COIN-OR::LEMON - Graph Library

Custom Query (545 matches)


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Results (178 - 180 of 545)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#82 Peter Kovacs Alpar Juttner fixed Doc review needed for time_measure.h and counter.h

See ticket:52 for a longish discussion on it.

#83 Alpar Juttner Balazs Dezso fixed Graph concept fix

The SmartGraph does not contain u() and v() members, but the conceptCheck does not signal the error.

The problem exists in [ae7785fe8431]

#84 Balazs Dezso Alpar Juttner fixed Support icc
  • Trying to compile with icc-9.0, it hangs on compiling lemon/ (it allocates more and more memory and it doesn't stop doing that). This is quite obviously a serious compiler bug thus there is nothing to do with it.
  • With icc-10.1, the problems occur when compiling test/

With the default configuration, icc generates an incredible amount of 'remarks', making impossible to see what is happening. Thus I suggest using this configuration at first (on

./configure CXX=/opt/intel/cce/10.1/bin/icpc CXXFLAGS=-g --enable-demo --enable-benchmark

This ticket is somewhat related to ticket:7.

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