COIN-OR::LEMON - Graph Library

Custom Query (545 matches)


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Results (106 - 108 of 545)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#18 Alpar Juttner Mihaly Barasz fixed non-template functions in grid_ugraph.h

In grid_ugraph.h there are some global functions defined at the end (indexMap(), rowMap() and colMap()). These are not template functions, so they should only be declared there and defined in their own .cc file. Otherwise the linker would give an error if this header is included in multiple files (which are to be linked in one binary).

#19 Balazs Dezso Mihaly Barasz fixed Global rnd object is not seedable/randomizable

random.h provides a global instance of Random, which is indeed convenient, but pretty much useless now. As there is no way to provide a seed for it. So you'll get the same sequence every time you run your program.

I suggest to create a seed(...) method(s) to the Random class, which would reseed the sequence.

Please, also consider the possibility to implement some kind of randomize() method, to seed the sequence by pid of the process, timeofday etc. Sure, this is not cryptographically secure, but very convenient for doing simulations...

#42 Alpar Juttner Balazs Dezso fixed The include files in random.h should be fixed

The <limits> file should be directly included and <ctime> is not required.

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