# # ChangeLog for lemon/bipartite_matching.h in lemon-0.x # # Generated by Trac 1.2.3 # 05/29/24 01:10:06 Thu, 25 Jan 2007 14:36:21 GMT Alpar Juttner [2352:5e273e0bd5e2] * lemon/bipartite_matching.h (modified) * lemon/elevator.h (modified) Doc improvements Mon, 30 Oct 2006 12:07:52 GMT Balazs Dezso [2269:fb1c634fff29] * demo/coloring.cc (modified) * lemon/bipartite_matching.h (modified) * lemon/dijkstra.h (modified) * test/all_pairs_shortest_path_test.cc (modified) * test/heap_test.cc (modified) * test/heap_test.h (modified) Bug fix for removing heap Item from template parameter list Thu, 26 Oct 2006 14:20:17 GMT mqrelly [2263:9273fe7d850c] * lemon/bin_heap.h (modified) * lemon/bipartite_matching.h (modified) * lemon/bucket_heap.h (modified) * lemon/concepts/heap.h (modified) * lemon/dijkstra.h (modified) * lemon/fib_heap.h (modified) * lemon/fredman_tarjan.h (modified) * lemon/johnson.h (modified) * lemon/min_cost_arborescence.h (modified) * lemon/min_cut.h (modified) * lemon/prim.h (modified) * lemon/radix_heap.h (modified) Bug #46 fixed: Superfluous template parameter in Heap concept NOTE: ... Tue, 18 Jul 2006 13:29:59 GMT Alpar Juttner [2151:38ec4a930c05] * lemon/bellman_ford.h (modified) * lemon/bfs.h (modified) * lemon/bipartite_matching.h (modified) * lemon/bits/utility.h (modified) * lemon/dag_shortest_path.h (modified) * lemon/dfs.h (modified) * lemon/dijkstra.h (modified) * lemon/edge_set.h (modified) * lemon/edmonds_karp.h (modified) * lemon/error.h (modified) * lemon/floyd_warshall.h (modified) * lemon/fredman_tarjan.h (modified) * lemon/full_graph.h (modified) * lemon/grid_ugraph.h (modified) * lemon/johnson.h (modified) * lemon/list_graph.h (modified) * lemon/min_cost_arborescence.h (modified) * lemon/min_cut.h (modified) * lemon/preflow.h (modified) * lemon/prim.h (modified) * lemon/radix_heap.h (modified) * lemon/refptr.h (modified) * lemon/smart_graph.h (modified) * lemon/tabu_search.h (modified) exceptionName() has been thrown away Fri, 14 Jul 2006 09:37:48 GMT Balazs Dezso [2136:4f64d6b3e9ec] * lemon/bipartite_matching.h (modified) Bug fix in MinCostMaxBipartiteMatching The augmenting phase have not ... Tue, 18 Apr 2006 07:01:55 GMT Balazs Dezso [2058:0b1fc1566fdb] * lemon/bipartite_matching.h (modified) * test/bipartite_matching_test.cc (modified) Refinements in bipartite matching algorithms Fri, 14 Apr 2006 18:07:33 GMT Balazs Dezso [2051:08652c1763f6] * lemon/bipartite_matching.h (modified) * test/bipartite_matching_test.cc (modified) MaxWeightedBipartiteMatching MinCostMaxBipartiteMatching Both ... Fri, 07 Apr 2006 09:51:23 GMT Balazs Dezso [2040:c7bd55c0d820] * lemon/Makefile.am (modified) * lemon/bipartite_matching.h (added) * lemon/bpugraph_adaptor.h (modified) * test/Makefile.am (modified) * test/bipartite_matching_test.cc (added) Bipartite Graph Max Cardinality Matching (Hopcroft-Karp) Test for it ...