COIN-OR::LEMON - Graph Library

Custom Query (545 matches)


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Results (178 - 180 of 545)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#165 Peter Kovacs Peter Kovacs fixed Standard error/warning message format in the unifier script

[f8832dc16d45] modifies the script to use standard error/warning message format.

#166 Peter Kovacs Peter Kovacs fixed Safer migration script

Maybe we should have a safer migration script (rename script).

The current one in [560e4b6d020d] replaces all occurrences of graph, edge etc. whether it is a whole word or not. Thus it replaces graphic by digraphic, wedge by warc etc. It is not a huge problem for us, but since this script became a tool for users too, I prefer to make it (at least a little bit) safer.

#167 Alpar Juttner Alpar Juttner fixed Port DIMACS readers

This ticket is a follow up of #55.

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