COIN-OR::LEMON - Graph Library

Custom Query (545 matches)


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Results (127 - 129 of 545)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#149 fixed Removing \todo commands Alpar Juttner Peter Kovacs

We still have a lot of \todo commands in the main repository (mainly in bfs.h, dfs.h, dijkstra.h). Each of these commands should be revised and removed. The ones that are easy to do, should be done immediately, the other ones (that are too difficult or not clear or just needs too much time) should be noted in tickets.

#150 fixed GraphCopy, DigraphCopy parameter order Peter Kovacs Peter Kovacs

Why do have the from, to order in the paramter list of GraphCopy, DigraphCopy and the related tools?

It seems really illogical for me, since (almost) all tools that makes copying, moving in any environment use the opposite order.

It is an important point of the API, so it should be clarified before relasing 1.0.

#153 fixed Improvements related to BFS/DFS/Dijkstra Peter Kovacs Peter Kovacs

[da414906fe21] contains improvements related to BFS/DFS/Dijkstra. It modifies the run(s,t) functions of the class interfaces to return bool value instead of int/Value. It is done because in case of Dijkstra returning the distance seemed to be a bad decision. Moreover the new functions is fully analogous to the new function interface. See #96 for details.

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