# # ChangeLog for src/work in lemon-0.x # # Generated by Trac 1.2.3 # 05/13/24 02:14:23 Wed, 10 Nov 2004 19:59:14 GMT Mihaly Barasz [976:04591f9a4173] * src/work/klao/Makefile (modified) * src/work/klao/tag_demo.cc (added) A demonstration how to use _optional_ boolean tags. Tue, 09 Nov 2004 09:12:35 GMT Alpar Juttner [972:c0fdb1ad8e8d] * src/work/alpar/file-reader.cc (added) A graph reader interface proposal Mon, 08 Nov 2004 16:33:53 GMT marci [970:09f9abe22df2] * src/lemon/graph_wrapper.h (modified) * src/test/Makefile.am (modified) * src/test/graph_wrapper_test.cc (modified) * src/work/marci/augmenting_flow.h (modified) partial graph_wrapper changes with graph_factory Mon, 08 Nov 2004 15:22:39 GMT Alpar Juttner [967:6563019430ba] * src/lemon/bin_heap.h (modified) * src/lemon/concept/path.h (modified) * src/lemon/fib_heap.h (modified) * src/lemon/graph_utils.h (modified) * src/lemon/xy.h (modified) * src/work/alpar/dijkstra.h (modified) Several changes in doc. Mon, 08 Nov 2004 08:40:37 GMT Akos Ladanyi [966:5e865c5c8a87] * src/work/akos/simann.h (modified) Added an init method to the controller, and started writing a second ... Mon, 08 Nov 2004 08:37:41 GMT Akos Ladanyi [965:1e16b8dac159] * src/work/akos/simann_demo.cc (modified) Moved the includes to simann.h. Fri, 05 Nov 2004 05:46:46 GMT Akos Ladanyi [963:5a7556e9e340] * src/work/akos/makefile (modified) Updated the makefile. Thu, 04 Nov 2004 21:28:55 GMT Akos Ladanyi [960:908a1a6f0752] * src/work/akos/makefile (modified) * src/work/akos/simann_demo.cc (added) * src/work/akos/simann_test.cc (deleted) Renamed simann_test.cc to simann_demo.cc. Thu, 04 Nov 2004 20:24:59 GMT Mihaly Barasz [959:c80ef5912903] * doc/Doxyfile (modified) * doc/graphs.dox (modified) * doc/groups.dox (modified) * doc/namespaces.dox (modified) * src/lemon/Makefile.am (modified) * src/lemon/concept/graph.h (added) * src/lemon/concept/graph_component.h (added) * src/lemon/concept/maps.h (added) * src/lemon/concept/path.h (added) * src/lemon/concept/sym_graph.h (added) * src/lemon/dijkstra.h (modified) * src/lemon/full_graph.h (modified) * src/lemon/list_graph.h (modified) * src/lemon/maps.h (modified) * src/lemon/path.h (modified) * src/lemon/skeletons/graph.h (deleted) * src/lemon/skeletons/graph_component.h (deleted) * src/lemon/skeletons/maps.h (deleted) * src/lemon/skeletons/path.h (deleted) * src/lemon/skeletons/sym_graph.h (deleted) * src/lemon/smart_graph.h (modified) * src/test/bfs_test.cc (modified) * src/test/dfs_test.cc (modified) * src/test/dijkstra_test.cc (modified) * src/test/graph_factory_test.cc (modified) * src/test/graph_test.cc (modified) * src/test/graph_wrapper_test.cc (modified) * src/test/kruskal_test.cc (modified) * src/test/new_graph_test.cc (modified) * src/test/path_test.cc (modified) * src/test/preflow_test.cc (modified) * src/test/sym_graph_test.cc (modified) * src/test/sym_graph_test.h (modified) * src/work/Doxyfile (modified) * src/work/alpar/dijkstra.h (modified) * src/work/alpar/list_graph_demo.cc (modified) * src/work/marci/bfs_mm_test.cc (modified) * src/work/peter/path/path.h (modified) * src/work/peter/path/path_skeleton.h (modified) * src/work/peter/path/path_test.cc (modified) skeleton(s) -> concept renaming Thu, 04 Nov 2004 18:52:31 GMT Akos Ladanyi [958:75f749682240] * src/work/akos/simann_test.cc (modified) Updated because of the recent changes in simann.h. Thu, 04 Nov 2004 18:48:58 GMT Akos Ladanyi [957:4dd4eaee28e7] * src/work/akos/simann.h (modified) Now the controller asks SimAnnBase for the various costs. Thu, 04 Nov 2004 13:32:44 GMT Akos Ladanyi [956:0ff924405d21] * src/work/akos/simann.h (modified) Added the SimpleController class, and removed the first version of ... Tue, 02 Nov 2004 06:28:38 GMT Alpar Juttner [955:0a066f80e05f] * doc/coding_style.dox (modified) * doc/named-param.dox (modified) * src/work/alpar/dijkstra.h (modified) Improve docs. Mon, 01 Nov 2004 19:00:19 GMT Alpar Juttner [954:5b1ffef43d4c] * doc/named-param.dox (modified) * src/work/alpar/dijkstra.h (modified) Improved docs. Mon, 01 Nov 2004 17:57:19 GMT Alpar Juttner [953:d9c115e2eeaf] * doc/Doxyfile (modified) * doc/named-param.dox (added) * src/work/alpar/dijkstra.h (modified) - Named parameters and traits for Dijkstra (in ... Mon, 01 Nov 2004 07:04:52 GMT Alpar Juttner [952:fa65d57f1930] * src/work/alpar/dijkstra.h (copied) Traits + Named Parameters version Wed, 27 Oct 2004 22:38:50 GMT Mihaly Barasz [946:c94ef40a22ce] * src/benchmark/hcube.cc (modified) * src/lemon/Makefile.am (modified) * src/lemon/alteration_observer_registry.h (added) * src/lemon/array_map.h (modified) * src/lemon/bfs.h (modified) * src/lemon/clearable_graph_extender.h (added) * src/lemon/concept_check.h (added) * src/lemon/default_map.h (modified) * src/lemon/dfs.h (modified) * src/lemon/erasable_graph_extender.h (added) * src/lemon/extendable_graph_extender.h (added) * src/lemon/full_graph.h (modified) * src/lemon/graph_utils.h (added) * src/lemon/idmappable_graph_extender.h (added) * src/lemon/iterable_graph_extender.h (added) * src/lemon/list_graph.h (modified) * src/lemon/map_registry.h (deleted) * src/lemon/mappable_graph_extender.h (added) * src/lemon/preflow.h (modified) * src/lemon/skeletons/graph.h (modified) * src/lemon/skeletons/graph_component.h (added) * src/lemon/skeletons/maps.h (modified) * src/lemon/smart_graph.h (modified) * src/lemon/suurballe.h (modified) * src/lemon/vector_map.h (modified) * src/test/Makefile.am (modified) * src/test/graph_factory_test.cc (added) * src/test/graph_test.cc (modified) * src/test/graph_test.h (modified) * src/test/graph_utils_test.cc (added) * src/test/graph_utils_test.h (added) * src/test/graph_wrapper_test.cc (modified) * src/test/map_test.h (added) * src/test/new_graph_test.cc (added) * src/test/test_tools.h (modified) * src/work/klao/TODO (modified) The graph_factory branch (@ 1321) has been merged to trunk. Mon, 25 Oct 2004 13:29:46 GMT Alpar Juttner [945:f2ea4aac9ada] * src/work/alpar/bfs-named-param.cc (modified) Modify to compile with ++-style iterators. Sat, 16 Oct 2004 00:20:13 GMT marci [944:4f064aff855e] * src/work/marci/augmenting_flow.h (modified) * src/work/marci/bfs_mm.h (copied) * src/work/marci/bfs_mm_test.cc (copied) * src/work/marci/bfsit_vs_byhand.cc (modified) * src/work/marci/makefile (modified) It's time to design an iterable generic bfs Mon, 11 Oct 2004 18:02:48 GMT Akos Ladanyi [942:75fdd0c6866d] * src/work/akos/simann.h (moved) * src/work/akos/simann_test.cc (modified) Naming and coding style fixes and various other changes. Thu, 07 Oct 2004 07:39:42 GMT Alpar Juttner [939:1559584ca634] * configure.ac (modified) * doc/Doxyfile (modified) * src/work/Doxyfile (modified) - Change version 0.2 -> 0.3 - Doxyfile change for right #include< ... Mon, 04 Oct 2004 16:03:25 GMT Mihaly Barasz [936:60a96465dc49] * src/work/klao/cpp_hianyok (added) * src/work/klao/jegyzetek (modified) Some old comments Wed, 29 Sep 2004 16:31:24 GMT Mihaly Barasz [922:e816fac59f6d] * AUTHORS (modified) * COPYING (modified) * LICENSE (modified) * doc/Doxyfile (modified) * src/demo/sub_graph_wrapper_demo.dim (modified) * src/lemon/tight_edge_filter_map.h (deleted) * src/work/Doxyfile (modified) * src/work/athos/preflow_push.hh (deleted) * src/work/deba/main.cpp (modified) * src/work/peter/Makefile (modified) hugo -> lemon renaming leftovers Wed, 29 Sep 2004 15:30:04 GMT Alpar Juttner [921:818510fa3d99] * Makefile.am (modified) * configure.ac (modified) * doc/coding_style.dox (modified) * doc/graphs.dox (modified) * doc/groups.dox (modified) * doc/mainpage.dox (modified) * doc/maps.dox (modified) * doc/namespaces.dox (modified) * src/Makefile.am (modified) * src/benchmark/bench_tools.h (modified) * src/benchmark/bfs-bench.cc (modified) * src/benchmark/graph-bench.cc (modified) * src/benchmark/hcube.cc (modified) * src/demo/sub_graph_wrapper_demo.cc (modified) * src/lemon/Makefile.am (moved) * src/lemon/array_map.h (moved) * src/lemon/attic/debug.h (moved) * src/lemon/attic/error.h (moved) * src/lemon/attic/tight_edge_filter_map.h (moved) * src/lemon/bfs.h (moved) * src/lemon/bin_heap.h (moved) * src/lemon/default_map.h (moved) * src/lemon/dfs.h (moved) * src/lemon/dijkstra.h (moved) * src/lemon/dimacs.h (moved) * src/lemon/extended_pair.h (moved) * src/lemon/fib_heap.h (moved) * src/lemon/full_graph.h (moved) * src/lemon/graph_wrapper.h (moved) * src/lemon/invalid.h (moved) * src/lemon/kruskal.h (moved) * src/lemon/list_graph.h (moved) * src/lemon/map_bits.h (moved) * src/lemon/map_defines.h (moved) * src/lemon/map_iterator.h (moved) * src/lemon/map_registry.h (moved) * src/lemon/maps.h (moved) * src/lemon/min_cost_flow.h (moved) * src/lemon/path.h (moved) * src/lemon/preflow.h (moved) * src/lemon/skeletons/graph.h (moved) * src/lemon/skeletons/maps.h (moved) * src/lemon/skeletons/path.h (moved) * src/lemon/smart_graph.h (moved) * src/lemon/suurballe.h (moved) * src/lemon/sym_map.h (moved) * src/lemon/template.h (moved) * src/lemon/tight_edge_filter_map.h (added) * src/lemon/time_measure.h (moved) * src/lemon/unionfind.h (moved) * src/lemon/vector_map.h (moved) * src/lemon/xy.h (moved) * src/test/bfs_test.cc (modified) * src/test/dfs_test.cc (modified) * src/test/dijkstra_heap_test.cc (modified) * src/test/dijkstra_test.cc (modified) * src/test/error_test.cc (modified) * src/test/graph_test.cc (modified) * src/test/graph_test.h (modified) * src/test/graph_wrapper_test.cc (modified) * src/test/kruskal_test.cc (modified) * src/test/min_cost_flow_test.cc (modified) * src/test/path_test.cc (modified) * src/test/preflow_test.cc (modified) * src/test/suurballe_test.cc (modified) * src/test/test_tools.h (modified) * src/test/test_tools_fail.cc (modified) * src/test/test_tools_pass.cc (modified) * src/test/time_measure_test.cc (modified) * src/test/unionfind_test.cc (modified) * src/test/xy_test.cc (modified) * src/work/akos/loader_demo.cc (modified) * src/work/alpar/bfs-named-param.cc (modified) * src/work/alpar/boolmap_iter.cc (modified) * src/work/alpar/f_ed_ka.h (modified) * src/work/alpar/f_ed_ka_demo.cc (modified) * src/work/alpar/gwrapper.h (modified) * src/work/alpar/list_graph_demo.cc (modified) * src/work/alpar/rw_nonref_map.cc (modified) * src/work/alpar/smart_graph_demo.cc (modified) * src/work/athos/bfs_test.cc (modified) * src/work/athos/dijkstra_at.h (modified) * src/work/athos/dijkstra_demo.cc (modified) * src/work/athos/kruskal.h (modified) * src/work/athos/min_cost_flow.cc (modified) * src/work/athos/mincostflow.h (modified) * src/work/athos/minlength_demo.cc (modified) * src/work/athos/old/minlengthpaths.h (modified) * src/work/athos/pf_demo.cc (modified) * src/work/athos/preflow_push_wogw.h (modified) * src/work/athos/suurballe.cc (modified) * src/work/athos/uf_demo.cc (modified) * src/work/athos/union_find.h (modified) * src/work/athos/xy/boundingbox.cc (modified) * src/work/athos/xy/xy.cc (modified) * src/work/bin_heap_demo.cc (modified) * src/work/deba/array_map_factory.h (modified) * src/work/deba/bin_heap.h (modified) * src/work/deba/dijkstra.h (modified) * src/work/deba/invalid.h (modified) * src/work/deba/list_graph.h (modified) * src/work/deba/map_registry.h (modified) * src/work/deba/pac_map_factory.h (modified) * src/work/deba/vector_map_factory.h (modified) * src/work/iterator_bfs_dfs_demo.cc (modified) * src/work/jacint/graph_gen.h (modified) * src/work/jacint/ledacomp.cc (modified) * src/work/jacint/max_flow.h (modified) * src/work/jacint/max_flow_bug.cc (modified) * src/work/jacint/max_flow_test.cc (modified) * src/work/jacint/max_matching.cc (modified) * src/work/jacint/max_matching.h (modified) * src/work/jacint/max_save.h (modified) * src/work/jacint/preflow.cc (modified) * src/work/jacint/preflow_excess.h (modified) * src/work/jacint/preflow_excess_test.cc (modified) * src/work/jacint/preflow_res.h (modified) * src/work/jacint/prim.cc (modified) * src/work/jacint/prim.h (modified) * src/work/johanna/contract_wrapper.h (modified) * src/work/johanna/ma_order.h (modified) * src/work/johanna/ma_order_test.cc (modified) * src/work/klao/debug.h (modified) * src/work/klao/iter_map.h (modified) * src/work/klao/iter_map_test.cc (modified) * src/work/klao/map_test.cc (modified) * src/work/marci/augmenting_flow.h (modified) * src/work/marci/bfs_dfs.h (modified) * src/work/marci/bfs_dfs_misc.h (modified) * src/work/marci/bfsit_vs_byhand.cc (modified) * src/work/marci/bipartite_graph_wrapper.h (modified) * src/work/marci/bipartite_graph_wrapper_test.cc (modified) * src/work/marci/bipartite_matching_demo.cc (modified) * src/work/marci/const_map_time.cc (modified) * src/work/marci/experiment/bfs_iterator.h (modified) * src/work/marci/experiment/bfs_iterator_1.h (modified) * src/work/marci/experiment/edmonds_karp.h (modified) * src/work/marci/experiment/edmonds_karp_1.h (modified) * src/work/marci/experiment/edmonds_karp_demo.cc (modified) * src/work/marci/experiment/edmonds_karp_demo_1.cc (modified) * src/work/marci/experiment/graph_wrapper.h (modified) * src/work/marci/experiment/graph_wrapper_1.h (modified) * src/work/marci/experiment/graph_wrapper_st_ostream_op.h (modified) * src/work/marci/experiment/iterator_bfs_demo.cc (modified) * src/work/marci/experiment/iterator_bfs_demo_1.cc (modified) * src/work/marci/experiment/list_graph.h (modified) * src/work/marci/for_each_macros.h (modified) * src/work/marci/graph_concept.h (modified) * src/work/marci/graph_wrapper_time.cc (modified) * src/work/marci/gw_vs_not.cc (modified) * src/work/marci/iterator_bfs_demo.cc (modified) * src/work/marci/leda/bipartite_matching_comparison.cc (modified) * src/work/marci/leda/bipartite_matching_leda.cc (modified) * src/work/marci/leda/bipartite_matching_leda_gen.cc (modified) * src/work/marci/leda/leda_graph_wrapper.h (modified) * src/work/marci/leda/max_bipartite_matching_demo.cc (modified) * src/work/marci/leda_bfs_dfs.cc (modified) * src/work/marci/leda_graph_demo.cc (modified) * src/work/marci/lg_vs_sg_vs_sg.cc (modified) * src/work/marci/lp/lp_solver_wrapper.h (modified) * src/work/marci/lp/max_flow_by_lp.cc (modified) * src/work/marci/macro_test.cc (modified) * src/work/marci/max_bipartite_matching.h (modified) * src/work/marci/max_flow_1.cc (modified) * src/work/marci/max_flow_demo.cc (modified) * src/work/marci/merge_node_graph_wrapper.h (modified) * src/work/marci/merge_node_graph_wrapper_test.cc (modified) * src/work/marci/oldies/edmonds_karp.h (modified) * src/work/marci/oldies/marci_graph_demo.cc (modified) * src/work/marci/preflow_bug.cc (modified) * src/work/marci/preflow_demo_athos.cc (modified) * src/work/marci/preflow_demo_jacint.cc (modified) * src/work/marci/top_sort_test.cc (modified) * src/work/peter/edgepathgraph.h (modified) * src/work/peter/edgepathgraph_test.cc (modified) * src/work/peter/hierarchygraph.h (modified) * src/work/peter/hierarchygraph_test.cc (modified) * src/work/peter/path/debug.h (modified) * src/work/peter/path/path.h (modified) * src/work/peter/path/path_skeleton.h (modified) * src/work/peter/path/path_test.cc (modified) * src/work/sage_graph.h (modified) hugo -> lemon Wed, 29 Sep 2004 10:35:35 GMT Akos Ladanyi [918:bb77eaa8fa0e] * src/work/akos/SimAnn.h (added) * src/work/akos/simann_test.cc (added) Initial revision. Tue, 28 Sep 2004 17:00:18 GMT marci [917:ffb8f0cbcb57] * src/work/marci/merge_node_graph_wrapper.h (modified) * src/work/marci/merge_node_graph_wrapper_test.cc (modified) merge_node_graph_wrapper::nodemap Tue, 28 Sep 2004 13:45:39 GMT marci [915:751ed145bdae] * src/work/marci/makefile (modified) * src/work/marci/merge_node_graph_wrapper.h (added) * src/work/marci/merge_node_graph_wrapper_test.cc (added) beginning of a modular, generic merge_graph_wrapper... Wed, 22 Sep 2004 12:25:50 GMT marci [902:309d81806228] * src/work/marci/bipartite_graph_wrapper.h (modified) * src/work/marci/bipartite_graph_wrapper_test.cc (modified) correction to 0.2 Wed, 22 Sep 2004 10:47:59 GMT marci [901:69a8e672acb1] * src/hugo/array_map.h (modified) * src/hugo/bin_heap.h (modified) * src/hugo/default_map.h (modified) * src/hugo/extended_pair.h (modified) * src/hugo/map_bits.h (modified) * src/hugo/map_defines.h (modified) * src/hugo/map_iterator.h (modified) * src/hugo/map_registry.h (modified) * src/hugo/min_cost_flow.h (modified) * src/hugo/suurballe.h (modified) * src/hugo/sym_map.h (modified) * src/hugo/vector_map.h (modified) * src/work/marci/makefile (modified) correction of HUGO_... preproc defines. Mon, 20 Sep 2004 17:53:33 GMT marci [890:3a48bc350e0f] * src/hugo/maps.h (modified) * src/work/marci/const_map_time.cc (added) Specialized ConstMap for defining constant maps at