COIN-OR::LEMON - Graph Library

Custom Query (545 matches)


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Results (64 - 66 of 545)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#75 wontfix Generated EPS files do not follow the Postscript DSC Alpar Juttner Alpar Juttner

The EPS files generated by graphToEps() do not strictly follow the Postscript DSC.

For example the generated files should probably use an own dictionary.

As far as I see, it doesn't cause any noticeable problems when using the generated files.

#79 fixed Missing images in the documentation of graph_to_eps.h Akos Ladanyi Alpar Juttner

The images doc/images/nodeshape* hasn't been ported yet. In the svn repo, all of the files under doc/images are added both in .eps and .png format.

However, it would be much better to add the .eps files only and then the make html command would generate the .png version.

In some cases (e.g. plane_tree.eps) even the .eps file should also be generated. (Though it isn't necessary yet, as the related doc still hasn't been ported).

#80 fixed HAVE_SOPLEX macro Balazs Dezso Balazs Dezso

The should contain template macro for HAVE_SOPLEX

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