T_BINARY; else if (the_same(csa->image, "binaries")) csa->token = T_BINARY; else if (the_same(csa->image, "bin")) csa->token = T_BINARY; else if (the_same(csa->image, "end")) csa->token = T_END; } } else if (isdigit(csa->c) || csa->c == '.') { /* numeric constant */ csa->token = T_NUMBER; /* scan integer part */ while (isdigit(csa->c)) add_char(csa); /* scan optional fractional part (it is mandatory, if there is no integer part) */ if (csa->c == '.') { add_char(csa); if (csa->imlen == 1 && !isdigit(csa->c)) error(csa, "invalid use of decimal point\n"); while (isdigit(csa->c)) add_char(csa); } /* scan optional decimal exponent */ if (csa->c == 'e' || csa->c == 'E') { add_char(csa); if (csa->c == '+' || csa->c == '-') add_char(csa); if (!isdigit(csa->c)) error(csa, "numeric constant `%s' incomplete\n", csa->image); while (isdigit(csa->c)) add_char(csa); } /* convert the numeric constant to floating-point */ if (str2num(csa->image, &csa->value)) error(csa, "numeric constant `%s' out of range\n", csa->image); } else if (csa->c == '+') csa->token = T_PLUS, add_char(csa); else if (csa->c == '-') csa->token = T_MINUS, add_char(csa); else if (csa->c == ':') csa->token = T_COLON, add_char(csa); else if (csa->c == '<') { csa->token = T_LE, add_char(csa); if (csa->c == '=') add_char(csa); } else if (csa->c == '>') { csa->token = T_GE, add_char(csa); if (csa->c == '=') add_char(csa); } else if (csa->c == '=') { csa->token = T_EQ, add_char(csa); if (csa->c == '<') csa->token = T_LE, add_char(csa); else if (csa->c == '>') csa->token = T_GE, add_char(csa); } else error(csa, "character `%c' not recognized\n", csa->c); /* skip non-significant characters */ while (csa->c == ' ') read_char(csa); return; } static int find_col(struct csa *csa, char *name) { /* find column by its symbolic name */ int j; j = glp_find_col(csa->P, name); if (j == 0) { /* not found; create new column */ j = glp_add_cols(csa->P, 1); glp_set_col_name(csa->P, j, name); /* enlarge working arrays, if necessary */ if (csa->n_max < j) { int n_max = csa->n_max; int *ind = csa->ind; double *val = csa->val; char *flag = csa->flag; double *lb = csa->lb; double *ub = csa->ub; csa->n_max += csa->n_max; csa->ind = xcalloc(1+csa->n_max, sizeof(int)); memcpy(&csa->ind[1], &ind[1], n_max * sizeof(int)); xfree(ind); csa->val = xcalloc(1+csa->n_max, sizeof(double)); memcpy(&csa->val[1], &val[1], n_max * sizeof(double)); xfree(val); csa->flag = xcalloc(1+csa->n_max, sizeof(char)); memset(&csa->flag[1], 0, csa->n_max * sizeof(char)); memcpy(&csa->flag[1], &flag[1], n_max * sizeof(char)); xfree(flag); csa->lb = xcalloc(1+csa->n_max, sizeof(double)); memcpy(&csa->lb[1], &lb[1], n_max * sizeof(double)); xfree(lb); csa->ub = xcalloc(1+csa->n_max, sizeof(double)); memcpy(&csa->ub[1], &ub[1], n_max * sizeof(double)); xfree(ub); } csa->lb[j] = +DBL_MAX, csa->ub[j] = -DBL_MAX; } return j; } /*********************************************************************** * parse_linear_form - parse linear form * * This routine parses the linear form using the following syntax: * * ::= * ::= * ::= | * ::= | + | - | * + | - * * The routine returns the number of terms in the linear form. */ static int parse_linear_form(struct csa *csa) { int j, k, len = 0, newlen; double s, coef; loop: /* parse an optional sign */ if (csa->token == T_PLUS) s = +1.0, scan_token(csa); else if (csa->token == T_MINUS) s = -1.0, scan_token(csa); else s = +1.0; /* parse an optional coefficient */ if (csa->token == T_NUMBER) coef = csa->value, scan_token(csa); else