COIN-OR::LEMON - Graph Library

Custom Query (545 matches)


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Results (199 - 201 of 545)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#116 Alpar Juttner Balazs Dezso fixed ArgParser should be cleaned

There are some public member functions which takes to iterators, which iterators should be refer to a private container. These member functions should be private in these class.

In addition, some member function should be const. For example files(), showHelp(), given(), operator[]()...

#117 Balazs Dezso Balazs Dezso fixed The GraphCopy does not work

The GraphCopy? cannot be used, because it gives back compilation error.

#124 Akos Ladanyi Peter Kovacs duplicate Revise INSTALL file

INSTALL file should be revised.

  • The build system was changed few times, so the INSTALL file maybe needs updating.
  • There are no enable/disable flags for the doc and for SOPLEX. Are they missing from the build system or just form the INSTALL file?
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