COIN-OR::LEMON - Graph Library

Custom Query (545 matches)


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Results (166 - 168 of 545)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#147 Alpar Juttner Alpar Juttner fixed Port named-param.dox

Here is a port of named-param.dox [1eb606fe5591] and a couple of improvements to it [986d30f5c1c0]. Could anyone review them?

There patches are applicable on the top of [983d8c23aff8].

#148 Akos Ladanyi Akos Ladanyi fixed LEMON_FUNCTION_NAME may not work if the compiler is not C99 compliant

The LEMON_FUNCTION_NAME macro uses __func__ without testing that it is available.

#149 Alpar Juttner Peter Kovacs fixed Removing \todo commands

We still have a lot of \todo commands in the main repository (mainly in bfs.h, dfs.h, dijkstra.h). Each of these commands should be revised and removed. The ones that are easy to do, should be done immediately, the other ones (that are too difficult or not clear or just needs too much time) should be noted in tickets.

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