COIN-OR::LEMON - Graph Library

Changes in / [32:ad7f593399b0:36:d6bc33fa6590] in lemon-1.0

1 edited


  • lemon/maps.h

    r30 r34  
    4545  class MapBase {
    4646  public:
    47     ///\e
     47    /// The key type of the map.
    4848    typedef K Key;
    49     ///\e
     49    /// The value type of the map. (The type of objects associated with the keys).
    5050    typedef T Value;
    5151  };
    250250  };
    252   /// \brief Map for storing values for the range \c [0..size-1] range keys
    253   ///
    254   /// The current map has the \c [0..size-1] keyset and the values
     252  /// \brief Map for storing values for keys from the range <tt>[0..size-1]</tt>
     253  ///
     254  /// The current map has the <tt>[0..size-1]</tt> keyset and the values
    255255  /// are stored in a \c std::vector<T>  container. It can be used with
    256256  /// some data structures, for example \c UnionFind, \c BinHeap, when
    830830  ///For example if \c m1 and \c m2 are both \c double valued maps, then
    831831  ///\code
    832   ///combineMap<double>(m1,m2,std::plus<double>())
     832  ///combineMap(m1,m2,std::plus<double>())
    833833  ///\endcode
    834834  ///is equivalent to
    963963  ///
    964964  ///Template parameters \c K and \c V will become its
    965   ///\c Key and \c Value. They must be given explicitly
    966   ///because a functor does not provide such typedefs.
     965  ///\c Key and \c Value.
     966  ///In most cases they have to be given explicitly because a
     967  ///functor typically does not provide such typedefs.
    967968  ///
    968969  ///Parameter \c F is the type of the used functor.
    12411242  ///
    12421243  ///\sa BackInserterBoolMap
     1244  ///\sa FrontInserterBoolMap
     1245  ///\sa InserterBoolMap
    12431246  ///
    12441247  ///\todo Revise the name of this class and the related ones.
    13061309  class BackInserterBoolMap {
    13071310  public:
    1308     typedef typename Container::value_type Key;
     1311    typedef typename Functor::argument_type Key;
    13091312    typedef bool Value;
    13411344  class FrontInserterBoolMap {
    13421345  public:
    1343     typedef typename Container::value_type Key;
     1346    typedef typename Functor::argument_type Key;
    13441347    typedef bool Value;
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