coef = 1.0; /* parse a variable name */ if (csa->token != T_NAME) error(csa, "missing variable name\n"); /* find the corresponding column */ j = find_col(csa, csa->image); /* check if the variable is already used in the linear form */ if (csa->flag[j]) error(csa, "multiple use of variable `%s' not allowed\n", csa->image); /* add new term to the linear form */ len++, csa->ind[len] = j, csa->val[len] = s * coef; /* and mark that the variable is used in the linear form */ csa->flag[j] = 1; scan_token(csa); /* if the next token is a sign, there is another term */ if (csa->token == T_PLUS || csa->token == T_MINUS) goto loop; /* clear marks of the variables used in the linear form */ for (k = 1; k <= len; k++) csa->flag[csa->ind[k]] = 0; /* remove zero coefficients */ newlen = 0; for (k = 1; k <= len; k++) { if (csa->val[k] != 0.0) { newlen++; csa->ind[newlen] = csa->ind[k]; csa->val[newlen] = csa->val[k]; } } return newlen; } /*********************************************************************** * parse_objective - parse objective function * * This routine parses definition of the objective function using the * following syntax: * * ::= minimize | minimum | min | maximize | maximum | max * ::= | : * ::= */ static void parse_objective(struct csa *csa) { /* parse objective sense */ int k, len; /* parse the keyword 'minimize' or 'maximize' */ if (csa->token == T_MINIMIZE) glp_set_obj_dir(csa->P, GLP_MIN); else if (csa->token == T_MAXIMIZE) glp_set_obj_dir(csa->P, GLP_MAX); else xassert(csa != csa); scan_token(csa); /* parse objective name */ if (csa->token == T_NAME && csa->c == ':') { /* objective name is followed by a colon */ glp_set_obj_name(csa->P, csa->image); scan_token(csa); xassert(csa->token == T_COLON); scan_token(csa); } else { /* objective name is not specified; use default */ glp_set_obj_name(csa->P, "obj"); } /* parse linear form */ len = parse_linear_form(csa); for (k = 1; k <= len; k++) glp_set_obj_coef(csa->P, csa->ind[k], csa->val[k]); return; } /*********************************************************************** * parse_constraints - parse constraints section * * This routine parses the constraints section using the following * syntax: * * ::= | : * ::= < | <= | =< | > | >= | => | = * ::= | + | * - * ::= * * ::= subject to | such that | st | s.t. | st. * ::= | * */ static void parse_constraints(struct csa *csa) { int i, len, type; double s; /* parse the keyword 'subject to' */ xassert(csa->token == T_SUBJECT_TO); scan_token(csa); loop: /* create new row (constraint) */ i = glp_add_rows(csa->P, 1); /* parse row name */ if (csa->token == T_NAME && csa->c == ':') { /* row name is followed by a colon */ if (glp_find_row(csa->P, csa->image) != 0) error(csa, "constraint `%s' multiply defined\n", csa->image); glp_set_row_name(csa->P, i, csa->image); scan_token(csa); xassert(csa->token == T_COLON); scan_token(csa); } else { /* row name is not specified; use default */ char name[50]; sprintf(name, "r.%d", csa->count); glp_set_row_name(csa->P, i, name); } /* parse linear form */ len = parse_linear_form(csa); glp_set_mat_row(csa->P, i, len, csa->ind, csa->val); /* parse constraint sense */ if (csa->token == T_LE) type = GLP_UP, scan_token(csa); else if (csa->token == T_GE) type = GLP_LO, scan_token(csa); else if (csa->token == T_EQ) type = GLP_FX, scan_token(csa); else error(csa, "missing constraint sense\n"); /* parse right-hand side */ if (csa->token == T_PLUS) s = +1.0, scan_token(csa); else if (csa->token == T_MINUS) s = -1.0, scan_token(csa); else s = +1.0; if (csa->token != T_NUMBER) error(csa, "missing right-hand side\n"); glp_set_row_bnds(csa->P, i, type, s * csa->value, s * csa->value); /* the rest of the current line must be empty */ if (!