COIN-OR::LEMON - Graph Library

Changes in / [398:532f34ea9cf3:396:c5f010a5647a] in lemon-1.1

2 edited


  • lemon/dijkstra.h

    r397 r313  
    4848    static Value plus(const Value& left, const Value& right) {
    4949      return left + right;
     50    }
     51    /// \brief Gives back true only if the first value is less than the second.
     52    static bool less(const Value& left, const Value& right) {
     53      return left < right;
     54    }
     55  };
     57  /// \brief Widest path operation traits for the Dijkstra algorithm class.
     58  ///
     59  /// This operation traits class defines all computational operations and
     60  /// constants which are used in the Dijkstra algorithm for widest path
     61  /// computation.
     62  ///
     63  /// \see DijkstraDefaultOperationTraits
     64  template <typename Value>
     65  struct DijkstraWidestPathOperationTraits {
     66    /// \brief Gives back the maximum value of the type.
     67    static Value zero() {
     68      return std::numeric_limits<Value>::max();
     69    }
     70    /// \brief Gives back the minimum of the given two elements.
     71    static Value plus(const Value& left, const Value& right) {
     72      return std::min(left, right);
    5073    }
    5174    /// \brief Gives back true only if the first value is less than the second.
  • test/

    r397 r293  
    9090      ::SetProcessedMap<concepts::WriteMap<Node,bool> >
    9191      ::SetStandardProcessedMap
    92       ::SetOperationTraits<DijkstraDefaultOperationTraits<VType> >
     92      ::SetOperationTraits<DijkstraWidestPathOperationTraits<VType> >
    9393      ::SetHeap<BinHeap<VType, concepts::ReadWriteMap<Node,int> > >
    9494      ::SetStandardHeap<BinHeap<VType, concepts::ReadWriteMap<Node,int> > >
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