COIN-OR::LEMON - Graph Library

Custom Query (545 matches)


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Results (127 - 129 of 545)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#339 Alpar Juttner Peter Kovacs done Unify sources before release

We should run scripts/unfiy_sources -a before the release, and the headers of the scripts should be updated manually. See alse the question in #184 about the header.

#348 Balazs Dezso Alpar Juttner done Better figure for illustrating matching algs.

The doc of module "Matching Algorithms" presents a bipartite graph as and illustration for the result of these algorithm. This falsely suggests that these algs work on this kind of graphs. In fact, the opposite is true, the bipartite graphs - therefore the bipartite matching algorithms - are yet to be ported from the 0.x series.

Thus, I would prefer an example on a general graph here.

#396 Alpar Juttner tobi_connect wontfix prefer intialization lists over assignments in constructors

in list_gaph.h you use assignments in the Node and Arc class constructors. Use an initialization list.

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