(csa->c == '\n' || csa->c == XEOF)) error(csa, "invalid symbol(s) beyond right-hand side\n"); scan_token(csa); /* if the next token is a sign, numeric constant, or a symbolic name, here is another constraint */ if (csa->token == T_PLUS || csa->token == T_MINUS || csa->token == T_NUMBER || csa->token == T_NAME) goto loop; return; } static void set_lower_bound(struct csa *csa, int j, double lb) { /* set lower bound of j-th variable */ if (csa->lb[j] != +DBL_MAX) { warning(csa, "lower bound of variable `%s' redefined\n", glp_get_col_name(csa->P, j)); } csa->lb[j] = lb; return; } static void set_upper_bound(struct csa *csa, int j, double ub) { /* set upper bound of j-th variable */ if (csa->ub[j] != -DBL_MAX) { warning(csa, "upper bound of variable `%s' redefined\n", glp_get_col_name(csa->P, j)); } csa->ub[j] = ub; return; } /*********************************************************************** * parse_bounds - parse bounds section * * This routine parses the bounds section using the following syntax: * * ::= * ::= infinity | inf * ::= | + | * - | + | - * ::= < | <= | =< * ::= > | >= | => * ::= | * | | * | = | free * ::= bounds | bound * ::= | * */ static void parse_bounds(struct csa *csa) { int j, lb_flag; double lb, s; /* parse the keyword 'bounds' */ xassert(csa->token == T_BOUNDS); scan_token(csa); loop: /* bound definition can start with a sign, numeric constant, or a symbolic name */ if (!(csa->token == T_PLUS || csa->token == T_MINUS || csa->token == T_NUMBER || csa->token == T_NAME)) goto done; /* parse bound definition */ if (csa->token == T_PLUS || csa->token == T_MINUS) { /* parse signed lower bound */ lb_flag = 1; s = (csa->token == T_PLUS ? +1.0 : -1.0); scan_token(csa); if (csa->token == T_NUMBER) lb = s * csa->value, scan_token(csa); else if (the_same(csa->image, "infinity") || the_same(csa->image, "inf")) { if (s > 0.0) error(csa, "invalid use of `+inf' as lower bound\n"); lb = -DBL_MAX, scan_token(csa); } else error(csa, "missing lower bound\n"); } else if (csa->token == T_NUMBER) { /* parse unsigned lower bound */ lb_flag = 1; lb = csa->value, scan_token(csa); } else { /* lower bound is not specified */ lb_flag = 0; } /* parse the token that should follow the lower bound */ if (lb_flag) { if (csa->token != T_LE) error(csa, "missing `<', `<=', or `=<' after lower bound\n") ; scan_token(csa); } /* parse variable name */ if (csa->token != T_NAME) error(csa, "missing variable name\n"); j = find_col(csa, csa->image); /* set lower bound */ if (lb_flag) set_lower_bound(csa, j, lb); scan_token(csa); /* parse the context that follows the variable name */ if (csa->token == T_LE) { /* parse upper bound */ scan_token(csa); if (csa->token == T_PLUS || csa->token == T_MINUS) { /* parse signed upper bound */ s = (csa->token == T_PLUS ? +1.0 : -1.0); scan_token(csa); if (csa->token == T_NUMBER) { set_upper_bound(csa, j, s * csa->value); scan_token(csa); } else if (the_same(csa->image, "infinity") || the_same(csa->image, "inf")) { if (s < 0.0) error(csa, "invalid use of `-inf' as upper bound\n"); set_upper_bound(csa, j, +DBL_MAX); scan_token(csa); } else error(csa, "missing upper bound\n"); } else if (csa->token == T_NUMBER) { /* parse unsigned upper bound */ set_upper_bound(csa, j, csa->value); scan_token(csa); } else