compile time, by ... Mon, 20 Sep 2004 09:05:19 GMT marci [888:cc3590763f7f] * src/demo/sub_graph_wrapper_demo.cc (modified) * src/demo/tight_edge_filter_map.h (deleted) * src/hugo/graph_wrapper.h (modified) * src/hugo/tight_edge_filter_map.h (added) * src/work/marci/augmenting_flow.h (modified) * src/work/marci/lp/lp_solver_wrapper.h (modified) Mon, 20 Sep 2004 08:05:59 GMT jacint [886:23bcaa25c255] * src/work/jacint/makefile (deleted) Sun, 19 Sep 2004 13:39:25 GMT Mihaly Barasz [884:b06bfaaca48c] * src/work/johanna/kruskal_test.cc (deleted) * src/work/klao/path.h (deleted) * src/work/klao/path_test.cc (deleted) Somebody forgot to remove these. Fri, 17 Sep 2004 15:51:50 GMT Alpar Juttner [880:9d0bfd35b97c] * doc/graphs.dox (modified) * src/hugo/dijkstra.h (modified) * src/hugo/full_graph.h (modified) * src/hugo/list_graph.h (modified) * src/hugo/skeletons/graph.h (modified) * src/hugo/smart_graph.h (modified) * src/test/bfs_test.cc (modified) * src/test/dfs_test.cc (modified) * src/test/dijkstra_test.cc (modified) * src/test/graph_test.cc (modified) * src/test/kruskal_test.cc (modified) * src/test/preflow_test.cc (modified) * src/work/alpar/list_graph_demo.cc (modified) * src/work/alpar/smart_graph_demo.cc (modified) * src/work/deba/dijkstra.h (modified) * src/work/deba/list_graph.h (modified) * src/work/marci/experiment/graph_wrapper.h (modified) * src/work/marci/experiment/graph_wrapper_1.h (modified) * src/work/peter/edgepathgraph.h (modified) * src/work/peter/hierarchygraph.h (modified) - Name changing: XYZGraphSkeleton -> XYZGraph - Fix some bad \ref's ... Fri, 17 Sep 2004 12:23:09 GMT Alpar Juttner [878:86b42ec55f3e] * src/hugo/graph_wrapper.h (modified) * src/test/Makefile.am (modified) * src/test/graph_wrapper_test.cc (moved) Graph wrapper tests added. Thu, 16 Sep 2004 19:23:41 GMT Alpar Juttner [873:f3a30fda2e49] * doc/graphs.dox (modified) * src/hugo/skeletons/graph.h (modified) * src/test/graph_test.cc (modified) * src/work/marci/graph_wrapper_test.cc (modified) - GraphSkeleton renamed to ExtendableGraphSkeleton - Use full ... Thu, 16 Sep 2004 15:05:10 GMT marci [870:9bde6cd8e3da] * src/hugo/graph_wrapper.h (modified) * src/work/marci/graph_wrapper_test.cc (modified) Thu, 16 Sep 2004 14:01:36 GMT marci [868:805963ea8654] * src/demo/tight_edge_filter_map.h (moved) This is needed for the demo. Thu, 16 Sep 2004 13:59:36 GMT marci [867:f3cc65f9fb6b] * src/demo/sub_graph_wrapper_demo.cc (moved) * src/demo/sub_graph_wrapper_demo.dim (added) * src/work/makefile (modified) * src/work/marci/sub_graph_wrapper_demo.dim (deleted) Demo file for SubGraphWrapper. Documentation will be added ... Thu, 16 Sep 2004 13:57:41 GMT marci [866:7477e00f1a64] * src/work/marci/sub_graph_wrapper_demo.cc (added) Thu, 16 Sep 2004 13:54:46 GMT marci [865:2f3f87afb1d2] * src/work/marci/sub_graph_wrapper_demo.dim (moved) Sorry, the name chosen was a mistake. Thu, 16 Sep 2004 13:54:01 GMT marci [864:04cebb6c988f] * src/work/marci/makefile (modified) * src/work/marci/sub_graph_wrapper_demo.sim (added) Thu, 16 Sep 2004 11:11:01 GMT marci [863:d27bbe17b0b8] * src/work/marci/augmenting_flow.h (modified) * src/work/marci/tight_edge_filter_map.h (copied) An edge-map which shows the tight edges w.r.t a potential and an ... Thu, 16 Sep 2004 10:59:52 GMT marci [862:732f2acb7239] * src/work/marci/augmenting_flow.h (modified) bug correction Wed, 15 Sep 2004 10:34:12 GMT marci [854:baf0b6e40211] * src/hugo/graph_wrapper.h (modified) * src/work/makefile (modified) * src/work/marci/augmenting_flow.h (modified) * src/work/marci/max_flow_demo.cc (modified) correction of SubGraphWrapper bug. Tue, 14 Sep 2004 10:23:26 GMT marci [850:54d3c1599d08] * src/work/marci/graph_wrapper_test.cc (moved) Tue, 14 Sep 2004 10:09:24 GMT marci [849:cc3867a7d380] * src/hugo/graph_wrapper.h (modified) * src/hugo/preflow.h (modified) * src/test/graph_wrapper_test.cc (added) * src/work/marci/graph_wrapper_time.cc (modified) * src/work/marci/max_flow_demo.cc (modified) Thu, 09 Sep 2004 09:18:41 GMT Alpar Juttner [826:056fbb112b30] * src/hugo/skeletons/graph.h (modified) * src/test/graph_test.cc (modified) * src/work/marci/graph_concept.h (modified) * src/work/peter/edgepathgraph.h (modified) * src/work/peter/hierarchygraph.h (modified) Spell checking (Ereasable ->Erasable), affected also the code. Tue, 07 Sep 2004 13:55:35 GMT Hegyi Péter [815:468c9ec86928] * src/work/peter/path/comments (added) * src/work/peter/path/debug.h (added) * src/work/peter/path/path.h (added) * src/work/peter/path/path_skeleton.h (added) * src/work/peter/path/path_test.cc (added) Mon, 06 Sep 2004 17:12:00 GMT Alpar Juttner [810:e9fbc747ca47] * src/hugo/Makefile.am (modified) * src/hugo/kruskal.h (added) * src/hugo/unionfind.h (modified) * src/test/Makefile.am (modified) * src/test/kruskal_test.cc (added) * src/work/johanna/kruskal.h (deleted) Kruskal alg. (src/hugo/kruskal.h, src/test/kruskal_test.cc) is ... Mon, 06 Sep 2004 08:55:06 GMT Alpar Juttner [806:93246c00cd24] * src/hugo/skeletons/path.h (modified) * src/work/klao/path.h (modified) Minor changes in doc. Sun, 05 Sep 2004 20:13:48 GMT Alpar Juttner [803:c3d832275e69] * src/hugo/skeletons/path.h (modified) * src/work/klao/path.h (modified) - Clarified Path skeleton. - setStart() changed to setStartNode() Thu, 02 Sep 2004 11:20:49 GMT marci [784:a48964a87141] * src/hugo/dimacs.h (modified) * src/work/marci/graph_wrapper_time.cc (modified) dimacs.h Thu, 02 Sep 2004 10:54:26 GMT Balazs Dezso [783:81bf2d766164] * src/hugo/array_map_factory.h (modified) * src/hugo/map_registry.h (modified) * src/test/graph_test.cc (modified) * src/work/deba/map_defines.h (modified) Tue, 31 Aug 2004 17:54:22 GMT marci [777:a82713ed19f3] * src/hugo/graph_wrapper.h (modified) * src/work/marci/augmenting_flow.h (modified) * src/work/marci/bfs_dfs.h (modified) * src/work/marci/bfsit_vs_byhand.cc (modified) * src/work/marci/graph_wrapper_time.cc (modified) * src/work/marci/iterator_bfs_demo.cc (modified) * src/work/marci/lg_vs_sg_vs_sg.cc (modified) * src/work/marci/max_flow_demo.cc (modified) graph_wrapper.h is ready for hugo 0.2 Tue, 31 Aug 2004 11:26:59 GMT marci [775:e46a1f0623a0] * src/hugo/graph_wrapper.h (modified) * src/work/marci/augmenting_flow.h (modified) * src/work/marci/makefile (modified) * src/work/marci/max_flow_demo.cc (modified) ResGraphWrapper is done, so does dimacs.h. Mon, 30 Aug 2004 12:01:47 GMT Alpar Juttner [774:4297098d9677] * configure.ac (modified) * doc/groups.dox (modified) * src/benchmark/bfs-bench.cc (modified) * src/hugo/Makefile.am (modified) * src/hugo/bfs.h (added) * src/hugo/dijkstra.h (modified) * src/hugo/full_graph.h (modified) * src/hugo/graph_wrapper.h (modified) * src/hugo/list_graph.h (modified) * src/hugo/max_flow.h (modified) * src/hugo/skeletons/graph.h (modified) * src/hugo/smart_graph.h (modified) * src/hugo/unionfind.h (modified) * src/test/Makefile.am (modified) * src/test/bfs_test.cc (added) * src/test/dijkstra_test.cc (modified) * src/test/graph_test.cc (modified) * src/test/test_tools.h (modified) * src/test/unionfind_test.cc (modified) * src/test/xy_test.cc (modified) * src/work/marci/bfs_dfs.h (modified) * src/work/marci/iterator_bfs_demo.cc (modified) * src/work/sage_graph.h (modified) Merge back the whole branches/hugo++ to trunk. Wed, 25 Aug 2004 18:55:57 GMT marci [773:ce9438c5a82d] * src/hugo/max_flow.h (modified) * src/work/makefile (modified) * src/work/marci/bfsit_vs_byhand.cc (modified) * src/work/marci/graph_wrapper_time.cc (added) * src/work/marci/makefile (modified) bug fix, test... Mon, 23 Aug 2004 11:44:36 GMT marci [771:ad7dff9ee2fd] * src/work/marci/bipartite_matching_demo.cc (added) * src/work/marci/bipartite_matching_try.cc (deleted) * src/work/marci/bipartite_matching_try_3.cc (deleted) * src/work/marci/leda/bipartite_matching_comparison.cc (moved) * src/work/marci/leda/makefile (modified) * src/work/marci/leda/max_bipartite_matching_demo.cc (added) * src/work/marci/makefile (modified) * src/work/marci/max_bipartite_matching_demo.cc (deleted) sg is moved sg is not... Mon, 23 Aug 2004 11:28:26 GMT marci [770:6387df9aadb0] * src/work/marci/leda/comparison.cc (modified) . Mon, 23 Aug 2004 11:26:09 GMT marci [769:eb61fbc64c16] * src/work/marci/leda/bipartite_matching_leda.cc (modified) * src/work/marci/leda/bipartite_matching_leda_gen.cc (modified) * src/work/marci/leda/comparison.cc (modified) . Mon, 23 Aug 2004 11:06:00 GMT marci [768:a5e9303a5511] * src/work/marci/bipartite_graph_wrapper.h (modified) * src/work/marci/bipartite_graph_wrapper_test.cc (modified) * src/work/marci/bipartite_matching_try.cc (modified) * src/work/marci/bipartite_matching_try_3.cc (modified) * src/work/marci/leda/bipartite_matching_leda_gen.cc (modified) * src/work/marci/leda/comparison.cc (modified) * src/work/marci/lp/lp_solver_wrapper.h (modified) * src/work/marci/max_bipartite_matching.h (modified) * src/work/marci/max_bipartite_matching_demo.cc (modified) stGraphWrapper modifications Thu, 19 Aug 2004 11:33:06 GMT Alpar Juttner [766:cf4d2db9d43f] * src/work/Doxyfile (modified) Add lp_solver_wrapper.h to work doxygen. Thu, 19 Aug 2004 11:31:40 GMT Alpar Juttner [765:4405b6be83bb] * src/work/marci/lp/lp_solver_wrapper.h (modified) Add empty docs in order to make the functions and classes visible in ... Tue, 17 Aug 2004 13:20:46 GMT marci [764:615aca7091d2] * src/work/marci/lp/lp_solver_wrapper.h (added) * src/work/marci/lp/makefile (added) * src/work/marci/lp/max_flow_by_lp.cc (added) An experimental LPSolverWrapper class which uses glpk. For a short ... Tue, 17 Aug 2004 11:20:16 GMT marci [762:511200bdb71f] * src/work/makefile (modified) * src/work/marci/augmenting_flow.h (added) * src/work/marci/bfs_dfs_misc.h (modified) * src/work/marci/bfsit_vs_byhand.cc (modified) * src/work/marci/bipartite_graph_wrapper.h (modified) * src/work/marci/bipartite_graph_wrapper_test.cc (modified) * src/work/marci/bipartite_matching_try.cc (modified) * src/work/marci/bipartite_matching_try_3.cc (modified) * src/work/marci/lg_vs_sg_vs_sg.cc (modified) * src/work/marci/macro_test.cc (modified) * src/work/marci/makefile (modified) * src/work/marci/max_bipartite_matching.h (modified) * src/work/marci/max_flow_1.cc (modified) * src/work/marci/max_flow_demo.cc (modified) * src/work/marci/top_sort_test.cc (modified) technical corrections Thu, 05 Aug 2004 11:38:26 GMT Alpar Juttner [758:49b1a30c4dc4] * doc/groups.dox (modified) * src/hugo/dijkstra.h (modified) * src/hugo/max_flow.h (modified) * src/hugo/mincostflows.h (modified) * src/work/johanna/kruskal.h (modified) New Doxygen module for path/flow algs. Thu, 05 Aug 2004 08:53:09 GMT Alpar Juttner [757:8680351d0c28] * src/hugo/max_flow.h (modified) * src/work/jacint/max_flow_bug.cc (modified) * src/work/jacint/max_flow_test.cc (modified) resetXxx() changed to setXxx(). Wed, 04 Aug 2004 19:04:42 GMT Alpar Juttner [755:a8c2e828ce0b] * src/work/johanna/kruskal.h (modified) - 'KruskalPairVec' is changed to 'KruskalMapInput'. - Changes in ... Thu, 29 Jul 2004 17:23:55 GMT marci [748:a0e497db23ee] * src/work/jacint/makefile (modified) * src/work/jacint/max_flow_bug.cc (added) Thu, 29 Jul 2004 17:20:51 GMT marci [747:be163d94c109] * src/work/marci/preflow_bug.cc (added) a bug test for preflow with preflow_bug_8 dimacs file Sun, 05 Nov 2006 00:39:31 GMT marci [746:6ee2046cc210] * src/work/marci/preflow_bug_8 (added) Tue, 27 Jul 2004 19:08:23 GMT Alpar Juttner [744:7ac96d31280f] * src/work/alpar/bfs-named-param.cc (modified) Some comments. Tue, 27 Jul 2004 18:56:10 GMT Alpar Juttner [743:efab34f23b30] * src/work/alpar/bfs-named-param.cc (modified) Bugfix + working example Tue, 27 Jul 2004 16:04:21 GMT Alpar Juttner [741:aa700e5c47b5] * src/work/alpar/bfs-named-param.cc (added) A very flexible bfs function using named parameters and impicit map ... Tue, 27 Jul 2004 16:02:51 GMT Alpar Juttner [740:7237eaaf5d84] * src/work/alpar/attic/bfs.h (moved) It is really obsolete, but containes interesting stuffs. Fri, 23 Jul 2004 17:13:23 GMT Alpar Juttner [737:2d867176d10e] * src/work/johanna/kruskal.h (modified) * src/work/johanna/kruskal_test.cc (modified) Several changes in Kruskal alg. - Input object interface was changed ... Thu, 22 Jul 2004 14:24:00 GMT Alpar Juttner [728:4c9e2f920458] * src/work/Doxyfile (modified) More documented file. Thu, 22 Jul 2004 14:19:23 GMT Alpar Juttner [726:835ebe1b3250] * src/hugo/max_flow.h (added) * src/work/jacint/max_flow_no_stack.h (deleted) max_flow.h (wich