COIN-OR::LEMON - Graph Library

Changes in / [279:6307bbbf285b:281:e9b4fbe163f5] in lemon-1.1

15 edited


  • lemon/bfs.h

    r278 r281  
    5555    ///\param g is the digraph, to which we would like to define the
    5656    ///\ref PredMap.
    57     ///\todo The digraph alone may be insufficient to initialize
    5857    static PredMap *createPredMap(const Digraph &g)
    5958    {
    6564    ///The type of the map that indicates which nodes are processed.
    6665    ///It must meet the \ref concepts::WriteMap "WriteMap" concept.
    67     ///By default it is a NullMap.
    6866    typedef NullMap<typename Digraph::Node,bool> ProcessedMap;
    6967    ///Instantiates a \ref ProcessedMap.
    197195    int _curr_dist;
    199     ///Creates the maps if necessary.
    200     ///\todo Better memory allocation (instead of new).
     197    //Creates the maps if necessary.
    201198    void create_maps()
    202199    {
    849846    ///\param g is the digraph, to which we would like to define the
    850847    ///\ref PredMap.
    851     ///\todo The digraph alone may be insufficient to initialize
    852848    static PredMap *createPredMap(const Digraph &g)
    853849    {
    13711367    int _list_front, _list_back;
    1373     ///Creates the maps if necessary.
    1374     ///\todo Better memory allocation (instead of new).
     1369    //Creates the maps if necessary.
    13751370    void create_maps() {
    13761371      if(!_reached) {
  • lemon/bits/base_extender.h

    r256 r280  
    106106    /// Returns whether the given directed arc has the same orientation
    107107    /// as the corresponding edge.
    108     ///
    109     /// \todo reference to the corresponding point of the undirected digraph
    110     /// concept. "What does the direction of an edge mean?"
    111108    static bool direction(const Arc &a) { return a.forward; }
  • lemon/bits/vector_map.h

    r263 r280  
    4343  /// the map. This map type uses the std::vector to store the values.
    4444  ///
    45   /// \tparam _Notifier The AlterationNotifier that will notify this map.
     45  /// \tparam _Graph The graph this map is attached to.
    4646  /// \tparam _Item The item type of the graph items.
    4747  /// \tparam _Value The value type of the map.
    48   /// \todo Fix the doc: there is _Graph parameter instead of _Notifier.
    4948  template <typename _Graph, typename _Item, typename _Value>
    5049  class VectorMap
  • lemon/concept_check.h

    r209 r280  
    3737///\brief Basic utilities for concept checking.
    39 ///\todo Are we still using BOOST concept checking utility?
    40 ///Is the BOOST copyright notice necessary?
    4240#ifndef LEMON_CONCEPT_CHECK_H
  • lemon/concepts/path.h

    r278 r281  
    2121///\brief Classes for representing paths in digraphs.
    23 ///\todo Iterators have obsolete style
    2524#ifndef LEMON_CONCEPT_PATH_H
  • lemon/dfs.h

    r278 r281  
    5656    ///\param g is the digraph, to which we would like to define the
    5757    ///\ref PredMap.
    58     ///\todo The digraph alone may be insufficient to initialize
    5958    static PredMap *createPredMap(const Digraph &g)
    6059    {
    6665    ///The type of the map that indicates which nodes are processed.
    6766    ///It must meet the \ref concepts::WriteMap "WriteMap" concept.
    68     ///By default it is a NullMap.
    6967    typedef NullMap<typename Digraph::Node,bool> ProcessedMap;
    7068    ///Instantiates a \ref ProcessedMap.
    197195    int _stack_head;
    199     ///Creates the maps if necessary.
    200     ///\todo Better memory allocation (instead of new).
     197    //Creates the maps if necessary.
    201198    void create_maps()
    202199    {
    783780    ///\param g is the digraph, to which we would like to define the
    784781    ///\ref PredMap.
    785     ///\todo The digraph alone may be insufficient to initialize
    786782    static PredMap *createPredMap(const Digraph &g)
    787783    {
    13181314    int _stack_head;
    1320     ///Creates the maps if necessary.
    1321     ///\todo Better memory allocation (instead of new).
     1316    //Creates the maps if necessary.
    13221317    void create_maps() {
    13231318      if(!_reached) {
  • lemon/dijkstra.h

