# # ChangeLog for scripts in lemon-0.x # # Generated by Trac 1.2.3 # 09/28/24 09:16:23 Mon, 12 Mar 2007 13:45:50 GMT Alpar Juttner [2403:b8f65d8528e1] * scripts/server-services/repodoc/make-doc (modified) The lemon repository has been renamed Sat, 03 Mar 2007 16:30:37 GMT Alpar Juttner [2391:14a343be7a5a] * LICENSE (modified) * benchmark/bench_tools.h (modified) * benchmark/bfs-bench.cc (modified) * benchmark/edge_lookup.cc (modified) * benchmark/graph-bench.cc (modified) * benchmark/hcube.cc (modified) * benchmark/min_cut.cc (modified) * benchmark/min_cut_graphs.h (modified) * benchmark/radix_sort-bench.cc (modified) * benchmark/random_bench.cc (modified) * benchmark/swap_bipartite_bench.cc (modified) * demo/arg_parser_demo.cc (modified) * demo/circulation_demo.cc (modified) * demo/coloring.cc (modified) * demo/csp_demo.cc (modified) * demo/descriptor_map_demo.cc (modified) * demo/dijkstra_demo.cc (modified) * demo/dim_to_dot.cc (modified) * demo/dim_to_lgf.cc (modified) * demo/disjoint_paths_demo.cc (modified) * demo/eps_demo.cc (modified) * demo/graph_orientation.cc (modified) * demo/graph_to_eps_demo.cc (modified) * demo/grid_ugraph_demo.cc (modified) * demo/hello_lemon.cc (modified) * demo/hello_world.cc (modified) * demo/kruskal_demo.cc (modified) * demo/lp_demo.cc (modified) * demo/lp_maxflow_demo.cc (modified) * demo/maps_summary.cc (modified) * demo/min_route.cc (modified) * demo/mip_demo.cc (modified) * demo/reader_writer_demo.cc (modified) * demo/simann_maxcut_demo.cc (modified) * demo/strongly_connected_orientation.cc (modified) * demo/sub_graph_adaptor_demo.cc (modified) * demo/tight_edge_filter_map.h (modified) * demo/topological_ordering.cc (modified) * demo/topology_demo.cc (modified) * doc/algorithms.dox (modified) * doc/basic_concepts.dox (modified) * doc/coding_style.dox (modified) * doc/developers_interface.dox (modified) * doc/dirs.dox (modified) * doc/getstart.dox (modified) * doc/getting_started.dox (modified) * doc/graph-adaptors.dox (modified) * doc/graph_io.dox (modified) * doc/graph_orientation.dox (modified) * doc/graphs.dox (modified) * doc/groups.dox (modified) * doc/lemon_file_format.dox (modified) * doc/license.dox (modified) * doc/mainpage.dox (modified) * doc/maps.dox (modified) * doc/maps1.dox (modified) * doc/maps2.dox (modified) * doc/named-param.dox (modified) * doc/namespaces.dox (modified) * doc/quicktour.dox (modified) * doc/read_write_bg.dox (modified) * doc/template.h (modified) * doc/tutorial.dox (modified) * doc/ugraphs.dox (modified) * lemon/arg_parser.cc (modified) * lemon/arg_parser.h (modified) * lemon/attic/debug.h (modified) * lemon/base.cc (modified) * lemon/bellman_ford.h (modified) * lemon/bfs.h (modified) * lemon/bin_heap.h (modified) * lemon/bipartite_matching.h (modified) * lemon/bits/alteration_notifier.h (modified) * lemon/bits/array_map.h (modified) * lemon/bits/base_extender.h (modified) * lemon/bits/bezier.h (modified) * lemon/bits/debug_map.h (modified) * lemon/bits/default_map.h (modified) * lemon/bits/edge_set_extender.h (modified) * lemon/bits/graph_adaptor_extender.h (modified) * lemon/bits/graph_extender.h (modified) * lemon/bits/invalid.h (modified) * lemon/bits/item_reader.h (modified) * lemon/bits/item_writer.h (modified) * lemon/bits/lp_id.h (modified) * lemon/bits/map_extender.h (modified) * lemon/bits/mingw32_time.cc (modified) * lemon/bits/mingw32_time.h (modified) * lemon/bits/path_dump.h (modified) * lemon/bits/traits.h (modified) * lemon/bits/utility.h (modified) * lemon/bits/variant.h (modified) * lemon/bits/vector_map.h (modified) * lemon/bp_matching.h (modified) * lemon/bpugraph_adaptor.h (modified) * lemon/bucket_heap.h (modified) * lemon/circulation.h (modified) * lemon/color.cc (modified) * lemon/color.h (modified) * lemon/concept_check.h (modified) * lemon/concepts/bpugraph.h (modified) * lemon/concepts/graph.h (modified) * lemon/concepts/graph_components.h (modified) * lemon/concepts/heap.h (modified) * lemon/concepts/maps.h (modified) * lemon/concepts/matrix_maps.h (modified) * lemon/concepts/path.h (modified) * lemon/concepts/ugraph.h (modified) * lemon/counter.h (modified) * lemon/csp.h (modified) * lemon/dag_shortest_path.h (modified) * lemon/dfs.h (modified) * lemon/dijkstra.h (modified) * lemon/dim2.h (modified) * lemon/dimacs.h (modified) * lemon/dist_log.h (modified) * lemon/edge_set.h (modified) * lemon/edmonds_karp.h (modified) * lemon/elevator.h (modified) * lemon/eps.cc (modified) * lemon/eps.h (modified) * lemon/error.h (modified) * lemon/euler.h (modified) * lemon/fib_heap.h (modified) * lemon/floyd_warshall.h (modified) * lemon/fredman_tarjan.h (modified) * lemon/full_graph.h (modified) * lemon/graph_adaptor.h (modified) * lemon/graph_reader.h (modified) * lemon/graph_to_eps.h (modified) * lemon/graph_utils.h (modified) * lemon/graph_writer.h (modified) * lemon/grid_ugraph.h (modified) * lemon/hao_orlin.h (modified) * lemon/hypercube_graph.h (modified) * lemon/iterable_maps.h (modified) * lemon/johnson.h (modified) * lemon/kruskal.h (modified) * lemon/lemon_reader.h (modified) * lemon/lemon_writer.h (modified) * lemon/list_graph.h (modified) * lemon/lp.h (modified) * lemon/lp_base.cc (modified) * lemon/lp_base.h (modified) * lemon/lp_cplex.cc (modified) * lemon/lp_cplex.h (modified) * lemon/lp_glpk.cc (modified) * lemon/lp_glpk.h (modified) * lemon/lp_skeleton.cc (modified) * lemon/lp_skeleton.h (modified) * lemon/lp_soplex.cc (modified) * lemon/lp_soplex.h (modified) * lemon/lp_utils.h (modified) * lemon/map_iterator.h (modified) * lemon/maps.h (modified) * lemon/matrix_maps.h (modified) * lemon/max_matching.h (modified) * lemon/min_cost_arborescence.h (modified) * lemon/mip_cplex.cc (modified) * lemon/mip_cplex.h (modified) * lemon/mip_glpk.cc (modified) * lemon/mip_glpk.h (modified) * lemon/nagamochi_ibaraki.h (modified) * lemon/path.h (modified) * lemon/path_utils.h (modified) * lemon/polynomial.h (modified) * lemon/preflow.h (modified) * lemon/prim.h (modified) * lemon/radix_heap.h (modified) * lemon/radix_sort.h (modified) * lemon/random.cc (modified) * lemon/random.h (modified) * lemon/refptr.h (modified) * lemon/simann.h (modified) * lemon/smart_graph.h (modified) * lemon/ssp_min_cost_flow.h (modified) * lemon/static_graph.h (modified) * lemon/steiner.h (modified) * lemon/sub_graph.h (modified) * lemon/suurballe.h (modified) * lemon/tabu_search.h (modified) * lemon/time_measure.h (modified) * lemon/tolerance.h (modified) * lemon/topology.h (modified) * lemon/ugraph_adaptor.h (modified) * lemon/unionfind.h (modified) * lemon/vmap.h (modified) * scripts/update-copyright-header (modified) * test/all_pairs_shortest_path_test.cc (modified) * test/arborescence_test.cc (modified) * test/bfs_test.cc (modified) * test/bipartite_matching_test.cc (modified) * test/bpugraph_test.cc (modified) * test/counter_test.cc (modified) * test/dfs_test.cc (modified) * test/dijkstra_test.cc (modified) * test/dim_test.cc (modified) * test/edge_set_test.cc (modified) * test/error_test.cc (modified) * test/graph_adaptor_test.cc (modified) * test/graph_copy_test.cc (modified) * test/graph_factory_test.cc (modified) * test/graph_test.cc (modified) * test/graph_test.h (modified) * test/graph_utils_test.cc (modified) * test/graph_utils_test.h (modified) * test/heap_test.cc (modified) * test/heap_test.h (modified) * test/kruskal_test.cc (modified) * test/lp_test.cc (modified) * test/map_test.h (modified) * test/maps_test.cc (modified) * test/matrix_maps_test.cc (modified) * test/max_matching_test.cc (modified) * test/min_cost_flow_test.cc (modified) * test/mip_test.cc (modified) * test/path_test.cc (modified) * test/polynomial_test.cc (modified) * test/preflow_test.cc (modified) * test/radix_sort_test.cc (modified) * test/refptr_test.cc (modified) * test/simann_test.cc (modified) * test/suurballe_test.cc (modified) * test/test_tools.h (modified) * test/test_tools_fail.cc (modified) * test/test_tools_pass.cc (modified) * test/time_measure_test.cc (modified) * test/ugraph_test.cc (modified) * test/unionfind_test.cc (modified) * tools/lgf-gen.cc (modified) Happy New Year to all source files! Fri, 16 Feb 2007 15:57:48 GMT Alpar Juttner [2365:751a14b992f2] * scripts/server-services/repocheck/commit-checker (modified) Check Soplex support, as well Mon, 04 Dec 2006 18:09:09 GMT Alpar Juttner [2327:596e48d6e77b] * scripts/server-services/repocheck/commit-checker (modified) More sophisticated warning messages. Mon, 04 Dec 2006 15:00:24 GMT Alpar Juttner [2323:8b18b6fed090] * scripts/server-services/repocheck/commit-checker (modified) Check for gcc version 3.3, 3.4 and 4.0 as well Mon, 04 Dec 2006 14:29:58 GMT Alpar Juttner [2322:12c5f99807d8] * scripts/server-services/repodoc/make-doc (modified) Send the output to /dev/null Thu, 30 Nov 2006 16:40:09 GMT Alpar Juttner [2320:4e8ecce96b12] * scripts/server-services/repodoc/make-doc (added) Automatic doc generation from the SVN trunk Thu, 30 Nov 2006 14:42:18 GMT Alpar Juttner [2319:99b1f7aec9d5] * scripts/server-services/repocheck/commit-checker (modified) - Change the subjects of broken repository mail alerts. - Do not ... Thu, 30 Nov 2006 14:38:18 GMT Alpar Juttner [2318:45d76c6e7f66] * scripts/server-services/repocheck/commit-checker (modified) Send broken repository alert also to lemon-commits@lemon.cs.elte.hu. Thu, 30 Nov 2006 13:43:49 GMT Alpar Juttner [2317:6d3ed14efb68] * scripts/repocheck/commit-checker (deleted) * scripts/server-services/repocheck/commit-checker (added) Put server services related scripts under the server-services folder. Tue, 28 Nov 2006 17:25:22 GMT Alpar Juttner [2311:2c17006ec9c3] * scripts/repocheck/commit-checker (modified) make 'commit-checker' silent Thu, 