error(csa, "missing upper bound\n"); } else if (csa->token == T_GE) { /* parse lower bound */ if (lb_flag) { /* the context '... <= x >= ...' is invalid */ error(csa, "invalid bound definition\n"); } scan_token(csa); if (csa->token == T_PLUS || csa->token == T_MINUS) { /* parse signed lower bound */ s = (csa->token == T_PLUS ? +1.0 : -1.0); scan_token(csa); if (csa->token == T_NUMBER) { set_lower_bound(csa, j, s * csa->value); scan_token(csa); } else if (the_same(csa->image, "infinity") || the_same(csa->image, "inf") == 0) { if (s > 0.0) error(csa, "invalid use of `+inf' as lower bound\n"); set_lower_bound(csa, j, -DBL_MAX); scan_token(csa); } else error(csa, "missing lower bound\n"); } else if (csa->token == T_NUMBER) { /* parse unsigned lower bound */ set_lower_bound(csa, j, csa->value); scan_token(csa); } else error(csa, "missing lower bound\n"); } else if (csa->token == T_EQ) { /* parse fixed value */ if (lb_flag) { /* the context '... <= x = ...' is invalid */ error(csa, "invalid bound definition\n"); } scan_token(csa); if (csa->token == T_PLUS || csa->token == T_MINUS) { /* parse signed fixed value */ s = (csa->token == T_PLUS ? +1.0 : -1.0); scan_token(csa); if (csa->token == T_NUMBER) { set_lower_bound(csa, j, s * csa->value); set_upper_bound(csa, j, s * csa->value); scan_token(csa); } else error(csa, "missing fixed value\n"); } else if (csa->token == T_NUMBER) { /* parse unsigned fixed value */ set_lower_bound(csa, j, csa->value); set_upper_bound(csa, j, csa->value); scan_token(csa); } else error(csa, "missing fixed value\n"); } else if (the_same(csa->image, "free")) { /* parse the keyword 'free' */ if (lb_flag) { /* the context '... <= x free ...' is invalid */ error(csa, "invalid bound definition\n"); } set_lower_bound(csa, j, -DBL_MAX); set_upper_bound(csa, j, +DBL_MAX); scan_token(csa); } else if (!lb_flag) { /* neither lower nor upper bounds are specified */ error(csa, "invalid bound definition\n"); } goto loop; done: return; } /*********************************************************************** * parse_integer - parse general, integer, or binary section * * ::= * ::= general | generals | gen * ::= integer | integers | int * ::= binary | binaries | bin *
::= * ::=
| * */ static void parse_integer(struct csa *csa) { int j, binary; /* parse the keyword 'general', 'integer', or 'binary' */ if (csa->token == T_GENERAL) binary = 0, scan_token(csa); else if (csa->token == T_INTEGER) binary = 0, scan_token(csa); else if (csa->token == T_BINARY) binary = 1, scan_token(csa); else xassert(csa != csa); /* parse list of variables (may be empty) */ while (csa->token == T_NAME) { /* find the corresponding column */ j = find_col(csa, csa->image); /* change kind of the variable */ glp_set_col_kind(csa->P, j, GLP_IV); /* set 0-1 bounds for the binary variable */ if (binary) { set_lower_bound(csa, j, 0.0); set_upper_bound(csa, j, 1.0); } scan_token(csa); } return; } int glp_read_lp(glp_prob *P, const glp_cpxcp *parm, const char *fname) { /* read problem data in CPLEX LP format */ glp_cpxcp _parm; struct csa _csa, *csa = &_csa; int ret; xprintf("Reading problem data from `%s'...