COIN-OR::LEMON - Graph Library

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Results (70 - 72 of 545)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#369 invalid graphCopy crash Peter Kovacs Ben Strasser

The following code crashes:

#include <lemon/list_graph.h>
#include <lemon/core.h>
#include <lemon/lgf_reader.h>

typedef lemon::ListGraph Graph;
using lemon::INVALID;
int main(int argc, char*argv[]){
	Graph g;

	lemon::GraphReader<Graph>(g, "bug")

	bool a = true;
	for(Graph::EdgeIt i(g); i!=INVALID;){
		Graph::Edge e = i;
		a = !a;

	Graph g2;

	lemon::graphCopy(g, g2)

I have attached the graph in the bug file. The problem is in graphCopy because the following code works

#include <lemon/list_graph.h>
#include <lemon/core.h>
#include <lemon/lgf_reader.h>

typedef lemon::ListGraph Graph;
using lemon::INVALID;
int main(int argc, char*argv[]){
	Graph g;

	lemon::GraphReader<Graph>(g, "bug")

	bool a = true;
	for(Graph::EdgeIt i(g); i!=INVALID;){
		Graph::Edge e = i;
		a = !a;

	Graph g2;

	for(Graph::NodeIt i(g); i!=INVALID; ++i){
		Graph::Node u = g2.addNode();
		node_map[i] = u;
	for(Graph::EdgeIt i(g); i!=INVALID; ++i){
		] = i;

	/*lemon::graphCopy(g, g2)

My version is according to lemon/config.h

#define LEMON_VERSION 1.1.1

It's one of the stable releases. It's not an svn version.

Thanks for looking into this.

#574 spam good you could train hardhe Alpar Juttner GDold

wise here's whyAlpha Shred when were the plant based you could look kiAlpha Shrednda loose when you're young you're look good when you get forty five i_circuits are scaling tAlpha Shredhe wall i call itAlpha Shred i was a competitive bodybuilder backhereAlpha Shred and then arnold schwarzenegger he realized that one the movie pumping iron came out i gotthe blood and i was a pretty good competitive bAlpha Shredodybuilder in only one i iwant some shows himself blood spatAlpha Shredter i was going in at brought twenty eightabout thirty Alpha Shredthree i competed and you know i'll find some career youknow and i was going to get to your mother was economy might want to do therest of my life Alpha Shredi still emma i'd like to ratify choAlpha Shredlera muscle had aheart but i think muscle has a good way learns i take it is a form a disciplined butyou can eat discipline in the chairman workout when you feel like it you Alpha Shredcanpeople become a better business person or business banner you can be more successful life when youwere in the disciplines from working out it wasn't just about looking good it wAlpha Shredaswhat form of uh... our religionAlpha Shred to me working out it stAlpha Shredill is to this day i'm still Alpha Shredvery passionate or ego the air but here's what happened when i startedaround forty five years of age still had the desire to work out be inshape my bodAlpha Shredy was breaking down and i was fromthis old-school bodybAlpha Shreduilding we gotta eat six feedings a day you know and you knowAlpha Shred click in statefish too to wait you know all that stuff but itcaught up to my joints okay what happened he might join sport killing me i mean it was a point outthat if the weiAlpha Shredghts articulate the way to start losing your muscle massgraduatAlpha Shredion is killing me they were just they were just uh... would lAlpha Shredead to megoing more to a plant base was the uric acid found ouAlpha Shredt meet your body caneliminate a certain percentage the uric acid lab it crystallizes goes into yourjoints that have been doing a lot of researchuh... on protein so when yoAlpha Shredu have protein you haven't anabolic pathway in effect cataboliAlpha Shredc pathway what does that mean i want the anabolicfor muscleAlpha Shred repair in recovery i don't want to catabolic okay whatAlpha Shred doesthat mean i don't want all the hormones in the me down one all the uric acid inthe media you know goes on and onAlpha Shred the g_m_ all fed crops illness you're getting your realpristine source of animal foods i would say do not

#143 fixed gLemon repository move Alpar Juttner Akos Ladanyi

The glemon repository at should be considered as official. Please put this to instead what is currently there.

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