doesn't use STL - max_flow.h (which doesn't use STL ... Thu, 22 Jul 2004 14:09:21 GMT Alpar Juttner [725:9fa4045571cd] * src/hugo/for_each_macros.h (deleted) * src/work/marci/for_each_macros.h (added) We do not yet need it. Wed, 21 Jul 2004 13:03:11 GMT Alpar Juttner [719:cb9efd4cc9db] * src/work/jacint/max_flow_no_stack.h (modified) Indenting Tue, 20 Jul 2004 14:31:24 GMT jacint [715:665689d86225] * src/work/jacint/makefile (modified) * src/work/jacint/max_flow_test.cc (modified) trying if without stl stack we are faster Tue, 20 Jul 2004 14:29:16 GMT jacint [714:104069336039] * src/work/jacint/max_flow_no_stack.h (added) without stl stack we are faster Mon, 19 Jul 2004 13:32:28 GMT Alpar Juttner [709:7a518df79892] * src/work/jacint/max_flow.h (modified) docfix Thu, 15 Jul 2004 12:15:58 GMT Balazs Dezso [703:32f280a5ed7d] * src/work/deba/array_map_factory.h (modified) * src/work/deba/extended_pair.h (modified) * src/work/deba/list_graph.h (modified) * src/work/deba/main.cpp (modified) * src/work/deba/map_defines.h (modified) * src/work/deba/map_registry.h (modified) * src/work/deba/vector_map_factory.h (modified) Wed, 14 Jul 2004 21:16:10 GMT Balazs Dezso [702:4207f82a1778] * src/work/deba/array_map_factory.h (modified) * src/work/deba/extended_pair.h (added) * src/work/deba/list_graph.h (modified) * src/work/deba/main.cpp (modified) * src/work/deba/vector_map_factory.h (modified) Wed, 14 Jul 2004 10:06:27 GMT Balazs Dezso [701:c03e073b8394] * src/work/deba/invalid.h (added) * src/work/deba/list_graph.h (modified) * src/work/deba/main.cpp (modified) * src/work/deba/map_defines.h (modified) * src/work/deba/map_registry.h (modified) Wed, 14 Jul 2004 10:05:31 GMT Balazs Dezso [700:236117f60eee] * src/work/deba/vector_map_factory.h (modified) *** empty log message *** Fri, 09 Jul 2004 07:33:12 GMT Balazs Dezso [698:625de6f1e766] * src/work/deba/bin_heap.h (copied) * src/work/deba/dijkstra.h (copied) * src/work/deba/invalid.h (deleted) * src/work/deba/list_graph.h (copied) * src/work/deba/main.cpp (modified) * src/work/deba/test_graph.h (deleted) * src/work/deba/vector_map_factory.h (modified) Mon, 05 Jul 2004 16:44:18 GMT Hegyi Péter [691:014c2e4eb07b] * src/work/peter/hierarchygraph.h (modified) t/bin/bash: line 1: q: command not found -j-This line, and those ... Mon, 05 Jul 2004 15:52:35 GMT Hegyi Péter [690:a0f95e1b17fc] * src/work/peter/Makefile (modified) * src/work/peter/hierarchygraph.h (modified) * src/work/peter/hierarchygraph_test.cc (modified) * src/work/peter/remarks (added) Wed, 16 Jun 2004 09:44:30 GMT Alpar Juttner [686:fc8a3393e0d9] * src/work/alpar/path.h (deleted) * src/work/klao/path.h (modified) src/work/alpar/path.h (docs) is merged into src/work/klao/path.h ... Tue, 15 Jun 2004 06:30:03 GMT Alpar Juttner [685:c7e37b066033] * doc/maps.dox (modified) * src/work/Doxyfile (modified) Doc updates Tue, 15 Jun 2004 06:29:27 GMT Alpar Juttner [684:11d480a922b1] * src/work/alpar/path.h (copied) Branch from path.h to extend its documentation. Mon, 14 Jun 2004 10:21:52 GMT Alpar Juttner [683:3cbf51510180] * src/work/klao/path.h (modified) doc Mon, 14 Jun 2004 09:47:54 GMT Alpar Juttner [682:1ea8162ce638] * src/work/Doxyfile (modified) * src/work/jacint/max_matching.h (modified) * src/work/johanna/kruskal.h (modified) * src/work/klao/path.h (modified) doc Mon, 14 Jun 2004 09:21:06 GMT Alpar Juttner [680:17415189e42a] * src/work/klao/debug.h (modified) Improved (but still not satisfactory) doc. Tue, 08 Jun 2004 22:38:12 GMT Hegyi Péter [677:af3b5c85a227] * src/work/peter/Makefile (added) * src/work/peter/edgepathgraph.h (added) * src/work/peter/edgepathgraph_test.cc (added) * src/work/peter/hierarchygraph.h (added) * src/work/peter/hierarchygraph_test.cc (added) NetGraphs v0 Tue, 08 Jun 2004 06:44:05 GMT Alpar Juttner [676:7ec5e7e6c7b4] * src/work/deba/map_defines.h (modified) * src/work/deba/map_registry.h (modified) * src/work/deba/test_graph.h (modified) c++ setting for emacs Empty commands for doxygen Fri, 04 Jun 2004 16:05:20 GMT Mihaly Barasz [675:38755a4d4b51] * src/work/klao/jegyzetek (added) My notes. Sources of information and software packages which could ...