\n", fname); if (parm == NULL) glp_init_cpxcp(&_parm), parm = &_parm; /* check control parameters */ check_parm("glp_read_lp", parm); /* initialize common storage area */ csa->P = P; csa->parm = parm; csa->fname = fname; csa->fp = NULL; if (setjmp(csa->jump)) { ret = 1; goto done; } csa->count = 0; csa->c = '\n'; csa->token = T_EOF; csa->image[0] = '\0'; csa->imlen = 0; csa->value = 0.0; csa->n_max = 100; csa->ind = xcalloc(1+csa->n_max, sizeof(int)); csa->val = xcalloc(1+csa->n_max, sizeof(double)); csa->flag = xcalloc(1+csa->n_max, sizeof(char)); memset(&csa->flag[1], 0, csa->n_max * sizeof(char)); csa->lb = xcalloc(1+csa->n_max, sizeof(double)); csa->ub = xcalloc(1+csa->n_max, sizeof(double)); /* erase problem object */ glp_erase_prob(P); glp_create_index(P); /* open input CPLEX LP file */ csa->fp = xfopen(fname, "r"); if (csa->fp == NULL) { xprintf("Unable to open `%s' - %s\n", fname, xerrmsg()); ret = 1; goto done; } /* scan very first token */ scan_token(csa); /* parse definition of the objective function */ if (!(csa->token == T_MINIMIZE || csa->token == T_MAXIMIZE)) error(csa, "`minimize' or `maximize' keyword missing\n"); parse_objective(csa); /* parse constraints section */ if (csa->token != T_SUBJECT_TO) error(csa, "constraints section missing\n"); parse_constraints(csa); /* parse optional bounds section */ if (csa->token == T_BOUNDS) parse_bounds(csa); /* parse optional general, integer, and binary sections */ while (csa->token == T_GENERAL || csa->token == T_INTEGER || csa->token == T_BINARY) parse_integer(csa); /* check for the keyword 'end' */ if (csa->token == T_END) scan_token(csa); else if (csa->token == T_EOF) warning(csa, "keyword `end' missing\n"); else error(csa, "symbol `%s' in wrong position\n", csa->image); /* nothing must follow the keyword 'end' (except comments) */ if (csa->token != T_EOF) error(csa, "extra symbol(s) detected beyond `end'\n"); /* set bounds of variables */ { int j, type; double lb, ub; for (j = 1; j <= P->n; j++) { lb = csa->lb[j]; ub = csa->ub[j]; if (lb == +DBL_MAX) lb = 0.0; /* default lb */ if (ub == -DBL_MAX) ub = +DBL_MAX; /* default ub */ if (lb == -DBL_MAX && ub == +DBL_MAX) type = GLP_FR; else if (ub == +DBL_MAX) type = GLP_LO; else if (lb == -DBL_MAX) type = GLP_UP; else if (lb != ub) type = GLP_DB; else type = GLP_FX; glp_set_col_bnds(csa->P, j, type, lb, ub); } } /* print some statistics */ xprintf("%d row%s, %d column%s, %d non-zero%s\n", P->m, P->m == 1 ? "" : "s", P->n, P->n == 1 ? "" : "s", P->nnz, P->nnz == 1 ? "" : "s"); if (glp_get_num_int(P) > 0) { int ni = glp_get_num_int(P); int nb = glp_get_num_bin(P); if (ni == 1) { if (nb == 0) xprintf("One variable is integer\n"); else xprintf("One variable is binary\n"); } else { xprintf("%d integer variables, ", ni); if (nb == 0) xprintf("none"); else if (nb == 1) xprintf("one"); else if (nb == ni) xprintf("all"); else xprintf("%d", nb); xprintf(" of which %s binary\n", nb == 1 ? "is" : "are"); } } xprintf("%d lines were read\n", csa->count); /* problem data has been successfully read */ glp_delete_index(P); glp_sort_matrix(P); ret = 0; done: if (csa->fp != NULL) xfclose(csa->fp); xfree(csa->ind); xfree(csa->val); xfree(csa->flag); xfree(csa->lb); xfree(csa->ub); if (ret != 0) glp_erase_prob(P); return ret; } /*********************************************************************** * NAME * * glp_write_lp - write problem data in CPLEX LP format * * SYNOPSIS * * int glp_write_lp(glp_prob *P, const glp_cpxcp *parm, const char * *fname); * * DESCRIPTION * * The routine glp_write_lp writes problem data in CPLEX LP format to * a text file. * * The parameter parm is a pointer to the structure glp_cpxcp, which * specifies control parameters used by the routine. If parm is NULL, * the routine uses default settings. * * The character string fname specifies a name of the text file to be * written. * * RETURNS * * If the operation was successful, the routine glp_write_lp returns * zero. Otherwise, it prints an error message and returns non-zero. */ #define csa csa1 struct csa { /* common storage area */ glp_prob *P; /* pointer to problem object */ const glp_cpxcp *parm; /* pointer to control parameters */ }; static int check_name(char *name) { /* check if specified name is valid for CPLEX LP format */ if (*name == '.') return 1; if (isdigit((unsigned char)*name)) return 1; for (; *name; name++) { if (!isalnum((unsigned char)*name) && strchr(CHAR_SET, (unsigned char)*name) == NULL) return 1; } return 0; /* name is ok */ } static void adjust_name(char *name) { /* attempt to adjust specified name to make it valid for CPLEX LP format */ for (; *name; name++) { if (*name == ' ') *name = '_'; else if (*name == '-') *name = '~'; else if (*name == '[') *name = '('; else if (*name == ']') *name = ')'; } return; } static char *row_name(struct csa *csa, int i, char rname[255+1]) { /* construct symbolic name of i-th row (constraint) */ const char *name; if (i == 0) name = glp_get_obj_name(csa->P); else name = glp_get_row_name(csa->P, i); if (name == NULL) goto fake; strcpy(rname, name); adjust_name(rname); if (check_name(rname)) goto fake; return rname; fake: if (i == 0) strcpy(rname, "obj"); else sprintf(rname, "r_%d", i); return rname; } static char *col_name(struct csa *csa, int j, char cname[255+1]) { /* construct symbolic name of j-th column (variable) */ const char *name; name = glp_get_col_name(csa->P, j); if (name == NULL) goto fake; strcpy(cname, name); adjust_name(cname); if (check_name(cname)) goto fake; return cname; fake: sprintf(cname, "x_%d", j); return cname; } int glp_write_lp(glp_prob *P, const glp_cpxcp *parm, const char *fname) { /* write problem data in CPLEX LP format */ glp_cpxcp _parm; struct csa _csa, *csa = &_csa; XFILE *fp; GLPROW *row; GLPCOL *col; GLPAIJ *aij; int i, j, len, flag, count, ret; char line[1000+1], term[500+1], name[255+1]; xprintf("Writing problem data to `%s'...\n", fname); if (parm == NULL) glp_init_cpxcp(&_parm), parm = &_parm; /* check control parameters */ check_parm("glp_write_lp", parm); /* initialize common storage area */ csa->P = P; csa->parm = parm; /* create output CPLEX LP file */ fp = xfopen(fname, "w"), count = 0; if (fp == NULL) { xprintf("Unable to create `%s' - %s\n", fname, xerrmsg()); ret = 1; goto done; } /* write problem name */ xfprintf(fp, "\\* Problem: %s *\\\n", P->name == NULL ? "Unknown" : P->name), count++; xfprintf(fp, "\n"), count++; /* the problem should contain at least one row and one column */ if (!(P->m > 0 && P->n > 0)) { xprintf("Warning: problem has no rows/columns\n"); xfprintf(fp, "\\* WARNING: PROBLEM HAS NO ROWS/COLUMNS *\\\n"), count++; xfprintf(fp, "\n"), count++; goto skip; } /* write the objective function definition */ if (P->dir == GLP_MIN) xfprintf(fp, "Minimize\n"), count++; else if (P->dir == GLP_MAX) xfprintf(fp, "Maximize\n"), count++; else xassert(P != P); row_name(csa, 0, name); sprintf(line, " %s:", name); len = 0; for (j = 1; j <= P->n; j++) { col = P->col[j]; if (col->coef != 0.0 || col->ptr == NULL) { len++; col_name(csa, j, name); if (col->coef == 0.0) sprintf(term, " + 0 %s", name); /* empty column */ else if (col->coef == +1.0) sprintf(term, " + %s", name); else if (col->coef == -1.0) sprintf(term, " - %s", name); else if (col->coef > 0.0) sprintf(term, " + %.*g %s", DBL_DIG, +col->coef, name); else sprintf(term, " - %.