09 Nov 2006 00:50:07 GMT Alpar Juttner [2299:227ea098a6b6] * scripts/repocheck/commit-checker (modified) Bugfix: didn't removed the lock file if something went wrong Wed, 08 Nov 2006 23:40:08 GMT Alpar Juttner [2295:e464aaa8cdd7] * scripts/repocheck/commit-checker (modified) Send message to the commit author, as well Wed, 08 Nov 2006 23:28:14 GMT Alpar Juttner [2294:abf880d78522] * scripts/repocheck/commit-checker (added) Script for automatic checking of SVN commit's consistency Tue, 31 Oct 2006 08:39:01 GMT Alpar Juttner [2279:2c3fee01d3ed] * scripts/check-compilers (modified) * scripts/release (modified) Update scripts Mon, 30 Oct 2006 12:25:43 GMT Alpar Juttner [2270:ac729a29120e] * autopackage/default.apspec.in (modified) * scripts/autopackage-glpk (added) - Add an autopackage generator script for glpk - update autopackage ... Fri, 13 Oct 2006 15:10:50 GMT Alpar Juttner [2241:37e0966e43b6] * lemon.spec.in (modified) * scripts/release (modified) * scripts/update-libstd-tag (added) Improve build environment and scripts Thu, 12 Oct 2006 10:56:26 GMT Alpar Juttner [2237:5674a5983e1e] * README (modified) * configure.ac (modified) * lemon.spec.in (modified) * scripts/rpmbuild-glpk (added) Improve the configuration environment / repository layout: - ... Thu, 10 Aug 2006 10:11:07 GMT Alpar Juttner [2171:f40343b498ef] * scripts/update-copyright-header (added) This script creates/updates the copyright header of a source file Wed, 09 Aug 2006 12:51:21 GMT Alpar Juttner [2170:42fffa713424] * scripts/see-deps (modified) Do not list the header itself. Wed, 09 Aug 2006 12:47:31 GMT Alpar Juttner [2169:9f71586a3f74] * scripts/see-deps (added) This script lists all the header files included directly or ... Tue, 11 Jul 2006 13:54:02 GMT Alpar Juttner [2124:c3b9c574fa3e] * scripts/release (modified) Use sed instead of rpl Tue, 18 Apr 2006 13:25:41 GMT Alpar Juttner [2062:35e0355c6d9b] * scripts/check-compilers (modified) Also check mingw compatibility Wed, 15 Mar 2006 09:45:10 GMT Alpar Juttner [2007:a9959afc29a3] * scripts/check-compilers (modified) Also check gcc-4.1 Fri, 03 Feb 2006 17:32:25 GMT Alpar Juttner [1958:5be9c1ca0252] * scripts/release (modified) - svn lock doesn't work - fix bootstrap switch Fri, 03 Feb 2006 16:11:08 GMT Alpar Juttner [1955:daca31868d70] * scripts/release (modified) Change the compilation flag at release make distcheck. (This setting ... Fri, 03 Feb 2006 16:00:36 GMT Alpar Juttner [1954:7f9f1eb4af58] * scripts/release (modified) Minor change. Thu, 02 Feb 2006 15:53:01 GMT Alpar Juttner [1944:89d5cf6e6abb] * scripts/check-compilers (modified) Use short icpc paths Thu, 02 Feb 2006 08:51:10 GMT Alpar Juttner [1940:e47d0614a489] * scripts/check-compilers (modified) - also works off-line - icc-8.0 in (not) tested, as well. Wed, 01 Feb 2006 12:55:38 GMT Alpar Juttner [1938:c339ade3ffc3] * scripts/check-compilers (modified) Fix g++-3.4 executable's name Wed, 01 Feb 2006 11:33:16 GMT Alpar Juttner [1937:7a7a1f95cc24] * scripts/DO-NOT-PLAY-WITH-release (added) * scripts/check-compilers (added) * scripts/check-tarball-integrity (added) * scripts/make-snapshot (added) * scripts/release (added) Some useful scripts: check-compiler: test whether the repo compiles ...