    r278 r281  
    145145    ///\param g is the digraph, to which we would like to define the
    146146    ///\ref PredMap.
    147     ///\todo The digraph alone may be insufficient for the initialization
    148147    static PredMap *createPredMap(const Digraph &g)
    149148    {
    156155    ///It must meet the \ref concepts::WriteMap "WriteMap" concept.
    157156    ///By default it is a NullMap.
    158     ///\todo If it is set to a real map,
    159     ///Dijkstra::processed() should read this.
    160157    typedef NullMap<typename Digraph::Node,bool> ProcessedMap;
    161158    ///Instantiates a \ref ProcessedMap.
    298295    bool local_heap;
    300     ///Creates the maps if necessary.
    301     ///\todo Better memory allocation (instead of new).
     297    //Creates the maps if necessary.
    302298    void create_maps()
    303299    {
    959955    /// \param g is the digraph, to which we would like to define the
    960956    /// HeapCrossRef.
    961     /// \todo The digraph alone may be insufficient for the initialization
    962957    static HeapCrossRef *createHeapCrossRef(const Digraph &g)
    963958    {
    995990    ///\param g is the digraph, to which we would like to define the
    996991    ///\ref PredMap.
    997     ///\todo The digraph alone may be insufficient to initialize
    998992    static PredMap *createPredMap(const Digraph &g)
    999993    {
    10061000    ///It must meet the \ref concepts::WriteMap "WriteMap" concept.
    10071001    ///By default it is a NullMap.
    1008     ///\todo If it is set to a real map,
    1009     ///Dijkstra::processed() should read this.
    1010     ///\todo named parameter to set this type, function to read and write.
    10111002    typedef NullMap<typename Digraph::Node,bool> ProcessedMap;
    10121003    ///Instantiates a \ref ProcessedMap.
    10541045  /// The \ref DijkstraWizardBase is a class to be the default traits of the
    10551046  /// \ref DijkstraWizard class.
    1056   /// \todo More named parameters are required...
    10571047  template<class GR,class LM>
    10581048  class DijkstraWizardBase : public DijkstraWizardDefaultTraits<GR,LM>
  • lemon/error.h

    r212 r280  
    103103    ///\e
    105     ///\todo The good solution is boost::shared_ptr...
    106     ///
    107105    mutable std::auto_ptr<std::ostringstream> buf;
  • lemon/graph_to_eps.h

    r253 r280  
    667667  ///it draws the graph.
    668668  void run() {
    669     //\todo better 'epsilon' would be nice here.
    670669    const double EPSILON=1e-9;
    671670    if(dontPrint) return;
    708707      for(ArcIt e(g);e!=INVALID;++e)
    709708        max_w=std::max(double(_arcWidths[e]),max_w);
    710       //\todo better 'epsilon' would be nice here.
    711709      if(max_w>EPSILON) {
    712710        _arcWidthScale/=max_w;
    718716      for(NodeIt n(g);n!=INVALID;++n)
    719717        max_s=std::max(double(_nodeSizes[n]),max_s);
    720       //\todo better 'epsilon' would be nice here.
    721718      if(max_s>EPSILON) {
    722719        _nodeScale/=max_s;
    874871      }
    875872      else {
    876         //\todo Verify centering
    877873        double sc= std::min((A4HEIGHT-2*A4BORDER)/bb.width(),
    878874                  (A4WIDTH-2*A4BORDER)/bb.height());
    907903            dvec(mycoords[*i)]-mycoords[g.source(*i)]);
    908904          double l=std::sqrt(dvec.normSquare());
    909           //\todo better 'epsilon' would be nice here.
    910905          dim2::Point<double> d(dvec/std::max(l,EPSILON));
    911906          dim2::Point<double> m;
  • lemon/list_graph.h

    r239 r280  
    502502    ///be invalidated.
    503503    ///
    504     ///\warning This functionality cannot be used together with the
     504    ///\warning This functionality cannot be used in conjunction with the
    505505    ///Snapshot feature.
    506     ///
    507     ///\todo It could be implemented in a bit faster way.
    508506    Node split(Node n, bool connect = true) {
    509507      Node b = addNode();
  • lemon/maps.h

    r220 r280  
    485485  ///
    486486  /// \sa CombineMap
    487   ///
    488   /// \todo Check the requirements.
    489487  template <typename M1, typename M2>
    490488  class ComposeMap : public MapBase<typename M2::Key, typename M1::Value> {
    541539  ///
    542540  /// \sa ComposeMap
    543   ///
    544   /// \todo Check the requirements.
    545541  template<typename M1, typename M2, typename F,
    546542           typename V = typename F::result_type>
  • lemon/random.h

    r209 r280  
    822822    /// \note The Cartesian form of the Box-Muller
    823823    /// transformation is used to generate a random normal distribution.
    824     /// \todo Consider using the "ziggurat" method instead.
    825824    double gauss()
    826825    {
  • lemon/smart_graph.h

    r238 r280  
    301301    ///\warning This functionality cannot be used together with the Snapshot
    302302    ///feature.
    303     ///\todo It could be implemented in a bit faster way.
    304303    Node split(Node n, bool connect = true)
    305304    {
  • lemon/time_measure.h

    r210 r280  
    293293  ///function, consider the usage of \ref TimeReport instead.
    294294  ///
    295   ///\todo This shouldn't be Unix (Linux) specific.
    296295  ///\sa TimeReport
    297296  class Timer
    488487  ///\sa Timer
    489488  ///\sa NoTimeReport
    490   ///\todo There is no test case for this
    491489  class TimeReport : public Timer
    492490  {
  • lemon/tolerance.h

    r209 r280  
    2525///floating point numbers.
    27 ///\todo It should be in a module like "Basic tools"
    3028namespace lemon {
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