*g %s", DBL_DIG, -col->coef, name); if (strlen(line) + strlen(term) > 72) xfprintf(fp, "%s\n", line), line[0] = '\0', count++; strcat(line, term); } } if (len == 0) { /* empty objective */ sprintf(term, " 0 %s", col_name(csa, 1, name)); strcat(line, term); } xfprintf(fp, "%s\n", line), count++; if (P->c0 != 0.0) xfprintf(fp, "\\* constant term = %.*g *\\\n", DBL_DIG, P->c0), count++; xfprintf(fp, "\n"), count++; /* write the constraints section */ xfprintf(fp, "Subject To\n"), count++; for (i = 1; i <= P->m; i++) { row = P->row[i]; if (row->type == GLP_FR) continue; /* skip free row */ row_name(csa, i, name); sprintf(line, " %s:", name); /* linear form */ for (aij = row->ptr; aij != NULL; aij = aij->r_next) { col_name(csa, aij->col->j, name); if (aij->val == +1.0) sprintf(term, " + %s", name); else if (aij->val == -1.0) sprintf(term, " - %s", name); else if (aij->val > 0.0) sprintf(term, " + %.*g %s", DBL_DIG, +aij->val, name); else sprintf(term, " - %.*g %s", DBL_DIG, -aij->val, name); if (strlen(line) + strlen(term) > 72) xfprintf(fp, "%s\n", line), line[0] = '\0', count++; strcat(line, term); } if (row->type == GLP_DB) { /* double-bounded (ranged) constraint */ sprintf(term, " - ~r_%d", i); if (strlen(line) + strlen(term) > 72) xfprintf(fp, "%s\n", line), line[0] = '\0', count++; strcat(line, term); } else if (row->ptr == NULL) { /* empty constraint */ sprintf(term, " 0 %s", col_name(csa, 1, name)); strcat(line, term); } /* right hand-side */ if (row->type == GLP_LO) sprintf(term, " >= %.*g", DBL_DIG, row->lb); else if (row->type == GLP_UP) sprintf(term, " <= %.*g", DBL_DIG, row->ub); else if (row->type == GLP_DB || row->type == GLP_FX) sprintf(term, " = %.*g", DBL_DIG, row->lb); else xassert(row != row); if (strlen(line) + strlen(term) > 72) xfprintf(fp, "%s\n", line), line[0] = '\0', count++; strcat(line, term); xfprintf(fp, "%s\n", line), count++; } xfprintf(fp, "\n"), count++; /* write the bounds section */ flag = 0; for (i = 1; i <= P->m; i++) { row = P->row[i]; if (row->type != GLP_DB) continue; if (!flag) xfprintf(fp, "Bounds\n"), flag = 1, count++; xfprintf(fp, " 0 <= ~r_%d <= %.*g\n", i, DBL_DIG, row->ub - row->lb), count++; } for (j = 1; j <= P->n; j++) { col = P->col[j]; if (col->type == GLP_LO && col->lb == 0.0) continue; if (!flag) xfprintf(fp, "Bounds\n"), flag = 1, count++; col_name(csa, j, name); if (col->type == GLP_FR) xfprintf(fp, " %s free\n", name), count++; else if (col->type == GLP_LO) xfprintf(fp, " %s >= %.*g\n", name, DBL_DIG, col->lb), count++; else if (col->type == GLP_UP) xfprintf(fp, " -Inf <= %s <= %.*g\n", name, DBL_DIG, col->ub), count++; else if (col->type == GLP_DB) xfprintf(fp, " %.*g <= %s <= %.*g\n", DBL_DIG, col->lb, name, DBL_DIG, col->ub), count++; else if (col->type == GLP_FX) xfprintf(fp, " %s = %.*g\n", name, DBL_DIG, col->lb), count++; else xassert(col != col); } if (flag) xfprintf(fp, "\n"), count++; /* write the integer section */ flag = 0; for (j = 1; j <= P->n; j++) { col = P->col[j]; if (col->kind == GLP_CV) continue; xassert(col->kind == GLP_IV); if (!flag) xfprintf(fp, "Generals\n"), flag = 1, count++; xfprintf(fp, " %s\n", col_name(csa, j, name)), count++; } if (flag) xfprintf(fp, "\n"), count++; skip: /* write the end keyword */ xfprintf(fp, "End\n"), count++; xfflush(fp); if (xferror(fp)) { xprintf("Write error on `%s' - %s\n", fname, xerrmsg()); ret = 1; goto done; } /* problem data has been successfully written */ xprintf("%d lines were written\n", count); ret = 0; done: if (fp != NULL) xfclose(fp); return ret; } /* eof */